The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY OCT. 24, 1901 ROOSEVELT AND BOSS. THE "WAH If, as a prominent Georgian is re ported to have said at Washington, President Roosevelt has destroyed at one blow the entire sympathy he PabIi9n thew fiure and weeP over had created by appointments to ! them- TlIE Chronicle will shed political positions in the Southern j ncver R tear. It sees the sugar trust's states, and it has all been brought ge as well the magnates about by the entertainment of Booker ! Rnd their u,rcd statisticians see it. It T.Washington at dinner, then the!knoW8 and so do lhey, that free president might as well desist from 1 8U8r raeaD8 lu0 deatruotion of the attempts to create sympathy in the(me8c 8Ugr wnua, anu ju ue- South or to conduct him sell in a way that will fully satisfy the pteju dices that are sometimes exhibited in that section. It is doubtful if the Southern people generally took particular notice of the fact that Mr. Roosevelt extended some civility to Mr. Wash ington as one of the ablest and best j representatives of his race. In any i event the old Southern "wah boss,' if so inclined, will probably find it difficult at this late day to work up any issue that the country' will take seriously. The president is a man of inde pendent thought and action, and he has been in the habit of paying his respects to all sorts of people whom he thought worthy, whether they were statesmen, politicians, com mercial men or cowboys. If he saw fit to have to dinner Booker T. Washington who, in intelligence, enterprise, morality, cleanliness, god liness and good deeds will probably be found the equal of man)' white people in the South, that is the presi dent's own affair for which be will doubtless be ready to hold himself responsible at any and all times. People who are able to read know what Mr. Washington has done for the uplifting of the black people in the South, and as an earnest worker in a good cause he has received praise from everyone who approves noble effort. People who read bis remarkable address at the opening of the Atlanta exposition understand how he feels on the matter of social equality between the two races and will appreciate what slight reason there is for the old "wah boss" to fear the appioacb of any social upheave) because Mr. Roosevelt has seen fit to break bread with an intelligent colored man. Spokesman-Review. SUGAR TRUST" PHILANTHROPY.' The American sugar trust will compass heaven and earth for free sugar. Not content with the special efforts now in force to crush the do mestic beet sugar industry they are flooding the newspapers with siatis- tics to prove that it costs the people : of the United States $85,000,000 a year to raise $49,000,000 of a sugar tax, which the government doesn't now need. The figuring is done this wav. We consume annually about two and a quarter million tons of sugar, of which one million tons is from American sources and the rest from foreign countries and sub ject to an average duty of $30 a ton, or a total of about $45,000,000. "But," says a cut and dried sugar trust article received this morning from "91 Wall street," "the price of all the sugar consumed, however, be ing enhanced to the extent of the duty of $36 n ton, or a total of about $84,000,000, it is evident that $36, 000,000 additional is paid by the people in order to provide the gov ernment with $49,000,000 of revenue. If the duty is taken off Cuban sugar . the benefit of $85,000,000 goes to the j mnnle. On October Hth the mint, i ' i tion for Cuba centrifugal sugar, 96 degrees test, free on board Cuba, wai 1.965 cents per pound and the duty on tame amounts to $1,685 cento." So the sugar trust would assure us that free sugar would mean that the present price would be cut in two, and as the sugar trust fixes the price wherever it is not subject to the full force of competition with the Amer ican product, at all the traffic will bear, the reduction of course would he a pure gratuity on the partof that eminently philanthropic institution. Titneo Danaos et dona ferentes, which being interpreted means that we object to having so much sugar in our'n. Democratic papers will struction menus the absolute control of the sugar trust. Rather than see the domestic sugar industry ruined and the country placed at the mercy of the sugar trust, The Chronicle would rather pay twice the present price for the term of its natural life. This is re- publicanism and, as The Chronicxe 8ees u true Americanism to boot John Most has been sentenced to one-year in the penitentiary for ad I vocating murder. Most is an an- archist ; his theory condemns to i death all rulers. He advises their extirpation. Every democrat shrinks from the thought of limiting free speech; but Justice Hinsdale, who presided over the court of special sessions where Most was sentenced, does not hesitate to say, and with ! truth, that "the liberty of conscience, j the freedom of speech, and the free ; dom if the press do not need such concessions" as indifference to en- emies of the state like Most to "save I to the fullest extent unimpaired those sacred rights of a free people." How'a This: ' We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Hill's Family Pills are the beat. 12 If you want to retain your bair you have to keep yonr scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the yery beat preparations for cleansing the scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave yonr hair soft and glossy. Price, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's barber chop, The Dalles. tf Do you suffer from piles? If so do not turn to surgery for relief. