mmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmm ...The New York Cash Store... 198 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Perfect sfi Hart- SchstTher Tailor Clo&cs Clothe You don't expect perfection in clothes any more than in men K you try to come as near as possible. If you get inside one of our It. 5 H. Suits j'ou'll be as close to clothes-perfection as you'll ever get. H. S. M. Suits $10 to $25. Oregon Cassimere Suits, strict ly all-wool ; single and double breasted $0 NEW HATS, NEW SHIRTS, NEW UNDERWEAR, NEW HOSIERY, NEW NECKWEAR. The famous mot for Women. A general favorite They are justly famed for their stylish elegance, superior fitting qualities and up-to-date styles. A thoroughly high-grade shoe of unusual merit at a sensible price. One Price, $3.00 Very Dressy. Exquisite Styles. PERSE & MAYS. At A44aaaaaaaaaaa fhe Dalles Dally Gfmmfete. SATURDAY OCT. 12, 1901 ' Oysters Served in any Style... At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wasco County nmUl NfiittNi prior to December S, ISM, will be pml an presentation at mj tin. Iatereat mm after September IS, tSOl. JOBII F. BaVMPSBIRS. Ooantr Treaearer. eVAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Remember Professor Sandvig'e social dance at the Baldwin tonight. A. F. Haynes, of Dufur, has been Rranted a patent on a bay-nd grain on loader and stacker. Oysters now command tbe highest price ever known and bave sold as bigb as $5.50 per sack, says the Olympia Standard. D. H. Williams, a former of Great Britain, and s resident of Canada, yesterday declared hia intentions of be coming a citizen of the United States. It is again particularly requested tbst parties bavins claims agaioat tbe carni val shall present the aanoe witbont delay to Mr. J. G. Hoatetler or any member of tbe executive committee. Warrants for all audited claima against t ie carnival ere now in tbe bands of the treasurer, Mr. J. C. Hoetetler, esthier if French & Co.'s Bank, who will pay them over to their owners on application. There are two or three well-defined casts of diphtheria Us tbe city, one case below tbe bluff end the others above. 1'bey are each under strict quarantine and no extensive spread of the disesse ! anticipated. Oregon ia all right. It has received the highest award for collecting farm ebiiiits, having the finest, most compre hensive and correctly labeled display of (rains, grasses and forego plants, st tbe Pan-American Exposition. Tbere were 72 bundles and 389 varieties. A New York man who found a burglar in his house held bim up at tbe poict of e revolver, searched bim end found in bis pocket $10, which he took, ss be id, to pay for soma crockery tbe burg' lr had broken. He then let the fellow to. and now tbe burglar is wondering whether he can bne the bOttsehoider arrested for robbery.. The Times-MsentsJnstr isajoiogevery dg in Us 1U rtrWn power is tbe smsil enlsf nt,M -e future fruit ind vecetsble xbibitat this Ptoes sj tsppaeeibWty. Tas Cnsosioui esse U, st this Particular innetpps, the oJr war to prevent tbe otter failure of such an exhibit next year ia to give the editor of the Times-Mountaineer absolute con trol of tbe entire horticultural exhibit and then "amateurs like Doc Sanders" and it. H. Weber and W. H. Taylor will humbly take s back seat. Under the beading, "The Dalles Fair, a Grand Success From Start to Finish," (be Heppner Times eays: "Dave Me Atee and his daughter, Miss Vallejo, returned Monday sight from Tbe Dalles, where they bad attended tbe district fair and street carnival. Dave speaks in ths highest praise of the event and reports tbe entire carnival, ths fruit exhibits, the races and all other features simply grand. Tbe Dalles citiaens and their country neighbors did themselves proud in tbia big fair, and deserve the greatest credit for the able and efficient manner in which tbe same was bandied." A merchant who had two stores in small villages tried an experiment. He pot a bargain counter in each store con taining tbe same articles at exactly tbe same price. In tbe newspaper of one village be did not advertise and sold goods amounting to $984. In the store ihe same njontb, in tbe village where be did advertise be sold goods amounting to $1,728. In commenting on tbe result of bis experiment that merchant says : "People who read the advertisement will pass by one of my stores and drive miles to tbe other for what thev could bave gotten at tbe aame price in my store at their door." Ex. Go complaint of Ben Wilson, of this city, Justice Broanhili has issued s warrant for tbe arrest of Enaile FisU, a ho