The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 15, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
OCT. 15. 1901
rill cause tome surprise idooi many
well posted politicians.
This shrins of the McCammant
i caster into the ting is really an import
I ant element in the comma; 8ght. It Is
, another demand on the part of Portland
The Wasco News is evidently not ; tor offices of prominence. McCammant
., is a personal friend of fa. A. Jewell, tat
satisfied with the way the case of the j h-(1 nftV,r , p0liBm Meociete
Chinaman, who was recently half ft the Umatilla county ;J. 5
, . la also a friend of Mr. Furnish. Just
killcil in that town bv three resident vhat ehanjrw MrCammant's candidacy
hoodlum boys, wns disposed of. It i w"l the biiance of forces be-
,. , i tween Eastern and Western Oregon can-
ays: "There appnars to be some j not now itated BCcrJraley. However,
verv aueer features of the trial, to ! it is certain it will result in strengthening
L'alatn ( Warn, a .a AAm...! tm tUn
uaawiu uicnuu a nriiipii iui tuc KliV
those on the 'outside' For instance,
when the Chinaman is slill hovering
between life and death, the accused
were made to answer to the charge of
assault. Suppose he should die?
Again there seems to be a sort of
ernorship, which fact will please all who
live east of the Cascades. The crux of
the question Is how will Sioion and
Mitchell alien themselves as to the
congressman? That these two potent
factors in Oregon politics will take hands
in the congressional game, goes without
tht- saying. In eetimaiiog the result of
Mil nmni'inl a r 1 ti if 1 1 a t a f r ata fma
agreement between the prosecution j ev,ry0ne win awatt tip? n to what the
and defendants as to the moditka- ( two big senators a e going to do.
Uon of the charge and the pleading! Hrain ruod nommm.
of the accused. In reality there was j Another ridiculous food fad hat been
no trial at all, matters having been ! branded by the moat competent author
fixed up beforehand, and no witness
ee testified. Another queer fact is
this, the Chinaman, who was so bad
ly pounded up, was not summoned
as a witness."
A Salem dispatch says W. M. Bar
nett, of Wasco, has purchased 800
acres of school lands in Crook
county, in a district southwest of
Prineville commonly known as the
'desert." The land cost Mr. Barnett
$r.2d au acre, and with water, which
can be obtained in unlimited quanti
ty at relatively reasonable expense,
it will produce as good alfalfa as
ever grew on American soil. Watch
that Crook county desert. It will
be a great country befoie many of
us are much older.
The Albany Herald is booming
tjreorge H. Williams for governor, i
and a better man could not be
named. The Chronicle doubts,
however, if Mr. Willians would ac
cept the governorship or anything
else. At his time of life the rest
and quiet that is the due of a well
spent and active life is better far
than any political honors that could
be conferred upon him.
ities. They have dispelled the etlly no
tion that one kind of food it needed for
brain, another for muscles, and still an
other for bones. A correct diet will not
only nourish a particular part of the
body, but it will sustain every other
part. Yet, however good your food may
be, its nutriment is deftroveJ hy indi
gestion or dyepeysia. Yon must pre
pare for their appearance or prevent
their coming by taking regular doses of
Green's August Flower, the favorite
medicine of the healthy millions. A few
doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver
to healthy action, purines the blood, and
makes you feel buoyant and vigorous.
You can get Dr. G. C. Gieen'n reliable
remedies at Blakeley'e drug store. Get
Green's Special Almanac. J
A bodv of 4800 acres of land near An-
telope will he sold in tracts of 160 acres
I or mo'e to suit purchaser. More than
! half of this land is fine wheat land, rich
black loam. It is weil watered, there
being some thirty . r forty springe on
the tract and small running streams
across most of it. "i he land is situated
from four to eight miles from the end of
the railroad at Shaniko.
Any part of the land will be sold,
either for cash or on long time after the
first payment. Price $5 to $15 per acre.
Inquire of A. 8. Bennett.
sl3- dAwlm
a ItW0
Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92.
Dalles, portiantT & istoria
A lady asks what is meant by the
term "strenuous life," so often met
in the newsyspers of late. It is
usually applied to a politician, sister,
but in your case when you have an
ironing, fruit preserving and a teeth
ing baby all going on at the same
lime, that might be called leading a
strenuous life.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between J.
