The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 26, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 215
Aclatilerilllllinr- I
msssssssssr I
1 MmMBM - H
ness cirvd West CmWiw ndaVer I
Opium.Morphine norMneraL
Wot Hahc otic .
i m
AAm 1 BS
AM&&- f SB
ateewasVsasW f H
r PBaBrJvSgSW vanVeBgS BBfl
A perfect Remedy forConsBna- H
Hon, Sour StomadiDuMnrtoea BS
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-
ness and LOSSOF SUEEP. I
Facjktgrmjejro -of H
the Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Filipino u Worn Vkli American Indian
Grant's Pahs, Oat. 25. A letter baa
been received in this eitv from C. B.
Perkins, formerly of tbia city, l ot now a
governmental official in the Philippines,
which describee the Filipino ns ore in a
most interestinir manner, picturing him
from the standpoint of cne who baa made
the Filipino u study. The letter in part
is as follows :
As to the n iture of the average Fili
pino, it can be summed op in three
words thief, liar and deceiver. Firet, j
one's opinion as to bis diaboneaty may
be confirmed by leaving1 anything louse
lying around, from a heavy winter over
coat to a ship's anchor, each articles aa
no one can use in the Philippines, which
the natives will take with encb readiness
that no one will cling very long to the
theory that honesty ia a native virtue of
the Filipino.
"Nx-, one will notice that be ia dirty
in hie habits, but fairly clean in person.
He will lie without any apparent cause,
en when he knows that the truth
ould be better. He is treacherous,
lying, cowaidly, thieving; a worthless
bail-breed mongml, born of mongrel
pawn. He is no mora capable of self
government than tbe Hottentots who
roam the wildeat regiona of South Africa ;
be has no original ideae, nothing that be
truthfully call hit own. AH be
tbinke of is bow he can rob bia fellow
man. He cannot bo trotted as can the
American Indian; nor will be work like
tbe negro ; and, again, he 4ff not light,
t will lie like aOastUian, whb polished
wwity. and 'bolo' one in the dark with
H the dexterity of a Mexican goocher."
Cxolgoaa is a
CBfBx, N. Y., a. H.LeB F.
lz, the murderer of President Me
was visited in hi call in Auburn
P.non t0i by Father Fodiiniski. Tbe
i was made at tbe re qoest of tbe coo
moedman. Father Fudatoieki spout
"hour with .u. WbB ,
merged ha aL air i.ii
JrepraaajitaAlw.'wiijlJoal a aa
ooncej anarchy and ombraead Cbrlat-
Un,ty. Herenliad-
"He is tt nhriii. n. i .
ft. , . ..... wmm win
""'tun, and .Hhonffc he may bate
noonce(, OhrisMjtJfci. a Cbrlatiau,
'mink. Thle i. ell t in
auier FodaialoM
WM ChriaU of
pastor of
VWm - destroyed as tbs rssaK si
a fire wh'cb occurred today in the busi
ness sction of the city. Tbe number of
injured ia not known definitely, but
folly a score of victims were located at
various hospitals. Police and firemen
are tonight delving into tbe ruina in
search of bodies supposed to have been
buried beneath the debris, as it is feared
that others besides the known dead may
have lost their lives in tbe flames. The
buildings destroyed were the eight-story
structure 1219 and 1221 Market street,
occupied by Hunt, Wilkinson A Co.,
upholsterers and furniture dealers, and
three-story buildings occupied by small
merchantmen. Tbe big furniture build
ing extended back a half block of Com
merce street, and was owned by Henry
A nt rattan Federation.
Raw Yobk, Oct. 26. Tbe Melbourne
correspondent of the London Times and
tbs New York Times a -ft tbe condemna
tion by the Western Australian Assembly
of the federal tariff bill ia significant aa
indicating that the atale legislature will
criticise the acta of the federal parlia
ment. In apite of tbe defections in conse
quence of the high tariff propose la,
which the members regarded as s branch
of tbs p'eJges made by Mr. Barton, tbs
premier, it is believed tbe federal minis
try will bave s majority of sight.
batata toe Bono.
Ecobn. Or., Oct. 26. The committee
which are at work soliciting mbscriptions
to tbs boons for tbe proposed woolen
mill for Eugene is meeting with consider
able encouragement and feel c mfident
tbey will succeed ia raising tbs requited
amount. They now have about $6800
pisdgsd, snd wuils it is coming to small
amounts there ia 00 doubt about their
being able to raise the desired 48000.
Trie Sell scamp.
