9 Ik Shritas VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 15. 1901. NO. 205 SB 5 AVcgctable Pnsparadonfor As similating the Food andBeula lingttieStonadhsaHlBovMSflr' Promotes DigrationJCterM ness and Rest .Coatalns neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Hot Narc otic . txafOUUrSSMOCLmaaCR AmMt Seal' ttx.Smn HSnpSfd- AperTecl Remedy forConstipa Hun , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fever ish itess and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. BELIEVES BOTHA IS CAUGHT London Standard Has It Figured Out that Boers Cannot Escape. New Youk, Oct. 14. In explanation of tbe statements of some of the London dailies concerning tbe war in Sonth Africa, tbe London correspondent of tbe Tribune cables as follows : "The Standard thinks that tbe British troops have a good chance of -capturing General Botha. Very little is known here in regard to tbe movements of the Boer commandant-gensral since the failure of his attempt on the Natal frontier. His wagons, witli an escort, under Grobelaar, tiave been detached and sent eastward. Botha with hie main body marched in tbe same direction for some time, only to find that bis re treat was being cut off by one of the British columns, which was apparently moving parallel with him. He then marched due nortb to within few miles of Piet Retief, where he is believed to have baited in a difficult aod perilous position. He cannot break back to ward Zululand or the Natal frontier without throwing himself right into tbe arms of his pursuers. It be goes nortb be will touch Swaziland, and will get into trouble with tbe warlike natives. He may possibly drift away toward the west and find a temporary refuge in the passes of the landsberg. On the hole, the Standard considers that the Trans vaal array is n tight corner. Tbe Dally News, on the other band takes the view that General Botha baa gotten clear away." A II triad Povm. Pobt TowNeasn. Oot. 18. -According to a letter received here today from a miner in the Kongarok district, near Nome, evidences have been unearthed which indicate that in remote ages tbat 'ciion was tropical. At tbe mouth of Turner Creek a buried forest has been traced a distance of a mile aod a balf. Trees more than 100 feet long have been uncovered, and many are in an tacellent tate of preservation. When tbe foreet wm Orst Uncovered, it was thought to coal, bat farther investigation re led that it waa timber. Tbe wood 'wamble. California redwood, aod many OASTORIA For Infltnfai and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA of the trees are exceedingly large. In tbe buried forest were found elephant tusks, deer and elk horns and mammoth tusks of considerable sixe, which strengthens the belief tbat tbe country now covered with ice'aud snow was once a tropical or semi-tropical region and was covered with a luxuriant growth of vestetation. Amidst the buried forest a soda Ipring has been found with an immense flow of water, and, according to the writer of tbe letter, animals for miles around go there for water. He says the water is pleasant to tbe taste and possesses excellent medical proper ties. Nlg-lit Waa Her Terror. "I' would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Chaa. Applegate, of Alex andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough fright fully and spit blood, but, when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Dieoovery wholly cured me and I gained 68 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coaghs, Colds, la, Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Long Trouble?. Trice 60c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at G. C. Blakeley'e drum store. 2 Kffwrt Haa railed. Nkw York, Oct. 14. The Constanti nople correspondent of the World cables the following additional points of interest concerning tbe attempts to rescue Miss Stone : "The first negotiations with tbe brig ands who kidnaped Miss Stone, tbe American missionary, and are now hold ing her for $110,000 ransom, have fallen through owing to ao attempt by the Bulgarian police to trap tbe outlaws. It is believed, however, that Miss Stone and her companion, Mrs. Tsilka, are being well treated." "I had long suffered from indigestion," writes G. A. LeDeis, Cedar City, Mo. "Like others I tried many preparations but never found anything that did ma goo J until I took Kodol Dyspepsia Core. One bottle cured me. A friend who bad suffered similarly I pot on tbe use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. He is gaining iur nd will soon be able to wore. Be rill soon oe aoie w wor.. l need Kodol Dyspepsia Co fore he indigestion bad made him a total wreck. Clarke Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. If anything aiie yonr hair, go aod see Fraaar; he's tbe headquarters for all MmffiltM. Remember tbat be Mkeaa.pccialty oftbaaarmds. tl' MOST GETS ONE YEAR IN PRISON Fire Eater Sentenced to Penitentiary for Publishing Seditions Article the Day After McKialey Was Shot. New York, Oct. 14. Jobann Most, tbe anarchist, was sentenced to one year in tbe penitentiary today in the court of special sessions for publishing in his paper, The Freiheit, a seditions article on tbe dny following tbe shooting of tbe late President McKinley. Adopted by the Church. San Franciboo, Oct. 14 The Epis copal .deputies this morning passed tbe resolution offered on Saturday appoint ing a commission on the relation of labor and capital. The marriage-divorce debate was resumed. Several speeches were made for and sgainst tbe proposed canon, tbe strongest being made by Dr. McKim of Washington, D. C, who said the proposed canon is based upon an interpretation of the Scriptures entirely different from tbat accepted for a century by the 'Anglican church, While the church should do something to check divorce, no man has shown how the proposed canon will prevent of restrict the evil or preserve the purity of the home. The debate closed at noon, R. A. Lewis, chairman of tbe committee, speaking in rebuttal. Silling as a com mittee of tbe wbole, the house of deputies adopted the canon prohibiting re marriage of divorced