The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 10, 1901, Image 4

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    Attorney J. B. Hoaford it in the city
James ft. Woodcock m in town to
day from Wamic.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bigg", of Wasco,
were in town yesterday and today.
Attorney N. B Brooks, of Goldendale,
Sin the city, the gnest of the Umatilla
Depaty United States Marshal Bob
art arrived here early this morning and
went east to La Grande on the noon
W ones and Jewels.
Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Evan that
greatest of all jewels, health, is often
rained in the strenuous efforts to make
or save the money to purchase them. If
a woman will risk her health to get a
coveted gem, then let her fortify herself
aaainst the insiduons conseqnencee of
coughs, colds and bronchial affections by '
the regnlar use of Dr. Boschee'e German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
sumption in itseariy stages and heal the
affected 'nngs and bronchial tubes and
drive the dread diseaseffrom the system.
It is not a cure all, bat it is a certain
care for rough?, colds and all bronchial
troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's
reliable remedies at B'.akeley's drag
tore. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1
! On sale Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 2, 9, 16, Special Bound- m M . mm . 9
trip Tickets, limited to 6 days from date of sale.! sawV ! I w)
W. C
IVIaiep & Benton,
Headquarters for
Family Groceries,
Clark a Palk are new do d Sunday.
rkmform this.
Too win not have boils if von take
Clarke A Park's an re care boils.
Miss Julia Masquart, at the Beehive
restaurant, will do dressmaking of all
kinds. 9lta
Wanted An apprentise at the Camp
bell A Wilson millinery parlors. Some
one that is neat with a needle. 28s
If you take the O. ft. AN. lor the
ALLAWAT, GeMnw A&L. Portland exposition one day will be
equal to three days If yon go via any
other line.
Clark and Falk have jost received a
foil line of fresh Veiox papers and de
velopers, the same as used by Mr. I.ovick
in his recent demonstration at our store.
C. M. Phelps, Forestdale, Vt., says
bis child was completely cared of a bad
ease of ecxenia bv the use of DeWitt'e
Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all
counterfeits. It instantly relieves piles.
Clarke A Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
Purest Liquors for Family Ua&
Delivered to any pgct erf Hie City.
173 Second Str
51 Local,
858 Jng Distance.
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Stoves and Steel Ranges.
167 Second Street.
Still alive and I uhnrt.
Washington. Oat. 8. The time al
lowed by Mies Stone's kidnapers expired
yesterday, vet she is stili alive and nn-
harmed. It is known now officially that j other for bones,
her captors have granted a short tx-jonly nourish a
Brain rood XramN,
Another ridiculous food fad has been
branded by the most competent author
ities. They have dispelled the silly no
tion that one kind of food is needed for
brain, another
Bow's This:
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Care.
A Fireman' Cloae Call.
"I stack to my engine, although every
joint ached and every nerve was racked
with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo
comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa.,
"I was weak and pale, without any ap
petite and all ran down. As I was about
i to give up, I got a bottle of tectric Hit
ters and, after taking It, I felt as well as I
I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly,
ran down people ala ays gain new life,
strength and vigor from their use. Try
them. Satisfaction goaranteed by G. C.
Blakelev . the drusgist. Price 50 cents. 2
I have re-opened this weU-kaaim Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body wlthBreBPiBtXSijkm. Also
all kinds of Staple and JVncy $rooer ea.
GEORGE RUCH Ptaaer Orooer.
F. J. Cheney A Co. Prom.. Toledo. O.
for muscles, and Still an- W. the nnrfmiimrl h Vnnwn F
a. curnsci u mm uo j IJhenev for thG last 16 years, and be- ! AwatUaSg Audience Willi Ferdinand.
particular part of the! Ueve him nerfectlv honorable In all busi- nni.,i. rw nn.nt.
Kon's French Periodic
Sm-u. Rnlararia.
lension oi time now mucn is not ataiea ooay, a win sustain every tuner j nem transactions and financially able to ! General Dickinson has applied
uuiuc uiuuiais im mat u toe re- jian. ci, uuwcyci iwj uur iuuu uimj , carry out any obligations made by their
epnnses to the appeals of Miss Stone's ' be. its nutriment is def troyed by indi- i firm.
friends do not cease or diminish there is ! gestion or dyspeysia. Yon must pre-' West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To
yet reasonable hope for getting the j pare for their appearance or prevent j foo, O., Walding. Kinnan A Marvin.
money :n season to save her lite. The! meir coming ny taxing regular doses at ; Wholesale Drue.MSts Toledo Ohio
danger in the situation lies iu the abate- Careen's August Flower, the favorite -
merit of popular interest, which was so ! medicine of the healthy millions. A few
Hall's Catarrh Cure ie taken inter-
for an
audience with Prince Ferdinand, bat it
has not yet been granted. The prince
has gone to the c untry . No newB has
been obtained of Mies Stone since her
recent letter to Mr. Haskell. The
Bulgarian troops and police are actively
Strictly V'
M a II Tift Beware of connterfelis and Imitauooa. TbeMBalM la ijat tat
CAUTIUI ion w,th rae .imll aianature o ee of a be baaaae. Urn:
ftfit tat QbsnSr " whaiams ura. co..SoU Amm, cisirtaas.OJiia.
