The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 14, 1901, Image 1

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    Shi Balk
NO. 204
getahleIVeMraiioalbrAa- I
similating thcFoodandRrt tfta-
Promotes DigestionCheerfi I
ness andRest.Contalna neither
Opium.Morphine norMnexal
Not H arc otic .
w eawsammBwaaaa BfJ
JkSmm H
jbutStt I H
i f . . . yaw v rassssBj
nmmmm- rmwm, Hj
Apprfcc! Remedy forConsBpa- H
Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea I
VVorns .Convulsions .Feverish- H
noes nnrl l.nss gW ftlJCKP I
I F&c Simile Signature of H
For Infants and Children.
tin Kind Yon Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Chance Their VIM,
Coxstantinople. Oft. 12. Since the
located on the monnUln nf fin I nana h
Channe their Inratinn. Thav nra nnir
faldlDC on the Tnrkn-Unitarian fi-nntiar.
1 1 v in i-riiMH in Hirnwr ainn u a nipitnm.
ID II 7 ir IHI II. I II H IIMI'IKI.'lll 111 Mil H
ireu i uie movements or me troons was
imrnii n una in i Kn r,r.nA., ...a
.vuumiiiuuo L'UUULIT. KUU UUTL1V
n " inn. jui l 11 1, mi uuii
UtUCB IH Amprlmni ( ra In Irv Qnrl
cure ransom. It is hoped tbie will re-
QIl in Int. ta aiaa nf Misa Ufnnn in lam,
OUuovered In Time.
Forkht Gbovk, Oct. 12. Forest Grove
.., uinoiiuua uuuukki
linn Thn.nJ.. ....1.. 1 ..a. . 1
...,.,,,, oruiuy, ju9i ftiwr turuiug
- . v KMwa. 1.' llf v. 1 biiv bjci .
in tlm itaha.iiHii.i . r 1 . si-
-k""miioui eLure ui vapire x o.,
M called to the clothing departuuett
n 111c 11. i.i 1 1 1 .
that a 32cndle-power lamp, which ill
Wed in that department to be carried
iwiUiluuiruucUHf IIBU B ILiIlK
cord attachment, bad fallen between two
W etacke of clothing, the aame being
almost ignited to a blase. The fire wa
oon extinguished, withont the aid of
the fire department. The damages were
only $25. An early discovery was the
only tbing that saved the beat buildimr
. iuc laryeei aiouae in our ciiy.
Burope'a Bburtage la Wheat.
Washington, Oct. 12. The depart
jnent of agriculture has given ont the
w m i. , UIVU.IVU .11 U7
mo niaiiBiician 01 toe aensrt-
stent :
Nt to tbl wheat eron in Rnacia that
o' Prance is the largest in Enrope.
The yield of 1901 is: Wheat, 804 210.
; maslio, 8,890,140; rye, 63,So6.677.
aecit of wheat Is 21,872,549
n comparison with last year
til, ?;88?'518 bun-' eonparissa
the ten year averages.
Bode in the uol Kilter.
Niagara Fai i v v r to
ier NiesEen of Chicago, successfully
"vigated the whirlpool rapids this af-
wnoon in a twenty one foot cigar shaped
l called the Fool Killer. Today's
J lhrou1' whirlpool rapids was
QSisaUb, 16,000 persons. Tbe Fool
lner duuuI . . . .
foorininr' """H rlos la
Mras are Caagat.
u atcou i Wash., Oct. 12 Po-
lice have nnder arrest here awaiting ar
rival of officer, now on bis way here
with necessary extradition papers, Bea
trice Lewis and Flora Williams, wanted
at Portland, Or., for larceny of $435.
They gave their name as Lou Thompson
and May Jennings, when arrested, bat
admitted that they were tbe parties
Salesman Wanted.
In a general merchandise store in
this city. Most be a man of experience
and ability and a good stock-keeper.
