New Suitings Wonderfully complete is this new stock now. The brilliant successes of the past are to be repeated, ana doubled this year. We have Tire stock, we have the facilities, and we have in addition the price-making power that gives you. fine materials for the same money that is ordi narily paid for inferior qualities. All-wool Cheviot Suitings, All-wool Prunella, All-wool Zibeline, All-wool Satin Burba, All-wool Whipcords. Colored Dress Goods. Imported Fancy Waist Cloth, v All-wool Cheedda Cloth, All-wool Venetian Cloth, Golf Suitings, Melton Skirtings. For IN week we are showing a special line of French Series (just received) at Mc and $1 per yard. Id our Silk DeJartment, special line of all-silk Colored Taffeta, for this week, at 60c per yard. PEASE St MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY .... OCT. 16, 1901 Served In any Style... At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wasco Count? warrant registered prior to December 8, ltM, will be nald -Mat after September IX, 1N1. JO BW . H&MP8BIKK, County Treaaorer. VAYSIDE GLEANINGS. "Little Mi bb Thompson" At tbe Vogt opera house tonight. Wanted By two young men, nicely furnished room below the bluff, Ad dress Box 716, The Dalles, Or. o!5 3t The funeral of tbe late Wenceelaus Pashek will take plaoe from St. Peter' Catholic church tomorrow at 9;30 a. m. For Rent House at end of Tbird eei, norm aide, will ue rented to responsible party. Inquire at tbil office. octlalw John A. Haylook will teach a term of WnnA 1 n lllalmnl If r .nkilil nr. v. vn-guji, cuaiiaeucinK monaay tow tizi inst. Mre. Caroline Kennedy bat received ber Spanish war claim of $12 pr month, On Ilcnilnl nf Via. an Tko umiit. aa v.. aiv. auu. liv jrimuu n no n'rilai i 1... if . ..j iu w , mviya, Sexton & Walther pat a force of men r raar . a am . i - w " vvuHVVIJi AIIOT VUIU UIVUVVU it the nutlet of the sewer on Mill creek, west of Union. Leo Schanno got back today on tbe DOOn train frrv. . i i .t. I ., UU1 - "'V "l ki r . TT l""ynree Mongolian pneatants, wueuier n mot them in the old IaAhlnnci1 ! . i 1 1 i ii i R u, wlaU Buyer uuiiove in B H. Grant, tbe cicar man. has on 1j a lot of photograviear pictures of tbe late President McKinlev that aa ren- . , unu untenant nuu Ul an are me eaaai oi anvimoK iu ecru. The ladies of tbe local lodge of D. of regret to annonnea that (irand Ohiaf w.v tv UC 1 1 BPffj 1 nMMdatf nUflT "M announced in Tain Ghbonioj.x a DIM 'I...- - W. . m . a ' UKVf uu, 1L 1 nOUMl lllaU Ira J I . . i v 1 wiiibiii nna - - aui made. A Salem um . iiti' m Moody bas preaeatesl to Mm atato a Uraw btMBBl ri shI. a. a. a m. t . wtWior of tug atotg gajpMel. 5 i Oysters plants have been placed in tbe two leg islative halls and in tbe rotunda. The Oregon Agricultural College made a imilar gift not long ago." The Dalles has a most respectable and well-behaved young gentleman named Fred Frye, who is entitled to heavy damages from a sacrilegious young scalawag now in tbe county jail, and happily a certain candidate for tbe state penitentiary, who is masquerading un der tbe same name. Tbe circumstance Is annoying to tbe Dalles boy and tbe pity is there is no help for it. Another bold-op, not previously ported, occurred Saturday night near tbe O. R, & IN. Co.'s freight depot. The in tended victim was a stranger whose name has not been learned. His assail ant adopted tbe nenal tactics ot shoving a pistol under the stranger's nose and oidering him to bold up bis bands. Tbe stranger bad $140 on bis person, but just about the time the robber was in the act of getting bis bands on it one of tbe company's employee came npou the scene with a lantern in his hand, and tbe robber took to bis heels. It is said that Bishop Potter and Sen ator Depew were on their way to asocial function a few days ago, at which both were to speak, when tbe ecclesiastic, after greeting the senator, said: "By oar mutual presence at this affair I am reminded of the experience of two oys ters in attendance upon an ecclesiastical festival. Tbey were swimming about in a very large tureen of highly diluted soap. Ooe of them encountered the ether and said to him : "What is this, any bow?' 'This is a chureh lair,' said tbe second oyster. 