- I Thi Dalles Daily Chroniele.; , SATURDAY OCT. 12. 1901 There were also 113,056 the United State who arrived from abroad. "LEFT BLOOMING ALOSE: rat Now ob Sale. The mm sai nation of President McKinley bas caused the yellow There is something peculiarly sad Journals to tarn pale. Lei as nope and lugubrious in tbe following frost the bleaching process wiilfoof nttil the Astorian, which ba? heretofore they become while. been a consistent supporter or tbe Simoo-Corbett-ScoU faction, and is now, like bos .s of others, beginning Tbe sa.e oi seats for Wiedemann's big to find itself lite Moore's last rose titj opened thie morning at Clarke &j Faltc's, and indications are thst the summer; .. ., . . , 'etandir.g room oniy sign wi.l be cot "Is it possrble, asks tbe Astorian, , Monday n ghu The oveDlne that Editor Scott aspires lo be L nited bijj j, tbe f00r-ci comedy -dram a "Down states senator, or is this )att a pipe in Egypt," story of stnibern Illinois, ; dream of Editor Kincaid? .'. written by Tom W.e1emna. Special j , r. . attention is rRii tt the scentc investor The course of tbe Oreeonian recent- . ly indicates beyond doubt that 'a goarantw performance scperior to the change bas come over tbe spirit of BVerae hi-h-r!aes attraction. The van- j its dreams.' and tbe most reasonable deviie featnres between ac are all; strong and t . op tbe long waits between acts, making a com Inn "n performance. : This attraction piajed Portland for ; three weeks in Jaiy to packed booses, aoi opes a return engagement there October 10:h. Tbeir business at Baker C If, Pendleton and sarrr-aodir g towns was ibe iara-et in ibr history of the theaters, and at Walia Walla this w-r-k they are turning pe. pie away at eTery performance. Tbe prices for tr.is ec- Groceries Groeeries mm. m. T. NOLAN. Union and Second Street?. Local Phone 92. UMr -Oregon Union Pacific mpawt Portland Special. w. p j tz: p. m supposition is tbat iu editor bas sur rendered to tbe Mitchell faction, as the belief tbat they will control tbe future politics of Oregon, as tbey hare done for a quarter of a century, except when tbey were knocked out by the bold-op legislature of 1897, with tbe active support and encour agement of Mr. Scctt, the writer of this, and many otb?rs who that tbey were acting on principle and for tbe best interests of tbe people generally, although they acted from different stir.drx:L:s. jettsr aiC X U.llit: 30WCWUJC9 -r,. - - " bedfellows. Mr. rsct wcad c a credit to Oregon it the scxale. as be was at tbe Pan-American exposition or would be anywhere, but be will never fill any responsible position through tbe influences or with ibf consent of the Mitcbeil faction." REGULATOR LIRE, igy, m Ljne. H lMN n aapfiann H naiann a - DaUKS JBII181JU HblUlId NAVIGATION CO. me wwm mie PORKand BEEF believed ggemer.t arc 10. 2t atd 30 cents. Wiu wonders nerer mat? Clti i weigling twestT pasrxis. p:at3e t-r .av A rww possds. oaiDOf ceariy as arge, . Tl A T jTjPIS BOAT MAKtTTACTT EXBfi OF Str. BAILrEY-GATZERT, -pine Lard a&d Sausages From Portland to Owadp T .rvnlri Hood River. White Salmon and HAMS & BACON The Dalles. TlatK SCHEDULES. wtwtm TUt DAUX8. 8" Ujke, Oenret, Ft wortn, Omaha, Kan- City, St Lonl, chl- Ft. Salt Ifca, Denver. www, imwia. Kan ass Cltr, St. Louts. Chi. cajro and the East. 8-8l r"ll. Wafla Wi PanV.Darath kaaa kea,CaJoago ana. f noil Iwltoa. PdU St. itwan- and Ewt OCEAJT AH HTE& 80HH)iga i r jrtlaad. Curersof BRAND TIME CARD on Tnes- t.-wtr n Z-T. THE BROTHER SHOCLL' POSTED. 'We would not in tbe slightest de tract from what tbe Chronicle bas said concerning Mr. Williamson, but znzzi. rtraipa. raiisi. js .14: i; "r ;-ca r rac k Trs ar is?- e"o3-: . i ::t K : :c r xrf:r.: aa5 a!'