The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 24, 1901, Image 3

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    - - .k.A.JLj 1 i . . j uts. v : ' j (i t n titibtkU 1-flL jjpiMMBiBBMBi
All this week, $7.75 will buy a suit that
is strictly all-wool, good looking, stylish
and durable. Only new heavy winter
suits shown, latest cuts and patterns,
positively the greatest value ever placed
on sale.
Men's black and brown stiff Hats,
$3 quality; special $2.55
Largest and most complete line of
v r ft a
M. ' ; it' . V .Aj
$13 to
The Dalles Daily Clwmfete.
OCT. 24, 1901
All Wsico County warrants registered
prior to December g, ISM will ba paid
on presentation at my ofltoa. Interest
w after September 12,1901.
Ooaoty Treasurer.
Herrmann, the Great.
At the Vogt opera house tonight.
Saner kraut and Swigs nod Limburger
cheese at Maier 4 Benton's. 24 3t
Professor Sand vig will five a dance at
the Baldwin Saturday sight. 24 3t
Children 's pretty hats for little money
Friday and Saturday at Miaa Haven't.
Special display of children's and miss
es' hats at Miss' Haven's Friday and
Augustus Swanaen, a subject of the
king of Norway and Sweden, today took
out hie first citizenship papers.
Founi A necktie, with Masonic gold
pin, which the owner can find at this
office by paying for this notice. 24-3t
Wanted For cash, forty bead of
horses from 1100 to 1800 pounds weight.
Apply immediately to T. J. Drippe, The
bailee. o2Mtdw
A new line of children's school hats
ndceps received.. at Campbell 4 Wil
ton 'a millinery parlors. At reasonable
prices. Gall and see them. o23 tf
The special adjourned council meeting,
which was to have been held laet night,
did not con vane, as the special committee
00 Mseesment for the Court street aewer
had not completed their plan of assess
ment. The mayor will cell a meeting as
toon as the plan is ready for tbe action
of the council.
The managers of tbe late carnival
have never yet been able to find out ex
MUy where they are at financially. A
number of bills against the carnival have
never yet been pretested nor their exact
mount ascertained. It la only known
l!.th?? wU1 08 bslence on the
Iki !lde of th 1dr eqaal to eome
i ,i bet"w w fifteen per cent
the subscription-.
vie, a Oelilo Indies, same mighty
jww losing bia life lest Bight at tbe
'wght depot, Louie bad ailed himself
wi't Alcohol, but managed to ere) as
steps of a ear la order to beat bis
home, when he fell heavily to tbe
""oa ad wmxuW Iot a us in
h V mM WM dMd nlrad s Irnek end
r n,m ooove-ed to the elig lew, where
He wMrtlllheUdrnnk at
te hour thle fsressss, ssd hie seed
m -
H i Served!
Oysters m
l At Andrew Keller's.
Children's fast black Hose,
size 5 J to 8J; real value 16c,
Social Price, Ite.
Ladies' fleece-lined cotton
Hose, excellent vakie at 35c;
oar price this week,
27c er pair.
Ladies' fall-weight jersey
ribbed vests and pants; good
value at 35c; our price for
this week,
'7v V
waa one mass of bruises so that the won
der was that he ever came back to life.
Jamea A. Simon eon and Ettie Green
were united in marriage thia morning by
Bev. W. Skip worth, at the residence of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cbaa.
Green, on the Matlock ranch on tbe
ridge between Three and Five Mile
ereeka. The bridegroom is tbe eon of
our fellow-townsman, Nees Simonaon,
and is a moat worthy young men, and
no higher compliment can be paid to
the bride than to aay that she is every
way worthy of her husband. After the
marriage tbe wedding party partook of
an elegant luncheon, and Jtht happy
couple left on the afternoon train on a
short wedding trip to Portland.
Menefee & Parkine bave on exhibition
a musical instinment or piano attach
ment, called an Angelus Orchestral, that
is well worth seeing and" hearing. It is
an organ in reality as well as appear
ance, and when placed in position in
front of a piano plays any tune by itself
or on the. piano or in unison. The music
is on thick, perforated paper and is
transmitted automatically. Tbe oper
ator merely worka en ordinary pair of
treadles and manipulates two seta of
stops which regulate, with remarkable
precision, tbe time, modulation and
volume of sonnd. Tbe inatmment is
specially adapted for tbe use of theaters
and for dance music.
Four wagona, loaded with 307 bushels
of wheat belonging to Mason Brothers,
of Klickitat cjunty, arrived here thie
morning from the ranch near Bickleton,
Which is opposite Arlington and over
thirty milea east of Goldendale. The
teams started on their journey Monday
morning. The wheat waa sold to Tom
Bolton sod delivered at tbe Bailey Gat
aert dock, (he owners realizing 51 cents
a bushel, but, of course, paying ferriage.
This is aeven cents a bushel better than
the Arlington price last Monday, but
even this would hardly half pay the ex
tra cost of transportation were it not
that the wagona will go back, loaded with
aupplles purchased here, on which thre
will be e saving that will make more
than wages for all tbe extra expense of
the journey.
