The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 14, 1901, Image 3

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    . fjMikaMvii Aeeatene.
New Stilting
Wonderfully complete is this new stock
now. The brillien successes of the past are to
be repeated, and doubled this year. We have
the stock, we have the facilities, and we have in
addition the price-making power that gives you
fine materials for the eame money that is ordi
narily paid for inferior qualities.
All-wool Cheviot Suitings,
All-wool Prunella,
All-wool Zibeline,
All-wool Satin Burba,
All-wool Whipcords.
Colored ftrea Goods.
Imported Fancy Waist Cloth,
All-wool Cheedda Cloth,
All-wool Venetian Cloth,
Golf Suitings,
Melton Skirtings.
For thle week we are showing a special
line of French Series (just received) at f5c
and $1 per ard.
In our Silk Debartment, special line of
all-silk Colored laneta,
per yard.
The Dalles Daily Gfamfefe.
OCT. 14. 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
All Weieo County warrant 1-eti'tered
prior to Umcntbcr 8. ISM, will be paid
on presentation at ray office. Intereat
Met after September IX, 1M1.
County Treasurer.
"Down In Egypt"
ToniKbt at the Vogt.
We call attention to Menefee & Par
kins' piano special advertisement, which
appears on this page today.
For Rent Honse at end of Third
street, north side. Will be rented to
responsible party. Inquire at this
office. octl4-lw
John Doe paid a fine of $2 to Recorder
Doherty this morning for worshipping
too long last night at the shrine of John
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. P. F.
Bradford, of Hood Btver, baa been in
poor health for some time and was
brought to The Dalles hospital yester
day for treatment.
The Antelope Herald says Dr. C. A.
Cline, of Prineville, has sold bis fine
stall ion, Barnato, to Alva Boyoton, re
ceiving for him 400 in cash and the
race mare, Baby Bath.
The Antelope Herald says: "Mr. H.
C. Rooper returned from The Dalles last
Sunday evening, and speaks In very
laudatory terms of the exhibits and at.
tractions at tbe fair and carnival at that
Wise Guohilda Beet, eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mia. Ed Beck of tbis eity,
ll be united in marriage to Mr. Louis
J. Gates, of Arlington, next Wednesday.
October 16th, at tbe residence of tbe
bride's parents.
From a Seattle paper we learn tbat
one night last week, while tbe family
"as absent at a party, tbe residence of
J- W. Harry was entered by burglars
od robbed of every valuable tbat could
conveniently carried off, Mr. Harry
a sou-in-law of Mr. nod Mrs. Simeon
"olton of tbis eity.
Mrs. Martha Poorosan, who was
recently ad judged ieffieffie was taken to
tbe asylum tb morning bar Deputy
Sheriff 8ti gtn. Poor man's son,
"en RcKbroy. efjoifc Mre. Poorm.n
'78.year. oTi5ranl U almost a.
belpless as a cfttA vSfer InMolty Is of
mild i,p&Ju.
oees net i3mm twtffteot to her
for this week, at
years, and to a life of unusual worry and
Tbe Skamania County Pioneer claims
to have it on good authority that the
murderer "Green will get a hew trial, as
his attorneys maintain that they did not
bave sufficient time in which to prepare
tbe ease for trial. It was lees than a
week from tbe time they were appointed
to defend him until tbe case was called
for trial."
Tbe Illinois Methodist conference re
cently refused to exclude tobacco users
from membership. Tbe report upon
temperance recommended tbat each ap
plicant for membership should be re
quired to answer the question: "Do
you use tobacco?" and provided that
the conference could reject applicants
wbo gave an affirmative answer. This
provoked a lively debate, and the clause
was amended to provide that every
laudable means should be used to pre
vent lhe use of tobacco among tbe
Dr. McLean, tbe state veterinarian,
was out in tbe Bakeoven and Ridge way
countries last week investigating tbe
causes leading to the death of a consid
erable number of range cattle. After a
thorough examination of tbe cattle, kill
ing one of tbe animals attacked and
opening its stomach, tbe doctor pro
nounced the disease blind staggers,
caused by something the cattle are eat
ing, and prescribed as a remedy bleed
ins at the mouth and then physic with
raw linseed oil or eosom salts. He also
advised change of feed where possible.