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will act more quickly, eurely and safely, saving you the expense and danger of an operation. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 eta and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drnggist. BUSINESS LOCALS. You will not have boils if von take Clarke & Falk's sure cure oi boils. C. M. Phelps, Foreatdale, Vt., says his child was completely cured of a bad case of eczema by the use of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. It instantly relieves piles. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. W. T. Wesson, Gholsonville, Va., druggist, writes: "Your One Minute Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction. My customers say it is the best remedy for coughs, cords, throat and lung troubles." Clarke & Falk's P. O. Phar macy. Acker's Dvsoensia Tablets are cold on a poiUive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little ... : ....... , ... tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist. NOTICE. Effective this date. A charge of $1 per car per day will be made for delay to cars, for all time held under load, in loading or unloading by consigns or consigner, in excess of forty-eight hours from time car is set for loading or un loading. Jambs Irbland, Agent O. R. A N. Co. Satscrlbe for Tat Chronicle. US. T. Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. Prof. Homer de Morrison BvEkBBaaaiB3Vk 33'a Washington street. Knoraa 83-30, PORTLAND, ORISON. The first registered as welt as the first gradu ate palmist e7er In Portland. The world's jr eatest Trance Clairvoyant and Herba'ist can be consulted dally on all h Hairs of J if . Prof, de Morrison is without a doubt the most scientific Palmi.t and Clairvo) ant in tbe world today: be locates hidden treasure, reunites the separated, tells If there is mineral, oil, or gas on yonr land, enables you to win the uflection of one you desire. Palmistry taught, medlumistic persons devel oped. Heals by the uses of his revealed heibil teas: cures chronic and so-called incurable dis eases. Krec treatment for the poor. Bend 11, date of birth and three questions; aU letters answered at once. I.ocatxd by Vision. Portland, Aug. 10.-(To l he Editor). Homer de Morrison, occultist, located by vision thebul lion stolen lrom the Selby Smelting Works. In behalf of occult science he immediately com municated by letter the facts to Mr. A. J. Rals ton, owner pf the Bel by Works. The reports re ceived last night prove his statements correct. MRS. FRANCIS PART LOW. "It is pleasing to be assured that the gold stolen from toe Belby Smelting Works was 'lo cated by vision' by a Portland occultist. This proves that the story of the confession of the thief and that his assistance was required in re covering the gold was a base California inven tion for the purpose of depriving Oregon of just glory." (Editor Portland Oregonian.) 2 Take them 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 to-day and you II be well to-morrow; aid wins 5 rnM f lira fll 4Sk vi vmi v rr 9 fehlAt NaBR A 9 (cold in head) m NCurcNitey25c a 9 9 tsaa far fraa mU ana Aadical fj f. Aaaual BaMwia 6aa rraasUc Sold by Claikecc Falk, The Dalles, Or. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is tbe latest disco vered digest ant and touic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Blck Headache, Gastralgta.Grampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 60c. and IL Large slse contains XK times small sise. Book Ml r.txm dyspepsia ma tledtree ."eoared by E . C. OeWITT A CO.. Chicag Sold by Glarke & Falk's P.O. Pharmacy. NOTICE TO CREDITOR8. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of tbe County Court of tbe Slate of Oregon, for tbe County of Wasco, duly made and entered on the 16th day of October, 1901, Elisabeth liaalem was appointed administratrix of the estate of Thomas Hetlam, de ceased. All persons having claims against tbe said estate are hereby noti fied to present the tame, properly veri fied, to the said administratrix within six (6) months from tbe date of this notice. Dated this 10th day of October, 1901. Emzabrtii Haslam, Administratrix of the estate of Thomas Haalam, deceased. Clark A Falk are never eleeed Sunday. Don't forget this. Groceries White Collar JUFfBSWS Str. BAILEY-GATZERT, BETWEEN Portland, The Dalles and Way Points. TIME CARD Leaves Portland at 7 .a. m. on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Arrives