The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 21, 1901, Image 3

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You Tour Wife
are invited here to see our
$3 Shoe
Men' Suit
All this week, $7.75 will buy a suit that
is strictly all-wool, good looking, stylish
and durable. Only new heavy winter
suits shown, latest cuts and patterns, and
positively the greatest value ever placed
on sale.
Men's black and brown stiff Hats,
$3 quality; special $2.23
Largest and most complete line of
Men's Fine Overcoats, H. S. & M. make,
$15 to $23.
The Dalles Daily Ctooflfete.
- - OCT. 21, 1001
Served T
Style... )
At Andrew KM tor 'e. I
All ff co County warrants rapiatered
prior to December 8, 1808, will ba paid
a presentation at my oJSea. Internet
tM after September 18, ISOl.
Oonnty Treasurer.
"Daughter of the Diamond King"
Will be presented at tbe Vogt tonight.
Bulbs of the beautiful Easter Lily, 10
cents each; $1 per dozen. The Dalles
Nursery. o21-3l
Hilton Harlan, formerly city edito
of The Chronicle, bas purchased the
Skamania County Pioneer and will con
duct it from this week forward.
A marriage liceuoe was issued tbi
morning to Cody Neffaud Minnie Peddi
cord, of Goldendale. Another was is
od to J. J. Bennett and Emma Cress,
ol this city.
A Frenchman lately committed sui
cide because he was homely and no wo
man would marry him, and a hen-pecked
hubby remarks editorially that some
People never do know when they are
well off.
T. A. Hudson, of the firm of Hudson
4 BrownhiU, is expected bare tonight
"on Portland to remain till tbe last cf
th week. Parties saving business with
him can fiud him at tbe office, on Wash
ington street. o21 2id-lw
Tuesday, October 22d, is the date of
he great welcome to The Dallesof Lieut.
Colonel French, of Ban Francisco, and
lbs farewell meeting of Major KimbaP,
nd a baby will be given away. A very
interesting time is expected and all are
ited to attend to bear tbe lieutenant
colonel speak and sing. It will be worth
nile coming.
Tue many friends of Dad Butts will be
"y to hear that be has been confined
"Ms bed for tbe past week with the
double thst has botbeted bin at Ia
nnis since tbe nearly fatal scolder
't befell him a coup of yaw ago.
7 ble to be oat of bad yesterday
the first time and was still improT
,Bf st last accounts.
'?bere absolutely no exense or
7y 'or the spread of diphtheria In
J "city jd B mim vma
OHaoNicw man Ibis morning. I
hate gat beyond the nrst
Zr due prreasrrtoa bed been taken.
T . A
Kououncsd it djebtharie, Anaigb-
size 5 to 8
Ladies' fleece-lined cotton
Hose, excellent value at 35c;
our price this week,
27c er mUt.
Ladies' fall-weight jersey
ribbed vests and pants; good
value at 35c; our price for
this week,
borrng woman ridiculed the idea and
told the mother of tbe patient that the
doctor was "a fool land didn't know
nothing." It was only a case of sore
throat. In a few days Mrs. Know-It-
All's own child took down sick, and tbns
it spread to other families. If people
will be careless tbey most suffer tbe ooa-
The ease of Miles Summers, which
was set for tbie afternoon before Re
corder Dohertv, has been continued till
Friday morning. Bummers is accused
of committing an assault on John Dai
ry mple at the Floyd ranch. Summers,
while on tbe way bare from Spokane
and while camping on tbe roadside near
tbe Floyd school boose, turned bis
horses into tbe school house grounds.
When Ddlrymple remonstrated with
Summers tbe latter swore tbe grounds
were public property and he would keep
bis horses in tbe enclosure as long as
he damn pleased. On further remon
strance on the part of Dalrymple, Bum
mers assaulted him with an ax. Sum
mers was arrested here by Constable
Jackson, and Recorder Doberty bound
bim to appear for trial in tbe snm of
Mr. George H. Cooper, of British Col
umbia, has invented a new system of
notation which be claims to be superior
in many respects to tbe decimal and
metric system now in general use. It is
a system of eights instead of tens, and is
designated as tbe "octimal system."
