The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 23, 1901, Image 1

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    Shi Hull ed
NO. 212
U.UULuilUiiDnn 1. HHUIHH
Promotes DBoRjChrrM
ness a ndRe3t. Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Hot Narc otic .
faape afOldDrSAMUEUWUNUl
Pbmphm Stmt'
Aperfecl Remedy forCoirstipa
Fion , Sour Stomach.Dianiuea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
exact copy or wrapper.
The Body of a Girl Found in a Trunk in
a Deserted Mining Tunoel.
Walla Walla, Oct. 22. Frank Virod,
a prospector in the Salmon River country,
found in an old tunnel near hie aback in
the Blue Mountains a trunk containing
a human body, bent and twisted to fit
the receptacle. It had been left there
by a man and a woman, who had passed
through six weeks before. Virod did
not kuow they had left it. The discovery
was made two months ago. Only by
sccident was the information secured
from him on his first trip out of the
mountains. He ienow on his way to
Washtucna county.
Who the man and woman were Virod
does not know, and he has no idea who
the victim was. He says tbey came last
June and said they had lost thir way.
They camped all night in a tunnel near
his shack. Next morning they went
way. In August Virod looked iu the
tunnel and fonud a trunk containing the
body, tie thought it was the body ' of a
girl 6 or 8 years old. The sku U ad been
cleft by an ax and the legs broken. He
buried the trunk. He says tbe woman
who left the trunk waa about forty yeare
old, dark, and dressed in block. The
n,,n tall, dark and bad a squint.
rce of the U.ptor of HUl Slope
Nbw Yoax, Oot. 22. From Samakov
correspondents the Journal and Ad
vertiser has .obtained tbe following de
Wis concerning the pursuit of tbe kid
nPers of Miss Stone, tbe Americau
missionary :
"Your correspondent has just returned
8amkov after fortnight' vain
jwvortoget into oommnnicatioo with
brigade. At DJnmeyer tbe Koiman,
ocal governor, refused to give a
written statement, but told your cor
jPondent of track taken by tbe
wnis into Bulgarian territory.
The brigand 04 Still wandering
"ound that region, near Goto, and
seMi ogov,rnMta. with greudermerie.
nwsrs an 1 seorai agents are trying to
JM tbem. The four brigands who have
rrted stoutly maintain that the?
"not connected with the ban J that
slmilating theFoodandBegu
ling the Stomatte andBwwb
For Infants md Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
the ccmtaur immiit, am vomoitt.
captured Miss Stone. They have been
summoned to appear at Dubnitza, and
be examined by a Turkish special com
mission. This may be a Turkish effort
to make Protestants appear as ac
complices in the Stone capture.
"Owing to the severe frost prevailing
in the mountains, all efforts to send
parcels of clothes and other necessaries
to Miss Stone, who must be suffering
from the cold, have been baffled. All
attemps to communicate with tbe
brigands have been unsuccessful. Tbe
bandits are apparently afraid of
treacherv.aud determined not to disclose
their hiding place."
She Didn't Wear a Musk.
But her beauty was completely bidden
by sores, blotches and pimples till she
used Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Then
they vanished as will all Eruptions,
Fever Boies, Boil?, Ulcere, Carbuncles
and Felons from its use. Infallible for
Cute Corns, Burns, Scalds and Piles.
Cure guaranteed. 25 j at G. C. Biakeley's
drug store. ' 3 V1.IU C.olgota.
A ubi'kn, N. Y.,Oct. 22. In accord
ance with C'zgofz' wishes, the Rev.
John J. Hockey, pastor of the Cburcb of
tbe Holy Family and the Catholic
chaDlin of the prison, he has appointed
Rev. Father Ssadzinski, pastor of the
Polish church of Rochester, to attend
Csolgoez in his last hours. He visited
the assassin today. After his baptism,
Csolgoes never practiced bis religion,
and as an anarchist denounced all its
tenets. He will make a statement to
this effect before his death.
Mothers, every where praise One
Minute Cough Cure for the sufferings it
has relieved and tbe lives of their little
ones it has saved. Strikes at the root of
tbe trouble and draws our tbe inflam
mation. The children's favorite Cough
Cure. Clarke A Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
Old Soldier's B.p.rl.nce.
M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of
Winchester, Iod., writes: "My wife wae
sick a long time in spite of good doc
tor's treatment, but was wholly cured
by Dr. King's New Life Pills, which
worked wonders for bar health." They
always do. Try tbem. Onlj 26c at O.
0. Biakeley's drug store. S
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by O'nrte
A Falk.
If anything nils your hair, go wad eee
Fraier: he's the headquarters for all
hir remedied. Remember that h
snakes a specialty of tbaee goods. U
it .TV In
Said That Democrats Are Worse Than
Trusts His Audience Agreed With
Waviily, O., Oct. 22. When Gov
ernor Geer, ot Oregon, said this after
noon, in substance, that "democrats are
worse than trusts," tbe 0000 people who
bad assembled to hear him and Senator
Henna nearly went wild. It wae one of
the first catchy utterances of tbe political
season, and is likely to be taken up as a
campaign cry. Before be hod spoken
two minutes, the big and brilliant
Oregon executive bad bis audience com
pletely captivated and bis speech was
frequently interrupted by applause.
