w New Suitings Wonderfully complete is this new stock now. The brilliant successes of the past are to be repeated, and doubled this year. We have the stock, we have the facilities, and we have in addition-the price-making power that gives you fine materials for the same money that is ordi narily paid for inferior qualities. Black Goods. All-wool Cheviot Suitings, All-wool Prunella, All-wool Zibeline, All-wool Satin Burba, All-wool Whipcords. Colored Dress Goods. Imported Fancy Waist Cloth, All-wool Cheedda Cloth, All-wool Venetian Cloth, Golf Suitings, Melton Skirtings. for this week we are showing a special line of French Series (just received) at TOc and $1 per yard. In our 8ilk Department, special line of all-silk Colored Taffeta, for this week, at 60c per yard. rhe Dalles Daily Ctooniele. WEDNESDAY OCT. 16, 1901 Oysters Served in any Style... At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All ffuoo County warrants registered prior to Denember 8, 1898, will be paid on presentation at my offloe. Interest Mel after September 18, 1901. JOHN r. H AMPS H IKK, County Treasurer. .VAYSIDE GLEANINGS. "The Major's Daughter" At the Vogt opera house tonight. Wanted By two young men, nicely furniehed room below the bluff, Ad dress Box 716, The Dalles, Or. ol5-3t For Rent House at end of Third street, north aide. Will be rented to responsible party. Inquire at this office. octl4-lw The Chkoniclk office ia indebted to Mr. Oarnaby, of the American Market, for a very beautiful calendar for the coming year of 1902. The Yakima and Warm Spring In dians, who have been contributing to the gaiety oi the Portland carnival, got back to civilisation last night on the Bailey Gatxert. The Bailey Gatzert people have built i plank sidewalk from First street to their boat landing at the foot of Union. Lumber is being hauled from the yards of J.T.Peters & Co. to build a wharf and platform. A marriage license was issued yester day to William McNab and Emma Van Patten, of Sherman county. The cou Die were subsequently married at St. Peter's Catholic church by Father Bronsgeest. The funeral of the late Wenoeslaus Pashek, which took place from St. Pater's Catholic church tbia morqing, was largely attended, especially by the friends and neighbors of the deceased. The services at the church were con ducted by Father Bronsgeoat. Word has just been received here of the recent death in Husum, Schleewig, Germany, at the age of 72 years, of Mr. J. E. Jnoobseo, father of E. Jaoobsen and Mra. J. Nitscbke, of this city. Mr. Jacobean bad been ailing for a long time and his death was not unexpected. County Attorney Darob, of Golden le, ia in the oity. Mr. Darob says the Gjldendale murderer, Ferris, cannot, under the Washington laws, waive bis ultimate sontenco until thirty days after the late decision of his oaaa by the upreme court. Ha cannot therefore be tsnteneed at the term of court wbiob PEASE . iJf-, t ". opens in Goldendale next Tuesday. After the sentence is pronounced be will still have thirty days before he can be banged. Should the governor refuse to interfere in the case and there is ab solutely no hope -of intetference Ferris will be banged in the Goldendale jailm, Hugh Farmer brought to town today a Gloria Mundi apple that measures seventeen inches in circumference and weighs exactly two pounds. Till some body beats this we shall claim that The Dalles raises the biggest apples in the world. The apple may be seen in Maier & Benton's store. sj ' Sheriff Kelly left last night for Boise, Idaho, to bring hack E. Fish, who was arrested yesterday by tbe Boise chief of police on advices sent that official by Mr. Kelly. Fish is the man who passed a worthless check for $200 on Ben Wil son, of the East End. He offered to come back here without a requisition from tbe governor. Harry Eggerton, the scalp bounty young man, who did not beat Linn county, who recently escaped from tbe jail at Eugene, is at large yet and proba bly will not be caught, says the Albany Democrat. While in jail Eggerton gave the game away. He was on bis way borne from the Philippines when he fell in with tbe principal in the swindle. With headquarters at Portland and an immense quantity of scalps secured in non-bounty states tbey went out to tbe county seats and disposed of their scalps. Tbe man who rnn tbe game was with Eggerton when he was arrested, but es caped with about fGUO on his person, while Eggerton got aiuioat nothing. At 8 : 15 last night a fire was discovered in Mr. Duncan's barn in tbe alley back of William McUrum's carpenter shop. The fire laddies responded promptly to the alarm and iu a few minutes the chemical engine had the blase under control. The barn is an old shack be longing to tbe city and is of little value. Probably $20 will make it as good as rt was before. It contained three tons of baled wheat hay, the property of Mr. Duncan, on which there was no insur ance. Tbe bales are on'y scorched on tbe outside, but tbe chemicals used to extinguish tbe fire have probably ruined them for fodder. The promptness with which tbe chemical engine extinguished the fire baa once more justified tbe wis dom of tbe city fathers in its purchase: Chas. A. Taylor, the well-known play wright, whose play, "The King of tbe Opium Ring," scored such a single suc cess in thjs city a year ago, baa written a new play,, stronger and batter than anything he baa heretofore attempted. It deals with tbe Ufa of a beautiful young girl, daughter