Perfect Clothe.. You don't expect perfection in clothes any more than in men ; you try to come as near as possible. If 'ou get inside one of our tl. S. ML Suits you'll be as close to clothes-perfect ion as you'll ever get. II. M. Suits $10 to $25. Oregon Cassimere Suits, strict ly all-wool ; single and double breasted $10 NEW HATS, NEW SHIRTS, NEW UNDERWEAR, NEW HOSIERY, NEW NECKWEAR. 1 The Famous snot for Women A general favorite. They are justly famed for their stylish elegance, superior fitting qualities and up-to-date styles. A thoroughly high-grade shoe of unusual merit at a sensible price. One Price, $3.00 Very Dressy. Exquisite Styles. u PEASE A. JL---------AA.II.AJLAAAAAAAAAAA..AAAAJ,AAJt 5l MMYS. A A AAAd A AAA A The Dalles Daily Ctao&ieJe. FRIDAY OCT. 11. 1901 Ifl Served SHK'n.-: At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Vhm County warnuita rKimr4 prior to December S, 18W, will be paid a presentation at najr alee, latareat taea after September IS. lBOl. JOHN F. HAM FSB IRK, Oemtr Treaiurer. VAYSIOE GLEANINGS. Wanted Ironen at The Dalles eteam Unndry. 08 tf Professor Sandvlg will aire a social dance at the Baldwin Saturday oigbt. St Mrs. Sparlin will give lessons In to nography at the residence of Mrs. 6. E. Henderson, Tbird street, near Madison. olO lwd Complete tailor system of dress cot tug taught by Mrs. S. . Henderson at nsr residence on Tbird street, near Mad 'on. olOdiwlw The citizens of Bbaniko will present a petition to the county conrt at its No vember term asking for a voting pre cinct. Of coarse they will get it. The Phaniko Leader says Jobn V. O'Leary, of .Sherman county, Is reported to have sold bis abeep to C. A. Buckley, of Grass Valley and intends to spend ibe inter with bis family in Tbs Dalles. Lost This morning on tbe streets of tbe city , a gold brooch. Design el birds flying , also contained turquoise settings. Finder please leave at tbe Hub Clothing House and receive a liberal reward. 11-8 Hudson, Browahill A Baits have for rent two good farms of 160 acres each ; one for cash rent, and tbe other for hall the crop, the owner famishing every "ing. Both are good propositions. w"te or call at tbe office. 11-ddwtf The Shaniko paper sayseatUein tbe Kidgeway aDd Bakeoven neighborhood attiicted with some kind of disease " in certain particulars resembles . if u doei not bete tbe veterinary surgeon sboold be called npon. Belknap, grand chief of . of Honor, ill make an off Wvisit to Fern Lodge on the eve-tag 'Oeteoer 17th. eitar tbe aseeioo of re oetal will be given, to which -bets of tbe A. a C. W. sd their ttss are invited, J-Jf1' HoesoeaeearaJ? has "sail, bene nm.m MUmi ap with !r nl eteem-beated batb rooms la AU the '"Ma al sraearl nu are new and of tee bait. For the horses convenience of bueiness men the place will be kept open, until farther notice, till 10 o'clock p. m. oll-lm Sport rivalling in excitement t a buffalo bant is scheduled to take place in Washington and Iron counties in Utah, aad across the line into Northern Arlzs today, when tbe people of the Canadian district expect to set forth aad exterminate as many desert as can be rounded ap. The Chronicle bee received a copy of tbe Orefonian Hand Book for 1001 con taining a vast amount of valuable infor mation in .email compass concerning Portland and tbe Pacific Northwest. It is profnsefully and beautifully illustrated and is just tbe thing to send to eastern people who are thinking of coming to tbe Far West. Tbe Oregonlan will mail you a copy for seven cents in stamps. Tbe management of tbe late fair and carnival were able to make a rough es timate last evening of their expendi tures and receipts so as to ascertain, ap proximately, bow they stand. Tbe re sult was very gratifying. While there will be no Urge balance on tbe right side of tbe ledger, nor indeed was any such expected, it is pleasing to learn that tbe balance is on the right aide, and that fin ancially, as well as in every otber le aped, the fair and carnival were a great success. In a few days tbe premium lists of tbe Lite fair will all have been checked over and