Walter Hill has goes U Port "and" to take 4 ruf rt (vara M the Perl '.it J Butism College Mr. D. F. Creigttox. of Three Mile, to Portland iot ay on a abort visit to bet sister. Mrs. Korte. Mr. A.. Me Adam. !3 has bees aa ia met at Tbt Dalles Hopita; foe tbe pan Kt. bt so far recovered bis health that be was able to reave today for bit bo are at Shaaiko. Xir and Mrs. Gcrge A Lhe and daaghters. Mi Lena and . went to Portland tnrdr M attend lb redding si Mr. Harry C Lieb and M) ::a P.umac. Mr. and Mr. Fre-ianrk Ebelffian tr- r-: : -r itstriii f-t-a. their : ae a: Oetertille. with vb iatcatko of ataCiiig the stinter wish tier eon aid daarnter-la-law. I REGULATOR LINE. PORTLAND CARNIVAL Exboaffion LOCALS. EXCURSION RATES. hoi ::. hp u 1 K l Btr W. Ma1rnl(U Oa iti Ia Regais- R Tickets, asii;a Ob sale Sept. 1. S, Oct. X, . M, Special Rccnd-trip- Tickets limited to 6 day? fr:m date of sale W. C ALLAWAT. rv. At. jytaiet & Benton, Dr. G. C. d Mrs Headquarters for aoRS. Tail morning. OesBkag 11th, to Mr. il?s. C. R. Egtrt. Desccte rre . a son- Family Groceries, -fm m a i lM' dark A Falk an aerar eossd SeaAay. naat feeeet this. Toa will sot hare bout it sea take Carte a Fa'k's aare care Ha bosJe. Mite J s::a Maeoaart, at tbe Beehive 'rsstaareat, aiil do drmwaikiag of all kieis. ! Wasted An trv-iivct at tbe ur ? be.! A Wilson mt .oerv oarljrs- Some- oae that is aeat aitfe a needle. S8 If too Uke tbe 0. R. A N. foe tbe Portland exrontioa ose day a:!l be equal to -ftree days U yoa fo via any other line. Clerk and Falk bare; art rewired a fa., lint :i fresa ci papers aod de reapers, the same a used by Mr. I-orick ia his recer.t demons rat icsi at oar store. C. M. Phelps. Foreetdaie, Vt., s;s bat child was con, ple:-iy cared of a td case of ecrema br tbe ce of DeWitt' Witch Hixrl Saiee, Beaare cd all cETfTft. It iaetaaby reirrrec piie. Csarke A Fa.k's P. O. Pharmacy. THE "OWL Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. 173 Second Street Pb08 51 lal. Loaf riiBCf . :-e1f rLEE Sif ba. a popo ar- Ejr;red aUrarUoa that baa broken 'b booee reorvrd for atten4oe a: a a: ei"r c':y :-s ' -.r t ae:m :"rcc:. ot?-Di a trees " esrajeaieat at tbe Vact oer !tozt oa Monday, Oct. 14ii. Tbe opec-zf bili ta tie Jcr-art ootredT dritEB, --DoaTi :s Ezypt,' a ttary of Sosibera Dims-;. T&ere it a portioB o: : t: i:a.e kr: a '"Eryp:." T:e pdae at kaall :te aa3 :n at "la O d Eaataakfa" and tbe satereet ecaten oa tbe con cry fiir and ra-. tcfne in Cm ibird act. Spec. a. caery at J s:e et!iag an carritd for tbe prodactioa I ar - :i-if-.ri: pndac: :.n :: L fraevf better tiar m : it : at:rac::3f Tr c ; ft t::?: rr:-a pe-p.e it,, kr l . . i i : . .r. " t: r bf.aein t : Kraag vBaer: fe:crt art inrrodared, mak':ag a eaatiaaoae paafanaaoc ti-d ivjii rj: tht larg ira::s eo aajawajaa bj Mat averare :J:er g:er. Tbt : :-c:--;'i if i fear are thai 411 p ,;ve-s ;: L:ci-c".fcS s :-. Tbe pri :'- Ljra?fseT.: are LI. 2'. at ' i-i rii:?. Tir ; peas a: C ---ri i Fi'.k's :-r. M:ciy a:;-L:r-g. ; Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves and Steel A Fir ' C Call. 167 Second Street. THE DALLES. OR. BrmSa tf4 wmn. Reotkat ridiccioB food fad ba; been iiranitsi t y :r..e s?dj; r:'a.pMet.t actbor. it:. Tbey bare dtapaDed tb fiiiy oa lion taat one kisd of foad is needed for brain, another for atff tf, and Ii! an otber for bases. A pi-rred diet aiil not 'i i: z-.f. l fkrvirniar ;r: of tne bo.y. bet it aiil scataia erary other pari. Yet. bcar-rerf33d yoor food may be. :a nstrizaent i de ir&yed by indi rection or djrr:a. V jb pre pare for ;t;e:r appearance or prereat tiitir a. "ice by taking re -ia: doses of e-reea'e Aagnst Fisatr, tbe iararite medicine of tbe healthy ?1Hi A ;? ioset aide iigesiidt, stimo'atee tbe liTer :: :h thy a:v.:r . pcrise tie aei aitK yoa fee! bcoyant and riforon. Yi: cat f-e: I" C. et-i'- rt.iat-je rfi'z.f- i.t Eiakfjey'e craj: r.:rr. Get ureex s Special Aimanac- 1 Hot t T'h)- We C'ffr one bssdred doiiars reward far kt ca of Catarrh that can not be cared by Hall'e Catarrh Care F. J. Csesit A Co. Propa.. Toledo. 