As announced yesterday, W. W.
Williams, of this city, underwent a
critical surgical operation yesterday
afternoon sa the only possible relief from
Unpendlng death- The patient was
taken to Tbe Dalles Hospital and tbe
operation waa performed by vt.
Ferguson end Donne. A eerloue con
striction of tbe bowels waa discovered
which bed been superinduced by acote
inflamatioo of tbe gall bladder and sur
rounding structures, end en unusually
large Dumber f gall stone were re
moved. Th opegtlon VM Jjerfwrned
successfully end the patient
aborterUms bS sspeetad. frets
tbe influence of the anesthetic. Hie
symptoms tbja afternoon holdout esjne
bona of big wooes eHAonjb tip tug-
is considered by bit nbjtkeSM as
8t MAYS.
Will the Doctor Prosecute?
Under tbe heading, "Wasco Spoke
too Quickly," the Portland Telegram
says: g
A man named Frank Yates, who
claims Portland as hie borne for tbe past
nine months, has se worked upon tbe
feelings of the officers of Wasco county
that County JodgeGrorge C. Blakeley,
of The Dalles, ha written. Dr. McKay e
letter, asking if Multnomah cooaty is In
the habit of sending ita poor to other
sections of the state for treatment in
order to avoid expense.
Being a little ruffled in bia feel i age,
because there was tome alir over the
claim that he bad teat a Mrs. Baeey to
Portland, Judge Blakeley strikes oat
from the shoulder in bia letter. He
would undoubtedly acorn but for the
fact that Yates bas not been in the
coanty hospital since August, 1899. If
be has made each an affidavit, as la
stated, be baa perjured himself, and Dr.
McKay says he is willing to prosecute.
Wasco county authorities bave been
taken in by tbe man.
Tbe Telegram is unkind in intimating
that Judge Blakeley 's letter to Dr. Mc
Kay was dictated by "raffled feelings"
over tbe Baeey affair. The letter was
based on tbe affidavit of Yates, and fol
lowing a somewhat similar charge by
Dr. McKay in the Basay affair, was tbe
most natural thing in tbe world. We
bave Yates affidavit before ue, aigned by
bis own band and attested by tbe judge
and it swears to everything stated in
Judge Blakeley's letter. It positively
affirms that Yates bad arrived here from
Portland on tbe Dalles City nine days
previously ; that for the previous nine
months be bad been an inmate of tbe
hospital at Portland ; that be bad been
a resident of Portland for the pact two
years, and that Dr. McKay had pur
chased for him the ticket that brought
him to Tbe Dalles. Dr. McKay says be
it willing to prosecute the man for per
iery. Very well. The affidavit is bare
and is at tbe doctor's service any time
be may call for it.
Herrmann the Great.
Herrmann, tbe Greet, tbe famous ma
gician, will be the attraction at the
Vogt tonight.
To aay that Herrmann is great would
be too expressive. He it auperb, super
latively great, wonderful. Tbe oppor
tunity of seeing him in bis splendid
piagical entertainment ia a rare treat
ssd there ia a charm about an enter
tainment of thia kind which attracts
everybody. People who do not go to a
theater any other time in the year coma
to aee Heir menu. Herrmann it e ge
nius whose distinguishing feature is tbe
completeness of bit work Is every de
tail From bia et appearaaee be la
Lttofeufbjy esfepaort with hi sdi-
enee ssd everybody teals at bouse wits
liujfdes a grand new program of lewar.
. a a a SSI 1. -
el assat4toMi iitsetgM
Msg ting end tbwTsrsieb Bloponson.
A IceUre of the program ar- MeWettera
You Your Wife
are invited here to see our
$3 Shoe
Perhaps you will be surprised to
see the shoes we are selling at $3.
Our Great $3 Shoe is our Leader.
It's made in a Lady's shoe and
Gentleman's, and if there is a bet
ter shoe on earth sold lor $3 we
have never seen it The winter
styles are here, of the best stocks
and new lasts. On the foot you
can't tell our $3 shoes from a $5
4 Tyaon and Co., who constitute one of
tbe etrongett vaudeville aotaever seen
in this country. Their lateat akit ia en
titled "Scenes in the Dressing Room."
for which special scenery end effects are
carried. ' ,
Flna relator Bitch and Paps.
"Printer's Wasco Queen," one of tbe
beat bred English Pointer bitches on tbe
Pacific coast, together witb her litter of
pupa, has been on exhibition in the
abow window of Clarke 4 Falk'a drog
store for the pest few days and baa at
tracted much attention from local sports
men end fanciers of pure bred doga.
Wasco Queen ia out of "Chance H.,"
winner of many first prises on bench
and aired by "Printer Boy," No. 44919,
Vol. 14, A. K. C. 8. B., owned by Mr.
Will C. Gibson, of Portland. This
breeding alone is sufficient guarantee of
tbe fine qualitlea of Wasco Queen, en
"Printer Boy" is looked upon by sports
men all over tbe Pacific coast as a greet
producer of prise winners.