'A church fair! Then what iu heaven's name do tbey want with both of us?' " The Wiedemann Bit? Show, now play ing at tbe Vogt, had a crowded bouse last night, and well deserved it. It was a good, clean, re6ned ebow from start to ,!. t hn . ..t(nn oi martonMi ... nr enlonrltv and with exhibitions Of tSl- leoiw order If one mlght distinguish where I .. i, ..... .... ffire dance and butterfly dance were really magnificent, and the specialties between acts were as good aa anything ever seen in The Dalles. The play to night is "Little Miss Thompson," and if it is anything like as good as tbe "Down in Egypt" of last night it will do. Sheriff Kelly. Deputy Sbeiiff Wood and Officer Alitky. who work together witb admirable and effective harmony, have run dowo E. Fiab who recently beat Ben Wilson of tbe East End, oot of 1200 by means of a bogus check on the First National Bank of tbia city. It ws; a PMtty niece of deteotiv work for which ouMtais oaaorvo aagcu oivmu. wwv . , 11. Dl-l. is a "slick" rascal and Sra Weo is not bis only victim lo Tbe Dalles. He beat others in various ways in tarns BBanntinf to two or three band-art dollars. Tito oJtotote got on Ms trail DonH yeti want a Pair? Nave you seen 'en? The swell shoes for winter. Broad extension soles, rope stitch, black or colored edges. .Just the shoes for ladies and gentlemen who wear smart things. Come in and see the new ideas Velour Calf, Box Calf, Vici Kid, are the stock from which these new shoes are made. In all sizes and widths. Prices from $.S to $5. Every good dresser will want a pair of these snappy shoes as soon as tbey see 'era. Wear new things first, not last. after he left here on tbe Sunday nigbt following the carnival and never let op till they traced him to Boise City where tbey bad him arrested this morning by the Boise chief of police. As soon as a requisition is obtained from Governor Geer the sheriff and bis deputies will proceed to Boise and bring tbe prisoner here for trial. Fish is certain to get a term in tbe penitentiary. -r Tbe Indians wbo participated in Tbe Dalles carnival are having a good time down in Portland. Last Sunday even ing tbey attended divine service at tbo First Baptist church. Tbey were chap eroned by Colonel Hawkins and were assigned seats in tbe front, and Chief Schan-nab - wich and Hash - nash-sbut were invited to tit on the platform with tbe paatorr Sev. Alexander Blackburn. Before commencing his sermon Dr. Blackburn made a few appropriate re marks to the visitors, which were trans lated by the interpreter. Following the sermon a selection was played on the pipe organ for them, and afterwards an informal reoeptioa was held by the In dians, at which tbe members of the church who were present ere intro duced, i When Father Bronegeest learned yes terday of tbe death of Wenceslaas Pasbek bg immediately communicated by tele graph witb Father Dominie, president of Mount Angel college, and requested him to break tbe sad news to Mr. Pasbek 's eldest son, Alois, wbo is. or rather was, a student there. Without a moment's delay Father Dominie mailed a letter to Father Bronegeest inclosing a check in favor of Mrs.' Pashek for $66, tbe full amoont that her hatband bad paid the college in advance for tbe edu cation of tbe boy, and adding that the check was sent thus hurriedly lest tbe bereaved widow should be in need of tbe money and that after tbe funeral, should Mrs. Pasbek be able to get along without tbe boy's assistance, tbe college would lake him back and educate him free ot ezpenee. Father Dominic then gently broke the news to the fatherless boy and sent bim here to attend tbe funeral. No wonder such men as Father Dominic find a warm plaoe in tbe hearts of their co-religionists. As an Irish Methodist preacher once aaid in the hearing of tbe writer, this is "religion witb e bone in it." Joe Craft, a rancher from tbe Nansene neighborhood was hold op last nigbt in (this eity and robbed of $166 in gold. Mr. Craft bad ome to town with load of wheat and was camped with big team on tbe street a little sooth of Lane's blacksmith shop. He had just returned from down town, bad fed hie team and was preparing bis bed for tbe nigbt whan a man stepped oot from behind aa edfaaant wood olle and. ookloa a