., ra.s-: trr-tic Itasroi C&tr. Ajassa w . . :s a gk-ata;. siin; 'K. x I'lfri'iRer 3'5 l i: t !L A. y m.. rncif sr. 3 tickf "- iiis J'maa.i tx;nis:r..ixa i:r S.K'. .timnding twi iitii tnei:juf t: si exptw'.:i(it bijc c.: . 3:r sara wicifa. " sn Cf1. :d-ii W"j,f!T tt;ii.- - Aacattrs L? aai REEF iiurt hub ra 7,:.a vj :r wins wrnethjnt' sc gtH - Ira rjr. lani woac Seiei Hi.- fjlWtS ""'v-r 43 : Cacoaxci CrmaiB Tinii:. T;sy wii. cere ixz : aB -if i : seals disii- F:r . a: Frajar" iXiTK OAK STREET DOCK, MI JL K. Lt Frr ixi at T a. m MaWf Tr rsiay aad Samrday. At:t The Dalies, sarxx; day, I p. m. i Laares 7 Daiie at 7 a. so. on Snn I day. WeAoeeday an-i Friday. rr Ta Piri"aai. aiD dT 4 n. m. JRIRD BEEF. FTC. ..Portland Boat... Meals the Very Best. is Eoc'e has the '. Seetic Attractiots on Earth. Grandest THE DALLES a: A. M- : u:; zi:sr? srsa it. Portland-Astoria Route Just Received A full hue of Fresh Print in? and De veloping Papers direct Irom factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, Velox and Aristo in all siaes. Also a line or Plate In Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphs, And all accessories to complete tbe ontfit of either tbe amateur or pro fessional photographer. Pr.o Mc i-xd . :c a bed?. we believe it is' using his name in her sbs connection with gubernatorial honors Hnds-ac, Br-wt: , A B&zxt tare lor without autboritv." Times-Mount- tw0 --' : ain :er, October 1 1 Lb. Just to show bow candid our one lor cash rea:. a&i u.e otiii-r iz hall tbe crop, the cwser fsriishing every thing. Both are gd prporluans. Write or call at the offise. li-dawtf Floral lotion wii. care wiad chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Carae A FaUt. WM. MICHELL, friend Doutbit can be when be only half tries, we print the following from the daily Chbovicle of Octo ber 7tb: "Senator Williamson bas 'consider able strength' for acytbieg be may ask of the republicans of Eastern Oregon, but The Chboxicle bas tbe ynfjgrfaJtgr anrJ Embalm8f highest autboritv in tbe world for saying that be is not a candidate for governor, and moment oar friends west of tbe mountains, or to tbe gubernatorial candidates over, in Pendieton or elsewhere, tbey are j welcome to it and tbey may rest assured tbe information ii reliable."1 Cor. Third and Washing-ton Sts. never was for aj M T , . ah onwi atmw is promptly. If this is any comfort to diataaca phone 433. Local, 102. THE KIT OPEM BOUSE. F. J. CLABKE, Manager. Tbe Tia.t -Mountaineer n.ed not busy itself so much about matters! that do not concern it. Tbe repub licansot this state and district will make tbeir nominations next year, and elect tbeir candidates without; asking any suggestions, and certainly j without expecting an' help from our contemporary. Meanwhile tbe Times- Mountaineer is informed tbat this paper knows exactly "where it is at." It bas no candidate for any office state or congressional bas never said or bicted tbat it bad, and is perfectly willing to leave tbe selection of tbe winning candidates to tbe wisdom of tbe stale and district conventions. ONE WEEK, commencing MONDAY. October 14th. THE BEPEBTOIBE MONARCH, Wiedemann's BIO snow Presenting an entirely new repertoire of comedy. 2. EMULATOR. DALLES CITY. RELIANCE. W. C. ALLA WAY, General Agent, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. Prof. Homer de Morrison Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Round Tripe except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a, m, Leave Astoria 7 p. si. Landine and office Foot of Alder j Street; both phones, Main 351, Port land, Oregon. E. W. CBIOHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, A(tt. Tbe Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. 323 . WiRh'.DftoD street. lino ml 23-30, I'OKILAM), OKKGON. Jast What You rxtQfit. S p. K. (All aaWag aate mb-l Jeot to eaange ) j Por 8RW Francisco, tettwnRySdajs. 