The Antelope Herald says: "Tbe
Second Eastern Oregon District Fair
closed at The Dalles last Saturday
evening, after one of tbe most success
ful meetings ever held since its organi
sation. Large crowds from all over tbe
state were in attendance, and a number
of splendid attractions had been pro
vided for tbeir entertainment. Tbe ex
hibits were more numerous and better
than ever before, -and the stock exhibit
was as fine as could be seen anywhere
in the Northwest. The management of
tbe association, and those having tbe
carnival in charge, are to be congratu
lated upon tbe epienaia success or me
entire meeting."
As we go to press Gus Errickson.
George Webber and Fred Frye bave just
been examined in Justice Brownbill's
court on a charge of robbery of a quantity
of gentlemen's clothing from a sample
room of tbe Cosmopolitan hotel on the
Thursday nigbt of last week. The cloth
ing was earn pies belonging to a drummer
named W. 8. Maisoo, who represented
tbe firm of Brown Brothers A Co., of
San Francisco. Tbe men were arrested.
tn Portland on information furnished j
tbe chief of police by Sheriff Kail wbe
waa ably assisted in too hunt for Met,
robbers by Deputy Sheriff Wood effid
Special Vlgbtwatebmaa AlUkv,. Errte
soo and Webber were brought bare
yesterday by Sheriff KelW and Frye to
day by Detectives Know and Kerrigns of
Portland. As part of toe
IpMMM Wnvn
Don't yW went
Move you Men 'em ?
The swell shoes for winter.
Broad extension soles, rope
stitch, black or colored edges.
Just the shoes for ladies and
gentlemen who wear smart
things. Come in and see the
new ideas Velour Calf, Box
Calf, Vici Kid, are the stock
from which these new shoes
are made. In all sizes and
widths. Prices from
$tM to $5.
Every good dresser will
want a pair of these snappy
shoes as soon as they see 'em.
Wear new things first, not
were found In the men's possession there
was ho reasonable- doubt of their guilt
and the justice bound each tf them in
the sum of f500
At a meeting of the stockholders of
the Double Eagle Mining Company,
held in tbis city Friday evening, the
number of shares of the stock was in
creased to 1,060,000 and the par value
reduced from 500, as the original stork
wise, to $1. It waa also decided to erect
a mill on the property, as there Is
enough good ore In eight to justify it
There are from 1000 to 1,600 tons of ore
on tbe dump, worth from $10 to $20 per
too, and the stope shows much ore of
still higher grade, and some exceedingly
rich. A limited number of shares of
tbe new stock will be sold at ten eents
per share, enough only to fini'h develop
ment work and tbe erection of tbe mill.
A little over a month ago tbe Portland
Telegram, presumably voicing tbe senti
ments of tbe Mnltnomah county court,
ripped Judge B'akeley up the back for
sending a Mrs. Basey down there to be a
county charge after the Wasco county
court had got tired of keeping her. Tbe
truth is, as Thx Chronicle said at the
time, Mrs. Basey was taken to Portland
by a son wbo lives in the Hood River
valley and Judge Blakeley bad nothing
in tbe world to do with her going there.
Tbe judge however, has got back on tbe
Multnomah people to good shape. A
man named Yates, wbo is afflicted with
a broken ibigb and who claims to have
been in tbis city for the pent nine days
applied to tbe judge this morning for an
order to go to The Dalles hospital, or
falling tbat, for a railroad ticket to Idaho,
where be eays be bas friends wbo will
provide for bis wants. Yates made
affidavit tbat before coming here Dr.
McKay, the Multnomah county phy
sician, advised bim that the climate of
Portland was not good for his health and
recommended a trip to Tbe Dalles for a
change. Yates accepted Dr. McKay's
suggestion and tbe good doctor furnished .
him with a ticket for tbe trip on the
Dalles City. Judge Blakeley bas written
tbe doctor and before midnight tbe
Mnltnomah county officials will probably
know tbat they have been detected to
tbe very act that they bave wrongfully
blamed others for doing.
Attention, He Meat
All members of Wasco tribe No. Id,
I. O. B. M.t are requested to meet at
tbe wigwam tomorrow setting of tbe
on. There will bo own and venison,
ad afterwards a pow-wow, at which
several chiefs, warrior and hunters will
snake short talks. All Bed Men are ex
peeted to trail towerd the wigwam by
7 30 o'clock, setting of the son.
By order of the Sachs m.
