li Sidles rfiSBSnE VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1901. NO. 207 K3 JtVfetfetabk ftreparalioafiAs simllating ihcFoodandBef ula tnrf the Stoaachs aMBoweb of Promotes DigeetkmJCheerfuF ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. flmpim Seed- f.'x.Sauut Roctull SJ -AmeAtd . x hlW- A perfect Remedy for Cons tipa fion , Sour S tomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPr OP WRAPPER. fifes Bauquet to Towns. Dulctii, Minn., Oct. 16. Eight hun dred men of all shades of political opinion sat down at the farewell banquet tendered by Dulutb cit'zens to Cbarlee A. Towne ai the armory tonght, while nearly 600 ladiee were present in the calleries to hear the speeches by William J. Bryan, Mr. Towne and others, after the discussion of the mean. The affair wis nonpartisan. Mr. Bryan's subject waB "Moral Cour- sfe, and he took occasion to shower encomiums on the guest of the evening lor his notable display of that quality in 1896, at the time of bis withdrawal from toe republican party to follow silver. He aid: Some may be disposed to stamp the word failure upon the political career of oor distinguished guest, but be has set n example that must Weigh heavily on tbesideof civic virtue. He has faced without flinching a fire as hot am) hellish Meverrame from the cannon's mouth, id he has won a victory greater and jnore glorious than ever crowned the Bp of one who fawned at the feet of Power or bartered away his manhood to cure an office." Mr. Bryan did not inject any politics wtohis speech, which was brtef and directed largely to Mr. Towne. He said : "Great issues are at stake; great interests ars involved, even our civiliza tion itself, and through us the civiliza "On of the world. Tfite Nation is world power; it has not acquired its ideas have been permeating the world wevsry citisen owes it to bis country, " "'Has to his generation and posterity, wrow the weight of his influence on 'lht side of every public qooetjon." Khoite Island Keuublieans. JWidence. R. i., Oct. 10.-Candi-forthe several state cffices ware Wotted by the Rhode Island repub Mate convention today aa follows: Gregory .Uotenaot-GovernoioW -Governor Uharltw Dean Mnbe. Jwetary of State-Oberlee P. Liuoett. Jworal Treasurer-Walter A. Read, 'orney GeDeral-Cbarles F. Stearns. m Platform pledges support to Presl-j-evHjossvelt, condemns tue attempts "'1 to disfranchise tbe JJJJj" upon congress to eadjust ojati?ttion lB tbe Ual College iCViJ ,, 0' wtoel wotipg popola JTwjoscleres that "anarchy should J? : Ub 'te and federal -ei tion and the passage of laws pro- CUSTOM For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA V ding adequate punishment (or an at tempt on the life of the president." Lynching is condemned as "a foul blot on our civilization." The platfo m also advocates an isthmian canal and legis lation to build np the American merchant marine. Bay City, Mich., Oct. 16. George D. Jackson, of this city, democratin candi date for congress from the tenth district, to succeed the late congressman Crump, admits bis defeat in yesterday's special election bv from 200 to 300 inujonty. At republican headquarters the majority of H. H. Alpin, republican, is estimated at over 800. I'rloe or Panama Canal. Washington, Oct. 16. Maurice Hjutin president of tbe board of directors of tbe Panama Cnal Company, who arrived in New York yettetday, reached Washing ton iodiv and paid a social call upon Admiral Walker, chairmgn of the Isth mian Canal Commission. Tomorrow it isexpec.ed he wiil make aca'l upon tbe admiral for the purpoap of bringing about the diepisition of the Panama Company's interest in that partly con structed Waterway. The Isthmian Ca nal Commission has endeavored to ob tain a positive and direct statement of what the Panama Company would ac cept for its rightr. and Hutiu'e return to France this summer was for tbe purpose of obtaining information on tnat point. It in understood that he now has e prop osition to make to the United States Commission. WIU Submit Mew Treaty. Washington. Oot. 16. Senator Mor gan, of Alabama, who was oue of Presi dent Roosevelt's ca! era totlay, taixea with the nreeident about the prospects of tta ; Nloaragua Citnal bill at the coming session 0' congress. The president tola Senator Morgan that he would submit to the senate a new treaty on theeu jact, which more nearly meets his views tban the first HayPaoncelote treaty. The president did not go Into particulars. Speaking of the pteaident'a policy in regard to Southern appointments, Sena tor Morgan said : "It is tbe policy of reconciliation the policy of appointing tbe beet men to office." Mm. Tallfca Heard from. Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct. lo.-Durlag tbe night another letter from Miss Ellen M. Stone's oojupauioo, mine. ashs, ... innnrf no lad on bar parents aoor announcing that Mate. Tellka has given t.t..k i a flhtld. end that both tbe infant and tbe mother were doing well. AW 1 Jr ,n Use COMBINE OF SHIPBUILDERS J- P. Morgan and His Allies Decided Go Ahead Without WaUtaf T Bounty. New York, Oct. 16. The Journal etsd Advertiser says: A new gigantic tav dustrial combination, which Is to cow solidate the armor-plate maufacttrere of this country, enter into the bwfMtng of warships and merchant vessels for the world's trade and take over tbe large and growing export trade of tbe United States Steel Corporation, is about to bo organized by J. P. Morgan and Ms allies. While no official details are obtainable, tbe project will not only consolidate! many details of tbe steel and fuel busi ness of the country now separated, bnt also eerve to bring into closer relation ship these interests and the great rail road interests controlled by the Vander bilts and tbe Pennsylvania railroad. These