100 p. Wa b:wam. CafplaMa Rltor. To JUHorla and Way Landings. tte River. Cfty, Newbeix, ,' Independence. and Way -Landings. m.- f QSa. m: a, sua? Wlllemette and I 5 a.a. Yamhill tttrer. , MonAa, Oregon City, Diytan and Way-Landiugs. rn. Corvallis and War-Landings. Oor Eureka Combined Toning and Fixing Bath is a dandy. Try it. Tbe A. E. C. Developer for plates, films or developing pa pets has no equal Enough for 85c to develope t dozen plates or 6 dosen Velox 4x5. Perfect blacks and white are guaranteed, if directions are followed. Ask for tbe A. . C. De veloper, and see that you get the genuine. We are prepared to compound any and all of your own formalae and guarantee satisfaction. At tbe old place, 175 Second Street, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. 26 People. nperh Band and Orchestra, b Strong Specialties. A former Oregon farmer who went to Kansas a year or two ago to en gage in farming in tbat state, wote back lo Oregon friends recently as () follows: "1 believe in diversified Prices agriculture. An exhibit of my crop j report for 1001 is as follows: 1 bave Tbe raised one acre of batted potatoes, 50 bushels of dried peaches, 25 acres of parched corn, one acre of roasted Opening biil, the 4 act comedy, DOWN IN EGYPT. 10c, 20c, 30c, of seats opens at Clarke A Falk'a Drugstore Saturday morning. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. LmOmci at Tas paUBa, Or.w beuuflcber 7. ISO. 1 peanuts, and, if tbe Weather continues Notiee it hereby given that tbe following- r named settler baa filed notice of bia lulenliou dry, I Will have about tWO acres Of " commute and make niuil proof in aupport of J bia claim, and tbat said proof will be made be melon preserves. Tbe balance Of lore the Uegiter and Receiver at The Dallea, r Oregon, on Hat unlay, October IS, 1S01, viz: my Crop COnaisU Of tbintZ bugs, artkar IS. aarrRaaaa, oraeahnriRiAre anil larkrahhila " r.nrtenbr, Oregon. H. B. Mo. 7611 for tbe grasanoppers ana jacaraouus. m T , B M E tj w M aai I He names tbe following witnesses to prove The number of aliens who arrived j JmiVu'"' npon Utt'-on in tbe United Stales daring tbe lecel 1 t, rtaGolnmt. VtSS year ending June 30, 1961, wttZtfr7 ,0mou jay r WQtMm Tbe first registered as well as the Erst gradu ate palmist ever in t'orttand. The world's g eatest Tranec.- Clairvoyant and Herbalist can be eo'isnlted dally on a!l effairs of if- Prof, de somiot is wicbont a doubt the most scientific PaJrcl-t and CiairTo-ant in the world today: be locates bidden treasure, reunites the separated tells If tbert :- miiKra'., o.l. or gas on your land enables you to win tbe a flection of one you desire. Paimistry taognt. mediumiatic persons devel oped. Heals by tbe uses of hit revealed heibil teas: cure? chronic and so-called incurable dis- senc! $i, dale of birth and three '.ucs:i us : aU New ideas id Wall Paper here. Such letters answered at tnce, wjde variety as we are showing never be- Loeatmi bj vision. '?' Kraced a single stock. Beal imita- Portund. Aug. lo - To he Editar).-Homer tion creton effects at ordinary prices, de Horrison, occultist, iocated by viainn the bui Good papers at cheap paper prices, lion stolen iron) the eelby smeltiug Works. In i Eiaoant dMisna tastafnl mlnrinaa .. beblf of occult science he imn edistely com- fZ mS!!' . 