Hadson, BirpwnbiU A BotU have for
rant two good farms of 140 acres each ;
onwfweaeh rent, and toe other for tuft
Both ntn good
or cart at tU
I she
Lower Fifteen
VMtey road, about a mile from the Boyd
fwstocBee. Mr. Paehek wen going to
(he mountains with a four-horse team
for load of wood. While occupying
the high seat of the wood-rack he was
sant by a party of government surveyors
returning to The Dalles ft Am the WMnte
neighborhood. The surveyors had three
pack horses and Mr. I'ethek's lenders
got seared at them and, making a short
torn, took the back trfel for a distaff
of two or three hundred yards, when
they ran up against i fence and stopped.
At the first dash of tbe team Mr.
Paehek fell forward on the double trees
and dropping, subsequently, to the
ground came behind the front axle of
the wagon where he was held fast by
the lines that, sorm-how, got wrapped
a ootid one of hie thighs and the
revolving right front . wheel of the
wagon, holding bis head against the
pokes of the wheels till it was
mutilated beyond recognition. Tbe sur
veying party could do no more than fol
low the runaway team with all possible
speed, but when they overtook it Mr.
Paehek was beyond all human help.
After securing the team and releasing
the dead man from bis position, help
was obtained and the remains were
taken to the Boyd store, from whence
they were brought to The Dalles this
Tbe deceased's brother, John, of this
city, on receipt of the news of hie
brother's death, left for the ranch and
will accompany tbe family back here to
be present at the interment tomorrow.
Wencslaus Paahek was a man border
ing on 60 years of age. He was a native
of Bohemia and came here about a score
of-years ago and worked for years in tbe
O. R. & N. Company's shops, moving
from Tbe Dalles about fifteen years ago
to his ranch on Lower Fifteen Mile. He
waa a devout Catholic and was teld in
high repute as an honest, industrious
man and a good citiasn. He leavee a
wife and seven children, most of whom
are small. He owned a good farm and
carried an insurance policy of $2000 in
the order of tbe Catholic Knights of
Mr. John Marden went to Portland
Sunday on business.
Miss Annie O'Brien left this afternoon
for Portland on a visit to Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Cattollo. of Walla Walla.
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tolmle
MMaiaMA e
Dr. H. A. Stnrdevaat and Victor
Marden went to Hood Blver yesterday
on tubing excursion.
Miss Virginia Marden went to Hood
Kiver Sunday morning on tbe early
train and returned in tbe evening.
Mrs. Crossfield and two children, wbo
have been visiting In tbis city for some
time, iejt On tbe noon train yesterday
lor w
Charles Stark, wbo baa been taking a
business course at tbe Portland Bneinei a
College, arrived bare yesterday and will
spend a month assisting bis brother,
bam, in bis office business.
Women's Shoes.
This store baa long been recognized
as tbe leader to Women'e Fine Foot
wear, and today we are better able to
satisfy you than ever before, for our
line has never been as complete as
now. Possibly tbe most popular
Shoea today are our I8 60 line with
tbe $4 ones close seconds. But for
those who do not wish to invest tbat
amount, we bave good, stylish
heel at $2.26, $2 60 sni $3.
4)3.35 Shoe, with quality and dur
ability as prominent features ;
good Siting lasts and mien-
3.50 Sheen, made from box esif
or kid ; heavy or light sole ;
and Shoes that DO FIT.
M-OO represent our Pingree Com-
1; yo ere ad acquaint
ed with them; all atylea; $8
ill Vita Uo.
A SPECIAL SALE of absolutely First-class
Standard Pianos, comprising the very latest effects in
high-grade instruments.
The peerless Weber Piano, the celebrated Chickor
ing, the famous Steinway, and the world-renowned
Kimball Piano, togother with the Eriierton, Gramer,
Starr, Richmond, and last but not least, the celebrated
Decker A Son's.
This sale will open at Menefee & Parkins' Music
Store tomorrow (Tuesday) morning and continue for
five days.
This shipment is a portion oi the Johnston-Soule
stock of Portland and must be sold immediately. We
will not quarrel about prices and terms. Enough said.
Yours for Good Pianos,
...The New York Gash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
..logs' m limit's school suits..
We have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, arid are ottering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest ana neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT
Tbe New York Cash Store
jVlaier &
Headquarter for
Family Groceries,
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Stoves and Steel Ranges.
167 Second Street. THE DALLES. OR.
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart-
ment to our store. A new fresh,
1 . 1 1 1
clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
Subscribe for The Chfoniole.
Adrertiee in the Ohrontete
A Boom in First-class
Pianos, and a Genuine
Collapse in Prices.
M s m
'i 1 ri 1 i "1