The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 19, 1901, Image 3

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f New Suitings
Wonderiully complete is this new stock
now. The brilliant successes of the past are to
be repeated, and doubled this year. We have
the stock, we have the facilities, and we have in
addition the price-making power that gives you
fine materials for the same money that is ordi
narily paid for inferior qualities.
Black Goods.
All-wool Cheviot Suitings,
All-wool Prunella,
All-wool Zibeline,
All-wool Satin Burba,
All-wool Whipcords.
Colored Dre Goods.
Imported Fancy Waist Cloth,
All-wool Cheedda Cloth,
All-wool Venetian Cloth,
Golf Suitings,
Melton Skirtings.
For thfo week we are showing a special
line of French Series (just received) at Wc
and $1 per yard.
In our 5Mk Debartment, special line of
all-silk (Joioreo laneta,
per yard.
The Dalles Daily Cltfoniele.
OCT. 19, 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
All Waico'County warrant, r.glatered
prior to December 8, 1898, will be paid
on presentation mt my office. Interest
iM after September 10, 10O1.
Comity Treasurer.
"The Sea of Ice"
At the Vogt opera bouse tonight.
Mils Omeg, of this city, is teaching a
term of school at Ash wood, Crook coun
ty. A marriage license was issued this
morning to Frank Janes and Vlra
Ray. Clarence Lake, of this city, is
announced to hold services in Prinevilie
on the 27th instant.
Farquhar Gillies yesterday declared
his intention of becoming a citizan of
the United States.
Fonnd-A little purse with a few
penuies in it, which the owner can have
by calling at this office.
The forest rangers under Supervisor
H. H. Dufur, were relieved from
duty for the year on tbe 15:h instant.
Ladies wanted to work on sofa pillow? .
Material furnished. Steady work guar'
anteed; experience unecessary. Send
stamped envelope to. Miss McQee,
Needlework Dept., Ideal Co., Chicago.
From tbe Do for Dispatch we learn of
the loss by fire, on the 12th instant, of
the residence of George Moody, uf Victor.
The household effects were saved, as
were the outbuildings, but unfortunate
ly there was no insurance on the prop
rty destroyed.
Stock Inspector A. A. Bonney has
quarantined the sheep of F.N. Jones
od C. P. TJ'Beo, of tbe Bakeoven
neighborhood. . Both flocks have scab
nd they are confined, until dipped, to
(be range adjoining the dipping grounds
' their owriera.
Articles of incorporation of the Morn
ing Star Mining Company were filed
this morning in tbe office of tbe county
clerk. Tbe incorporators Me Wilbur
Bolton, F.nlay MeBetb gad Arthur P.
Fowne. The caoital atook is com noted
2,000,000 tbarpt of tbe par value of
The firm of J. E. Adoox 4 Co. being
extinot, J. . Adoox, too watch
mr, fornmiy of tettt firm, is now lo
bs employ of T. A. Wen Korean. Shoot
wog watches in from a distance, Is
Uad (or J. ft. Adton, poraeoally, will
tor this week, at
please address the same to T. A.
Van Norden, The Dalles. olSdawtf
John MacDone, who has been known
as the "Patriarch of Gonnemara," has
just died at tbe age of 125 in bis cottage
at Errislanin, near Clifden, at tbe edge
of the Atlantic, on tbe west coast of Ire
land. He was born in 1776, and bad a
vivid recollection of tbe landing of the
French under General Humbert at Killa
la in 1798.
Tbe Dufur Dispatch says an effort was
made to burglarise the store of Johnston
Bros, laat Sunday night. An entrance
was effected by cutting a hole in tbe
glass of the back door, so as to reach
through and unlock the door from the
inside. It is not known whether any
thing was taken, as nothing is, as yet,
missed. There is no clue to the evil
An old lady who objected to the use of
tobacco, having seated herself in one of
tbe smoker's Beats of a car next to a gen
tleman who was enjoying his cigar, no
sooner got a whiff of the smoke than she
said to him: "If yon were my husband,
sir, I'd give you a dose of poison." Tbe
man looked at her a moment and quick
ly remarked : "If I were your hoeband,
ma'am, I'd take the poison."