For tbe right party a permanent
position is open. Apply bf letter only,
stating age, ezpei ience, and salary de
sired. Address "Merchant," care of
Chuoxiclk office , The Dalle, Or. 12- It
Will wonders never cease? Cabbages
weighing twenty pounds, potatoes three
pounds, onions nearly as large, cauli
flower five pound, turnips, radiahee,
lettuce and peas that would pat Mill
Creek on the tack seat. These are in
cluled In the Klondike exhibit and all
raised around Daw-son City. Alaeka
will be a garden spot yet. On October
15th the O. B. & N. will sell round trip
tickets to tbe Portland exposition for
$3.10, including two admissions to tbe
expoeitiou and good for return within
six days. oO-td
The Umatilla House barber shop has
recently been enlarged and fitted op with
tbe only steara-beated bath rooms in
the city. All the furniture and appoint
ments are new and of the best. For tbe
convenience of business men the plane
will be kept open, until farther notice,
till 10 o'clock p. m. oll-lm
Lost This morning on the streets of
the city, a gold brooch. Design of birds
flying; alsocontained turquoise settings.
Fiuder please leave at the Hub Clothing
House and receive a liberal reward.
11 St
Mrs. 8parlin will give lessons in ste
nography at tbe residenos of Mrs. 8. E.
Henderson, Third street, near Madison.
olO lwd
Com plate tailor ay stem of dress cot
tiog tsoght by Mrs. 8. E. Henderson at
her residence on Third street, near Mad
i,on. ' olOdawlw
Clarke 4 Folk have on aaie a fall Una
of paint sad artist's hrnshes.
Floral lotion will are wind ehapphsg
and sunburn. Manorfaetnrnd by O'arka
A Falk. t .
Subscribe for Tni Onaomcj .
flee Program Ver Creeeeae.
Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 12. George H.
Keteham, trainer and driver of Creeeens,
made the following statement today :
"I have taken off thirty pounds since
the first of May and if I cofild get to 186
pounds I would drive Creeceus in two
minutes. I will take the bona to
Columbus Monday and will try to reduce
his record next weak on tbe track. I
will take him from Columbus to Kansas
City and wilt visit Minneapolis, St. Lonta,
Pueblo. Denver, Salt Lake, Sacramento,
San Francisco, Los Angela, Las Vegas,
El Paso, Albuquerque and the city of
Mexico, which will make a vary pleasant
and profitable trtp. I shall not consider
the offer to exhibit Creeeens on tbe
vaudeville stage, as be is booked solid
until the stud season will open.''
May Bend Hew Demand.
New York, Oct. 12. Concerning tl a
case of Miss Stone, the kidnaped mis
ait nary, the Constantinople correspond
ent of the Journal and Advertiser cables :
"People versed in bandit tactics pre
sume that the, band, being well informed,
have fled owing to the publicity given to
the conditions of ransom, and expect the
brigands will shortly send a new demand
from some unexpected quarter. Nobody
fears that Miss Stone's life is at present
endangered, as the brigands desire ran
som, and will not resort to extreme
measures unless compelled by pursuit.
Tbe American officials will not divulge
the plan of action they have arranged,
but admit their intense anxiety."
Night Vaa Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all night long,"
writes Mrs. Cbas. Applegate, of Alex
andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any
sleep. I bad consumption so bad that
if I walked a block I would cough fright
folly and spit blood, but, when all other
medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of
Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured
me and I gained 58 pounds." It's
absolutely guaranteed to core Coughs,
Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and all
Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 60c
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at G. C.
Blakeley's drag store. 2
Country Is In Safe Baoda.
New York, Oct. 12. Senator Henry
C. Lodge of Massachusetts returned to
day on tbe steamer St. Liuie from a
summer vacation abroad. Because of tbe
senator's intimacy with President Roose
velt be was besieged by those who
sought to learn bis views concerning the
policy of the new administration.
"With Mr. Roosevelt in tbe White
House, tbe country is in safe bands,"
was all that the senator could be induced
to say regarding national affairs.
Former Senator Wolcott of Colorado,
who also returned on tbe St. Louis after
four months spent abroad, expects to
tske up tbe practice of law at Denver.
"I had long suffered from indigestion,"
writes G. A. LeDeis, Cedar City, Mo.
"Like others I tried many preparations
but never found anything that did me
goo until I took Kodol Dyspapsia Core.
One bottle cured me. A friend who bad
suffered similarly I put on tbe use of
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. He is gaining
fast and will soon be able to work. Be
fore be used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
indigestion bad made bim a total wreck.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
De Witt's Little Early Risers never
disappoint. They are safe, prompt,
gentle, effective in removing all im
parities from the liver and bowels.
Small and easy to take. Never gripe or
distress. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. 23cts. and&Octs. Blakeley,
tbe druggist.