For aale by Geo. C. Blakeley . The Dalles, Or.
I Dim
egetanie. penectij nanrucn, aure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest knows female remedy.
only In
generousy manifested during the first
few dare following the issuance of the
riayeri Oat.
Bail Headache, Pains in various parts
of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the
etomach, Los? of appetite, Feverishneae,
Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden
cee of impure blood. No matter bow it
becam so it rutin be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elezir has never failed tocure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It ie certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Blakeley, the druggist.
Will Bridge the at. Lawrence.
New YoEk, Oct. 9. A special to the
Times from Montreal says W. Seward
Webb, who is president of the Cape
Breton railway, Arthur L. Myers, presi
dent of the South Shore railroad, the
control of which he recently acquired,
and H. Begensberger, have arrived in
this city in their private car from a visit
to Cape Breton. It is definitely known
that Mr. Myers and a syndicate, com
posed of English and American capital
ists, hag obtained the franchise for the
bridge from Lougaeil to Montreal, over
the St. Lawrence river. Mr. Myers re
tarns to the city next week when, it is
aeeeried, definite announcement will be
doses aids digestion, etimu'ates the liver
to healthy action, purifies the blood, and !
makes you feel buoyant and vigorous.
You can get Dr. G. C. Gieen's reliable
remedies at Blakeley 'e drug store. Get
Green's Special Almanac. 1
, nally, acting directly upon the blood and i scouring the frontier.
Working 34 Boars a Dmy.
Tuere'e no rest for those tireless little
little workers Dr. King's New Piils.
Millions are always busy, curing Torpid
L'ver, Jaandice, Biliioasness, Fever and
mucous surfaces of the system.
F. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toiedo O.
Sold by drrnggists, price 78c.
Hall's Family Pills are the beat. 12
Portland Carnival Excursion Bates.
White Collar Line, steamer Bailey
Gatzert, excursion rates: Bonnd-trip
Ague. They banish
drive out Malaria. Never gripe or
weaken. Small, taste nice, work won
ders. Try tbem. 25c at G. C. Blakeley'e
drag store. 2
If yoa
have to
Seys He Ra Tortured.
"I suffered such pain from corns I
could hardly xalk," writes H. Bobiuson,
Hillsborough, Ills , "but Bucklen'e Arni
ca Salve completely cured tbem." Acts
like magic on sprains, braises, cats,
J sores scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Per-
ezcarsion tickets will be sold on SeD- i lect healer of skin diseases and piles.
tember 19 h and 25th, October 2nd, 9ih j Can guaranteed by G. C. Biakeley, the
and 16th, good going six days after date ; druggist. 25c. 2
i -ro itumiuuu, ixoflol JJvspensia cure ie not a mere
Sick Headache. I includin,t d,t of Baie- The Drice irQW etimnlent to tired nature. It affords the
Of the product of this well-knoa n brewery the United States Hsallk
Reports for June 28, 1900, says : "A more superior brew never entered
the labratory of tbe United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, bat on the other hand it core poses el
the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the hurh- I
est and it can be need with tbe greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and I
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with f
the cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could an
poe&ibiy be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLE3, OREGON.
want to retain
keep your scalp clean
wHi make voux hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the yery
best preparations for cleansing tbe
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave vour hair soft and gloesv.
Price, K and 50 cents a bottle, at Fr.izer's
barber chop, The Dalles. tf
We offer for a limited period the
twice-a-week Chronicle, price $1.50,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
nnder this offer mast be paid in ad
vance. !
For tbe Portland carnival and exposi
tion. September 19th to October 19th,
tbe O. B. & N. Co. will sell round trip
tickets to Poitland and return, including
two admission tickets to the fxposition,
at $4- Ticket sold only on Sept. 19'h
The Dalles to Portland on the days these
tickets are sold will be $2.50 for ronnd
trip, including two coupons that are
good for one admission each to the Port
! land carnival. Hood Biver and White
your hair you ! s,im0D to Portland, round trin. X2.90
w - v r
boap including two admission tickets.