of an immensely wealthy diamond merchant in Hew York City. Two scenes are laid In old New England, and two In the groat metropolis. It is entitled "Daughter of the Diamond King." 04 is produced wltb almost a carload of spooul eoenery and effect. According to roporte It bide fair to ba one of the greatest aoooeeseo Style and Hrf. Schaffiier 5t MAYS. ' " - ; '7;"'" of tbe season. With a company of twenty persons, beaded by La Belle Lauretta, who created one of the lead ing roles in the "King of the Opium Ring," scoring an instantaneous success in tbe part. "Daughter of the Diamond King" will be at tbe Vogt Oot. 21st. Mr. Louis J. Gates and Mies Gunhilda M. Beck were united in marriage at 10:30 this forenoon at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mra. Ed. Beck, of this city. Tbe ceremony waa per formed by Rev. Robert Warner in tbe presence of about a saore of friends and relatives of tbe bride. Following tbe wedding tbe company eat down to an elegant luncheon after which the young couple left on a wedding trip to Portland. On their return trip they will make their borne in Arlington, where the groom is engaged in business. Tbe bride grew up to womanhood in this city and no Dalles girl was ever more highly esteemed for all that is sweet snd womanly in her sex. Tbe bride's many friends bere wish her and her husband many happy days. The play "Little Miss Thompson" drew a large crowd at the Vogt opera house last night, and to aay that it was a ell-pleased crowd is putting it very mildly. It is very seldom, indeed, that The Dalles Is visited by a troop of play ers tbat have been as successful as tbe Wiedemann's in winning universal ap plause. It is tbe common talk of tbe street that no better show at double tbe price of admission has been seen bere for many a day. To say nothing of the play itselt, whisb was excellent, the specialties introduced between tbe acts, such as the dancing of the Mullally sister, Nellie Wiedemann's electric and fire dance, and tbe marvelous trombone performance of Charles Barrtngton on what appeared to be nothing more than a sheet of ordinary card paper, and the still more marvelous imitatiou of a banjo with no visible instrument but bis lips, were each alone worth double tbe price of admission. There were no delays ba tween acts; every minute of tbe two boors and a quarter being occupied with something amusing. And, best of all, there wasn't tbe semblance of anytblog low or vulgar, or suggestive of anything offensive to a refined taste. Tonigbt tbe company plays "Tbe Major'a Daughter," o society comedy, and an amusing time is promised. Our prediction is tbat tbe boose will be crammed. What Lea to risk's a mat. In reciting yesterday some of too cir cumstances tbat led to tbe arrest of B. Flab for passing bogus checks on injus tice was unintentionally done to Consta ble Jackson, than whom there is no public officer bore or anywhere more faithful in too discharge of btedetiee. It was Mr. Jackson that first got on Fish's trail after the latter bad skipped tbo town. Mr. Jack ton got of o tetter wbiob Flab had malted Uaeotille to bit wife oaotesJog post- order for a soot of money. This Quality See for Yourself You don't need to be told that H. S. & M. suits and overcoats have the touch of true style, you can see it for yourself in the cut; you can see it even better in the suit and overcoat itself, readv for you to try on here at any time. We have plenty to show of many styles suits and overcoats good clothes. So & Mo Suits and Overcoats from $10 to $M. See our display of Suspenders--" Knothe " positively best made. letter Mr. Jackson placed in the hands of the sheriff. He then learned from another source that Fish's intention was to first go to Sumpter, and if not satis fied with that place to go to Boise City. Mr. Jackson kept on the fellow'strail and on tbe very morning of bis arrest at Boise Mr. Jackson mailed a letter about the case to tbe chiefs of police in Sump ter and Boise. Officer Alisky found that Fish's son, who went with him from bere, wrote from Boise to Mr. Glf ford, the photographer, asking to have mailed' to bis address at Boise some pho tographs that he bad taken before leav ing bare. There is something peculiarly sad in connection with Fish's crime. His wife, who is believed to have had no knowl edge of her husband's guilt, and who lives in a little house east of tbe old fair grounds, is about to become a mother. It Is not believed that sbe is at present in actual want, but aba will soon need such cire and attention as her scanty means will not be able to provide. PIKIONAL MKKTION. Frank Gabel, of Wapinitia, is in tbe city. Captain H. C. Coe was in tbe city to day from Hood River. Blaine T. Scott is registered at tbo Umatilla House from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Sobanno left this morn ing for a few days visit in Goldendale. Miss Janet Williams returned to her borne in Portland on the afternoon train. Ifiaaaa Teniae and Nona Rnrh ara enjoving tbe attractions of tbe exposition in roruana. C. G. Roberts, tbe well-known wool buyer is registered at tbe Umatilla House from Hood River. Mr.' John Marden, who has been at tending tbe Portland Exposition, re turned borne on the early train. District Attorney Menefee left today for Priceville to attend circuit court, which opens there next Monday. Deputy Sheriff E. B, Wood left this morning for Portland, where be is sum moned as a witness in tbe