interests are also to be closely allied, if not made a unit, With large interests of like character abroad, and the new company is to be called tbe Anglo-American Steel Company. E. Gary, of tbe United States Steel Cor poration, will, it ia.eaid, be president of the new concern. New York, Oct. 16. Interviewed con cerning tbe current reports in this city and London that J. Pierpont Morgan is again negotiating for the purchase of tbe White Siar Line, Manager Franklin, of tbe Atlantic Transport Line, who repre sents many of Mr. Morgan's shipping interests, replied : "This matter of the purchase of aha White Star Line by Americans is still in tbe air." Bold Wneat Not HI. Salkm, Oct. 16. A. M. Humphrey, the Salem warehouse roan, who last Spring was found to be short something like 10,000 bushels of wheat, was yester day Arrested in Portland, on aa indict ment charging bim with the larceny by bailee of 204 bushels of wheat, tbe property of E. T. Hall. He was brought to this city last night, and lodged in jail, and will today be arraigned. Other in formations will be filed against Humph rey todsy. Bert and Arthur Walters, of Stay ton, two young men well known, have been arrested and charged with robbery. Tbe two boys assaulted a Stayton man, knocking him down with a stone and robbing bim of a small amount of money. They will plead in the eircnit court to charges of robbery today. Bert Waiters is the son of the postmaster at Stayton, and Arthur is hie cousin. Trade Btatlatlet For September. Washington, Oct. 16. The monthly statement oi the imports and exports of the United States for September issued by tbe bureau of statistics sbqws: Merchandise, imports $67,300,405, of which $29,489,120 was free of duty. In crease in total as compared with Septem ber, 1900, f7.731.806. Merchandise exports (1C6.895.274, de crease 19,000,000. Gold imports $11,642,070, increase $3, 750.000. Gold exports $162,912, decrease $644, 000. Silver exports $4,635,133. decrease $900,000. As to merchandise tbe statement shows that during tbe last twelve months there was an excess of exports over im ports of $640,568,966, Played Oat. Doll Headache, Pains In various parts of tbe body, 81okiog at the pit of tbe stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverisbneas, Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter bow It became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir baa nevei failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a noeltlve guarantee. Blakeley, tbe drug gist. Complete tailor cot ting taught by Mrs. ?. E. Henderson at bar resideooe on Third street, near Mad ison. olO-dewlw Men's Trousers COMPLETE NEW LINE of Trousers in the . latest Fall patterns and materials all sizes now ready $1.50 to $7.50 A. M. Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is the order of a woman's preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels, bealtb, is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save tbe money to purchase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then let her fortify berself papains t tbe ineidnous consequences of coughs, colds Bud bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup. It will promptly arrest con sumption in its early stages and. heal tbe affected longs and bronchial tubes and drive tbe dread diseasejfrom tbe system. It is not a cure all, but it is a certain cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at Blakeley 's drug store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1 Experience is tbe best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, oojde or croup. Should it fall to give immediate reliof money refunded 26 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug gists. f Hudson, BrowuhiM A Butts have for rent two good farma of 160 acres each ; one for cash rent, and the other for halt the crop, tbe owner furnishing every thing. Both are good propositions. Write or call at the office. lldawtf Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracts are tbe beet. Ask your r xer for tbem. Gifford's Potoa Never Fade JUST ARRIVED I Tbe largest and most complete line of ess pkihr mm ever shown in tbe city are now on display at H. Glenn & Co's Paint and Oil ffeora. Williams -W3BD ARBI AQ-1DNTJI FOR We operate a FLUMBINCr, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have) prompt attention. SEXTON sft WALTHUR, THE OALLES, - - - OREGON. Subscribe for The Women's Shoes. a 9sW This store has long been recognised as the leader in Woman's Fine Foot wear, and today we are better able to satisfy you than ever before, for onr line has never been as complote as now. Possibly tbe most popular Shoes today are our $3.50 line with tho $4 ones close seconds. But for those who do not wish to Invest that amount, we havo good, etylish shoes at $2 25, $2 50 and $8. 2.24 Shoes, with quality and dur ability as prominent features; good fitting lasts and exten sion soles. 92.50 Shoes, made from box calf or kid; heavy or light soles ; and Shoes that DO FIV. 03. OO represent our Pingree Com posites; you are all acquaint ed with them; all Styles; $3. SL Co. YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of using so-called kidney remedies without sny benefit, nse Lincoln Sexual Pills and ha forever rid of those dnll ieine In your back. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain In the kidneys" and have all your bladder and urinary troubles core "t, and your uights rasde restful hy the use of nature s greateat aMsta,nt Lincoln Sexual Pilla. Price, $1 00 per box buy ot your druggist orient by mall on receipt nf prlc. In plain wrsppei. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY dO., Fort Wayne, Indiana. M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. Chronicle. Mfevttoo la the Ohroaiole