The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 18, 1901, Image 1

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he ID idles
NO. 203
ting (he:
Promotes DigesHonheerfuF
ojpium.Morpltoe iwr "Mineral
Not Narc otic .
Impkm. Setl
sllx.Smn WZSSSL
" - a
A perfect Remedy for Cons tipa
Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss OF Sleep.
Fac Simile Signature of
il , 1 ' In Kll
Women In the 1'nlplt.
Pobtland, Me., Gjiet. 17. " Woman's
Work in chorcbea" was
the theme considered by Rev. T. 0. Mc
Clelland, Ph. D., pastor of the United
Congegatiooal church of Newport, E.
I., before the National Congregational
council today. In substance be said
that the latest records of national councils
show the names of nine women licensed
by some Congregational order to preach
in "get assemblies," and the names of
thirty-eoven women who have received
full ordination to the gospel ministry,
tiiteen of whom are settled as pastors;
that nearly two-thirds of the mission
aries o( every Protestant denomination
are women, and that of the total num
ber on the roll of the American Board,
66 per cent are women. He aaid :
"Within our churches there ought to
be a place for women who are willing to
coneenrate themselves to it ; we ouKht to
be able to give to each woman the pro
tection of position, the opportunity of a
Drofession having the church's sanction,
sod at the game time affordit g con
tant livelihood.
Mm .it lug Scrape at Condon.
Condon, Or., Oct. 17. John Sbriver
ni Rundle Palmer engaged in an alter
tion in the Arlington saloon last even
ng.and Palmer received a severe gun
bot wound in the face. The ball entered
we left cheek, and came out back of and
below the left ear. The temporal artery
levered, bat Palmer's condition is
not considered serious at tLU time.
Bhriver h under $760 bonds (or bit ap
rance at the preliminary examine
wo. which has been postponed until to
morrow. Tbe trouble roe over the
election of some money which 8hriver
"fee Palmer owas him.
Lureueo Hnow'a Katate. x
Balt Lakh, Oct. 17.-0. Q. Snow bar
Jn Ppointed by Judne Hall special ad-
etrator of the estate of hie father,
f te President Lorenso Snow, of tbe
won church, with bonded at
J Present 8o trfpjt wlfcend
Property birnad by bim at the time
death consists of some real estate,
H, morigttge,, bonds, atocka, etc.,
22: ".T to
at from $10,000 to filST.Oto.
A we petttioo aw the name, of
heir., numbering two wives.
JJWe ,o9l thilUfn d,agbter, -od
rof MM 0. 8r6w, tbe repated
"wile ton of the aafhse. -
. i- . I
no 'PPesr j neither doss the dime
The Kind You Have
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
of the son's mother, Minnie Jensen
Snow, tbe youngest wife, with wbom
the decedent was living at the time of
his death. When attention was called
to tbe omission in the petition of the
two names noted above, Judge Bow map,
attorney for' the special administrator,
said the omission was unintentional, and
was probably due to a mistake made by
tbe typewriter in copying the list. The
omission, he said, wonld not in any way
affect tbe rights of these two heirs.
Deputy V. 8, Marshal Dow Dead,
Plattsuuhq, N. Y.. Oat. )7. Warren
Dow, who was appointed deputy United
States marshal during President Bu
chanan's administration, in 1858, and
who had held the office continuously
since, is dead at hie home here, aged 73
years. Mr. Dow established the Jeffer
sonian, a democratic weekly, at Malone,
N. Y., on January 18, 1853, and tbe
Plattshnrg Sentinel, January 10, 1865.
As deputy marshal he had, since the
passage of the Chinese exclusion law,
deported more Chinese, taking them to
8in Francisco, New York and other
seaports to be placed on board vessels
for China, than any other official in the
service. '
Humphrey lint ou Hall,
Sai.ism, Oct. 17 A M. Humphrey,
the warehouseman, who was charged
with stealing wheat belonging to farmers
who bad stored in it bis warehouse, has
tarnished bail in the turn of $800, and
was released today. There are two
charges against him. One is under tbe
statute governing warehousemen end
the other under the general statute re
garding larceny by one who has property
of another in his out tody. To tbe former
charge be has pleaded not guilty, and to
the latter be has demurred.
riajed Owt.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of tbe
stomach. Low of appetite, Feverlehneea,
Pimples or Bores are all positive eviden
ces of impure bloed. No matter bow it
became so it must be paKMled in order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has nevei failed tocore Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other Mood
diseases. It M eertainly a wonderfal
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Blekeley, tbe drag
fist. 1 L
Complete teUor sratem of dean eat-
ting uog lit bJ MrB- ! '
her reetdenee en fbird aires, wear Mad
j,oB. olOdawlw
Missionaries Believe Ransom Should
Net Be Paid Brigands Until Miss
Stone is Safely Delivered to
Naw York, Oct. 17. Rev. Wardlow
Thompson, director of the Collegians
Theological iostitote at Sofia, eablee tbe
following from Samanov, Bulgaria, to
the Journal and Advertiser, the details
concerning Mies Stone, the kidnaped
missionary :
"The headquarters of Miss Stone's
captors ia a thickly wooded mountain
top near the boundary line of Turkey
and Bulgaria. Miss Stone has only light
summer clothing and a cotton dress.
