HE INT KM MS. F. J. CLABKE, Manager. New Suitings Wonderfully complete is this new stock now. The brilliant successes of the past are to be repeated, and doubled this year. We have the stock, we have the facilities, and we have in addition the price:making power that gives you fine materials for the same money that is ordi narily paid for inferior qualities. Wack All-wool Cheviot Suitings, All-wool Prunella, All-wool Zibeline, All-wool Satin Burba, All-wool Whipcords. Colored Dresa Goods. Imported Fancy Waist Cloth, All-wool Cheedda Cloth, All-wool Venetian Cloth, Golf Suitings, Melton Skirtings. For thfai week we are showing a special line of Ffcheb 8ferjfeft (just received) at Mc and $1 per yard. Id oiir 5llk Department, special line of all-silk Colored Taffeta, for this week, at 60c per yard. The Dalles Dally Chfoniele. THURSDAY OCT. 17. 1901 ( Oysters Served In any Style... At Andrew Keller's. g TREASURERS NOTICE. All ffiwo County werraat. reglaterad prior to December 8, 1898, will be paid n presentation at my otto. Interest tet after September 19, 1901. JOHN F. HAMFBHIBB, County Treeurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. "The Great Divorce Gate" At the Vogt opera house tonight. New ready-to wear hats received today at Miss Haven's. Latest novelties in street bate and drapery alike at Miss Haven's. A marriage licence was issned yester day afternoon to B. F. Cook and Jennie Jcnee, o( Sherman connty. Lost-Today, a black silk cape with blae silk lining. Please return same to this office or to Mrs. Robert Keller and be rewarded. octl7-2t Steven Nelson, aged about 64 years, and an old-time resident of Hood Biver, died at St. Vincent's hospital yesterday nd was brought to Hood Biver today for interment. All members of Fern Lodge, Degree of Honor, are requested to be present at the meeting to be beld tonight. Mrs. Wilda Belknap, grand chief of honor, will meet with the lodge, her dates hav ing been so arranged as to make her meeting with Fern Lodge possible this VSQlQg. xoe new mail contract between rn The J ffnt "!le and Wrentham aunt into rTint yesterday. The daily round trip is nude Wednesdays and Saturdays. Far tie) living contiguous to the route can ve their mail delivered in boxes on lhe 'oadside by applying to Postmaster - M. Patterson, of The Dalles. ' Another newspaper has gone to the ooneyard. The Goldendale Journal, nst started out demo-Brjanite-pop and oytbing . else-io-beat-tbc-repabllcans, bas suspended publication. Its last three "ues were democretieo-soclaliat- 'o-popuHstico.anarchistico, and then It awpad and died. Bequesoat in pace. Mr. Le Claire, owner and superintend M of the Don Juan nine In the Green Joro distri let, 114 jfa flrtt discovered Dlck and Top Kel, of this count,, ii '"toffli'onHtawejib Portland, ttr. ciaire is also superintendent of the Jtebmond Mining 0f the same L, , "Won owns one of the noheet mUm Beater Oregon. o Booty lb. joarsJUi oP Kslly,.,, ow. Wejeoooooiy wno owned a ranch twenty PEASE ago on the Deschutes ridge east of the Warner ranch, near the bead of the grade leading to Sberar's Bridge, has struck it rich by all accounts as a miner in the Greenhorn district. Top was a third owner in the Phyche mine, which was sold the other day for $150,000. Be sides this be has large interests in other mines that alone make him wealthy. Top is a good fellow and a flrBt-clase rustler, who is deserving of his good luck. " The grand scenic production, "Daugh ter of the Diamond King," will be the attraction it the Vogt Monday, Oct. 21st. It is from the pen of that well-known playwright, Ohae. A. Taylor, author of the "King of the Opium Ring," another popular prodnction. The play is built about the life of a young New England lascie, both young and handsome, who is a daughter of one of New York City's leading diamond merchants. Produced with appropriate scenery' and, effects, and with a cast of twenty artists, beaded by the charming La Belle Lsurette, it need not seem strange, when stated on good authority, that Mr. Taylor's new production bas surpassed bis vainest hopes. ' The Albany Beiald publishes the full text of the complaint in the damage suit of Attorney General Blackburn's son, Arch, against George L. Bees, of Linn county, for alienating the affections of his wife. 