The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 22, 1901, Image 1

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vol. xhi
MO. 211
Promotes Dtge9tiofWUverfuP
ncssandRestContalns neite
Opium,Marphine rwr Mineral.
not Kakcotic .
Aperfiecl Remedy forCorstipa
Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions Jeverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
Will Probably Occur Early in the Morn
ing of October sfitb.
Albany, N. Y Oct. 21. Warden
Meade, of Auburn Prison, epent several
hours today in conference with Superin
tendent of State Prisons Cornelius V.
Collins, armnging the details for carry
ing out the sentence of death imposed
on Leon F. Czolgoez, the murderer of
Preeident McKinley. They went care
fully over 1200 request! which have been
received for invitations to the electro
cution. There will be but twenty-six
witnesses admitted, the law limiting the
Bomber. The prison physician will be
agisted in the conduct of the autopsy by
Dr. Charles F. MacDonald, ex-president
of the state commission in lunacy, and
one of the greatest experts ou insanity
in the country. There will also be a
number of other physicians in attend
ance. Superintendent of State Prisons Collins
i silent as to whom he will invite, but
it is learned that the sheriff of Erie
county, within whote jurisdiction the
crime was committed, will receive an
invitation. Because of the email attend
ance that can be bad under the statute,
there will be but a limited nu.nber of
representative of the psoas present. The
details of the execution have been
Practically completed, and while the
Prison authorities guard with great
aeorecy all facta, it is thought the execu
Jon will take plana before 6 o.eloek on
the morning of October 3Stb, or if every
thing cannot be made ready on that day,
t aimllar hour op theJSih. The work
of aelectlng the jnrg to a 4fte Heath
rrant of th raurggrVt Haa 'beau aoru
Plated but their name are withheld
om publication. They will not be
nown until the morning of the execu
tion. '..t DuowMcjAjr WnsHpi laveetsr.
8t. Petkbbduhg, Oot. 5. A member
J the ftoouy of Moaoow Imperial
Jaebuleal Sghodl toeently oMeoovered
wat , a microphone attached to an electric
alarPb.y.ite will tsaoauilt ounde
trough tbe medium of another ate
Imp- RPetod experiment- were made
"Wch the two lamp ware separated
For Infants and Children.
The Knd You Hifi
Always Bought
Bean the
For Over
MK fcBWTatftl QHfllV WCW TOest esT
by a thick wall, ins inventor read tn a
low vox j a lecture on Lis discovery and
his words, spoken into tbe biorophone,
were comfortably audible in tbe next
room. With characteristic carelessness
the Russian nnv&t a per a failed to state
whether the lamps were burning, but it
is probable that this is to be aesumed.
Tear Fas
Shows the state of your -feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent iu a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If -yon are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Saraapariilae and
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
ell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Biakelej the druggist.
8be Didn't a Mask.
But her beauty was completely hidden
by eoree, blotches and pimples till she
used Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Then
they vaniabed as will all Eruptions,
Fever Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Carbuuclee
and Felons from its use. Infallible for
Cats Corns, Burns, 8calde and Piles.
Cure guaranteed. 25c at G. C. iBlakeley'e
drugstore. ' 3
Mothers every where praise One
Minute Cougb Cure for the Bufferings it
bas relieved and the lives of their little
onea it haa saved. Strikes at the root of
the trouble and draws our the inflam
mation. The children's favorite Cough
Cure. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
If you want to retain your hair yon
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the yery
best preparations for cleansing
ecaln Eirjf and Pine Tar Shampoo
will leave -your nair
soft and gloaav.
Price, k and 60 gents a bottle, at Freer'
barber chop, me uanee.
Old Boiatar' Baparlaaea.
M. M. Auatio, a civil war veteran, of
Wipcheeter, Ind., wrltea: "My wife waa
eiok a long time in apite oi good aoc-
tor's treatment, bat woe wholly cured
m n il l t
h. Dr. King's Sew WW ruw, wnnw
worked wondere for ber health."
alwayado. Try them. Oul JOc at W.