161wtf J. M. Filloox, agent.
either for cash or on long time after the
first payment. Price $5 to $15 per acre.
Inquire of A. S. Bennett.
el3- dawlm
Rate to Pan-American Szpoaitlus.
Bound-trip rates via O. B. A N. from
The Diiies, $81.90. Tickets on sale first
and third TneMtaes rtn-ino Jni 1lr
nDuth.'nd Cl0r 22A' e? 16tb; ' Ana8t 6Penber d October .good for
ItmltMl In ArnlPA sit Hams a as ft aw :iala f
ale. sl8-lm ! cont'nnoa" Page goipg on date of aale.
KJtorn limit thirty davs from date of
A bodv of 4800 acres of land near An
telope will be sold in tracts of 160 acres
or more to suit purchaser. More than
half of this land is fine wheat land, rich
black loam. It is weil watered, there
being some thirty ug forty airings on
tne tract and small running streams . Oor stvlee are equal to the best, and our
A nvAQfl full r . T S TK a 1 J ! A . 1 1 m
irom foar to eight miles from tbe end of
tbe railroad at Shaniko.
Any part of the land will he sold.
stomach couplete and absolute rest by
digesting the food you eat. Yon don't
have to diet bat can enjoy all the good
food yon want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
instantly relieves that distressed feeling
after eating, giving you new life and
vigor. Clarke A Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
Mrs. Wilson, of the Campbell & Wil
son Millinery Parlors, has encased the
services of Miss Margaret Torgler, a
first-class trimmer, a former employee
of Hellers, of Portland, and is there
fore prepared to meet the demands of
the best trade, as well as tbe medium.
I a,..
fill kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Grandali & Bar gt
The Dalles, Or.
F..r the meeting of the grand lodge of
Or .ion. K. of P , at Portland Oct. 15th,
the O. K. A N. will make a rate of one
and one-third ''' 'r the round trip on
Eft certificate plan. Passengers paying
full fare going, and calling for receipt
from selling agent, provided fifty or
more paying paesengeis of not less than
50 cents each have been in attendance.
all line included, delegates or members ' pri?,1,or cash
of delegates' families who have paid full I
fare to Portland, will be returned at one- Wood '. Wood ! Wood ! Beet gradee ;
third fare on presentation of certificates ' nr pine, oak and slabs, all well sea- '
to our agents at Portland on or before ' oned, can be bought of Jos. T. Peters A j
prices are as low as the lowest
Steamer Bailev Gatcert. Com men
ing October 1st tbe boat will leave
Portland on Tuesdays, Thnrsdars
Saturdays at 7 a. m , and The Dalies
Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays
. a. m.
W. T.
Lumber Cheap fur Cash.
Having purchased sll the In m her used
on tbe carnival, I will sell the same in
quantities to suit purchasers at a low
W. D. Woodbow.
Wesson, Oholsocville, Va.,
writes: "Your One Minute
Cough Cure gives perlect satisfaction.
My customers say it is tbe test remedy
for coughs, colds, throat and lung
troubles." Clarke A Falk'e P. O. Phar-
sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west nf macy
Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip j Do yoa suffer from
wunm limit or ticaet. -Arrangements
can be made by apply-
ha , -. -ing yon tbe expense
iteamers in one or both directions be. I and dner of operation. Clarke A
piles? If so do
j not tarn to surgery for relief. DeWitt's
Witch HaBtfl Salve will act more quickly,
October 18th, certificates to be signed by I Co,
L. B. Stinson, secretary. Tickets sold
twean Detroit and Buffalo.
tf Jamks Ireland, Agent
IMaaolulion Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part-
. . ... ....
iww in m
October I3ih, 14th or 15th. No rednc-1
tion will be made lor the return if
does cot equal
s!8 lm
"I had long suffered from indigestion,"
writes G. A. LeDdia, Cedar City. Mo.
"Like others I tried many preparations
tlO lm
Little Early Biser. never TO .X f,"" J"
. . - i ssiaaae vsasasa. a . an iuiidi UH'U , UUUKT
ppoint. They are sale, prompt. , the firm name of J. E rU a.-.
gentle, eff etive in removing all im- this dav been dissolved by mutual con
parities from the liver and bowels. snt. Cbaa. F. Michel bach retiring. J.
Small and easv to take. Never trrine or ',.w,u ntinoe tne bosiness and
distress. Clarke A Falk'e P. O. Phar-
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
A fall line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Ciarke A Falk.
Subscribe for The Cbboxkm k.