pistol In bis face, ordered him to throw j op fcM bonds, craft instantly obeyed and tbo robber, as if be know exactly vhat al WMf sbo0wa flMME fep0 taADf jOrg. 4k sd pottos Ml Into tbo dark- describe the iat.t A hmlmMkhtm stava-. fan Wt4 leamadwtoiy seat to the central oOo and the red light was turned on. bf ft tbo didn't show op ail the robber bad abundance ot time to have soashsil a place of safety. Craft it poor man and had brought the money with Mno from home, intending to go back by way of Dufur and pay a store Mil. WllltBM4H l-eertittafty. What nomination will State Senator William on receive? asks tbe Telegram tfceo proceeds to answer as follows: "Of the many available men In East ern Oregon he, at least, is apparently g rare winner for something. That he will not be overlooked at the convention next spring is considered a certainly by oil-informed republicans of this city, "Senator Williamson is sptbvn of as a successor to congressman Moody and also as a successor to Secretory of State Dunbar. There Is quite a boomlet hav ing as its ol jct Williamson's candidacy for congress. This is against his wishes, hMver, for his preference is the post Mr filled by Dunbar. '-It is asserted that politicians un friendly to Moody are trying to defeat bim by means of Williamson ; not that tbey .love tbe latter more, bat that they cars for Moody lees. Having no inclin ation to be a congressman, nor to be used aa a dab against Moody, William son refuses to entertain tbe idea of rep resenting the Second congressional dis trict of Oregon wt Washington. "Senator Williamson stated recently Jha his ambition was to be secretary of state, and, to use an overworked expres sion, he is not a 'miscellaneous candi date.' His career has been quite mete oric, for it is only within the past three years be attracted attention throughout the state. Thus far be bas served in the legislature as representative one term, and is now filling his first term aa a sen ator. Having avoided becoming a rabid partisan, he stands well in bath factions of the republican party." Paralysed the Wrong Man. "I'll give that waiter," aaid Rivers, ,"an order that will paralyse him." "What will you have, sir?" presently asked tbo waiter. "Bring me," replied Rivers, "some verulam and ova." "Yes, fir." The waiter, a needy looking man in Ispectaclee, Trent away with a strange gleam in his eye, and returned about (fifteen minutes later witb a large plat Iter containing something hot. "Here you are, sir," he said. "Bacon (and eggs. In ordinary English it would tbe 25 cents. Culnam poena premit bones, as we used to say at college. Anything else, sir?"-Chicago Tribune. Metlee. Thursday nigbt will be Eagles' night at the Vogt opera bouse. Would like all Eagles' present. Pfoase reserve your seats at once. Otis Pattkeson, W. Pres. Women's Shoe. Tbls store bas long been recognized as the loader in Women's Fine Foot wear, and today we are better able to satisfy you than ever before, for our lino bas never been as complete as now. Possibly tbe most popular Shoes today are our $3 60 line with tbe $4 ones close seconds. But for those wbo do not wish to Invest that amount, we have good, mtyHmH shoes at $11.26, $2 60 and $3. 2.35 Shoes, with quality and dur ability as prominent restores ; good fitting lasts and inten sion soles. 09.5O Slices, made from box calf or kid ; heavy or light sole ; and Shoes that DO FIT. 0S.OO represent our Pingree Com posites; you are all acquaint ed with them ; all styles; $8 )(, aaaaaaaamtaaer Pointer Promptly at the advertised hour of the big Piano Sale in augurated by Menefee fe Par kins, a large crowd had as sembled ready to take the first glimpse at the magnificent line of high-grade instruments on special sale. One would naturally sup pose that in these days people would be supplied, as far as Pianos are concerned ; how ever such is not the case, and when we say that , with the 300 and ' over manufacturers in the United States, they can not supply the demand, it will prove to the public that there is an increasing and con stant demand for Pianos. In opening a Special Safe, rarefy, if ever, -does it occur wherein an established institu tion, located right in your own city, whose reliability and re