C. Biakeaay a orug aioaa. - ,
Floral lotion will eon wtod chapping
and .unburn. MnoWegfcorog otvero
If oojptbiog oMe your bafcr. go )
ffraaer; he's tbe hoooquoriara
hair reined Ua. Barooginoj
make o apccUlty of tbaae gooda
r i iv In
Burl-tore Oot Aooy With 7M
of Stamps Bored Great Relet i
Steel Vault.
Chicago, Oct. 21. One of the boldest
and moat successful poatofflco roKberts
In the history of tbe United States was
committed last night, when Otoe of tbe
three great vaults in the local poetofJBce
was entered and from $90,086 to $75,000
worth of stamps were stolen. The j b
resembles tbe 8elby smelter robbery
California, in that access to the vault
was gained through a taanel dog from
tbe lake front at the side of tbe building
to tbe bottom of the great eteel oaae. An
eighteen ineb bole was then drilled inio
tbe vault, Entrance was then flee tee",
and tho robbers helped themselves to
tbe valuable contents, loading tbe loot
upon a wagon and getting away undis
covered. Scores of detectives bave been
placed on tbe case. They are working
upon the theory that persons thorough
ly acquainted with the building perpe
trated the robbery. A nurabei of post
office employes are under surveillance.
Ninety-seven boles had been drUfed
in one of tbe platee in the bottom of the
vault and apertures two by thte feet
srere made. The robbery waa not dis
covered until this morning when the
cashier opened the vault. He found a
box over the bole. Upon t ha bos ws
a number of finger marka, which tbe
detectives believe will aid them in
running down tbe criminals.
It is thought the work of drilling -the
holes began at least three days age. and
that tbe men perpetrated tbe job with
out discovery is considered a aadrwel.
Hundreds of men worked on the .floor in
which the vaults are located, ana police
men constantly patrol tho inside and
outside the building. A watchman waa
stationed twenty feet from the robber's
plane of exit. The amount of stamps
stolen is found by count to be 176,620.
It is believed tbe real object of tbe
robbery waa tbe cash in the vault in
which half a million oi cash is stored,
but that in tbe darkness they mistook
tbe stamp vault for tho great treasure
Officials Cooadent.
Washington, Oct. 21. There has been
no report eince Saturday at tbe state de
partment icons farter Bulgaria
touching Msae tonsr, aa. Ti e of
ficials are, basse ver, by no means dis
couraged, end arc atJU oooSdent that
they will suanaad hi analog bar life, but
whether by dejtooasr pr fosee is not
clear. It isgjsliasarl Jfcot IS friend
ship of the BeeclaO government baa
much to do with tbe -confidence of the
officials bere. That government baa
responded in the most cordial spirit to
tbe appeal of the atate department,
bieb, aaable itaelf, from geographical
and political reasons to exert pleasure
Upon the government of Bulgaria, haa
been pleased to avail itself of tbe power
ful influence of Russia on that govern
ment. The Turkish government has,
for ita part, responded in tbe aame
apirlt to tbe appeal of the United States,
and altogether tbe two governments,
Turkey and Bulgaria, probably bave
been put to a degree of exponas equal to
tbe amount of ransom demanded by
Miss Stone's captors in the military
operations they have already directed
ip ber interests.
Vat Ceases Nlgfct Alarm.
"One night my brother's baby waa
tpken with Croup," writes Mra. J. C.
Snider, of Crittenden, JCy., "it aeemed
it would strangle before we could get a
doctor, ae we gave it Dr. King's New
Discovery , which gave quick relief and
oerwanently cored it. We always keep
it in the boose to protect our children
from Croup end Wboopiog Cooper. It
loured me of a obroow bronchial trooMo
rial oo outer raiuwr
infallible for JCougha, Celda, Throat
UodLuug trouble.. fudm
IMC Ol W. . aoawaj
oofcofo Bogtlab Soaaodr vili togf
oough ot oof te. ond Ul euro tko
vorot eoM to wow uoawa, r
funded, tf eta. and 60 eta,
tbe druggist.