0. We, the undersigned. Lave known F. J. Cheney far :be last 15 years, and be iiere bim pf-rfeni v honorable in a.i basi- I stuck to ay eapne. aMicah erery iint ached and erery nerre aa racked with paia," arites C W. Be.iamy, a io eoaaotire & reman, cf Bcr".inOB. Icaa.. "I aas weak and pale, witboot aay ar petite and ail rca doan. As I was a iot: to fir np, I ot a bottle of Electric Bit t-ers and. after takinf it, I feit as we ". as I erer did in asy 3ife." Weak, si-kiy. rcn d jw n pe :p3e al a ays a".a new i:?e. strenili and viror frac tbelr nse. Trr them. SauefactiOiB coaranteed hy G. C. B.jLkt.ey. tbedrarist- Price 50 cen:&. ? PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer e&. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vesretaMe. tMrfectlT harmless, aare to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. A I DTI ft Krw'inrTH""'"! TBe m WCy Sa) B Wu Irt r4- flered soch paia from Fjt aala br Gx C. B:k-ier. The Or. Bona . ii : kiet'i At i- ( em." Acs ( I use, est. I cers. Per- I 1 t-: ;;.. I 1 aatiey, the ' ! carry cm: any aWqpatMM cade by their firm. Wes: i T.-2sxrWh5'ea"e Drapsts. 7c ledo. O., Waidiar. Eianac A MtTit. Wboiesait- Dracruts. Toledo, Ohin. H:.'f Ca:a.-rh Core k tacen ia'.er naiiy, actinc directiy npon ice Haa anc aoaaa sx'fares ai the system. F. J. Ceevet A Co.. Props., Toieda O. Soid by drrajpsts, price The HVj's Fami'y Pi: are tbe best. 12 c are f taraateei drnf :st. 25c Kate A: a ia'j aje:.ig oi OLioans held ia Ws-ii'?-;-. i. :w n;-; tco t:- Ty -ast jf-.lf tr.hf.e : j ::. aem&ry :' :ae:r Ota. c:-tfrear . :rtrt:' tas rreri den an intere:inf feature was the reailnf o! a ietter f rcm Dx. M . Jj. Mann, ant of the preeident'i ntysicians. to M. &b. 1: ran, secretarj jf :te Or j& Eetai.i eaa Asscia:.:a. Tl letter rede as i oIjow : BrrrAo, 5. Y-, Sept. 6, 1ML T. M. Sn. Erq : My Ifear Sir As Pres ident was dring I etoixi be bind a screen ia bis roam and neard bin. ry lis .1-: v -i. Hs i;'ecame aaac tha room and be said to her : 'jai-:'y. a.i: fsai ay. It is Gad's asy. H.i a. o ? at. at oast." Tnere was tome farther conversation s : -i a.fe in f.e way zii lea re takitf, tk fchoaid nut be repeated. A bant aa hoar later be said to bis w. - 5ra-er, ny Good, to Toe, e'ea tr.-.u:. a ro.' has been my con- snar: tamr," He tried to say eoaietbing core, bnt I coBid aot catch it. I fare cat at tbe time tbe first sentence as being tbe most appropriate to be remea. bered as bis last words. I wrote them down at the tin, as that tr ere can be no qaeatioa abo3" :t. Y:ar vt'T .-c r. M. P. Mass. An i j. :.'. iir.'.ril Sli; t'. d Ut-:r ci InwirrtliM. !.