Chicago, Out. 26. Word baa been
received here that Bert Mott, of Elgin,
baa been arrested in Pseatonica. III., 00
the charge of bsiof implicated in tbs
Chicago poatofBoe robbei y. Tbs report
alao alleges tbst when arrested be bad a
large quantity of stamps which, it is
said, bs bod boon trying to sell.
r If. Pheioa. Forcetdais, Vt
hi. ehild waa eoeftolstriy sorod of s bod
caasof ecssas by tbs use of BeWitt'e
Witch H.ael Salve. , lwore of all
coootarfvita. It juoiaoAlj rslssros pitas,
Gierke A F afire P. Q. gBsf
-.111 mi have holla If
Clarke Folk's sors cars lot boiie.
People of Satoar Most Be Concentrated
in tbe Towns Intense Feeling
Between Troops and tbe Rebels.
Manila, Oct. 25. The people of the
island of So mar have been notified to
concentrate in the towns on pain of
being considered public enemies snd
outlaws, and treated accordingly. In
tense feeling exists among tbs troops in
Samar. If they can meet tbs enemy in
tbe open there will be great retaliation.
Many of tt em have seen, and others
have heard of tbs barbarous treatment
to which the dead American soldiers
were subjected by tbe Filipinos recently.
Francisco Do Jesus, Lukban's chief of
commissary, was recently captured and
taken to Cebu. Papers which bs had in
his possession have resulted in the
an est oi many of the beat-known presi
dentes and other ciyil officials of the
island of Leyte.
It developea that Biliran island, north
of tba island of Leyte, baa been a hotbed
of insurrection. Every civil official
there has been aiding the insurgents of
Samar in every v;ay. They hare landed
several cargoes of rice, and have "received
hemp in exchange.
Several thousand dollars also fell into
the hands ot the Americans when De
Jesus waa made a prisoner. His rapture
is thought to be a great disaster to the
revolutionary cause.
General Scmner reports a fight which
took place at daybreak Wednesday, at
Tayaaan, province of Bataagas, between
Companies D and I, of tbe First Calvary,
and a band of insurgents. Tbs insur
gents were driven into tbe mountains.
The cavalrvmen destroyed tbe insurgent
barracks, storehouse, 8000 pounds of
rice sod many uniforms snd blankets.
Tbe insurgents yesterday attacked
San Jose, province of Bataagas, which
was garrisoned by a detachmant of the
Twenty-first Infantry, under Lieutenant
Patrick A. Connelly. Tbe Americana
fought hard, but were unable to prevent
tbe burning of tbe town.
Union .
Commenting in The Oregon ian's report
of tbe recent meeting of etrs wherry
growers at Salem and their proposed
organisation in the same manner aa tbe
Hood Bivsr growers bsvs organised, tte
Salem Journal says; , . JOM
A fruitgrowers' anfcm at Salem ia in
dispensable to protect Cns bom trade at
both places. Wot instanco, tbs Hood
Bivsr berry is gfewe on tbe Bandy
bottom land aboot SaJsaa, a is even a
good crop 00 tSW baevi fatoft of Salem
prairie in farMo locations. The so
colled Hood Biver berry ia Clark's Seed
ling, and growe to tbs greatest perfection
for tbs boms market and cannery at
Salem, and quits s cumber of erotea
wars shipped from here laat year. They
wars so larga and fine in color sod
quality tbat tbey brought ordera for
mora. One amall shipment from Salem
to a California town brought an order
for a carload. Tba Clark'e Seedling
grown at Salem ia probably not as pood
a abipping berry for diataot markets as
wben grown st Hood Bivsr. But both
places can produce frolt of such excel
lence and superiority tbat they bavs no
need to fear of holding markets. Tbs
difference in pries received by growers
ot tbe two places is so grsst tbat as
Salsm shipments increaae tbsy are bound
to interfere witb Hood Bivsr trsds.
A meeting of tbs fruitgrowers of Salem
and vicinity is to bs bsld st Seism on
Saturday, November 28, for tbe purpose
of bearing a diecoseion of tbs merits of
forming s union of interests locally, and
possibly of avoiding friction and com
petition witb Hood Biver. Iodoatrial
Ageat Jodtoo, of tbs Sonthsro Pacific
Company, expects to have some repre
sentative mso from Hood Bivsr st tbst
masting to tall tbs growers hers bow It
Wesson, Gbolaoovills. Vs.,
writes: "Yoer Oos Ml sole
W. T.
Conch Qors fives perfect satisfaction.