0rUB'y?r" munlcated by letter the laets to Mr. A. J. Ral j ,or "mail price, at our store on Third ton, owner of the eelby Work. The reports re- Street. Also a full line of bouse Paints, eeived last night prcve his sutemeuts correct. I -r . . V hub. iKASt is pabtlow.jD. W. VATJSE, Third St. "It is pleasing to be assure that the gold! stoien from tne 8elly Hmelting Works was 'lo cated by vision by a Portland occultist. This I ' Trove that tbe story of the confession of the thief and that his assistance was required in re covering the gold was a base California inven tion for the purpose of depriving Oregon of just glory." (Kdltor Portland Oretronian.j ;j ill IJHIIIIR Ij L U J II 1) U U (I L. Lane, 1 GENERAL John Pashek, The Tailor, Has just received 1000 samples of the latest pattern in Gent's Clothing Goods. He guaran tees prices and a good fit or no pay. : : : : : John Pashek, The Tailor. fire Insurance. Law UikNi 8 &on lis. Co. of Londoi. Founded l&2o. Capital paid op 7,500,000 20, 120,035 Now ib tbe time to insure ; tomor row may be too late. Phone No. 86, Seufert & Condon. Phone No. 803, Pacific States Co. ARTHUR SEl'FERT, Resident Agent, The Dalles. BldcKsmun ...AND... Wagon and Ccurfaaw Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TMrt anl Jeffenn. Phone 159 aawaiatSMiMasrfiawRBi a a 3:a.m. Saaka Elver. BJparla to LewiBtnn. LsvfcSai fitf f-mZm. tfleafcoi tattlio. mikjng c anajWa-ra. at BTSBpue riving at artiea Tali las to in i Colnnrtda Sou then, via R 2. leaving The Dalles at 12:JS a. a. direct eomiaeOons at Beppner ttuetka Returntng making direct conaswka uer lanettan ani Biggs aim .Bo. L jtne uttim at 1:05 p. m. For farther narucnlan. call on or i JAB. IRELAND. And, Tbe Dalies, OiejRa lilPatl Yellowstone Park Line. THE OIKLSO CAB KOCTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIREirr LIKE TO THE YELLOW- BTONE PARK l4v. "DiioiDewt.rifiiaiilsii Aaatrs. N0T1C FOR PUBLICATION. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. make final proof iu support oi fits olaim . and m . , , . . . that said aroaf wui be made ueiore toe Regis Trausaot a General Banking Business. tar mS Rccelvar at The Dalles, Oregon, on ! B Laan Ornca at The Dallbs, Oa , i Oolober S, loot. I Nutiae is hateby siren that the lollowliie nantad settler has filed notice of bis Intention to Thursday. November 16, 1WI, Tlx ftherasaa O. aprlager, oi Tbe Dalles, Oregon. H a. N 11 lafiv aati seras. uinwii aa. m . KU HEU and SW w ear. 1, T 1 ana NW14 8WU am 1 8., R. U 1 He names the following witness so. SS for tbe T 1 8., R. L! E., . 11 K., W. at. I tn esses to Drove Bis conunnons resilience upon ana cultivation of said land, vix : Leal ChllsaMii , Tbpiaas Uray aad frank Free man,aTbe baJias, Oragoa, and Ueorgs Covert. totli ' JAY P. LUCAS, RegUtar. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern fiutae. Bight Exchange and Telaarapbic Traneters sold on Maw York, Chicago, St. Louis, ten Francisco. Portland Ore gon. Seattle Wash., aad various points in Oregon and Washington. CellsatieiM made at all points oa fav orable terms. Fast mail for Tacoma, , No. SeatUe. Olympia, Cray's ' HairtMat and aL-ii t K t...A No. 2. point, Spokane, land, B. C, Pullman Moscow. Lewiatoii, Buf 11:16 A. U. faloliump mining coun 5:&0PH try, Helena, Minneapo Ua. St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, ht. Louis. Cbtoago and aU poluU No. 4. east and southeast uo.g. u.a . a. L pWt oand-Eipreas U, P. at. for Tacoina and Seattle 7:00 A.M. and lnlarmedlaAe putnu 1 Complete of Drus at M. Z. DON NELL THE DRUGGIST. J. 8. aoaaacx, President. Max A.Va pint national Bati THI DALLU - - A General Baitting BtMdnaas tiaajfif Oapoafto reeefved, subject to Hp una or uneca. CoUeoUons ninde and PJowdJj 1 n last Sight and Telegraphic Kxcl v v r- Tmmim aac b nww iws, trail w.tJl'i?'!, fl.tS1, tonrtit sleeper to wiXbangl PU 0l "-uri rtrSnS tXrtlIc1p.?ciuCn,on depot Bagaage checked to deatlnatlou of tickets. A. D. CHARLTON, Oifford's Fotos Never Fade. OIlttnOTOMe D. 9. TsMtar-aAW- Jao. 8 En. M. WnooAMS, Gao. A. H. V. JJfiALL. isHimttnaf w- m. waxsoN, m PRIVATE PARTIES The table swears suppH k bant la tea awket- 71 front St., near Cocrt, fr'r