- Vctit, Or". Yii. Eeso.tuons ag.itrt ".be rectlei- adm'ttaace o: aaie sirable immifrants to tbe Untied States were adopted yesterday a; a .ergely at tended meeting of tae metvaaB's" and ajaaaiaciarers board of trade of Sea York. Ia the :: is stated :at car ftxaiiir.? ibroed tf a iaw-abid-.rig people is i- jnai by ima irants im boed with the idea tnat :t is proper to assassinate presadents. President Eoase re.t is crjed to gr re tbe matter atten t.:.r. :z : ir rL-eesafts U It wt respired tha: at immigrants shonid be all:. red to ittd it r:tttr witbect the prodnrtian of a proper certificate frotr. a United States eonsn", prinf stfbriect information to enable tbe im migration officials to pass icLeiligentlj aM tbe expediencr of aractinz the t'- r ege Mates. of residence in tbe Tailed George Kctfc.e. ao was in Chicago at ti time af tae fan-rd o' the late Prewi-d-nt McKiniey. ws as eye witness to tr- -ernes a.oag f.r parade on that day, a: I Baa letter to bis ester gires the foi 1 ing drscritts c : "The McKinley paraie aas the grandest-exa; a. tioa of Joya :y end sympathy that I tare ever aitBereed. It as t: or cngbiy military . At 5 :3 o'clock I rery piece of machitety b Chicago stopped, cerises ears, aleratsd, aad treo rail roade, everything creting any noise at ail. Oti'.cago never in its history aas quieter than in those five miaates. Tbe first band in tbe psrade : d jvi-t passed c and at a 'ooad from tbe cymbi s the muje fisraie otciiae motion, esa. Ail the tuea restored taeir tats ni at ieast 10.0UO bare heads c mad be sets. A itttte later the band began to pity t-e hymn 'Nearer My Gad to Tae-, and it aas takeii op by tae crowd tad snag with tnct ft-eiing that ahen it aas finished many met, and maty mora aomen, anu even young fo.ks rot ttaa 12 years -oid sere seeping. It aas a very in preasiTe ctae at. d one that lire as long as lire lasts ant; aii abo aitnessed it. Glacier. AurcbiM a ill Sir litsorir. fioaa. Oct. 10. Giariaorch. the anarchist arrested recently, a shor: tiiae after bit arrirai fro Da'matis, he baring tieea beaid lo threaten the lives of the Pope and of Car Jiaa: fiampol.s, poati final erreiarr of state, has heea aeateuced to a fortnighi : a. prison tnent for carry iag deadly aespons. and then to be departed to bis home in Daimalia. Oifford's Fotoe Never Fade I lm)t Ost. Da 1 Headache, Pains in rarioas parts of tbe bodr. Sinking at tbe pit of tbe etomuca. Lass of appetite, r r7-'ii.niSP, Pimpiee or & rt-s are ti. pr-sl-rvt eviden ces of impare tuood. Sa matter how it o-satat so :t mast be pnrifi-d in order to obtabi road health. Accer's B.xd r-:r;r Las aevet failed to care Scr.;.'u at or S.pbilitic poisons or any otaer h.aod d;jeast It is certainly a wonderfai remedy and we eel; every battie on a positive guarantee . Biakeiey. tae drug gist. We offer far a amued period tbe twice-a-weea -Boaicia, price 1.50, and tae Week j Oregoniaa, prioe (1 .50, both papers for t'2 a year. Ssbscriptioas nnder this f-r most be paid in ad vance, i LlMlt Bkaafl tor ttik. Having parcaase'4 ail the jr.njrr nso-d ob tbe carnival, I ai!i se'l the same in ' qaantities to suit purchasers at a low price lor cash. to-12 W. D. Wcopbow. rcnlaad Caratra! Iicorw. Waise Collar Line, summer Bailey Ga'rsrt, earcrsioB rates: Bonnd-trip exctrsirjn tickets all. be said on Sep tember lf b and 25th. October 2td, &th and 16th, eaod roiag sir day efter date faalB, making sne week's limitation, incladlag da of sale. The price from The La.ies to Portland on tbe days these tickets are sold will be $2.50 far roand trip, including tao eocpans that are good far one ada:i?jon each to tbe Port iand carnival. Hood Riser and White Sam at to Portland, roua? trip. 2 i'i tao admission tickets. 