Tbe fundamental advantage of the sys
tem is that it eliminates fractions.
Eight may be subdivided to infinity and
you always get unite, never fractions or
pieces of units. Tbe very name ot the
decimal system shows its nature. It
runs to tractions so constantly that tbe
fractions is as math a natural part of
tbe term as tbe Greek "deka" meaning
ten. Mr. Cooper maintains that a sys
tem which eliminates fractions and does
not put any other bard thing in place of
it is worthy of tbe serious attention of
an intelligent world.
Mr. Obae. A. Taylor, whose "King of
the Ooium Ring" scored such a bit in
Tbe Dalles last season, will present his
latest effort entitled "Daughter of the
Diamond King" at tbe Vogt opera house
tonight. At no time bas such a east of
talented artists ever been seen on one
stage, embracing, as it does, some of tbe
best known members of tbe theatrical
profess loa. Tbe school room scene in
the first act. where thirty little ones are
seen studying tbeir books bent over
their desks, and tbe grand illumination
scene in the fourth act. during which 160
incandescent lights of various siaaa aud
colors burst forth to amaae me specta
tor, as both nasal and artistls pieces of
slag work, befog origin! and true to
nr. Tn writlnc "Daonbter of the Dia
mond King" Mr. Taylor has a prodnc-
Ufa which ova.whama awythrng h ha
heretofore alternated,
tbTmade snob a good impression with
fast black Hose,
real value 15c,
fll lAc
"The King of tbe Opium Ring," giving
excellent rendition of the author's idea.
"The town of Eaeton," says The Ken
nebec (Me.) Journal, "sends down tb
story of ninety-two potatoes which fill a
barrel and weigh 104 pounds. Jot to
get an idea of their si is, count an ordi
nary barrel of potatoes. Maple Grove
tells of a field of osje and three-fourths
acsna which yielded J26 barrels of pota
toes. Presque lajkt tells of a single po
tato, eleven i a taws long and weighing
tbsswand a hetf poands." We wonder
what these deadens of the efsete East
would saw if they saw ansa real pota
toes. Ninety-two potatoes wetffainc 164
poaetda k only a poned and three quar
ter tea, potato. These would be count
ed "scrata" in this country. We bad at
one time on exhibition in tbe office win
dow of The Chuonicle for months two
potatoes that weighed fourteen pounds,
one 1 and the other Q pounds. And
the remarkable thing about tbem was,
not that tbey were big for Oregon, but
tbat tbey were grown on what some peo
ple would call a "sand bank" on the
edge of the Columbia river.
In view of tbe fact tbat there are wild
and unfounded rumors about "twenty to
thirty" cases of diphtheria in the city,
The Ciinotucut this morning made It
its business to obtain the exact troth in
tbe case, and the following facta, ob
tained from Mayor Farley, Marshal
Cbamplln and tbe local physicians may
be relied on as tbe exact troth. There
have been eleven cases, all told, of diph
theria within the limits of the city. In
five of these oases tbe patients hare re
covered and the quarantine has been
raised. There are now six bouses quar
antined, and no metre, with one patient
in each bouse. There has been no fatal
case within the city limits, One case
outside tbe city limits, near Thompson's
Addition, ended fatally at 1 o'clock yes
terday morning. It as that of Claud
Millikio, a boy of 7 years. He was
buried privately yesterday forenoon.
The city authorities are doiog all in
their power to maintain a strict quaran
tlnd of all infected dwelling, and if tbe
iamates and others had co-operated with
them as tbey should tbe disease need
not have spread as it bas. Tbe authori
ties have determined to punish to tbe
full extent of tbe law all future viola
tions of tbe quarantine ordinance.
Meanwhile there is no real occasion for
alarm. Let tbe people unitedly co-operate
with the authorities in enforcing
strict quarantine and tb diss will be
stamped ont in a very short time.
Tbe Troth or tba Matter.
Referring to the paid advertisement
which appeared in Tern Csumwiolb of
Saturday, the Wth last., and algnad by
TOs. H. Lite, I will say the gold
wattcn referred to by Mr. Liebe satcago
loOfca. i. Btnbliag ad was placed la
my caw by Mr. HMg, In tb lettaf
and was act place e
of Iff. Lafba, a h
S. ftobtf held at raspaaai-
Perhaps you will be surprised to
see the shoes we are selling. at $3.