'J be suit is for $10,000. It says that the plaintiff introduced Bees to his wife in May, 1898, and that soon he began his wiles that resulted In her leaving him and going with Bees to Portland, basking in the emiles of said Bee. Finally Bees put up the money for a divorce euit in Colombia county, and completed the ruin of his home. They had oue child. Hewitt & Sox and Weatberford & Wyatt are attorneys for Aroh Blackburn. The suit is the talk of he Willamette valley. Wiedemann's Big Show presepted a 'very clever comedy entitled "The Major's Daughter," at the Vogt last night, to a crowded house. This is undoubtedly the best popular-priced attraction that baa ever appeared in our city, Their plays are all new and well staged, and the performances go with a vim that keeps the interest of the large audiences from start to finish. Tonight they pre sent the famous comedy-drama, "The Great Divorce Case." The local aerie of Eagles will attend this evening's per formance in a body to show their re spect for their brother Eagles in the company. Friday night the play will be "The Steam Laundry," Saturday matinee, "The Village Belle," aud Sat urday bight they present their $10,000 seenlc and costume production of "The Sea of I os." Mrs. W. E. Campbell, of this city, re eelved a dispatch this morning from Tm iiMniia annonoeinc the sudden death of her huebeod near tuet piece, weave t hp had been engstjed on a government orvey. The remains were to nave ar Style and Sctjajrnei aSaSf fromlto$i5. Hxmt. acHArmtR aw St MAYS. rived here this morning, but for some reason did not come and tbe particulars tot bis death are not known at this writ ing. Mr. Campbell, however, had been in failing health for some time and hie death probably occurred from natural causes. H9 was a native son of Oregon, having been born of pioneer stock in Clackamas county about fifty years ago. He was at qne time county surveyor of this connty, as was his father before .him. He was a most upright, honorable man, a sincere and earnest Christian and a devout member of tbe M. E. church. He leaves a wife and five eons. At the play last night while Mies Myrtle Vane was singing tbe dos ing notes of an encore a number of young female hoodlums sitting in the middle column of seats in front of the singer, two or three rows back of the front row, showed their Dalles breeding in fine style by cutting up in a variety of ways so as to express their contempt for tbe singer. One of tbe girls they weren't ladies although they were old enough to be marriageable pointed an opera glass at tbe singer while another girl asked in audible voice : "Did you see tbat note in your opera glass?" and still another, in open ridicule, tapped her throat with bar finger. Tub Cbbon icfc bas no idea at this writing who the girls were that were gnilty of this vul garity, but it devoutly prays the Lord to have mercy on the man that bas the misfortune to get one of them for a wife. In Minorlam. Last Sunday's Oregooiao contained the following: "In loving memory of the late Miss Ella Booth, who died at her home, 770 Montana avenne, Tuesday morning, after a brief illness. She was a resident of this place end resided with her sister, Mrs. Moffitt. It will be remembered bow their father was killed about eight years ago in the railroad yards, their mother dying a few yeais previous at The Dalles, leeving tbe girls alone. They bad no relatives to sympathise with them in their sad bereavement, but bad many kind friends and neigh bors who gave them a kindly band, for they were loved by all who knew tbem. Miss Ella was of a very retiring dispo sition, and a patient sufferer, but she bore up to tbe last with great fortitude until the Lord called her borne to meet ber loved ones gone before." CASTOR I A for XjaJ&ati and Children. Ill KM Yw Han Always Bwfk. Been the Bafontir- r for Bent House at end of Third street, north tide. Will be rented to reepqpeible party. Iogr,fe f Mr. A, E. Crosby al BUkeley's Pbarsaaey. 14 lw Subscribe for Too OaaoNiOM. Quality See far Yourself You don't need to be told that H. S. A M. suits and overcoats have the touch of true style, you can see it for yourself in the cut ; you can see it even better in the suit and overcoat itself, readv for you to try on here at any time. We have plenty to show of many styles suits and overcoats good clothes. 9i M Suits and Overcoats See our display of Suspen ders " Knothe " positively best made. PERSONAL. MBKTION. C. J. Borders was a passenger on this morning's boat for Portland. Mrs. Jewstt a passenger on this morning's boat for her home at White Salmon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Hudson, Jr., of Boyd, are fa the City, the guests of tbe New Colurribia hotel. M. P. Iaenberg, of Hood Elver, arrived here on the noon train and is stopping at toe umattlla House. J. J. Hill wae a passenger on tbe Dalles City this moroing for Portland, where be goes to attend the Baptist con vention. Dr. Carey and Mrs. Jenkins are in the city visiting with Mr. H. Biddell. Tbe doctor has made op his mind to locate at Moro and will more to that place in a few days. Mrs. F. A. . French, of Portland, who has been visiting ber cousin, Mrs. Wells, in this city, for tbe past few days, re turned to her home on the afternoon train yesterday. BUSINESS LOCALS. You will not have boils if you take Clarke A Falk's sure care foi boils. Miss Julia Mssquart, at the Beehive restaurant, will do dressmaking of all kinds. (9 1m Wanted An apprentice at the Camp bell & Wilson millinery parlors. Some one that is neat with a needle. 