16dstf J. M. F:abaox. agent. CHANCE TO BUY A HOME- A bodr of SX' acres of land near Aa- telope aiil be sold in tracts of 160 acres or more to soit purchaser. More thB half of this land rs fine a heat Snd, rich black jozm. It is wei. watered there being same thirty forty springs on tbe tract and small ranning stresois across most cf it- Tbe land is si tasted from four to eight miles from tbe end of the railroad a: Shaniko. Any part of tbe :tnd wiii be sold,! eitaer ior cash or on long time after tbe I first payment. Price 15 to $15 per sere. I Inqnire of A. S. Bennett. si 3 K.dal Dyspepsia Care is n:f a at ere 'irr a tttf f.r- d rtt:e. I: afris ::. stemacb cMplete end abs-aicfe rest br difes ting tbe iitsti yon eat. Yob don't; Livt t: die: tat can tr, j y all the good food too cant. Eadoi I'yrieprla Ctre instant.v reiieres that distressed fee ing alter estitg. iiv ng you new life and rigor. C itt A Fait ?. O. Pcaraiacy. WorSUKg S4 Boar a Day. Tnere's no rest for those tirtiees little httis workers Dr. Eiag s Xew Pills. Millions are always busy, caring Torpid liver, Jaundice BiLioosness, Fever and Agae. They banish Sick "Headache. z rift oat Malaria. Ktver gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work won d rs. Try tbem. i5c at G. C. Blakelev's drag store. 2 Mrs. Wilson, of the Campbeil A Wil M . ar-y Pari-r ta etgaged the services of Miss Margaret lorgler, a first-ciass trimmer, a former earloyee of Hellers, of Pjirtland. aad is taere iure prspared to meet the dematds of the bast trade, as aeii as tbe medism. Oar styies are eaal to tbe best, and our price are as .aw as tbe lowest. 2is THE CELEBRATED .. .GOltUJUBlfl BREWEfiY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of tbe prodoct of this weil-knoaa brewery tbe United States HcaJtk Reparts for J sne 2S. says: "A more so potior brew never eatcsaf tae tt'ratory :: tbe United States Heait'r reaottt. It is ahsolctely devoid of the slightest trace of ao a lie-ratios, bat oa the other head is composed af tbe best of malt and choicest of bops. Its toaic qualities are of its high er, as J it can be ase-d with tbe greatest benefit ssd satisfaction by old aad i-:.-ag. Its ase can ccascienticasiy be prescribed by tbe physir.ast sitfe tbe eersainty that a better, purer or more a boieaoms beverage eoaid sat possibly be iocnd." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. aveav evaveyavey avsva r Cf aDdall & BaFget i DEALERS 15 asmaa JjobeS, PJI 0f UNDERTAKERS Borial W Foceral Supplies embalmers Etc The Dalies, Or. Steamer Bailev Gaizert. Woe J." Waod: Wood! Best grades of fir, pias, oak and slabs, all well sea soned, can be bought of Jos. T. Peters A Co. 10 lm Experience U the oeet Teacher. U Acker's Eagiisti BemeJr ia say esse of coughs, cuidt or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded 25 t-t. and 50 eta Blakeier, tbe drag- gists. NOTICE. A. persons knowing themselves to be indebted to tbe Isle firm of K. Tihreth A Sous wi.i plesae call on them and pay amount das. All account unpaid by Sep'en-bw 20th an!! bw ban led oter to Messrs Wtjson A Huatiogton for co Section. sat 6 if Lewis O.aertnao, Goshen, Ind: "Da Witv's L L-. Kissrs never bend ne doeUe Uke other pilla, hut do their work thorooghlj sad make sac fast like a boy . " Certain, thorough, geotls. Clarks A Falk't P. O. Pharmacy. Bate to Ps-Auerjeaa iij. ,.;ti..t. d-tr:p raf-s v:a 0. h. 4 N. r'ran. Tae Dal es, NMsl Tickeu on sale first and third Tuesdays during Jcbp, Jul; , August, SeptemOerand Oct-oherood for continooas passags going aa date of sale. R-tnrn limit thirty days from date of raie. Swp-tvers sill be allowed w: of Missouri river or St. Paa. cm return trip within Until of ticket. Arrangements can be made by apply ing to agent O. R. A 5. Co., The Dalies, - icretT tickets ail! be honored on lake steamers in one or both directions be tween Detroit and Baffaio. tf J axes IsELAxa, Agent Kotiee is hereby given that the part nership heretofore txisting between J. E. Fall and Case F. Micaelbsch. ender thefi-m