warrants drawn for the premiums, as well as for all claims against the fair and carnival. When these have been drawn and eigne! the premium war rants will be mailed to their respective owners, and those for all claims against the fair and carnival, apart from tbe premium list will be paid oat by J. 13. Hoetetler at French A Co.'s bask. Tbeee latter are expected to be in Mr. Hosteller's hands against tomorrow. Portland milk consumers will soon be able to obtain their lacteal fluid at five cents a quart again, if tbe plans of Messrs. Orendall aad Bingham, two Ohio men, materialize. They are in that city looking for a location in tbe suburbs, upon which to keep 2400 cows, and they propose to establish branch offices in various portions of town, where milk will be sold at live cents a ,art. They do not intend to deliver tbe milk in milk wagons. They propose to arrange for bringing milk to Portland br train from Willamette valUy towns, aad to this end they have been canvass ing the facilities for rapid transporta tion. They are now making a deal for a tract of land near Mount is dot. -nJ Mr. Harry C. Liebe, of this city, was Baited ta marriage yesterday evening, October 10th, to Mies Etta Pittman, Aans-hter ef Mr. aad Mre. E. D. Pitt- man, of Woodlawa, a seberb of lead. The weddaag ssssmnai armed at the bosae of tbe bride's earn of Mr. and Mrs. Gee. A, this city. He is a soocesefal aad Port ly esteemed business man and a valued member of the city council. The bride is a young lady who made many warm riends during a residence here of some ix months. After a wedding trip to ttle and Tacoma Mr. and Mrs. Liebe xpect to be "at home" to their friends in The Dalles before tbe end of next Tbe widow of H. J. Waldron died tbe otber day at her borne in Portland, where she Had resided for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Waldron came to The Dalles in the early '00s, aad resided here till Mr. Waldron's death in 1872. Mr. Waldron was prominently identi fied with the business inteteste of both city and country in those early days. He was postmaster of Tbe Dalles for a time, and for years conducted a drag tore in tbe stone baildieg at tbe foot of Washington street, which be bnilt and owned. He built the residence now owned aad occupied by R. F. Gibons, on Fourth street, and be was largely interested for a time in tbe sbeep boii neas, in partnership, we .believe, with H. M. Beall, of the First National bank, and others. At 1 o'clock this afternoon a. well shaded thermometer in a store window on the south side of Second street indi cated 73 degrees, bat it is fair to say that this was probably three or four de grees above tbe normal beat in tbe shade on the north side of tbe same street. Tbe son shone bright and clear in a sky witboot a cloud or speck from xenith to boriscm. A more perfectly beautiful day no part of tbe earth's surface ever saw. Said a stranger, who appeared to be a man of some 40 sum mers, "I never aaw as pretty a day as this, and I was born and raised in Ore gon." "Then yon never lived in Tbe Dalles," said the newspaper man. "No," be answered sadly, "this is my first visit." And be was no hayseed, either, bat a member of a well-known Portland business firm. B. Billings and J. N. Knight of Mt. Hood were the only others from Hood Biver valley who made exhibits. Mr. Billings was awarded prises on Bald wins, Ben Davis, Alexander, H. K. W., and heat al no-la vartat.v of winter annlea. jjamee N. Knight got tbe prise 6n best 1 J.N. Knight's box of Gravenstelns forty-five in a box three tiers, filled tbe box completely. Tbs box was sold to a Mr. Pease, of San Francisco, for $2. Hood River Olaeter. AS Others Saa Vs. Tbe Delias Carnival. Good weather and many visitors at tended Tbe Dalles carnival ap to tbe boor of its closing Saturday night. Tbe display made by tbe merchants and others, tbe f rait aad vegetable sad other exhibits, aad otber attractions, includ ing amusements, were very creditable for a city tbe sir of Tbe Dalles. Hood Biver, we are sorry to state, wae eon spieooos by tbe absence of a Hood Elver exhibit ef