t Dulles pc&nkk. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 19. 1901. NO. 209 Angela We PrtparaiioaftfAfl slmilaiing ihcFoodandBetfute ling the Stomachs andBowcta of promotes Digrationteerfur ness and Rest.Contalns neither Snum.Morphine nor Mineral OT NARCOTIC. flmtp&m Sent' AU.Smn nwnna; Aperfect Remedy forConsUpa Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Death of rillaburjr. Minneapolis, Oct. 18. John 6. Pills bury, former governor of Minnesota, and one of the white's foremost citizens, died early today of Bright's disease. He was owr 9flventy-threeearsXoId, Ha was a member of the famous family of flour millers and in spite of numerous bene factions he has made, leaves a large fortune. Mr. Pillsbury served three terms as tovernor, from 1876 to 1882. He was al ways the friend and benefactor of the University of Minnesota, to which he gue its $150,000 science hall, and on whose campus its alumni erected to him fine bronz ) statute. Ha was a life member of the Bard of Regents. He Presented to his native town of Sutton, N. H., a town ball in memory of bis parenta. With his wife he established end endowment fund of $100,000 for a home in this city for children and aged women. List year he built here a home for workiug girls at a cost of $25,000, and this year he gave $76,000 for a public library on the East Side. Mr. Pillsbury has been a resi lent of Minneapolis Hiuee 1853. In AIL Btone'a Behalf. Nkw Youk, Oct. 18. The correspond 01 at Samakov of the Journal and Advertisej cibles that paper as follows : 'It is learned that Mine, fiakmetiew, lfo of the Russian diplomatic agent at fcoua, formerly Miss Beal.of Washington, hM began tnergetic work in behalf of litont'. and the strong attitude oy tue orman diplomatic agent, Mcaose of the murder of a German wareler, may hasten the authorities to about Miss Stone's release. The lgarun authorities are wording hard Prevent the ransom from being paid Bulgarian soil. Hnce Dr. Haskell aely to get another letter, requesting Wmsnt of the ransom on Turkish writory." Haw Up Bf asiwop, WAgIUNQT0N i9.-8e,lor simoR. ursgon, culled upon the president m morning, and bad pleasant inter concerning appointments in Oregon. with 'S "y ' dissatisfaction toe appointment of George W. uT'' 'eoeiver of the Oregon City J1 office. President iloosevelt Mid be hakTk pr-,lco ot tbe 2o harmony in tbe Oregon senatorial TM00' n making tbe lecent ap Jtaant of Bibee be believed there ao objection on tbe part of anyone He Hored Senator Simon CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The KM You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMt CIMTAUn aOMMHV. MCW TOM BIT. that in future no aprointment would be made in Oregon without first consulting both senators. Upon receipt of a telegraphic protest from Senator Simon against Bibee's ap pointment several days ago, tbe presi dent held up the commission which had already been made ou'. It is probable in view of today'd conference that the appointment will be allowed to stand, and some future compromise be ar ranged. No recommendation has yet been made to fill tbe receiver hip of tbe Burns land district. It is possible Hayes may continue to receive for several weeks yet. alt Lake Tribune Sold. 6alt Lake City, Oct. 18. The Salt Tribune today editorially announces the sale of that paper to William C. Mc Bride, for many years head of tbe Wash ington press bureau of the Cincinnati Enquirer. Patrick H. Lennan, for nineuen years proprietor of the Tribune, reliree from active newspayer work. Judge C. O. Goodwin, who for many years has been associated with Mr. Lannnn an editor of the Tribune, also retires from the Tribune, and will devote bis lime to literary work. The Tribune will be continued republican in politics. ' Ontlook la Bad. London, Oct. 18 Tbe Globe this after, noon Bays it fears that tbe safety of Mies Ellen M, Stone is seriously compromised by tbe attitude of Consul-General Dick inson in refusing to pay tbe ransom and in demanding that Bulgaria arrest tbe leaders of tbe Macedonian committee as the real authors of the missionary's abduction. Tbe paper says the situation contains all tbe factors of a grave inter national complication and thieatene to assume importance tar neyoua ine personality of any individual missionary. Olive Growers Unite. Los Angklkb. Cal., Out. 18.-About two-thirds of the olive growers of Cali fornia h ve united in an attempt to ob tain better prices for their product. Thev bave appointed a commute to devise a plan for the organisation of all the olive growers of the state, first torm ina a local orgaoiaation. Specific laws against tbe adulieralloo of olive oil will be urged upon the next congress. Complete tailor system of drew cot ting tiuht by Mrs. S. E. Heoderaon at her reaidsnoe on third street, near Msd iton. olQ-dsarlw Wanted Ironers at The Dallas steam laundry. AW TEN KILLE0 AND SIX WOUNDED Detachment of Forty-Six, Americans At tacked by Five Hundred of the Enemy. Manila, Oct. 18. Five hundred Bolo men attacked a detachment of forty-six of the Ninth Infantry at Bang j in, on the Gandara river, island of Samar, to day, killing ten and wounding six. The remainder of the company arrived on thercene in time to prevent further slaughter, and routed tbe enemy, killing over 100 of them. It Is believed that the enemy only retired for reinforcements. Ab soon as the news was received at Oatbalogan, two gunboats were dis patched, General Smith going in person to tbe scere. Washington, Oct. 18. Tbe following brief cablegram from General Chaffee, reporting tbe fight of the.Ninth Infantry in Samar, Wednesday, was received at the war department this afternoon ! "Manila, Oct. 18. Corbin, Adjutant General, Washington: Fort? -six men, Company E, Ninth United States In fantry, under First Lieutenant George W, Wallace, in field, Lower Oanadara, Samar, were attacked by 900 Bolomen, October 16th. Our loss ten killed, six wounded ; names not