. -w -Apr WwWwWrMw'W lT'elNuTJFduTer T v ! .. . v - Slje Dalles sip (Kljcimitle. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1901. NO. 210 Vegetable Preparation! As similating itwFoodandfictfuia ting the StpM nnrilViwcls of Promotes DigeatioiWChecrruF ness andRest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. flmpkut Sent' stlx.Smmi RxhM SmUt - ClanfudJUtf Apeifecl Remedy for Cons tipa fion , Sour Stomadi.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. risiuirtin exact copy or wrapper. Death Dae to Canaer. Hartford, Conn., Oct. 19. Rear-Admiral Francis M. Bunce, U. 8..N. (re tired), died today At bis home here. Admiral Bunce'e death, while sudden, was not entirely unexpected, as his family had been warned to expect the worst. Last May cancer of the tongue developed and an operation in Boston resulted in the removal of the admiral's tongue. In September the disease at tacked the throat, and the patient grew weaker from that time fighting a hope less battle with the courage which has always characterized the man. Two weeks ago he took to bis bed and has been practically confined there ev r since. (Francis Marvin Bnnoe was born December 25, 1836, and was appointed to the Naval Academy May 28, 1852. He served with distinction in the Civil War, taking part in the blockade of Wiming too, N. C, and in the capture ot Morris Island, 8. C, July 10, 1863, he com manded the expedition which co-operated with (jeneral Gilmore in the reduction of the confederate works on the island. and was in the attack on Fort Bumpier, j September 8, 1863. Ho served on the monitor Patapsco in the eiege of Charleston. In November, 1863, he was wounded by the premature explosion of a shell in tbe turVett of tbe Patausco. He was on tbe staff of Admiral Dahlgren nd received honorable mention time and time again for gallant conduct. He received a captain commission in 1883, and was made a commodore in 1803. In 1898, he was given the rank of rear admiral,) Hour Fnoe Shows the state of your feelings and the late of your health u well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale end sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and orn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It onres all blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparitlas and o called purifiers fail; knowing this we H every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blelej, too druggist, "'th Infantry llaruaa to . Bntrr.d Ngw Yobx, Oct. 10. Aioor '.ingto Niagara Rtl. v v . i.i ik world, by a singular coincidence a cele bration uniqua. In history, and concern Si mor i ik.n i ik. mk Du law. to be c irriod oat almost at lb sit n ws ;,ac been reosiwed of aa r disaster to this splendid organisa CASTORIA For Intents and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TNt ecMTMin tonMNVi new voim am. tion, noted in many wars. Today in Canada the bodies of nine heroes of tbe regiment, killed in the war of 1812, will be reinterred on Lundy's Lane battle field, where they fell. H. W. Brush, United States contul at Niagara Falls, and chairman of the committee having charge of the interment of the bodies, which were found a few months ago on the battlefield and identified as mem bers of the Ninth, makes this announce ment: "A company of United States soldiers from Fort Niagara will be met at tbe center of the upper steel arch bridge, Niagara Falls, at about 3 p. m. today by a company of Canadian soldiers, who will act as an escort to Lundy's Lane. It will be a strictly military funeral. In many respects the exercises will be with out prtced-mt. The Canadian govern ment has given the United States sol diers permission to enter Canada with their side arms, and has extended every cour.eey. Bhe Didn't Wear a Mask. But her beauty was completely hiddtn by sores, blotches and pimples till ebe used Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Then they vanished as will all Eruptions, Fever Sores, Boils, Ulcere, Carbuncles and Felons from its use. Infallible for Cuts Corns, Burns, Scalds and Piles. Cure guaranteed. 25catG. O. Blakeley's drug store. ' 3 Mothers every where praise One Minute Cough Cure for the sufferings it has relieved and the lives of their little ones it has saved. Strikes at the root of the trouble and draws our the inflam mation. The children's favorite Cough Cure. Clarke 4 Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Heap will make your hair harsh, dry and orispy. Now we have two of the yery best preparations for cleansing tbe aoalp Egg and Pine Tar Sham poo. It will leave your hair soft and ifloesv. Price, 26 and 60 cents a bottle, at leaser's barber chop, Tbe Dalles. tf Old Soldier' Stsperlaoae. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doe tor's treatment, but was wholly eurtd by Dr. King's New Life Pille. wbieb worked wonders for br bealtb." They always do. Try them. Onl Stsat O. C. BUutelty's drag store. Floral lotion will core wind ehapfasf and eaabara. Maoofaetosed by OUrfes Falk. Ms NO FURTHER WORD FROM MISS STONE Missionary Searchers Are Unable te Find Any Trace of tbe Brigand Band. Constantinople, Oct? 19. Neither W. W. Peer, treasurer of the American Bible House, nor Spencer Eddy, sec re tary of tbe United States legation, bad received any news up to noon today from tbe missionaries who are searching for the brigands who kidnaped Miss Ellen Stone and ber companion, Mme. Tsilka. Messrs. Peet and Eddy bad a long con ference today as to the advisability of reinforcing the searchers, but decided that the present arrangements sufficed. Consul-General Dickinson remains at Sofia and will operate from there nntil the liberation of Mies Stcne is accom plished. The difficult nature of tbe country handicaps the searchers, and heavy rains have increased the difficulty of traversing the paths which are the only means of access to the biding places of the bandits in tbe rugged mountain range. Thick mists