Wasco Queen won second place on
bench at Portland Kennel Club bench
ahow 101. Qoeen'a pups are aired by
Taylor'a "Bright," winner of second
place Tacoma 1900 ; second place Seattle
1900, and firet place Portland 1900.
If blood lines count for anything, it
can safely be said that The Dallee can
boast of as fine a litter of pure bred Eng
lish Pointer pupa aa can be found in tbe
Printer's Waeco Queen is owned by
Mr. Hsnry Zeigler, a local sportsman
and fancier.
rsseosAt, mention.
Frank McFarland, an old-time resi
dent of Tbe Dalles, is registered at tba
Umatilla House.
Clyde Blddell. who bas been with tbe
W. . Campbell surveying party for tbe
past four months, returned yesterday
over'and from the Wallowa country
wltb tbe wagona and camping outfit of
the party. Clyde expects to leave next
Monday for Eugene to reauma bis studies
at tbe Univereity.
; Kaighto sad Latflas f Bsuurltr.
By order of tbe council tbe regular
meeting nlgbt bat been changed to
Tbnrsdsy. W. A. Crawvobs,
023-24 Cor, Secy.
For Infants ssd Children.
Hi KM Yw Hiii Always lovgll
I of
When tour heir aooeers dry and to
bave loot its vitality It waste tomethlng
to give it life and vigor, we save what
the hair sot when 41 goto in ton ooa
staonu Wo beva the Crows of
Hi 1' fl 1 Grower ssd
a est, a aa ar a
roes ensue.
i 1st Tss Ossoancis.
ar w St waaaww
...The New York Cash Store...
, .3. and 142 1 8t. (
The BARGAIN STORE of the City
1!t ! ' 1 it awfl 'VHli' 0MW .19' I
..Bogs' ami lentil's SCHOOL sons..
We have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering iheta at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to lit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases n il bout
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT
Tbe New York Cash Store
Trilby and Cola's
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
The introduction of Cole's Original Air-Tiaru Heater has revolution
ised the heating stove trade in all aectiona of tbe United States. Its won
derful economy in the use of fuei, and many other eicelltnt qualities,
strongly recommend it to all in neei of a heating stove.
Every one of Cole'a Original
air.tiaht ae long ea need. Where
haze one or more of these atovet.
Sold by MAIER
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh,
clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
Blakeley's Drug Store, 1.;L.E.
We carry tea lamet and most ooniaUM i DK OWN XX rK At: t ul Uiiiiou sud Va
stock la Saitera Oregon of ni;la ar the Ussi Mas).
DKUDl aS SSBEnlCINKS, Svarrtlltag W sell Is fresh.
com MB ead amuensa, Our ariose asa OaeaiesesiS.
srusass ssa iaaauii. It In eharaa el aoiaoataot men.
flKBSe and, " w
rttWMo ad roiio cam suae, Wesaauiacturs
nioTo evvi una, Witt,,.!..,
fMOTO fAimn NS MOUNTS, 'W,la'YuJm4mihi Tablets.
T,OWl'l OHOCOUTM. sad Was Hssel Alwuad dream.
M tn ii I ii i i i .In I e ii '"
MAIL OKUSHi reovtvs our Of)TU OUflMCC "very UsIKsrsd rraa.
personal atletitioa. 1UIH rlHJrlt.0 promptly, in the city.
John Pashek, The Tailor,
Hat Just received 1000 ea as plea
of the latest patterns in dent 'a
Clothing Good. He guaran
tees price end e good fit or oo
pay. I I
John Fsuhok, The Tailor.
'tiki . s t
Oor. Third sn4 Wsshlraflss Ots.
r ri
Original Air-Tight Heaters
Whet Cole'a Heater Will Oo.
This stove will heat a room from nsto to
80 degree lo Ove minutes.
It will heat your house evenly day aud
It holds fire 36 hours without attention.
Yon build only one fire each winter.
It burns chine,' bark, leaves, paper sod
corn eebs, and gives excellent results wltb
this fuel, which ia ordinarily wasted.
The stove la light end eaaily moved and
act up.
The combustion la perfect and aabea are
removed only once In lour weeks.
None of the beat Is wasted and tbe atove
aave one-half of your tael bill.
It ia elean, economical, convenient, aafe
AlrtTlght Heaters la guaranteed to atav
wood ia uaed for fuel every family ahould
& BENTON, The Dalles.
Fire lnMirdnee.
Ui Woi I Qui Ik. b. of Ml
rounded mi
Cenltnl paid wo S7,0OO,OOO
Aeseto.... 'JO,l '40,033
Vow la tbe time to insure ; tomor
row may be too lets.
Phone Ma us. Heutert A (Josdon.
Phone No. Ml, PeoiAfl ststo Co.
ReOedent Aftni, The fwlin
Wby pay l.W per ssitos let
I'Alsto wtaes yos ss buy Jbssbj
PxMss'b ess groei psista vSf
filton. guaranteed tor I yssst.
elk, ageuta.
at Msgs '
i8CaTd '