nme of J. E. Fait A Co., has this dsr been diaao.ved by mutual con sent. Cbas. F. Micheibach retiring. J. E. Fait will continue tbe business and wiii collect a" ouuttadiag accounts and psv ail claims against said firm. Tbe Dalles, Or.. Sept. 90. J;l. J. E. Fali. CfJAfc. F. MlCHElBACU. Corn men- ing October 1st tae boat will lease Portland on Tuesdays. Ti arsdays aad Saturdays at T a. m . and The Daijes on Wedaesdajs, Fridsys aad Sundays at 7 a. m. W. T. Wesson, Gaoieanviije, Vs., druggist, arites: 'iour One Minste Coogh Cure gives perlect satisfaction. My easterners say it is tbe test remedy tm caughe, colds, throat and lung Lroubiea." Clarke A Falk s P. O. Phar macy. Do you saffer from piles? If so do not torn to surgery for relief. DrWitt's Wiicn Hasal Sal re will set more quickly, surely sod ssfe'y, saving you the expense and denser of an operation. Ciarke A Fslk's P. 0. Pharmacv. A full line of Ea&tfean & ms and sap plies jost received hy Clarke A Falk. C. J. STUBLIflG, BHoaasAts asp sktail Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First Nations! Bank. C ..Kdi.r. ih..n ta. Lout lit lesi. THE DALLES. OREGON. Rabscrih for Tax Chokci.', Contest Notice. Cxrnm f-Tre Ltsn cFr.a, I Tat aaixaa. Or . Aur I aw. ia Una oeee bj Albert S. Robenv eoaajcsaub MOTT'8 B n . ay Cm Murtoc. eootcauc. in iiU i fc.a,3t Jla: at, I PENNYROYAL PILLS They overcome brregalariif f omissions. iBCWsa" or and banish F" of menatruatioo." They are "LIFE rVLJtb " to womanhood, nidiag dereiopment of organ aad booyjj known remedr for women aaaua Is them. Cannot do lar2 be.-s a t:sure. ftl.UO 1KK JX BV M.UI. by druniata. DR. MOTTO CHEMICAL CO.. Cierel For sale by Geo. C. Biakeiey. The Dalles. Or M others every where praise One Minute Cough Care for the sufferings : has reliered and the lives of their little ones it aas saved. Strikes at the root of tbe trouble and draws oar tbe ii fl.m mstios. Tbe children's favorite Cough Core. Clarke A Fa'k's P. O. Pharmacy. Dyspepsia can be cared by cing Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded, bold in handsome tin boxes at 25 eta. Biakoley tbs druggist. Why pay 1.75 per gallon for inferior pedals when you can bay James E. Psttoo's sea proof petals for 11.50 ner tar yean. Clark A ml SOW 1 thre arrea tbe rat j ear. u a (too nothiS v otMiever aiae tW. ir. .a eulovaung nor piaaur ia arr wiM, alMj ui; oiKi irae: i, fet.tJ tT oter mSSS. lid PanhS are here; noti&4 u mv-.,i aiifl uUrt eriUcue loiituujg aaifl a:waUon ai Ik w. Oc-tooer a. lrVim: the ir!v- mi . al ti ? ailed i-utw Uad oflif iti Tbe Pa: lea. cneeoa. Tbt aaid e.rjtiaiit hamua. ia a yunm afftda via files wjnijUsr i. UU aet loetl ta ti twb r..w tLat aiter at saifeoe p rvaa . a, r i ic 1 Xht u Ut I made, it i or- omiw: aid ciTc-ied taat aaea lou- b mXmm ks duandi,ruT.utlieat4or. JAV R leCMb EegUter. laas. Wn Mlm Hi ft, Admiiiistrsvtrix' Notice . K U r gives that tbe under, jruud L?, "S"! W-'1-- lnlatralna ot I Ik eiun o! I Ha,, Smm:. b, ,nt or tr . -art ot tbc atai ajaa an lor Baa A,t IaS-Tsm 'tka t.-ia.a aal,T i ; -'- - - if v ia. m gailoa, gasra Falk. agents- aa.L! aaiC aiat I Babscribs far Tas m m ucwj uuiima vj preacut tbe aau,e. tiil tbe A Wilaoo. the !.. yregua. a iu.u. afi nmowM Iimb lb da I i crou? MM bept IT, 13V1. a vuaUa atKEfi, aaauaisttatrix. Headquarters for Seed Grain of au Headquarters for Feed Grain ot -u u Headquarters for Rolled Grain, Headquarters for Bran. Shorts Headquarters for "Byers' Best" PW; a This Floor m maanfaftered expteaay u oas. eserr sack ai swaatead to Highest Prioee Pud for Whcvt. Barley and 0t ton Flour We ail our goods