28s Mrs. 8parlin will give lessons in ste nography at tbe residence of Mrs. 8. E. Henderson, Third street, near Madison. olOlwd If you take tbe O. R. & N. for tbe Portland exposition one day will be equal to three days if you go via any other line. Clark and Falk have just received a full line of fresh Velox papers and de velopers, tbe same as used by Mr. Lovick in bis recent demonstration at our store. C. M. Phelps, Foreetdale, Vt., says bis ebild was completely cored of a bad case of ecseme by the use of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. It instantly relieves piles. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cored by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation end indigestion, makes you eat, sleep aud happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25cte. andftOcts. Blakeley, tbe druggist. Da'( Kate It la, J net wet tbe affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Core, a Scotch remedy, aud the pain Is gone. Sold by Clarke A Falk. Clarke A Folk have on sale a foil lino of point end artist' brush Wanted By two youag men, nicely fnrnlebed room below tbe bluff, Ad drees Bos 71S, The Dalles, Or. ole-St honors at Tbe Dalles steam iaeodrf. dl-frf A foil Una of Beetsnaa films and sop pHas Js received by Ciai A Falk. Sojboortko for Tub Cavosnoua. An Aid to Buyer 0 The Pianos which havo been endorsed by the most eminent experts are now on exhibition right hero in your city, and are offered at prices upon easy terms of payment, heretofore never attempted by a reliable house. The laws underlying the theories of standard piano construction are today an un acquainted feature with nine hundred and ninety-nine peo ple out of every thousand, and in the advanced race for busi ness many cheap and inferior instruments are being offered for sale through various ave nues by an unscrupulous class of illiterate venders.. When you stop to consider that the Steinway, the great Kimball, the wonderful Weber, the peerless Chickering, are conceded by the world's great est critics to be the acme of piano construction, you need not hesitate to buy now. Thus far the business al ready transacted during this special sale has been of the most flattering type, and we beg to offer through the col umns of this paper our hearty appreciation and many thanks for the liberal patronage be stowed upon us, and our earnest endeavour will be to please and satisfy the most skeptical, with a positive and distinct guarantee with each and every instrument sold at this really reduced-price and genuine piano sale. Yours for good Pianos, Hiftti the mm ONE NIGHT ONLY, MONDAY, Ootober 21st. Cbas. A. Taylor's Beautiful Beetle Production Daughter of the Diamond King. Four Beautiful 8tate Pictures In tbe life of an American Girl. A Com pany of 20 Select Performers. LA BELLE LAURETTE Supported by C. A. McGrath, The Foreign Acrobats, Clowns, Jugglers, The lien to Trio, The New York Ltdles Quintette. 6 BIO VAUDEVILLE ACTS B See Oar Children 1 Bring Your Children I First 3 rows, 75c; balance of the house, 50c. Heats on sale at Clarke A Falk's, Post Office Pharmory. HE OT OPEM HOUSE F. J. CLARKE, Manager. ONE NIGHT ONLY, THURSDAY, Oot. 84th. The World Renowned HERRMANN the BB Great In a New and Marvelous Program of Hensationsl Novelties, accompanied by ..McWatters and Tyson.. and Company in their Latest Vaudeville Success, "Semes in a Dressing Room." Reserved Seats $1.00; balance of the house 50c. Seats now on sale al Clarke A Falk'a PostorHee Pharmacy. Fire Insurance. In m I (m to. (o. of M. KoumltxJ IS3. Capital paid up v7,500,UOO Aetti 02O,l2U,OUS Now Is the time to insure; tomor row may be too late. Phone No. 80, Seufert A Condon. Phone No. 808, Pacific States Co. AHTHl'R SEUFERT, Resident Agent, The Dalles. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker ut Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington ate. Ail orders attended to promptly. Long distance pbooe 433. Local, 109. John Fashek, The Tailor, Has Just reeeivsd 1000 sample ef the latest patterns in Gent's Clothing Goods. He euaraa. logo price and a good at or no pay. i John Pashek, The Tailor.