received. Eighty- one of tbe enemy left dead on the field. Enemy beaten off." Cave-In of Bock. New Yoek, Oct. 18. Fifty tons of rock caved in the rapid transit tunnel at One Hundred and Sixty-seventh treet and Broadway today, carrying death to an undetermined number of forty men, wbo were at work below tbe surface. Four are known to be dead. Many of tbe workmen are imprisoned in a small chamber of the excavation, and their fate will not be known until the rescuers, who are digging toward them, reach the point where tbey are entombed. Tbey are 600 feet south of tbe great shaft, at the Intersection of One Hundred and; Sixty-seventh street and Broad way , and 110 feet under ground It is estimated by some of the engineers that there wasir enough in tbe chamber to keep the imprisoned men alive for several boors. The engineers have decided that the only way to get to tbe oave-in is to tnnnel around the rock which had fallen. Tbe contractors are unable to explain tbe disaster. Tbey said it was tbe west side of tbe tunnel work that bad col lapsed, and tbat it bad seemed on in spection to have consisted of solid rock and to bave been yery firm. Mora Honor for Oregon. Buffalo, Oct. 18. "More honors for Oregon at tbe Pan-American exposi tion." Thus wires Henry E. Doecb, one of Oregon's commissioners to the ex position, and adds : "Oregon butter, put up in tins last June for export trade, cored 83'.. points, being one-half point higher than standard fresh butter, and highest point scored for export butter." Tax Dodger Given Ula Junt Dasarta. Cbawfohdbvillk, Ind., Oct. 18. William Cox. a wealthy farmer, has been fined $1000 and costs in the circuit court for dodging taxes. It was ahown that for seventeen years be baa made false returna and escaped taxation of over $100,000. As a result of the criminal nroaecutioo, the assessor has placed $60,000 on tbe tax duplicate against him. Mothers every where praise One Minute Cough Cure for tbe sufferings it has relieved and tbe lives of their little ones it has saved. Strike at tbe root of tbe trouble and draws our tbe inflam mation. Tbe children's favorite Cough Core. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. If vou want to retain your hair yoo have to keep your scalp clean. Soap trill make your bair harsh, dry and erlapy. Now we bave two of tbe yery beat Dre Deration for cleansing to aln and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your nair boh ana b Priee. 86 and 60 oenta bottle, at Fra barber shop. Tbe Dallas. tt Floral lotto wHi osre wind chapping and Moburn. Msnaieotarad by Cars Falk. Men's Trousers COMPLETE NEW LINE of Trousers in the latest Fall patterns and materials all sizes now ready. $1.50 to $7.50 A. M. Brain Food Nonseaee. Another ridiculous food fad has been oranded by tbe most competent author ities. Tbey bave dispelled the silly no tion that one kind of food is needed for brain, another for muscles, and still an other for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of tbe body, but It will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indi gestion or dyspeysia. You must pre pare for tbelr appearance) or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, tbe favorite medicine of tbe healthy millions. A few doses aids digestion, stimulates tbe liver to healthy action, purifies tbe blood, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get Dr. G. C. Gieen's reliable remedies at Blakeley's drug store. Get Green's 8pecial Almanac. 1 Hudson, BrownbiM A Butte have for rent two good farms of 160 acres each ; one for cash rent, and tbe otber for halt the crop, tbe owner furniabing every thing. Both are good propositions. Write or call at the office. 11-dawtf We offer for a limited period the twice-a-week Chboniclb, price $1.50, and tbe Weekly Oregonian, prion $1.60, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions under this offer must be paid in ad vanoe. ' Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracts are tbe beet. Aek your 0 Mjer for them. Gifford's Fotos Never Fade JUST ARRIVED I The largest and most complete line of ... MUM ever ahown is the city aa now on display st H. Glenn & Co's Faint and Oil tors. Williams W JUL! jBLJEJBI Jk.dt'BSVl'VM FOR We operate a PLUMBING, TIN and BIOTOLB REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON WALTHER, TBE DALLES, - - - OREGON. LYutcs' French Periodical Drops Stricclv veMUbU,psriactl' sarmlass, aura to accomplish OsaJOTDMMsJLTir Orsataat knows female remedy. ftAatnaUi asaassat 1.1 1 IJMf SljaaS fllsll Bssjassssffjagaa wsssbsbsbsss' W wsjssasisjgaw sassrave wwi essssBF For sale by . 0. Women's Shoes. This store has long been recognised ae the leader In Women's Fine Foot wear, and today we are better able to satisfy you than ever before, for our line has never been as complete as now. Possibly the most popular Shoes to lay are our $3.50 line with tbe $4 ones close seconds. But for those who do not wish to invest that amount, we have good, stylish Shoes at $2 25, $2 50 and $3. 1)2.25 Shoes, with quality and dur ability as prominent featores; good fitting lasts and exten sion soles. $2.50 Slices, made from box calf or kid ; heavy or light soles; and Shoes that DO FI l 93.00 represent onr Pingree Com posites; you are all acquaint ed with them; all styles; $3. & Co. YOUR KIDNEYS. After von tire of using so-called kidney remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual mils and bs forever rid of those dull pains In your back. Discard that old Wv idea of "pain in the kidneys" and bave all your bladder and urinary troubles enr 4, and your nights made restful by the uro of nature s giestsat estietant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, $1.00 per bos buy oi your druggist or sent by mail on ncelpt of prle. In rlnlr wrapnei. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wayne, Indians. M. Z. Donnell, Agent, Tbe Dalies. m. JTSs asaalae lej g ee ealrla asBaw avwvo Waksiey. Tbe Dallas , Or.