United States circuit court. Deputy County Clerk and Mrs. Bolton and daughter, Miss Vesta, went to Port land yesterday expecting to return by tbe last pf tbe week. Mr. and Mra. Sidney Kelly returned last night from their wedding trio and have gone to housekeeping in the Betting-en cottage on Second street, west of Union. Fred Van Norden, Andy Urqubart and George Bonn will leave in the morning to eoend a week or ten days slaughter- log fish and game in tbo neighborhood of Badger Lake. Mr. J. Wsggonsr, of Independence, manager of tbe Oregon Lecture Bureao, Is la the cltv seeing what encouragement there might bo bare for o course of lectures during the winter. Jadgo Brownbill loft this afternoon for Portland to attend tbe Baptist conven tion, wbiob is now ia session at tbo Second Baptist eburcb of tbat city. Tbo jedoe mm to represent tbo Young Pos ! pteV Baptist Union, of tela ey, of i wbiob bo la president. fjobaortbo for Tu Ouoomul Facts It will be well for those re siding in The Dalles and vi cinity to investigate the Genuine Piano dale now being held at Menefee & Parkins', the leading music dealers. There are many right here in The Dalles who intend to make a purchase in the very near future. Why not make that purchase at once ? It is an established fact that many of the leading citizens who have- taken advantage and inspected this most beau- Lful line of high-grade and strictly first-class Pianos are unanimous in saying that never in the history of The Dalles have so many beauti ful instruments been offered at such Reasonable Prices and upoH such easy terms of payment. Yesterday, on our opening and up to the time of closing last evening, we had two sales to our credit one a beautiful Steinway, which goes to a leading stock man of this county, and a beautiful world's fair model celebrated Kimball, which goes "well to a pros pective bride right here in The Dalles; there is no need for you to come to our store and ask who this bride may be, as one of the conditions under which this identical instrument was sold was se cresy. To those who are to become brides, and those who are al ready brides, and those who never intend to be, we have Pianos for you all. Come and see us; we will do the rest. uy a Piano; let harmony revail in your home, and ou will be happy ever after wards. Yours for good Pianos, ' in i mm Sale closes next Saturday. Mew's total We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh tbat can not bo cored by Hall's Catarrh Cure. t. J.Chbxby AOo. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known f. J. Cheney for the Ian 15 years, and bo lleve him perfectly honorable In all busi ness transactions and financially able to oarry oat any obligations made by theft firm. West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O., Waldlog, Klanan Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure ir taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood aod mucous surfaces of the system. F. J. GnaitaY 6 Co., Props., Toledo O. 8old by drrnggists, price 7fo. Hill's Family Pills are the beat. If rortlaart Carnival Kaaarslon It at as. White Collar Line, steamer Bailey Gatiert, excursion rates: Round-tr!p excursion tickets will be sold on Sep tember 19th aod S6tn, October Snd, Otb and 10th, good going six days after data of sale, making one week's limitation. Including date of sale. Tha price from The Dalles to Portland on the days these tickets are sold will be ti.M for round trip. Including two coupons that aro good for one admission each to the Fori land carnival. Hood River and White Salmon to Portland, round trip, IJ.20, including two ad ml salon tickets. 16Jtf J. M. Filloon, agent. Rates to Paa-Asaarlsaa Rspesitlaw. Round-trip rates via O. R. 4 N. from Tha Dalies, S1.90. Tickets on eale first and third Tuesdays during Jane, July, August, September and October .good for continuous passage going on date of sale. Return limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit ol ticket. Arrangements can be mads by apply ing to agent O. R. A N. Co., The Dallas, Wuerety tickets will be honored on lako steamers In one or both dlreotiona be tween Detroit and Buffalo. tt Jamib Ibiland, Agent NOTICE. Effective this date. A charge of $1 per car per day will be made for delay to ears, for all tims held under load, la loading or unloading by consignee or consigner, In excess ol forty fight honro irom time car is set for loading or on loading. Jambs Ibki.amd, Agent O. K. a N. Oo. Do you sutler from piles? If so do not torn to snrgery for relief. DWltt'g Wlton Usui Salve will act more quickly, surely and safely, saving you the expense and dangsr of an operation. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Wanted Ironsrs at The Dallas steaoK laoodry. ofitf THE V06T OPEBfl HOUSE F. J. CLARKE, Msnagar. ONE NIGHT ONLY, MONDAY, Ootober 21st. Char. A. Taylor'a Bsaotlful Scenic Production- Daughter of the Diamond King. Four Beautiful S'ase Pictures in tba III of an American Girl. A Company ol 20 Select Performers LA BELLS LAURETTB Supported by C. A. McGralh, Tba Foreign Acrobats, Clowns, Juggler, Tbe Lento Trio, Tbe New York Lsdlei Quintette, S Bl VAUDEVILLE ACTS fj See Oar Children I Bring Yoar Children ! First 3 rows, 75c; balance of the house, 60c. Hoots oo sol at Clarke 4 Folk's, Pool Office Pbarmery, 1 " WM. MICHELL, f Undertaker sat Embalms, Oor. Third amd Washing j m I Ali dtetoooootoM itTtSSfimt ssesrBBBBsr bsfwsbw aro PJmWBB" g vbbbbbbsj ?flH