frolt. It wet a splen did chance to get in an advertisement tat would have been of great benefit to Hoed Elver. Many visiters from a die- were eight-seers at tbe carnival, tbe frail on exhibition was not tbe attraction for them. Orebardists a tee e Jeialty of Tbe Dallas seade averv -wdllefrle exhibit. O. E. (jeeteer, ef ef efsjete lease bU feist mwil erttfeli rersttctf. He rwsesved tret fee on Bpi taea berg aad Baldwin. A. Brother Holder, of tbe Bbaniko Lead er, after visiting the late fair at this place, has this to say of it : "The fair at Tbe Dalles just closed was one of the best ever held, Every de partment was filled with exhibits of tbe very best cbsracter, showing to tbe vis itor what tbe Inland Empire was capa ble of producing. 'I be fruit display was one that could not be excelled anywhere. In the livb stock department was some of the finest specimens of horses, cattle and sbeep that any country could show. Many of tbe visitors expressed surprise at tbe show of stock, and said tbey bad no idea that Crook, Wateo and Sherman counties bad within their borders tbe fine strains of blood that were on exhi bition. Tbe poultry department was excellent, end visitors were continually admiring tbe fine display of tbe various breeds, from tbe wee mites of tbe ban tarns to tbe largsst breeds of chickens, one of which birds wonld make a meal for a dozen of people. "Daring oar stay at tbe fair we talked with many exhibitors, and all expressed themselves pleased with tbe awards and said tb judges were impartial, giving tbe premiums to those whose superior merits deserved it. We were more than pleased to note that Sherman eoenty (our old home) made such a spleadid showing of stock, taking many valuable premiums. What tbey won In tbe com petition were deserving, as that county has witbin its borders some of tbe finest breeds of horses and cattle in the state." CASTOR I A For Injuria Mid Children. Iht m Yw Hm Always Botch! Bean the Mfaataxe of !' Is la, Just wet tbe affected part freely with Mysterious Pais Care, a fiootab remedy, aad (bo ptJn la goae. Bold by Clarke talk. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker m EmbaJiMf Oar. This send WsmMregiSH s)sn ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City.' anil mi schssl suits.. KNEE PANTS We have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seeing our line. We will save you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. The Mew York Cash Store New Crocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. ...MAYS eft CROWE... We beg to present a picture of a late arrival. While up-to-date, the design U quiet and in good taste. This is not a $3.50 shot . as good as $5 ones, but thoroughly 3.50 through and through. We have a whole window full of tho same kind. Light and heavy soles. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER! He People's flatiooai Family jlewspapa. To all old and new subscribers paying coo yaar lo advance we offer Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.60. Published Monday, Wednesday and Krl ta day, Is in reality a Sua I E ULf and fretli every other- ! aay Daily, aivluf the latest news on days of Issue, and covering new of tbs otber a. It contains all Impor u at, a) a Uul foreign (table TU Kit wtw "bieb eweere w In tbe lielly Tribune of same date, alio do Beetle and foreign correspondence, abort storiat, elegant half tone Illustrations, hu- TRI-WEEKLY mSBSBt tnral mailer, aid market wesris. year. TRIBUNE. sear ass ele for M9 per rear. NEW YORK WEEKLY Fubiiibed ou There. day, m.hI known for nearly sixty years la every part of tho fai led tfiate aa a natlea al family newspaper of tbe highest eUas, for farmers and villa ger, it contains all tbe most important flally Tflbana uoto the hour of soles to pre; ai 3 tha aft sr1or kaa seen . teftelaing reading for terr member of the are accepted aaautb- clean, up-to-dsle, la tejecung and Uwlroo- tie. TRIBUNE. Wa furnish It wile Seml-Waakiy Uhroaf ele for ll.aB vr year Bm,e4 fcU (MP$4'jBKfl a JJeBSCreSSIiB ' OBjJlssleAsjel - Ctl'J saTsMP UfcilMJ JP Subscribe for The Chronicle.