Governor Geer reviewed tbe demo
cratic party from 1887 to the present,
calling especial attention to the preva
lence of free eon p-houses whenever
democrats were in power, tbe lack of
public confidence and tbe bard times
that inevitably came upon the country
in consequence of democratic rule. In
ten minutes after the election of Cleve
land, hard-times set in and lasted until
the republican party was restored to
power. He read from the democratic
state platform and called attention to its
inveighing against trnsis and combina
tions of capital, which in a way is all
right, but, said tbe speaker, there ate
worse things than trusts, and among
them is either a state of national demo
cratic administratian. Continuing, be
"Tbe eyes of tbe great Weet are upon
Ohio. If tbe republicans of tble great
state suffer the banner of the martyred
McKinley to troll in the duet, we, wbo
are lulled to sleep by tbe murmuring
watere of tbe great Pacific, cannot be
lieve that you will. When tbe thunders
of tbe battle of November 5th have rol'ed
away, we expect to be borne to our core
upon the winds of tbe lightning tbe
glorious news that Che victory is once
more yonrs and that for two years more,
at least, the beneficent policy of tbe
departed McKinley is to continue in full
force and effect."
Senator Hanna emphasized the import
ance of the present campaign both ae
regards tbe state and Nation. He said
the country Is now prosperous as it
never has been before, and that it would
be best to let well alone. He pleaded
for republicans to sustain the McKinley
policies and triumphantly to re-elect
Governor Nash and return Foraker to
the senate.
Boater Killed and Baten by Wild Beast
Metropolis, 111.. Oct. 22. News has
been received here that a hunter was
killed and partly eaten by a wild animal
among tbe bluffs near Glendale, twenty
miles from here. Another hunter heard
tbe man's cries, and on reaching tbe
spot was horrified to see the savage
beast crouching over tbe dead form of
bis companion and tearing at bis mangled
and bleeding flesh, a large portion of
which had already been eaten. When
tbe animal saw the second hunter it
sprang at him and a desperate fight
followed. By tbe use of a hunting knife
be fought tbe animal off. There were
evidences that the dead hunter and
beast had a fierce struggle.
A11 Kxpl.uellou.
T. A. Van Norden has seen fit to an
nounce that tbe firm of J. E. Adcox A
Company is extinct. Tbe firm name ia
extinct it is true, but, as everybody
knows, tbe business continues as before,
and I bavs been Its sole owner since
December 10. 1900, since which time
Mr. Adcox worked for me for wages till
about a month ago, when I discharged
bim for drunkenness and for taking and
pawning gold watch left In my ear for
repairs. Those sending watches from
distance intended for J. S. Adcox A Co.
will please address them to myself,
where tbey will receive tbe attention of
as skilled a watchmaker as there ia In
this city. All work done at my store is
guaranteed, se this has always been my
method of doing business.
ol9-dwtf Tbeo. H. Lues.
Dee's .ate IS M.
Juet wet ibc affected sort freely with
Now Arrivals In Ruffled Muslin,
Swiss and Bobbins Curtains.
The Arrivals of NEW GOODS a Dally Occurrence.
Stocks in all Departments quite Complete.
J Br
H Ls
New Shipment of
Waists Suits ' and
Women and Jewel.
Jea els, candy, flowers, man that is
tbe order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of jnighty power
to the cverage woman. Even that
greatest of all jewels, health, Is often
ruined in the strenuous efforts to make
or save the money to purchase tbem. If
a woman will risk her health to tot S
coveted gem, then let her fortifygberself
sitainst tbe insiduous consequences of
coughs, colds and bronchial affections by
tbe regular use of Dr. Boschee's German
Syrup. It wilt promptly arrest con
sumption 10 its early stages and heal tbe
affected 1udi and bronchial tubes and
drive the dread diseasrfrom the system.
It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain
core for coughs, cold and all bronchial
troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's
reliable remedies at Biakeley's drug
store. Get Green's Special Almanoe. 1
Hudson, BrownhiM A Butts have for
rent two good farms of 100 acres each ;
one for cash rent, and the other for half
the crop, the owner furnishing every
thing. Botb are good propositions.
Write or call at the office. ll-davtf
We offer for a limited period tbe
twiee-a-week Chbonicls, price $1.50,
and tbe Weekly Oregonian, price 91.60,
both papers for t a year. Subscriptions
uuder this offer must be paid In ad
vance, f
Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracts are
tbe beet. Ask voar gr vser for tbem.
Grifford's Fotos Never Fade
The largest and most
complete line of ..."
ever shown is the city
MS sow on display at
H. Glenn & Co's
Faint and Oil Store.
Comploto Lino of Colors in
Sotin Ribbons Just RocoWod.
The Cloak Depart'
roent today announces
the arrival of
Eiderdown and Fancy
Exceptionally pretty
things in this line
and all very reason
ably priced.
1. M
must tie seen to be appre
ciated. We will not attempt
to tell you here of all its
good points Big variety of
patterns. All sises.
without any
We operate a PLUMBINGr, TIN and BICYOLB
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will hava
prompt attention.
p. S. GUNrUflG,
.BlacIsBinltbs Horseshoer and Wag(m-matar. .
Iron, steal. Wheals, Axles, spring, and Bftokamith Suppflee
leal Sa.BW.aaU A fleJ. BeenaeB. Thaaaheca aaA low mils.
SSJSBPaiBW osso OStBSS'S.BOO SIS' sans W OSBojBaBF. Osp""ss.w ssis; mm
Now Arrivals in
Boy's Reefers
Yoke Overcoats
and Russian
Blouse Coats P
Suits and knee pants.
Never before have we
shown 8o attractive a
line of boys' goods aa
at the present time.
If you want your
dollars to do their full
share, bring them here.
& CO.
vou tire of uslna so-called kidney r
benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and he
forever rid of thoes dull pains In your back. Discard
that old foiry idea of "pain in tbe kidneys" and hats
all your bladder and urinary troubles enrri, and yosr
nights msde restful by the fire of natv to s greatest
asuistant Llnooln Sexual Pills.
Price, $100 per box buy ot your druggist or sent
by mall on receipt of price. In plain wrappet.
Fort Wnyne, Tndlt urn
M. Z. Donnell, Agent, Tbe Dalles.