is charged with having passed on' Mr. Wilson a forged check for $200 on the First National Bank of Tbe Dalles. Fish skipped tbe coun'ry, leaving a wife behind bim in a delicate condition of health. He is described as a nan of forty-five years, sis feet in height, weighing about 180 pounds, of light com plrxion with light mustache, and ac companied by a young man of about twenty years of age. He pretends, or did pretend, to be a cattle buyer. Home time ago worked for i. D. Cooper and Mr. Linton of tbe Columbig precinct, and subsequently moved to The Dalles and rented a bouse east of the old fair grounds, where bis wife resides. It was rumored yesterday that be bad gone to Idaho but tbe sheriff ie still hot on his trail. Tbe postoffice department has adver tised for bids for carrying tbe mails twice s week each way between The Dalles and W rent bam postoffice, a die tance of telve miles. Tbe bond re quired is $600- Also between The Dalies and OoldeodaU sis times s week ; bond $2QQ ; present contract pay $688. Ales between Ths Sd Hartlsed by ay 14, M, 000; present contract pay $M, aab esstfrt for fM- Alt between Tk Dalle end Sbsnrko, efs times a bond .; pay $2,880, subcontracted for $2,880. Also between Tbe Dalles and Waplnitia, six times a week ; bond $4.000 ; present contract pay $1,235. sub-contracted for $1000. All contracts must include tbe free depositing of country mail in boxes by the wayside. Sealed proposals are receivable by tbe assistant postmaster general until Dec. 8, 1901. The con tracts are for the term commencing July 1, 1902, and ending June 80, 1906. OUR CHUHCHC8 St. Paul's Episcopal church R ev. O H. Lake, rector. Morning service st 11 a. m. Evening service at 7:30. Sun day school, 12:15. All are invited. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B. Clifton, pastor. Regular service at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m., in tbe new church on Union street. Sunday school at 10 s. a. ; B. Y. P. U. at 6 :30 p. m. Zion Lutheran church, Seventh and Union straits W. Brenner, pastor. Services as usual : Morning service at 1 1 ; evening, 7 :80 ; Sunday school , 12:15; Lutheran League at 7 p. m. German aerviees at 2 :80 p. m. - Methodist Episcopal church Corner Fifth and Washington, Rev. W. Skip worth pastor Morning service at 11 o'clock; evening 7:30; Sunday school 10 s. m.; class meeting 12:20; Epwostb League 6:30. All ere cordially Invited to these services. Christian church, Ninth and Court streets, Rev. J. M. Alexander minister Preaching st 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; 8unday school 10 a. m. ; Christian En deavor 6 :30 p. m.. Prayer meeting 7 :30 o'clock Tburaday evening. The subject for tomorrow morning will be "The Thoughts Make tbe Man." Evening "Tbe Heart's Cry : Show us the Father." Congregational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev. D. V. Poling, pastor. Services both morning snd evening at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Tbe morning subjsct : "Out of Sight, Out cf Mind." At tbe morning service Mrs. E. O. McCoy will sing for tbe offertory "Not Asbamed of Christ." In the evening Dr. Doane will sing "The Chpir Invisible." Splendid anthems bave been prepared for both the morning and evening services. Children tor rawlly Bvuiii. One boy baby 1 month old ; one girl 2 years ; one girl years ; one boy eaven ; one boy 4 years. These children are in charge of tbe Oregon Children's Home Society and will pass tbrosgb Ths Dalles Tuesday noon. They sre ail desirable children, tbe superintendent will be In Tbe Dalles on Monday and will receive any eosa man lost loos that may be left st tbisoSce. Lost This morning on the streets of the sky, s gold brooch. Design of bird flying; siao sen talus1 turquoise settings. Is si tbe Hah Cietbiag Hseas and riv liberal reward lift sYgsssJ abas si Tb Pails tf p Death of George Jfoabas. Tbe Missoula, Montana, Misaoulian of October 1st contains tbe following ac count of tbe circumstances connected with the dath of George Moabus, a well-known and highly respected Dallas boy, whose untimely end was deeply re gretted by a Urge circle of friends sod acquaintances here. Tbe article will st least afford the friend of the deceased the melancholy pleasure of knowing bow much he was respected among hi friends and fallow-employes in Missoula. Tbe Miasoolian says: George Moabus, s Northern Pacific switchman, was killed at the company's ards Sunday morning by being caught etween two bad-order car which he was unchaining. A coroner's jury last night returned a verdict that death was the result