E. Fait and Chaa. F. Michelbacb. under
the firm name of J. E. Fait & Co., has
this day been dissolved by mutual con
sent, Chae. F. Michelbacb retiring. J.
E. Fait will continue the business and
will collect all outstanding accounts and
pav all claims against said firm.
The Dalles, Or., Sept. 30, 1001.
J. E. Falt,
Chas. F. Michblbacii.
All persons knowing themselves to be
indebted to the late firm of K. Gilbreth
& Sons will please call on them and pay
amount due. All accounts unpaid by
September 20th will be banded over
According to the ever-truthful J to Messrs Wilson & Huntington for col-
at 7 A. M.
...Portland Boat...
at 7:00 A.
W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent,
The Dalles, Oregon.
White Collar Line.
Be DaiiBS-Portlaufl Until
From Portland to
Cascade Locks, Hood River,
White Salmon and
The Dalles.
Leaves Portland at 7 a. m. on Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday.
Arrives The Dalles, same day, 5 p. m.
Leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. on Sun
day, Wednesday and Friday.
Arrives Portland, eame day, 4 p. m.
Meals the Very Best.
This Route has the Grandest
Scenic Attractions on Earth.
Portland-Astoria Route
Str. "TAHOMA,"
Daily Round Trips except Sunday.
Leave Portland 7 a.m.
Leave Astoria 7 p. m.
newspapers a baby in Shamrock, Pa.,
has been sharing bis bottle daily with
a huge snake. To tome this seems
but another proof tbat the immutable
affinity between the bottle and the
snake is recognized and fosteied by
even adolescent man.
An exchange sagely remarks that
after a man passes forty be should
pick out a wife with her ability to
make a mustard plaster in view,
rather than her parlor accomplishments.
A society for the protection of
husbands from drunken wives has
been formed in London, England.
The shoe is generally on the other
foot in this country.
lection. sejb tf
Lewis Ockerman, Goshen, lad : "De
Witt's Little Early Risers never bend me
doable like other pills, bat do their work
thoroughly and make me feel likea boy."
Certain, thorough, gentle. Clarke &
Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
If so do
Prof. Homer de Morrison
Landing and office Foot of Alder
Street; both phones, Main 361, Port
land, Oregon.
E. W. CRICHTON, Agent Portland,
J. M. FILLOON, Ant. The Dalles,
A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria.
1'OlttlCal Tot Mill mi,;.
Do yon suffer from piles?
not turn to surgery for relief.
Witch Hazdl Salve will act more quickly,
surely and safely, saving you the expense
and danger of an operation. Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded
25 els. and 60 cte. Blakeley, the drug
giflU. Hudson, Browubi!l & Butts have for
rent two good farms of 160 acres each ;
one for cash rent, and the other for half
(he crop, the owner furnishing every
thing. Both are good propositions.
Write or call at the office. 11-ddtwtf
We offer for a limited period the
twioe-a-week Chronicle, price $1.50,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
One of the most significant reports is ! PV,t0D'8 on pnwf paints for $1.50 per
tbat Wallace McCammant is a candi-: l!?a' xor o years, uiarfc ft
date for the republican nomination for aem- mI
congress from the Second district. Mai- Wood! Wood! Wood! Best grades
colm A. Moody, of The Dalles, now is of fir, pine, oak and slabs, all well sea
the incumbent and stands for re-nomin-j A V k. u. , . .
Uon. Mr. Moody has been exerting ,0"e can 00 bought of Jos. T. Peters ft
himself to bring to bear the re- i slO-lm
sources of t.'te executive departments of ...., ., .
the federal government in Eastern Ore-1 J""V KA& pp" dr' "d. to
on. and this nerhans has been the beat I "v? " " vivemiy u wants soroeuiing
The East Oregonian, intensely and al
ways democratic, is taking a wonderful
interest these days in the republican
candidates at the coming state election.
Tbat paper's very latest information is
as follows, and we give it for what it is
worth, premiaiog the while that the
East Oregonian knows a heap of things
that ain't go. It save
323, Washington street. Rooms 23-30,
The flrat registered as well ai the 8rst gradu
ate palmist ever In Portland. The world's
g eatest Trance Clairvoyant and Herbalist can
be consulted dully on all affairs of lif.