The Dalles, same day, 5 p. m. Leaves Tbe Dalles at 7 a. m. on San day, Wednesday and Friday. Arrives Portland, Bame day, 4 p. m. Meals the Very Best. his Route has the Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route IStr. "TAHOMA," Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a.m. Leave Astoria 7 p. it. Landing and office Foot of Alder Street; both phones, Main 351, Port land, Oregon. E. W. Grichton, Agent Portland, Prather and Barnes, Atts., Hood River, Wolford & Wyers, Agte.. White Salmon, J. C. Wyatt, Agent, Vancouver, A. J. Taylor, Agent Astoria. J. M. FIILOON, Agent, The Dalles. REGULATOR LIRE. Dalles, HFtmn & Astoria NAVIGATION CO. HH DALLES BOAT LEAVES OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. ...Portland Boat... LEAVES- THE DALLES at 7:00 A. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. STEAMERS REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE. W. C. ALLA WAY, General Agent, The Dalles. Oregon. FRENCH & CO BANKERS. Traaiact a General Banking Basinets. Utters of Credit iesned available in tbe Eastern States. Sight Exchange end Teleerapbic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Lease, Han Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Waab., and various points in Oregon end Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. NOLAN. PORKand BEEF MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sansages Carers of kr BRAND & BACON xRIED REEF. ETC. Just Receded A full Hue of Freeh Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, elox and Aristo in all sizes. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphs, And all accessories to complete the outfit of either the amatenr or pro fessional photographer. Our Eureka Combined Toning and Fixing Rath is a dandy: Try it. The A. E. C. Developer . Jor plates, films ot developing papers has noecjual. Enough for .35c to develope 6 dosempksies or 6 doxen Velox 4x5. Perfect blacks and whites are guaranteed, M directions are followed. Ask for tbe A. E. C. De veloper, and see tbat yon get tb'e genuine. We are prepared to compound any and all. of yonr own formula- and guarantee satisfaction. At tbe old place, 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. Geo. O. Blakeley. 5 V J U I U I L. Lane, GENERAL sssANDsss Wagon and Carriage Work. Fiah Brothers)' Wagon. M and Me. Phone 159 - assMiik bbsbSbbbbbI Yellowstone Park Line. THE DIKING CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EA8T. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW STONE PARK LB4VK. UAioi Bcpoi, Finn and I sts AHH1VE. No. a. 11:15 A.M. No. 4. U;N V. M. ri nan ior lacoma, Seattle, Olympla, Gray'a i No. 8:60 P. M. No. S. 7;Q0 A. M. naroor sua sou in uena points, Spokane, Rosa land, B. C, Pullman, Moscow, Lewlstou, But faloHump mining coun try, Helena, Minneapo lis, St. Psul, Omaha, Kansas !Ity, St. Louia. Chicago and all points east ana aouioeaat. for Tacoma and Seattle and intermediate points Pullman nrat-cuuis and tourist sleepers to VanliK.iU.1 ni m . .. in all urlnpiiiai aiii. TT"-rr l' uum uepoi eonnecnoua ri 7: T -V . " Meu, aieeping-car reservations, sib., eaU on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Gifford's Potoa Never Fade. Horsesnoe Mn Fuel HI Awl UNION RACIAL DBFASnr TIME SCirK DTJLK8 ltL TOOK THE DALLES. ia fttMsgO ' PorUswd gattbUenenver, Ft. gSi.'m. (MaiCUy,StmLou'is,chT via Hunt- eago and the East lngton. Express3, " D'Ter Ft. l'2:a.m. Worth, Omaha, Lan ..... vlffint- swCltT.St. Louis, Chi 4:a. ington. cago ana the East. vifeV1- BSw: kane. kee, Chicago and East. r 'I ' .' J -ae, OCEAN AMDiJtJYBg BOHEDTJLB From 1'artland. (All sailing dates sub jeet to change ) 8:00 p.m. 4-uDilm For Ban Francisco, WpI" Ball every 6 days. . , ZmW. To Aatorls and Way- BnfeflSay, Landings. Bundsr! 10:00 p. m. DaHf Willamette Rlyer. SfW Oregon Otty, Newberg.i 4:30i"; !S VA Salem, ludoTndcnct-, sf2r 6:00 a. m. and Way-Landings. I 8nM,- TMmday, Corvallls and Way- ! Mowii? Sartftdtiy, Landings. IWednesMr 6:00 a.m. TruSf. Mrt- : 1 j TinMflay, Wlllameite and :i:30p.. TUbrSlHy, Yamhill Mlvers. Monday; enUiWHy, Oregon City, Davton and Wednemy 7:00 a.m. Way-Lanoings. Wosy. fn. 75 l 3 .40 a. m. . Wparta to Lawlston. m. ! r, . Parties aattrhw to ro to Hcnnnw ar M on Columbia Southern via Biggs, ioosM o. i, leaving -sne vanes at u;a p. m. at 8ppeifinoMolatt Bigg with No. Lsr riving at Tha XtaUcs at 1:06p.m. For iurther particulars, call on or address JAB. IRELAND, Ajtnt, The Dalles, Orafon. Complete of Drus at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. J. B. scHaaoE, President. MaxA-Voa First national Batt THE DALLES - - - A Osnanl Tlanklna HnaineSB V"". '.' . 7T . i.- Q!-kl Deposits reoeivea, eoDjeci w osj Draft or Check. Collections made and prcePWW remitted on dav of eolleetaflB. Bight end Telegraphic Esehanf g Naw York, Sao Francisco aac "W land. WREOTOKBo D. P. Tnnxvaov. J0. 8, Bo. M. WuxiaM. Gao. a. H.M. fiBALL. fllBESTBH W W. WsXlON. Maasaas. Firt-gas 9 Every PRIVATE PARTIES f"1 Tbe table opp beet in tbe market- 71 Front 8t near Cocrt.tbf