parties, by a vote of !82 ayes to 158 noes, as passed by tbe bouse of bishops with minor amend ments made by the deputies. Homer Davenport' Lecture. Albany, Oct. 13. Homer Davenport, tbe celebrated cartoonist, of New York, lectured in this city last evening. His talk was of a reminiscent character, ac companied by cartoons of tbe prominent men he has met, among them being tbat of Mark Hanna, Gladstone, Tom Reed, Senator Spooner, Tom Piatt and Croker. A Portland story was that of earning two tickets to hear Clara Morris present "Camille" by assisting in posting bills on the streets of Portland just before be became known as an artist. He told his lather of his good fortune and tbe old gentleman remarked tbat he was glad of it, for he had beard Miss Morris be fore the rebellion and be know ebe was good. At a big Maine monument meet ing in Washington, Davenport proceeded Clara Morris and be told this story to her great discomfiture. Davenport was introduced by ajloruaer Silverton school mate, Mayor Davis, and there were several former neighbors and admirers in tbe audience. Only Way to Save Her. Constantinople, Oct. 14. It trans pires tbat the Turkish commander bad completed plane to surround Miss Stone's captors at noon last Saturday. Spencer Eddy, secretary of tbe United States legation, received further advice tbat further activity would result in the deatb of Miss Stone, and at 8 o'clock Saturday morning be preceeded to the residence of tbe Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tewflk Pjaha and demanded tbe immediate re tirement of tbe Turkish troops. This was carried oot, and tbe Bulgarian forces following suit. Mr. Eddy's action has tbe unanimoos approval of tbe members of the diplomatic corps, wbo are con vinced that efforts to liberate Miss Stone will infallibly reaolt in her murder. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cored by using Vfoki Tee. A pleasant herb drink. Cares constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep end happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25cts. aodSOets. Blakeley, tbe druggist. NOTICE. Effective this da. A eharga of $1 par ear per day will be made for delay to aara. for all time bald under load, In j, or 00iosding by consignee or consigner, in excess of forty fight boors from time car Is set lor loaning or on- f AMSS IBBbAMO, Agant O. B. 4 N. Co. VYaoted Irooer at Tbe Dalles laundry. tl Subscribe for Tag Cooo-icw A page from tttrn New FALL. CATALOGUE of A. Ma WILLIAMS EL COMPANY, the Mall Order Storm. Newest Styles In Misses and Children's Coats. Should vour order call tor a size sold out. same will be s?nt you from the factor? at a delay of a few days ex tra. Please mention second choice. wmwmmmmmmmm I1S7. Chlld'stbos. coat, of red melton oloth, appttqued with black vel vet, 4 to Myra 18.00 1132. Child's box oeatot red melton cloth, with a full oape, edges are nicely piped with a good quality of Mercerised material In white, making very pretty eBeot, 4-14 yr. 16.00 1171. Child's box coat, nicely stitched on lapel and Sleeves, with velvet piping. Material la a very heavy tan covert oloth. 4 to 14 yrs. fS.O0 1185. Child's box coat, nicely tailored lapels trimmed wlthsllk stitching made of a cool quality of navy blue kersey cloth. 4'to 11 yrs ItO.tO 1707 1708 Women and Jewels. Jewels, candy, flowers, man tbat is tbe order of a woman's preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the aversge woman. Even tbat greatest of all Jewels, health, is often mined in the strenooos efforts to make or save the money to purchase them. If awomsnwill risk her health to gets coveted gem, then let her fortify herself against tbe ineidnous consequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr. Boechee's German Syrup. It wilt promptly arrest con sumption in its early stsges sod heal tbs affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive tbe diead diseasefrom the system. It is not a cure all, but it is a certain cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at Blakeley' drug store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1 Clarke k Falk's flavoring extracts are tbe beet. Ask yonr u' aat for tbem. JUST ARRIVED ! The largest and most complete Una of . . . n IKMMS ever shown in the city are now on display at H. Glenn & Co's Paint and Oil tor. Misse's and Children's WORSTED DRESSES. We have room here for describing only part of our stock in this line. Have many more styles equally as attractive. All children's dresses lined throughout. Please state second choice when or dering. 1726 1707. Child's dress, all-wool flannel, trimmed in silk soutache braid; lined throughout ; red, blue and brown, 6 to 14 years f2.60 a 1708. All-wool cashmere, yoke appliqued with insertion and braid, blue and red lined throughont, 6 to 14 years 12.50 1900. Sailor suit of plain serge, trimmed with white braid, lined throughout, colors red and navy, 6 to 14 years 13.00 1912. Sailor suit of best quality all-wool eerge, trimmed in silk braid and anchor; in red blue and brown; 6 to I I years 15.00 1720. Dress in fancy dark mixtures, yoke and lapolsof catdunere to match, soutache braid and button trimming, 0 to 14 years pf2.5l) 2018. Infant's dress of all-wool cashmere in da k colors front trimmed t form yoke, cap over shoulders, braid trimmed, 2 to 5 years 1.25 008. Infant's dress of all-wool cashmere, yoke and straps trimmed in silk soutache braid and small buttons, old rose, blue, white and red, 2-6 yrs. .12.60 WD ARB! JSk.Qr2DN1?M 1170X1. We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention.' THE DALLES. - JBBBBBbW BBBBBBBa BBBBBBBBBJ BBbBP oymauoarreom. ffisw an H 1919 - OREGON. 19C0 YOUR KIDNEY8. After, voo tire of log so called kidney ramedtao wltboot any benefit, ate Lincoln Sexual Alia ami bo forerer rid of those doll pains lo yonr back. Discard tbat old fogy idea of "pain lo too kidneys" and bevo oil your Madder and urinary troubles corr-. aadyoOf alfbts msde restful by lbs use of Mtfv gtaatoot oottataot-Uooota Sana! Fills. . . Price, 1 00 oar bog-bay of joordroojlot oasool 3NbwWs Fort M. Z. Doanell, Agent, Too Dalies 1008