Effective this dato. A charge of $1
par ear par day will be made for delay to
ears, for all time held under load, in
lauutinaa or nnloadine b eoosisaee Or
consigner, in excess of forty-eight hours
from time car is act tor loaning or on
loading". Janae Ibblamo.
Ageot O. B. A N. Co.
If anything alls yoar hair, go and Ma
Freaer; he's tbe asado, parlors for all
hair remedies. Beeaeaiber that be
aaanen a araiaHy ai Usage goods, tt
Wanted senses at The Dallas
laundry. ef-U
Sabaerlbe for Taa CaaoNicLS.
A pavgfe from the) Now FALL CATALOGUE of
A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY tha M.ll Order
Newest Styles In Hisses'
and Children's Coats.
Should your order call for a at te sold
out. same will be smt you from the
facto i t at a delay of a few days ex
tra. Please mention second choice.
II9T. Child's box coat, of red melton
cloth, appllqued with black vel
vet, 4 to If yra. SX.00
1132. Child's box coat of red melton
oloth, with a fall cape, edges are
nicely piped with a good quality of
Mercerised material In white,
rooking very pretty effect, 4-14 yra .16.00
1171. Child's box coat, nicely stitched
on lapel and Sleeves, with velvet
piping. Mate: in; la a very heavy
tan corert cloth. 1 to 14 yrs. M.00
118&. Child's box coat, nicely tailored
lapels trimmed with silk stitching
made of a trooJ quality of navy ,
blue kersey cloth. 4 to 14 yrs $10.(0
a 4
Mistc's and Children's
We have room here for
describing only part of
our stock in this line.
Have many more styles
equally as attractive. All
children's dresses lined
throughout. Please state
second choice when ordering.
1707 1708 1726 1912
1707. Child's dress, all-wool flannel, trimmed in ailk soutache braid; lined
throughout ; red, blue and brown, 6 to 14 years $2.50
1708. All-wool cashmere,yoke appliqued with insertion and braid, blue and
red,' lined throughout, 0 to 14 years 02.50
1900. Sailor suit of plain serge, trimmed with white braid, lined throughout,
colors red and navy, 6 to 14 years $8.00
1912. Sailor suit of boat quality all-wool wrge, trimmed in silk braid and
anchor; in red blue and brown; 6 to 14 years 06.00
1726. Dress in fancy dark mixtures, yoke and lapels of cashmere to match, 4
soutache braid and button trimming, 0 to 14 years $2.50
2018. Infant's dress of all-wool cashmere in dot k colors front trimmed to
form yoke, cap over shoulders, braid trimmed, 2 to 6 years $1.25
1008. Infant's dress of all-wool cashmete, yoke and straps trimmed in silk
soutache braid and amall buttons, old rose, blue, white and red, 2-6 yra. .09.60
Women and Jewels.
Jewels, csndy, flowers, man that is
tbe order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that
greatest of,nll jewels, bealtb, is often
mined in the strenuous efforts to make
or aave the money to purchase them. If
a woman will riik her health to get a
coveted gem, then let her fortify herself
against tbe insiduous consequences of
coughs, colds and bronchial affections by
tbe regular use of Dr. Boscbee's German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
sumption in Itsearly stsges and heal tbe
affected lungt and bronchial tubes and
drive tbe dread diseasefrom the system.
It is not a cure all, but it Is a certain
care for coughs, colds and all bronchial
troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's
reliable remedies at Blakeley's drag
store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1
Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your w "er for them.
The largest and most
complete line of . . .
everahowu in the city
are now on display at
H. Glenn & Co'S
Paint and Oil Store).
wn jAJELin JBLCMMxff'Jrm for
. We operate a PLTJMBINGr, TIN and .BIOYOIsS
REPAIR 8HOP. All orders entrusted to us will bava
prompt attention.
After von lire of using so-sailed kidney raaaadlua
without any baasflt, use Lincoln Sexual PUla aad at
forever rM of those
tbat old fogv idea
s dall pains la your back. Wsserd
of "oata In the kidneys" and tarn
all your bladder and urlaary troubles ours aad yaav
nlfbla mad restful by the use of natvte s greaisaa
-a. i 1- i .i mtit.
IVtos. 01.00 par bos-bey ai yeofavufulet atonal
htMIUUe r8fV-SSje
fan Wi
ftf. X. Dooaoll, Agent, Too Dalles.