Our Great $3 Shoe is our Leader.
It's made in a Lady's shoe and
Gentleman's, and if there is a bet
ter shoe on earth sold for $3 we
have never seen it The winter
styles are here, of the best stocks
and new lasts. On the foot you
can't tell our $3 shoes from a $5
hie for the watch, as he himself will
testify. As to the charge of drunken
ness, I will say I was confined at home
with a badly crippled shoulder for over
two week, and was unable to work, a
Drs. Doane and Eshelman will testify.
Mr. Liebe did not make this charge
from bis own knowledge, as he never
called upon me nor did we so each
other until I bad baan in the employ of
T. A. Van Nordeo for than two
weeks. Consequently be drew a poo hia
imagination or acted upon hearsay avi
donee. The truth of tb matter is tbat
Mr. Liebe, by his hasty actions, bat
made a vacant place in the mechanical
department of his establishment which
cannot be filled, as all food watchmakers
have employment. Mr. Liebe is now
mad at me because I did not go to him
and open beaded knees beg for re
instatement ; mad at Mr. Van Norden
because he (Van Nor den)' gave me em
ployment, and mad at himself because
of bis hasty actions. And now be seeks
revenge hy trying to place a stigma
upon myself and my innocent little
children, and by trying to injure the
business of T. A. Van Norden, who has
the entire confidence of the people far
and near, and whose business is placed
upon too firm a foundation to be shaken
by Mr. Liebe, or anyone else.
Res pee if ally,
J. E. Adcox.
8heriff Kelly went to Portland yester
A. M. McLaod, of Goldendais, is in
tbe city
Vine Circle and wife, of Prineviiie,
are in tbe city
Charley McAllister fs registered at tbe
Umatilla House from i rout dale.
W. Peno Watson and W. F. Rand are
registered at the Umatilla House from
Hood River.
M. P. Isenberg, of Hood River, arrived
here on the noon train ana returneo
borne on No. I.
John Minto. of the internal revenue
department, is in the city on business
connected with his a pertinent
B. A. Gilford, tbe photographer, weot
to Loot Lake tbie morning to secure a
new picture of tbat place and tbe sur
rounding scenery.
Mies Lucille Monaahao, a trained
nurse formerly of St. Vincent's hospital,
arrived here Saturday night to wait on
Mrs. P. i. Htadlemea, who is seriously
ill of typhoid favor at tb residence of
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
G. 8. Mat Alllster, of Booth Bridge,
Massachusetts, arrived bar Saturday
aad it visiting bis uncle and aunt, Mr.
end Mrs, . 8. Mac Alllster. He rx
pacts to leave here Wednesday to accept
a 1 si portent position in toe laeeuieery
department of the Willamette Iron
Moed Tea peetUveiy eases Biek Mead.
aad ttasttptcioo. A
aadfOen. tceAstey, the drtggdat.
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to onr store. A new fresh,
clean stock. Give ub a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
Ittaiet &
Headquarter for
Family Groceries.
Hardware. Tinware. Graniteware,
Stores and Steel Ranges.
167 Second Street. THE DALLES. OR.
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
..logs' am hull's SCHOOL SUITS..
We have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make vour purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT
Tbe NewTork Cash Store
Undertaker aid Embalmer
Cor. Third and Waahlnton
AH orders attended te promptly. Long
distance phone 4U. Local, 10i.
Joan Fashek, The tailor,
Mas joet received 1000 sacs pit
of the latest patceras in Gent's
Outing fined. Ha geese
tat prates aad good St ar at
pay. t i t i
r4P4Msj eBsBSaPva!f sPftsS PssaviiJJpa
fire InMiraoce.
Ui IWoi I (rw l. (. of Uete.
rounded ISM.
Capital paid ap .. ..: 7,
Mow la the time to insure; tomor
row may be loo lata.
Phone Mo. AS. Beufert A Condon.
Phone No. M, Pacific State Co.
t Af tat, tm utile.
Whypsy per gallon for
palate when yea tan nay