The brigands refused .to allow her to
keep her baggage, hot let her have a
Bible. Tbe leader of tbe band ia the
notorious Bocbo, from the Bulgarian
town of Dubnttsa.;
"We sent word to Constantinople
pointing out that being private indi
viduals we cannot prevent the govern
ment from pressing brigands; also that
tbe ransom ie too princely. No stirh
sum was ever heretofore demanded. No
r j jinder has yet been received. Usually
brigands ask 1000 and then agree for
Twentj -five thousand Turkish pounds
means two borse loads of gold, and that
is more gold that there is now in Bul
garia. Besides, the brigands demand
payment rn Turkish gold for which it
would be necessary to send to Constanti
nople. I should not give the brigands
1 the ransom nntil Miss Stone is safely
delivered to us, as they might murder
her after receiving the money. The
more desperate brigands murder after
ransom in order to seal lips forever. We
have three theological institute students
who were captured in tbe Stone party.
One tells how be was robbed of money
intended to pay for his tuition."
Victim of a Mysterious Assault.
Sai.ksi, Or., Oct. 17. A mysterious
attempt at a murderous crime was made
here last night. As Mrs. F. W. Strong,
accompanied by her little son, aged 8
years, woo returning bomeatfter church,
a man who bad been standing behind a
a tree at a dark corner in tbe residence
center, suddenly stepped out and threw ,
a rock, striking her In the back. He
tben rushed upon ber, threw her down,
tied ber bands Behind her who a
handkerchief and then tied around her
mouth another handkerchief in which
was rolled a ball of cotton batting satu
rated with chloroform, which be inserted
as tar as possible in her month.
Tbe little boy ran screaming down the
street, and secured tbe assistance of P.
Owens, who rushed to the ecene and
saw the man escape ir tbe darkness.
The women was unbound, and assisted
to her home, a .block away. Medical
assistance was summoned and her in-
ones were found to be not serious
except for tbe nervous shock, which was
Mrs. Strong and ber little boy are un
able to give a deacription of tbe aaaailant,
and the deed ia shrouded in mystery.
She and her husband, F. W. Strong,
bave been separated two years on ac
count of a difference in religious belief.
He bas been persistent in bis efforts to
get her to live with him, and some
relatives of hia lu Portland have alto
interfered somewhat bitterly. Officers
are making a tnoroogn investigation.
Strong is supposed to be in Portland.
Lewis Ookerman, Goshen, Ind : "De-
Witt's Little Early Blears never bend me
double like other pills, bat do their work
thoroughly and make me feel like a boy."
Certain, thorough, gentle. Clarke 4
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers never
disappoint. They era safe, prompt,
gentle, effective In removing all im
purities from tbe liver and bowels.
sav to lake. Never tripe or
Oleace Falk's P. O. Pfaar-
W offer for a limited period Iff
twieaa-week Csutoasou, price $1.W,
r'v lW ffPf 0
Hen's Trousers
Trousers in the latest Fall patterns
and materials all sizes now rea4y.
A. M
Women end Jewels.
Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is
tbe order of a woman s preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that
greatest of all jewels, health, is often
ruined in the strenuous efforts to make
or save tbe money to purchase them. If
a woman will ritk her health to get a
coveted gem, then let ber fortffy berself
attains the insiduons consequences of
coughs, colds and bronchial affections by
the regular nse of Dr. Boschee's Germsn
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
sumption in its early stages and heal tbe
affected luogs and bronchial tubes and
drive the dread dlseasejfrom tbe system.
It is not a cure all, but it is a certain
enre for coughs, colds and all bronchial
troubles. You can get Dr. 0. 0. Green's
reliable remedies at Elakeley'a drug
store. Oet Green's Special Almanac. 1
Experience Is tbe best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fall to
give immediate relief money refunded
26 cw. and 60 ete. Blakeley, thadrug
gists. Hudson, Brownhill & Butts have for
rent two good farms of 160 acres each ;
one for cash rent, sod the other for half
the crop, the owner furnishing every
thing. Both are good propositions.
Write or sll at the office. 1 1-d wtf
Clarke fc Falk's flavoring extracts are
the beat, Ask your g oer for them.
Gilford's Potos Never Fade
The largest and most
complete line of . . .
' shown ia tbe ity
an avow on display at
H. Glenn & Co's
. I - rt -t . r - r 1 r a a JZt
PgJntaiMl Q
to $7.50
We operate a PLUMBW, TIN and BIOYOW
BXPAIB BHOP. All orders entrusted to ut will bivi
prompt attention.
8tbpribe fpjr The
Women's Shoes.
sV sbV
TaaW .sffaejaw
This store has long been recognised
as the leader In Women's Fine Foot
wear, and today we are better able to
satisfy yon tiisn ever before, tor oar
line has never been as complete as
now. Possibly the most popular
Shoes to.luy are our $8.60 line with
the f4 ones close seconds. But for
thoee who do not wish to Invest that
amount, we have ffool, tyliata
shoes at $2 25, $2 60 and $S.
92.25 Shoes, w 1th quality and dur
ability as prominent features ;
good fiitiog lasts snd exten
sion soles.
92.50 Slices, made from box call
or kin; heavy or ugnt soies;
and Shoes that DO Fit.
S3.00 rrpresent our Pingree Com
posites; you are all acquaint
ad w itb tbeiu ; all styles ; $3.
(Si Co.
After vou tire of using so-called kidney remedies
withuut any hem fit. use Lincoln Sexual Pills and bs
forever rid of those 'loll pains In yonr back. Discard
that old fntfy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and havw
all vonr hia.lrier and urinary t roubles enrH, and yoor
nights msiie testful hv the use of natvo s greatest
asrittant Linooln Sexual Pills.
Price, $1 00 per box otfy your druggist or sent
by mail on riwirt of rrl. In nUir wraopei.
Fort Wayne, Indiana.
M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalies.
MyeftUe ia to Obwpioia