" Ctarks st Folk's P. O. Pbs.
obseribs far Tats CtUMWaoui.
A Barer Ht-lhs "Cugsr" Dsrbp.
Ws 4rs flovliw tgtwnts.
Whsn gross want a Rain Coot-Rar-nsmbsr
our "Crarwnwttwo."
For a few days only, we will soil goods displayed
mi our window at this special price. Several pieces are regularly
fee the majority 75c and a few pieces 60o. Every individual
piece is seasonable in weight and most desirable in pattern and
color. Those popular blue, green and gray mixtures good weight
fabrics for suits and skirts form a large part of the display.
Also blue, brown, cardinal, gray and green Serges, Henriettas,
Poplins and some very choice things in two-toned Fancy Bro
cades. Material for children's school dresses may be selected to
the very best advantage from this gathering.
Remember, this is not a permanent price.
BABY SHOES Bias Velveteen
Dir.'t yon like to see a large variety of colors snd T Rf MfilMfl m
styles when yon buy shoes for the little ones? Just now maTV DlilllfiU T
we htvi everything new.
Soft Soloa in the prettiest combination of col- st 1 W
ore vou can imagine, from patent leathers to the deli- IS I f m M
"dK5oc.u. Ait yard
Kid Shoes in tarn soles, msde in the new veU
vet-iop novelties. COtORS.
Women and Jewels.
Jess's, candy, flowers, man tbat is
tbe order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form s magnet of mighty power
to tbs average woman. Even tbst
greatest of all jewels, health, is often
ruined in the strenuous efforts to make
or save tbs money to purchase them. If
s wouAn will risk her health to get a
coveted gam, then 1st her fortify gberself
asainst the insiduous consequences of
coughs, colds and bronchial affections by
tba regular osa of Dr. Boschse's Qsrmsn
Syrup. It will promptly arrest coo
sumption in its early atagaa aod heal tbs
affvetsd lungs snd bronchial tubes snd
drivs tbs dread diaeasejlrom the system.
It Is not a cure all, but it Is a certain
core for coughs, colds snd all bronchial
troubles. You can get Dr. O. G. Groan's
lettable remedies at Blakeley's drag
store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1
Do you sofler from piles? If so do
not torn to surgery for relief. DeWitt'e
W:b Basel Salve will act mors quickly,
sorely sod safely, ssving you tbe expense
sod danger of an operation. Clarke k
Falk'a P. Q. Pharmacy.
We offer for s limited period tbs
twios-a-wsek Cboomiclo, pries 11.60,
and tbe Weekly Oregooiau, pries $1.60,
both papers for 2 a year. Subeeriptlooe
under this offer must bs paid in ad
vance. i
Clerks A Folk's flavoring extracts are
the bast. Ask your a' "car for them.
Sexton & Waither
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
Merchants ...
A fall lino of BRID9V dt BEACH
Cook snd Hsstlog Stovss.
FARMING IMPLEMENTS Agents for Boostsr Drills, J. I. Case Steel Faros
Harrewa ami Plows. Muring Tixtth Harrows, Blsssll Chilled Plows, Mitchell Wag-
one ana Hacks, Muny Buggies.
...Star Wiidmillti...
With Ball and R ller bearings, and folly warranted.
Writs ua for prioss snd catalogues.
All orders entrusted to os will bsvs prompt attention.
Prioss always right.
Tba only Exdoalvs Hardware Stors in tbs city.
Gifford'o Potos Never Fade
The largest sod moat
complete Una of . . .
svsr shown ia tba city
are now on display at
H. Glenn & Co's
Pstlnt and Oil Stora.
Hundreds of Lawyers, Preaebsrs. Actors, sod other
overworked Professional and business Men who tbossjbs.
0isy had kidney trouble bays told us tbsy bsd uovsr
been able to fiod anything to equal Ltnooln
rmi lor ins sure of toot pern 10 toe ooeo, aoo sno wi
gone feeling that ao often prscsdss psrsslg.
Pries, $1.00 per boo boy of your droggtat or teat
by moll 00 receipt of pries, la plain vrsppsr .
Uf 00LI PB0PEIETAW 00., n, Wayas, Ui
M. Z. Donncll, Agent, Tba Dallas, Or.
1 VWfMVl
Blacksmith, Horseshoer tind Wagon-maker. .
Iron, Btael. WbeaU, Axle, Bprtefa s4 Blaokamith BsppUtS
asset lot oesssU A Oo.'s Isasass. tbsasSars aa4 saw MUls,
Snbscribo fbr The Qbroniola.