Prof, de Morrison is without a doubt the most
scientific Palml.t and Clair von ant in tbe world
today: be locates hidden treasure, reunites tbe
separated, tells if there is mineral, oil. or gas on
your land, enables you to win tbe affection of
one you desire.
Palmistry taught, mediumistic persona devel
oped. Heals by tbe uses of his revealed net bit
teas; cures chronic and so-called Incurable dis
eases. Krec treatment for tbe poor.
Send 1, date of birth and three quest! ?us ; all
letters answered at i nee.
Located by Vlaion.
PortUnd. Aug. 10. -(To I he Editor). Homer
de Morrison, oecullUt. located by vision tbe bill
lion stolen irom the 8elby Hmelting Works. In
belmlf of occult science he immediately com
municated by letter the facts to Mr. A. J. Rals
ton, owner of the i-elby Works. Tbe reports re
ceived last night prove his statements correct.
"It Is pleasing to be assured tbat the gold
stolen from tne beloy Smelting Works was 'lo
cated by vision' by a Portland occultist. Thia
proves mat tne story ot the confession of the
thief and that his assistance was required In re
covering the gold was a base California inven
tion for the purpose of depriving Oregon of just
glory." (Editor Portland Oregonian.)
Just What
You cuant.
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof JMI
Just Received
A full line of Fresh Printing and De
veloping Papers direct from factory.
Solio, Rex, Deko, Velox
and Aristo in all sijses.
' Also a line of Plates in Cramer,
Crown, Seeds and Stanley.
Trays, Printing Frames,
Albums, Multigraphs,
And all accessories to complete the
outfit of either the amateur or pro
fessional photographer.
Union Pacific
Chicago- "
Portland gait Lake, Denver. Ft
Special. Worth, Omaha, kan.
Mm, Laks, Denver, Ft.
rBa. m. WorOi, Omaha, Kan-
ggP1" cX"t.C'hl-
oaf) p.m. man, Minneapolis, Bt
vtaapo- Piil.Dolatt.Miiu.u:
kan. ka, nhtsago and Kaat.
"rou I'arttand.
""in dates sub
ject to change.)
8:00 p. m.
Colombia, Klver.
e5S. ni. To Astoria and Way
siwSiay, Landings.
loSOp. m.
DaUy Willamette River.
SSB 0W1 T.' Newberg,
?E? V, Blm, Independence,
6p.m. rfl ay-tjuidlngB.
TaflBwy, Corvallls and Way
SaJQirday, Landings.
tiSOa. m.
Tusaday, Willamette and
Thnraday, Yamhill ttlvera.
Jifii ' Oisgbn City, Dayton and
, Mi. m. Way-Landings.
ISparia Bnake River.
3 :40a. m. Btparia to Lewistou.
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graced a single stock. Real imita
tion creton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at chean mnr
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a foil line of bouse paints.
D. W. VATJSE, Third St.
act of bis incumbency. He has caused
investigation of the possibilities of irri
gation and reforestation and tbe tim
bering and grassing of sand tracts along
tbe Colombia river. Tbis baa strength
ened him with bis constituency beyond
doubt. Ur. McCammant baa been a
republican campaigner since be attained
manhood's estate, and baa been a de
voted follower gf Joseph Simon. Ha
has been known as a candidate for some
weeks, apd yet a public announcement
to give it life and vigor. Wa have what
the hair needs wben it gets in that con
dition. We have at the Crown of
Science Hair S fi) Grower and
Cocoauut OeamV Tonic. They
will core daud wawaW ruff and all
scalp diseases. For sale at Fraaer'a bar
ber shop. Prion 50c and 75c a bottle.
full line of Xaatman films and tap.
plies just received by Clarke A Fak.
So beer 1 be for Thk Chbowtoli.