of sn accident while In tbe discharge of duty, but whether due to carelessness of the engineer or defective machinery of the engine the jury were unable to determine. The accident was a moat peculiar one, anl of which tbe exact cause may pos sibly never be known. In company with a switching crew, of which be was foreman, Moabus was occupied in un doing tbe fastenings of s damaged car that bad been brought in for repair, tbe draw bead having been broken away. As a matter of safety tbe engine had been uncoupled from tbe car and backed away several feet. After getting be tween the cars, without warning, and for a reason that some of the trainmen are unable to explain, the engine started forward auddenly, catching the unforto- Kt man by the bead between tbe ears, stb was instantaneous. Tbe dead man was taken to the under taking rooms of Hayes A Marsh, where tbe largest body of railroad men that baa ever aaaembled in Missoula for a like purpose, yesterday afternoon ac companied the remains to the Northern Pacific depot, by which road they were shippe.1 to The Dalles, Oregon, tbe home of tbe deceased's motbsr, for interment. Tbe sympathetic mourners were fellow workmen of the dead man, representing tbe orders of Brotherhood of Hallway Trainmen and Switchmen's Union of North America, tbe deceaesd being a member of Tacoma lodge, No. 135, In tbe latter order. A large number of floral pieces that decked tbe casket on its laat I mrnev. and deep gloom smons railroad employes attested feelingly of tbe esteem In which tbe dead man was held. Moabus wss about twenty-five years of age and bad been employed in tbe local vards for four years. He is sur vived by a brother, John, wbe is also fimoloved as switchman here, snd a mother living at Tbe Dalles, Orsgon. Tbe death is particularly an unfortunate one, inasmuch as the resignation of tbe rouns man was in tbe bands of tbe division officials, it being his intention to quit work last night snd lesve for uregoa 10 o near 01a winowea mower The Unwtllls House barber shop has recently bs enlarged snd fitted up with the only steam -heated bath room In the Uy All th fnrsliur end sppqIqu meat srs d of the best. For tbs epveioeof business msn tb p!e will be kept open, until fnrlber noils, Mil 10 o'clock p. m. oil 1 m Mr, Spsrltn win give lessons in ste nography at tb reeldenes of Mrs-jjj. E. ..logs' ami Iran's SCHOOL ours.. KNEE PANTS We have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seeing our line. We will save you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. The New Tor Is Cash Store New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. ...MAYS dfc CROWE.., We beg to present a picture of a late arrival. While up-to-date; the design is quiet and in good taste. This is not a $3.50 shoe, as good as $5 ones, but thoroughly (3.50 through and through. We have a whole window full of tho same kind. Light and Heavy soles. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER! He People's national Family Newspaper To sll old snd nsw subscribers paying one year in advance we offer Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for 92.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for 1.0O. NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY E PublWbsd Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, Is In reality a One and fresh every-otber-day Pally, giving tbe latest news on days of Issue, and ooverlus news of tbs other 8. It contain, all Impor tant foreign cable news which spiiears in the, Pally Tribune of Mine date, also do int-atio and foreign correspondents, short stories, elegant half- UlnalraMons. bu- ou Items, Indus- al Information, aahion notes.Ssricul- Snral masters, aud re-and oompreheuslv. aud r liable Oitsnciai financial market reports. TRIBUNE. subsarin 11.00 pa angular tlou price, year. Wa furnish It with itouii Weekly Caret r r&wj per cle Jbr( ryenr. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Published 011 Tbura. day, :ii known for nearly slsty years Id eery part of the Uul ted States as a nation al family newspaper of the highest elass, for farmers and villa ger. It contains all tho most Important Kieral r.ews of th Uy Tribune up to the hour of going to press; an agrtuulMral blabeaVofdr, aas at? teftatnlng reading lor or inn oune t market report waifs venr member fsmily.old and yo aserehauts, sad is vVtaa, up-to-date, in tereeliug and loetrue Uve. Regular subscrip tion price, f 1 net year. We furnUh ttwtlS feini Weekly Chroni cle for li.M) par 1 ear Send U order to Chrome Publlehing Co., Tbe Dalle, Or Subscribe 3t Chronicle,