C. J. STUBlilfsGJ
WBOLxsAia ami xktatl M
Wines, Ltquers Cigars I
: Family Orders will receive promo! attention. I
Next door to First National Bank.
Contest Notice.
Exoerienoe is the heat Tauhar
t never found anything that did me Acker's Eneliab fismedv in anv
gooi until I took Kodol Dyspepsia Care.
One bottle cured me. A friend who bad
suffered similarly I put on the use of
Kodol Dyapepaia Cure. He is gaining
fast and will soon he able to work. Be
fore ' be used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
indigestion had made him a total wreck.
Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fall to
give immediate relief money refunded
25 cU. and 60 eta. Blakeley, the drog-gw-
rnrBD sutk- Land Oftick, i
T. In r 1 .1: It. A. - i
will collect all ontstanding accounts and A sufficient contcat affidavit baving'been Hied
pav all claims against said firm. in hlL "P"? br AJbert 8. Robert., amteaunt,
Tim raailaa (r ftmi n lufil 1 eulturfc entry No 3Ub. made
b r: Dl- a0 ,90L 0 . for lota 2, S .Dd t. He-1? Tp 18
w. rAU, " u uwrKe nurauii. coiileausr in uhlnh t
CuAh. F. Mll'llKLliACll. Lli ??ll?t"id.'!i're Murtou, ..tier brtaakuc
mmitm a ut iirat uar naa lu.iiki... -
Tbey ove
Bess, irreii
1 iiiiiiaaainn r inc
' tmr anil banish
of menstruation. n They are "LIFE at A V Kith " to
womanhood, aidinsr development of onrana and
IrtUMarn aax. H 4 9 a a. . -a J, 1
lliH Il T.IBS11III I Klllllfl Ut'
1 CRRMIl'A L CO.. Cli velaaajflP
For ssle by Geo. C.
becomes a pleasure. $1MB
by drurgisU. bit. MoTT'f
HEM1CAL CO.. Cleveli
Blakeley. The Dadies. Or
; aooui inres aeiea Uaeflnrt jear. haa done nolhiug
p. 1 uw: iubii io a-.iu tract, neltber
One cullivatlrur nor uiann , i. ..... ' Tt.;
Undertaker ut Embalmer
Cor. Third and Waarttriarton Sta.
All persona knowing themselves to be
indebted to tbe late firm ol B. (iilhreth
, A Sous will please call on them and pay
amount due. All accounts unpaid by
September 20th will be handed over
Mothers every where praise
Minute Cough Core for the suffer in are it ! Ti"'1" fj taoitu bax been uuteuced and
h. is i . . l 7,... r"J7.'!,TO" Pr other partiea. Said
"" vaac uvea ui vilBir mile (Janwa are nereoy nolirted to aunear. ,H :
Strike, st the root of : fflTr gZ&&" " !
the infirm- i J??!??.! Iff1" ,he United States land
matton. The children's favorite Cough I Tbe said conuvunt bavina in a
uore. oiarks A Falk's P
ones it has saved.
the trouble and draws our
Dyapepaia can be cured
Acker's Dyapepaia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
to Measrs U tlsou A Huntington for col-1 money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
.Tur.rc vAiugu "5."ra coniwiant bavins, in a proper aOMa
O PharmaOT I i ' !S? fcePte,nber i, 1901. ant (ortb !ait which
U. rnarmau-y. ,t..,w that after dje dlllgenee pnoaa: acrvtee
- i of thU nuUce eaunot tie mada.ltto atoir
du; and proper publication.
W JAY V. LUCAS, Kegtater.
aVll orders sttended to
distance phone 433
promptly. Long
lection. seifitf
Lewis Ockermao, Goshen, Ind: "De
Witt'e Little Early Bisers never bend me
double like other pills, but do their work
thoroughly and make me feel likes boy."
Certain, thorough, gentle. Clarke A
Falk'e P. 0. Pharmacy.
boxes st 25 cu. Blakeley the druawiat.
Why pay $1.76 par gallon for inferior
Palais when yoa can bay James K.
Pattoa'fl tM ataaaf point lor (1.60 par
flgtm 7Wa. tUark A
Snbscribe for Tag CsiaoartoLa.
Administratrix' Notioe.
?.' - :.rTm!,omm6- T nrder or tbe Couotr
Court ol the State ol Uttajwn tar Waaeo bunt
Headquarters fbr Seed Otaatt.of au Ws
Headquarters for Feed Omin at u us
Headquarters for Boiled Ondii,
aeadquartars for Bran. Otartm,
Headquarters fbr "Byars' BaWt
ton Hour 2?2Si;
. (A