John Pashek, The Tailor,
Has just received 1000 samples "
of the latest patterns in Gent's
Clothing Goods. Hh guaran
tees prices and a good fit or no
pay. : : : : :
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Land Ornca at Thc Daubs, Ob , i
October 8, 1901. 1
NoUec- is hereby aiven that the fniimni no-
named settler baa Hied notice of his intention to
inane nnai proof in support of hi claim , and
nisi seiu urooi will De ninac l-clore the licwU
ter and Receiver at Tbe Da Ilea, Oregon on
tbsnaaa I). Bpj-laaar,
of The Dallea, Oregon, H. K. No. 7tM0 for the
am) NW W9fU oee tf. 1 8.. R. U E.. W. it.
He names the follow-ing wltuetsea to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
Oray aad Fraok Free
aoa ucorge utvstt,
Levi Chrism an, Thorns Oi
man, of Tha Dallea. Oragoa,
oi Endaraby, Oregon
Fire Insurance.
Law Union I! Crovn Ins. Co. of London.
Founded 1825.
Capital paid up ?7,50o,ooo
, 2O,120,O35
Now the time to insure ; tomor
row may be too late.
Phone No. 86, Seufert & Condon
Phone No. 80S, Pacific States Co.
Resident Agent, Tbe Dalles.
Our Eureka Combined Toning and
fixing Bath is a dandy. Iry it.
Tbe A. E. C. Developer for plates,
films or developing papeis has no equal
Enough for 35c to develope 6 dozen mates
or 8 dosen Velox 4x3. Perfect blacks
and whites are guaranteed, if directions
are followed, ask for .tbe A. K. V. De
veloper, and see that yon gat tbe
We are prepared to com pound an v and
all of your own formate and gnarantee
At tbe old place, 175 Second Street,
Tbe Dalles, Oregon.
Geo. C. Blakeley.
iiH "WSjaayeaasajpasjaasaaBay
L. Lane,
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fiah Brothers' Wagon.
TMrt and Jeflcrnn. Phone 159
ftaflm ifiift linrTi aksfi j j i n I
Yellowstone Park Line.
r- Parties aeajriqg to r.o to Heppatr
its on Columbia Bouthern via Biggs, tkoaH
flo. 2, leavltrx The Dallea at B&Tm.
tin.. - II . .Ill . n , r ..
fi'e uiw umiauuuuB at xieppnerianBBSi
Keiurrung matlngdlrectronaacaai
at Heppiierjunotlon and Biggs with .No, Lav
riving at The Dallas at 1:05 p. m.
For further paxtpJnUrs, call on or addnss
J. 8. aCHSMCK,
Max A. Vosr,
No. 2.
Ubioj Depot, Fifti and! sis
Fast mail (or Taooma, '
HaatUe, Olyinpia, Gray s
Harbor and Bouth Bend
points, Spokane. Ross
land, B. C, Pullman,:
Hoacow. LAaUtin u,
U:lo A. al.ifaloHuDiDminineeniin.
5;0 P. at.
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Trausaot a General Banking BuaiQMa.
i4&K? ,D
8iabt Ezchanae anil T-l. ui-
iTrasMfore sold on Nw York" Ohlciuro
8t. Louis, Han FraneUco, Portland oK-'
i 7D " various poinU
4 Waeblngton.
Collfctlons iitoaVatill points on fav
orable terms.
No. 4.
U; P.M.
;ry, neteua, Minneapo
lis, St. Paul, Omaha,
Kanaaa City, St. LouU.
Chicago and all points I
east and south east.
Puaet Bound VnM.. I
for Taooma and Seattle! 7:00 A. II.
and intermodule point
No. S.
Pullman nrat-claaa and tourist aleenera to
Baageebecaed to destination of tickets
Assistant General Pi
sou Street, comer
t. 365 Morri
First national Bait
tub nil i van flRstftOlt
a n wnishM
A General Banking Business traMJtsI
uepoalte raoalved, auujeci w osp m niiAnk-.
vuiiwuuud ill au t- auiu umw- i -
remitted on dav of collection.
Bight and Telegraphic Exchange jatfel
Haw York, Ban Francisco anc
D. P. Thompson. Jo. 8
Eo. M. WiLLuaa, Qo. A. V
H. M. fiaULL.
W- W. .WIMON, Maaafar.
Giflford'g Fotog Never Fede.
Tha table always snpplW
beet in the market.
74 Front St., near Court, H