sponsibility are well known, offers to its citizens an oppor tunity that this sale presents, and to intending purchasers we beg to affirm First: That this is positive ly a genuine Piano Sale. Second: That you will find more first-class makes to se lect from than have ever been shown in your city before at one and the same time. Third: That we have no shoddy or stenciled instru ments; nothing but first-class and absolutely high-grade pianos. Fourth : Kimball Pianos, Chickering Pianos, Weber Pi anos, Steinway Pianos, are con ceded by the worlds greatest critics to be the one standard par excellence of piano creation. Fifth: There is no use put ting off your intended pur chase. We have the instru ments, we have the prices, we have the terms, and with your assistance we will do the rest. Don't delay; don't neglect this grand offer. Every in strument must be sold; and as to price, we won't quarrel. Yours for good Pianos and Organs, HOT MRHHS Sale closet nasi Saturday. mat We offer one hundred dollars reward for any caw of Catarrh that can not bo cared by Hall's Catarrh Core. F. J. Cbkrby a Co. Prom., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 10 yeare, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In all bad ness transactions and financially able to carry oat any obligations made by their Iras. Weet A Troax, Wholesale Dnigglsto, To ledo, O., Welding, Kinnaa d Marvin. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Core Is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. F. J. CHasT 4 Co., Props., Toledo O. Bold by drroggists, price 76c. Hall's Family Pills are the beet. IS rortlaad Carnival Baenralua Rates. White Collar Line, steamer Bailey Gatssrt, excursion rales: H ond-trlp excursion tickets will be sold on Sep tember 19th and 25ih, October Sad, 0th and 16th, good going sis days after date of sale, making one week's limitation, including date of sale. Tbe price front The Dalles to Portland on tbe days thaw tickets are sold will be $9.60 for round trip, including two connons that are good for one admission each to the Port land carnival. Hood River and White Salmon to Portland,' round trip, $3.90; Including two admission tickets. IStawtf J. M. Fili.oon, sgent. Rata to raa-Amcrleaa Exposition. Round-trip rates via O. R. & N. from The D tiles, $81.00. Tickets on sale first and third Tuesdays daring Jane, July, August, September and October .good for continuous psssage going on date of sale. Return limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit ot ticket. Arrangements can he made by apply ing to agent O. R. A N. Co., The Dalles, whereby tickets will be honored on lake steamers in one or both directions be tween Detroit and Buffalo. tf Jambs I ski. and, Agent TAKE THE O. H. & N For tbe Portland carnival and exposi tion, September 10th to October 10th, the O. R. A N. Co. Will sell round-trip tickets to Poitland and return, including two admission tickets to tbe exposition, at $4. Tickets sold only on Sept. lOtb and 25th and October 2nd, 0th and 16th, limited to expire .six days after date of sale. " sl8-lm If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of tbo yer? beat preparations for cleansing ths scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and gloatW. Price, 86 and 50 cents a bottle, at Fraaer'e barber chop, Tbe Dalles. tf Mothers every where praise On Minute Cough Cure for the sufferings It has relieved and tbe lives of their Mttlo ones it has savsd. Strikes at the root of tbe trouble and draws oar the inflam mation. Tbe children's favorite Cough Core. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Dyspepsia can be cored hy using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will sive immediate relief or money refunded. Bold In handsome tia boxes at 35 dts. Blakeley the druggist. TIE HOST OPEN HOUSE. F. J. CLARKE, Manager. ONE WEJEK, commencing MONDAY, October 14th. THE KKPKKTOIKE MONARCH, Wiedemann's snow Praseuting an entirely new repertoire of comedy. 16 People. Superb Band and Orchestra. 6 Strong Specialties. TONIGHT'S BILL, 10c, 20c, 80c, The aula of seats opens at Clarke Folk's Drugstore Saturday morning. WM. MICHELL, Uodutaktv ut Embainw Oar. Third and Waehlngton A 4 OffkW BMJfci aaatoa li M