New Arriwmlo in R-ufflod Muolin,
Bobblnot Cartoino.
THe Arrivals of NEW GOODS a Dally Occumuaco.
Stocks in all Departments ewuite Complete.
mm m W
New SKipment of
Waists Suits end
A. Ml.
Brain rood Nonsaase.
JCbotber ridiculous food fad has been
oranded by the moat competent author
it ies. They bave dispelled the silly no
tion that one kind of food is Deeded for
brain, another for muscles, and still an
other for bones. A correct diet will not
only nonrisli a particular part of tho
body, bat it wtll sustain every ntber
part. Yet, however good your food may
be, ita notrlnent is der troy ed by indi
gestion or dyspeyaia. You moat pro-
pare for their appearance or prevent
their coming by taking regular doses ot
Green's Auguat Flower, tho favorite
medicine oi ihe healthy millions. A few
doaae aide digeeaion, atimolatea tbe liver
to bealtby action, purifies tbe blood, and
makes you foal buoyant and vigorous.
Yoo can get Dr. G. C. Gien reliable
remedies at Blakeley's dru store. Got
Green's Special Almanac. I
Hudson. BrownhiM & Butts have for
rent two good farms of 160 acraa each ;
one for cash rent, and tbe other for half
the oyop, tbe owner furnishing every
thing. Butb are good propoeitiona.
Write or call at tfao offlea. 11-dawtf
We offer for a limited period toe
twicava-woek Ohooviclc, price $10,
and tbe Weekly Oregonlan, price $1.M,
both paper, for 2 a yaar. Subscription
under tbie ooto mast be paid in ed-
Clark A Falk'a uavoring extracts are
tbe boot. Aek voor r eer for thorn.
Qifford'e Fotos Never Fade
Tho lorgoot and most
eofloplot line oi
in the air
are now on diapav ot
H. Gtenn & Co's
Paint and Oil Store.
Complo)to IVIaoo) of Colore) in
Satin Ribbon Just tVoeoiwod.
Ill ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmm
Too Cloak Depart
ment today announces
tho arrival of
Eiderdown and Fancy
Exceptionally pretty
things in this lint
and all very reason
ably priced.
must be seen to be appre
ciated. We will not attempt
to tell yon here of all ita
good points. Big variety of
patterna. All sizes.
We opegaVe a WtfWBKtW, TIN and BXCTOLB
HOP. AH orders entrusted to us will have
prompt action.
TBS riAT.T.ea
asaaaaBBSF BwaajBBBjBsaagaasjgg
mt Hunk hnoM Drept
gaTgaataai-saBaanaaBiOAaarOBaBa awi ailais aur to
gjgMtggao MUJMmmitAittwtuZmmtuti
PtpSaay BBoVoBaaeeaaaeM
soooWajaanSOsw aaxgggjajgagpagijagajgap
For aale by Geo. 0. BUketog. The Dallte, Or.
New Arrivals In
Boy's Reefers
Yoke Overcoats
and Russian
Blouse Coats s$
Suits and knee pants.
Never before have we
phown so attractive a
lino of boys' goods as
at the present time.
If you want your
dollars to do their full
share, bring them here.
& CO.
After vou tire of nalng ao called kidney remedieo
without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual PUlaaud bo
forsver rid of those dull pains In your pack. Discard
that old fog-y idea of "pain in tbe kidneys" and bavo
all your bladder and urinary troubles cure i, and poor
nights made restful hy the use of native sgreatesg
assistant Linoom Sexual PUla.
Price, t. 00 per box buy ol your druggist oreool
by mail on receipt of price .jn plain wrappei.
Fort Wojrne, 'n'nwei
M. Z. Donnell, Agent, Tbe Dallea.