The increasing popularity of tbe
Wiedemann's Big Show, which has
entertained The Dalles people every
night this week, may be gathered from
tbe fact that at an early hour yesterday
afternoon every reserved seat had been
taken, and that a like oondition pre
vailed at 8 o'clock this morning. To
accommodate tbe crowd that will surely
be at the Vogt tonight, raised seats have
been erected In the rear of tbe ball that
will seat a good many who will thereby
be able to secure a good view of tbe
stage. -L
A telephone message from Croat KeysH
announced tbe deatn at mai piaco mis
morning of A. J.Priday, a prominent
r.mnk- atockruan and brother off
w. vus -v aBaeajBa-
Mre. M. P. Morris, of this city. TTTbeTBobinton, tbe friend of ell, carried off
cause of death was Rrlgbt'a disease. The
deceased was a native of England, where
be was born about 55 years ago. He baa
been a resident of Crook county for
about twenty-five years. He leavers a
wife and six children, four of whom are
at borne, and two, a ton and married
daughter, are living In California. Tbe
funeral will take place Monday at Hay
E. Flah, whom Sheriff Kelly brought
back here from Boise City, waa exam
ined tills afternoon in Justice Browu:
bill's court on the charge of receiving
money under false pretenses. Deputy
District Attorney F. W. Wilson appeared
for the prosecution and V. J. Sinnott, of
the firm of Bennett anonou, m too
defense. Ben Wilson I wore that he had
given Vieb 100 on a cheek which Flab
asked to have returned to aim. when be
presented Wilton with another cheek
i aonfi and Wilenocaao Pith tbe hun
dred dollott of difference. Too chock
drawn on tbe First Nation! IUo
Style and
11 1
Vld2 fsAm CIA 4a CM
m m
Clothes J"
BWI0KT 101 V
ggggOaorYKiawT 101 gV
of The Dalles: Max A. Vogt, cashier of
the bank, swore that Fish bad no funds
in the hank at the date of the check,
nor at any other time. This was all tbe
testimony submitted and Justice Brown
hill bound over tbe defendant in tbe
sum of $500.
Dr. R. C. Rollins, who is back Beat
on a visit to the fan-American exposi
tion, writes as follows to the Great Vol
ley Journal : "I bad a pleasant inter
view with the Hon. E. L. Smith, presi
dent of the Oregon 6ate Horticultural
Society, who, on Oregon's day, stood be
fore tbe multitude of 187,000 people and
proclaimed our right to be awarded the
first prize for tbe beat exhibit of fmita
at tbe Pan-American exposition, and it
waa awarded in fine style. Hurrah for
Oregon and Hon. E. L. Smith, of Hood
River. May he live to a ripe old age,
and meanwhile be our distinguished
president of our State Horticultural So
Charles Hlx, the 14 year-old eon of
John HIz, of Xiugsley, died at tbe borne
of hie parents last Sunday. About eight
months ago, while tbe lad was recover
ing from an attack of meaeles, he be
came faint and fell into tbe parlor fire
and was horribly burned before be was
discovered. All that tbe skill of a local
physician and that of tbe physicians of
Tbe Dalles Hospital was done for bim,
but in vain. Tbe poor lad suffered a
thousand deaths since the accident and
th? end has been anticipated for some
weeks. Tbe pareuts of tbe dead boy
have the deep sympathy of all who
know tbe sad circumstances connected
with his death.
"The Steam Laundry," as presented
by the Wiedemann Company at tbe
Vogt last night, proved to be tbe best
comedy of tbe week and kept tbe large
audience in a good humor throughout
tbe evening. Tom Wiedemann at
Georgie De Bum, the happy-go-lucky
tramp, and Heine Wiedemann as men
tbe honors of tbe evening
The rest of
tbe east were good and at usual maoy
pleasing vaudeville feature! were Intro
dooed. The Wiedemann! are much bet
ter than tbe majority of high-priced
attractions that vitit our city and will
undoubtedly be greeted by another full
bouse tonight, when tbey present tbe
famous costume play, "Tbe Sea of lee."
Card ot Tfeaoka.
We, tbe family and immediate rela
tives oi the late Wenceslaoe Pasbok, de
sire to express oar deep gratitude end
thanks to his many friends and acquaint'
for tbe kindness and sympathy
to us io oar great sslieUsai nod
Anna Pashik and Chilomm.
Mabtin Jacxsha and Family.
Bent House at ead
north tide. Will bo
of Third
rested to
rssooasthJs parte. Inquire W Mr.A.K.
Crosby at Blakeley's Pharmacy. Id le
n1 ''
See for Yourself
You don't need to be told
that H. S. & M. suits and
overcoats have the touch of
true style, you can see it for
yourself in the cut; you can
see it even better in the suit
and overcoat itself, ready for
you to try on here at any
time. We have plenty to
show of many styles suits
and overcoats good clothes.
If p Wo
See our display of Suspen
ders " Knothe " positively
best made.
Balratton Army
A baby is to be given away at the
Salvation Army ball Tuesday evening,
Oct. 22od. Come and tee who gete tbe
baby. Lieutenant-Colonel French, of
San Francisco, and Major Kimball, of
Portland, wiil visit Tbe Dalles on tbe
above date and a very Interesting meet
ing will be conducted In tbe Salvation
Army hall. Good music will be one of
tbe features of the evening.