generally envelop the region in Autumn, pregenting even experienced mountaineers from travel ing. Early in tbe week ono of tbe missionary searchers actually located the bandits and was approaching their re treat, when the brigands, apparently fearing to approach the troops, shifted their quarters and track of them was again lost. Now, however, that tbe troops have been called off, tbe directors of tbe search are hopeful of making better progress, though they pointed out that even after the brigands are found tne negotiations may be prolonged, especially in view of tbe lack of tele graph facilities. New YofiK, Oct. 19. Concerning the cise of Miss Ellen M. Stone, the missing missionary, Rev. George D. Marsh cables to . the Journal and Adyertiser from Samakov : "After twenty-nine years' experience in Bulgaria, during which I won tbe sobriquet, 'Bulgarian Atrocity,' my knowledge of the brigands leads me to believe they are widely dispersed and Miss Stone is quietly sequestered in some mountain village, of wbiob tbe villagers, partly in fear, would scorn to tell tbe authorities. Modern brigands are sorry successes. They are chivalrous cut throats who believe tbst if they touched a da meal they would die in a Turkish prison. A Turkish minister ,is credited with the flippant, though expressive saying v 'Tbe kidnaping of another American woman would bankrupt tbe Ottoman Empire.' " An Explanation. T. A. Van Norden has seen fit to an nounce that tbe firm of J. E. Adcox & Company is extinct. The firm name is extinct it is true, but, as everybody knows, the business continues as before, and I have been its sole owner since December 10, 1900, since which time Mr. Adcox worked for me for wages till abont a month aso. wben I discharged bim for drunkenness sod for taking and pawning a gold watch left in my care for repairs. Those sending watches from a distance intended for J. 5. Adcox 4 Co. will please address them to myself, where tbey will receive tbe attention of as skilled a watchmaker as there is in tbia eity. All work done at my store is guaranteed, as this has always been my method of doing business. ol9 dawtf Tsso. H. Lima. Tot Cauae. Nlffct Alarm. "One night my brother's baby was taken witb Croup," writee Mrs. I. C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed it would etrangle before we could get a doctor, sows gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, wbicb gave quick relief and permanently oared it. We always Seep it ta tbe boose to protect oar children from Croup sad Whooping Cough. It cured me of cbronie bronchial trouble tuat ne other remedy would relieve." Infallible for Gong be. Colds, Tbroas zttXr2t.WZ&?; 555. 9 Sabeeribe lay Tax OsLapxw' " New Arrivals In Rufllod Muslin Swiss and Bobbinat Curtains. The Arrivals of NCW GOODS a Daily Occurrence. Stocks in all Departments quite Complete. New Shipment of Waists, Suits And A. M. Bralu Food Noaa.n.e. Another ridiculous food fad has been oranded by the most competent author ities. They have dispelled the silly no tion that one kind of food is, needed for brain, another for muscles, and still an other for bone. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is dertroyed by indi gestion or dyspeysia. You must pre pare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of tbe healthy millions. A few doses aids digestion, stimulates tbe liver to besltby action, purifies the blood, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get Dr. G. C. Gieen'a reliable remedies at Blakeley's drug store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1 Hudson, Brownbi!l & Butts have for rent two good farms cf 160 acres each ; one for cash rent, and the other for hall the crop, the owner furnishing every thing,, Both are good propositions. Write or call at the office. 11-dawtf We offer for a limited period tbe twice-e-week Chbomcle, price $1.60, end tbe Weakly Oregonian, price $1.60, both papers for 'i a year. Subscriptions under this offer must be paid in ad vance. 1 Clarke dt Falk's flavoring extracts ore tbe best, ask vour tr nser for tbem. Grifford's Potos Naver Fade JUST ARRIVED t The largest and moat complete line of . . . Ptaoht nouuHnes ever shown in tbe city are now oa display at H. Glenn & Co's Paint and Oil Store. Complete Line of Colors in Satin Ribbons Just Roeoiwod. The Cloak Depart ment today announces the arrive) ot New Dressing Sacques and Komonas Eiderdown and Fancy Terry-cloth BatK Robes Exceptionally pretty things in this line and all very reason ably priced. Our DOLLAR SKirt must he seen to be appre ciated. We will not attempt to tell you here of all Its good points. Big variety of patterns. All slsa. Flannel Jackets. Williams We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYOLB REP AIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. i V SEXTON eft. THE DALLES, lyon's French Periodical Drops immmw sunsww.ip. ureases' saowa ! SIMHsbUI SAaaanaaa atef aaTaaSSaSSEBoAaEa -a leBalaaTbajBBaM- Vtad aVdnRonlEnS Is Mot 1 CTaVTwss&ro for este by Oeo. O, llskeiey, The Dallas, Or, Now Arrivals In Boy's Reefers Yoke Overcoats and Russian Blouse Coats Suits and knee pants. Never before have we shown so attractive a lino of boys' goods as at the present time. If- you want your dollars to do their full share, bring them here. SL Co. YOUR KIDNEYS. After you tire of ueine so-called kidney re mealies without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pille and be forever rid of those dull pains In your back. Discard that old (kv Idea ot "pain in the kidneys" sad bass all your bladder and urinary troubles cure), andyosr nights made restful by the me of natuu s greatest astifttant -Linooln Sexual Pills. Price, II 00 -per box buy ot your druggist Of east by mall on receipt of price, In plain wrap par. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY JO Fort Wayne, India as M. Z. Dounell, Agsnt, The Dalles. WAIaTHZSR. - - OREGON. fleeatrni