Colonel French is an officer of nineteen
yeara standing. He was converted In
1881 and hat gone through all grades of
officerthlp, from cadet upwards ; his laat
promotion, from the rank of brigadier
to that of lieutenant-colonel, having
taken place in the beginning of 189V.
He is a man oi pleasing appearance, and
a powerful speaker, with clear and
melodious voice. In bis speech there it
no ranting, no sensationalism, bat a
quiet, clear-cut presentation of hie tab
ject, leaving a decidedly favorable im
pression on bis hearers.
While Lieutenant-Colonel French if
paying The Dalles bis welcome visit, the
major is visiting as for tbe lest time.
All are cordially invited to attend tbia
meeting, which will be interesting to
An Explanation.
T. A. Van Norden baa teen fit to an
nounce that too firm of 3. E. Adoox 4
Company it extinct. Tbe firm name la
extinot it it true, bat, at everybody
knows, tbe business continues as before,
and I have been its sole owner since
December 10, 1000, since which time
Mr. Adcox worked for me for wagea till
about a month ago, when I discharged
bim for drunkenness and for taking and
pawning a gold watch left In my care for
repairs. Those sending watches from a
distance intended for J. .. Adoox A Co.
will please addreaa tbem to myself,
wbere tbey will receive the attention of
as skilled a watchmaker at there It in
this city. All work done at my store it
guaranteed, at tbit baa alwayt been my
method of doing butlness.
o!9 dtf Thjso. H. Lixss.
For Infants and Children.
tit KM Yoa Hav0 Always otactil
Bears tbe
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently eared by anion- tfokt Tea. A
pjcootet barb drink. Carat constipation
and indigestion, makes yoa eat, elate
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money book. eU. and 60 eta. Blakeley,
Why nay 1.71 par gallon tor inferior
points when yoa oaa bay Jsasos I,
to the
The Pianos which have
been endorsed by the most
eminent experts are now on
exhibition right here in your
city, and are offered at prices
upon easy terms of payment,
heretofore never attempted by
a reliable house.
The laws underlying the
theories of standard piano
construction are today an un
acquainted feature with nine
hundred and ninety-nine peo
ple out of every thousand, and
in the advanced race for busi
ness many cheap and inferior
instruments are being offered
for sale through various ave
nues by an unscrupulous class
of illiterate venders.
When you stop to consider
that the Stein way, the great
Kimball, the wonderful Weber,
the peerless Chickering, are
conceded by the world's great
est critics to be the acme of
piano construction, you need
not hesitate to buy now.
Thus far the business al
ready transacted during this
special sale has been of the
most flattering type, and we
beg to offer th rough the col
umns, of this paper our hearty
appreciation and many thanks
for the liberal patronage be
stowed upon us, and our
earnest endeavor will be to
please and satisfy the most
skeptical, with a positive and
distinct guarantee with each
and every instrument sold at
this really reduced-price and
genuine piano sale.
Yours for good Pianos,
mm I mus
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
MONDAY, October Slat,
Chat. L, Taylor'a Beautiful Srenlo
of the
Four Beautiful Stage Pictures in the life
of an American uiri.
A Company of 20 Select Performers.
Supported by C. A. if cG rath,
The Foreign Acrobats, Clowns, Jugglers,
Tbe Lento Trio,
The New York Ltdlet Quintette.
See Our Children !
Bring Your Children !
First 3 rows, 75c; balanco of
the house, 50c.
Heats on sa!e at Clarke A Falk's, Pott
Offfoe Pharmacy.
F. J. CLARK K, Manager.
THURSDAY, Oot. 24th.
The World Renowned
in a New and Marr "loos Program
of Ssnsotiooal Novelties,
accompanied by
..McWatters and Tyson..
and Company In their Latest
Vaudeville Success,
"Scenes in i Dressing Room."
Reserved Seats $1.00; balance
of the house 50c.
Seats now on ssle at Clarke A Fele'o
' PottoBoa Pharmacy.
Fire Inaarancte
Ut iWoi I Crm be. Co. o( lotto.
ruuuOod ItftU.
Capitol paid np 07,500,000
Aaeete OSIO.liltMWS
Now is the time to insure ; tomor
row may be too late.
Phone No. M. Heufert A Condon.
Phono No. 803, Pacific Btateo Co.
Resident Agent, The Pallet.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington eUe.
Ail orders attended t promptly. Long
dlttanat phone iia. Local. IPS.
John PMhBk, Th Tailor,
Has just received 1000 templet
of the latest patterns in Otot't
Clothing Goods. He guar.
Iota prtceo sod a good it or e
Pel. : i ; J t