at, IOM. today for fab poet office. Crook Grant Hay Writ home near Crook county. A. J. Brigh im, of Dofur, spent last Bight in the city, tbe guest of tbe Umi tills Booae. Herr Scbott, who is to sing tonight at tbe Vogt, mm red hare on the noon train from Portland. J. J. Loekv, of Hood River, spent last night in the city and returned home on this niorn ng1! boat. Miss Eliztbeth Bonn, who is to sing ton-ght at Herr Schott'e concert, arrived here last night from Portland. Connty Clerk A. E. Lake left this morning (or bis old home at Wamic, ex pecting to be gone about a week. Wm. Crofton, of Centerville, arrived todav on tbe noon train from Poitland, and is registered at tbe Umatilla House. Miss Marie Boefke left this morning on tbe Bailey Gatsert for hf r heme in Astoria, having spent e year In this city. R E. Edwards, brother of Mrs. Car nahv of this citT. has arrived bare from England and accented a position in the American market. Mr. Edwards was j just fourteen days on the road between ; Here and Liverpool. Tbe condition of j bis life's health prevented her coming with him at this time, but she and the children will jiin him next snmmer. atoatN. In this city today, October 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. George N . Wand, a son. REGULATOR LINE. PORT! .AND CARNttAL 0ftiii1fet. sxcvanoN hates. jHSNjaaSk On sale, Daily Regular Round-trip Tickets, onlim- , saj jfcjfj fj On sale Sept. 19, 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, Special Round- m I M; - .. trip Tickets, limited to 6 days from date of sale.- afwr .waTWj law W. C ALLAWAT, TVT Maier & Benton, Headquarters for Family Groceries Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Stores and Steel Ranges. 167 Second Street THE DALLES, OR. of notoriety while in Aabnrn prison j 1 awaiting electrocution. He most not be j We offer one bandied dollars reward i seen, and visitors must not be permitted j ror mny of Catarrh that can not be : to enter ny part of the prison where cured by Halt's Catarrh Cure. liiu.reutr uiiitui uc ui win K. J . tJHKXKY CO. rTOnB.. lOIOUO. U. tbe Oregon circuit, opens a week's en-j location. The warden of the prison has . We, the undersigned, have known F. gagement at the Vogt cn Monday, Oct. bee instructed to inform the guards j. Cbenev for the last 15 veers, and be- 14 r, presenting as an initial Dill toe At Popular Frice. Wiedemann's Big Show, an attraction that has packed tbe theaters at Port land. Baker Citv. Pendleton, and ali of and other employes of tbe prison LOCALS. dark A Falk are awver etoeed Sunday. "JOB IWsW HUaf Ton will not have boils H von take Clarke A left's sure care m boils. Miss Julia Masquart, at tbe Beehive restaurant, will do dressmaking of all kind. Wanted An apprentice at the Camp bell A Wilson millinery parlors. Some one that is neat with a needle. 28s If you take tbe O. R. A N. tor the Portlend exposition one day will be equal to tbree days if yon go via any other line. Clark and Falk have just received a foil line of fresh Velox papers and de velopers, tbe same as need by Mr. I.oviek in his recent demonstration at our store. C. M. Phelps, Forestdale, Vt., says his child was completely cured of a bad cue of ecssma bv tbe use of DeWitt's Witch Hsssl Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. It instanth relieves piles. Clarke A Faik'e P. O. Pharmacy. flfi JLx, 3PVOP.. i milv Purest Liquors for Fa Delivered to any part of the ($ky. 17SSecoftli 51 Local. 868 Long Distance Use Street fjfh Phones: hat ; Heve him perfectly honorable in all bosi-1 7 lour act comedy, Down In bjypt, a j tne dimming of any information con- ne9S transactions and financially able to j story ot utDern Illinois, written ny , cermng him or his doings will be con- carry out any obligations made by their Tom Wiedemann. The story is a pas- idere.i a grave breach of discipline, and firm. toral one and the Cist is made up of : will be dealt with accordingly. j West A Truax. Wholesale Druggists, To- vie er petipie iu meir rrcpftiifr i.urr, The ecenic effects and stage Bettings are ouprru, ami nrnui awauuw .e gocu . , . c .. , Hall's Catarrh Cure it taken inter- will be dealt with accordingly. Bnrrlars Enter grtetl' B Sax Francisco. Oc 8. The ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan A Marvin, reij. j Wholesale Druguiets. Toledo, Ohio. every detail that gjes toward making a , successful performance. Between acts strong vaudeville features are intro duced, including Nellie Wiedemann, the electric dancer in rose, lily and Ameri can dances and the latest electrical sec eation, "Tbe Baptism of Fire";Cha-. Rarr-n jinn f ha tinman nrfha?r and i . j v j burglars was foond animal immitator; Bacon and Vane, the' operatic duettists ; tbe Mullally Sisters, in a unique singing and dancing act, and petite Z-!ls Marie, assisted by Wm. Dighton, in a clever juvenile act. The solo orchestra is a feature that will please lovers of high-class music. Tbe price for this engagement is 10, 20 and 30 centa. The sale of seats opens at Clarke A Fa k'e drug store on Saturday morning. stree: and Van Ness avenue, was en- i tared by burglars last evening. They j forced a rear window while tbe family was at dinner, went upstairs and gatb ; ered in jewelry amounting in value to fully 15000. Not nntil late at night was i the loss discovered. No clea to tbe naily, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the eye tern. F. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drrnggista, price 75c HalTs Family Pills are the beat. 12 Portland Carnival Excursion Bates White Collar Line, steamer Bailey Gatsart, excursion rates: Round-trip excursion tickets will be sold on Sep tember 10:h and 25th, October 2nd, 0th Working Boar a Dnjr. Ttiere'e no rest for those tireless little little workers Dr. King s New Pills. Millions are always busy, curing Torpid (of sale, making one Liver, Jaundice, Biliiousness, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Headache, drive bnt Malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work won ders. Try them. 25c at G. C. Blelkelev's drug store. 2 and 16th, good going six days after date week's limitation, including date of sale. Tbe price from Tbe Dalles to Portland on tbe days these tickets are sold will be $2.50 for round For the meeting of tbe grand lodge of Oregon. K. of P., at Portland Oct. 15tb, tbe O. R. A N. will make a rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip on trie certificate plan. Passengers paving full fare going, and calling for receipt j from selling agent, provided fifty or j more paying paisengeis of not lees than i 50 cents each have been in attendance, all lines included, delegates or members have to retain your hair yon your scalp clean. Soap If yon want to keep will make vour bair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we bave two of the yery j beat preparations for cleansing tbe : seal I Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It : will leave your hair soft and gloesv. Price, 25 and 50 centa a bottle, at Fraxer'e j barber chop, The Dalles. tf i trip, including two coupons that are good for one admission each to the Port land carnival Salmon to Portland, round trip, $2.20, including two admission tickets. 16iawtf J. M. Filloon, agent. Bays Hn Wna Torturad. "I suffered such pain from corns I could hardly walk," writes H. Robinson, Hillsborough, Ills.,"but Bncklen's Arni ca Salve completely cored them ." Acts like magic on sprains, braises, cnts, sores scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Per fect healer of skin diseases and piles. Core guaranteed by G. C. Blakeley, tbe druggist. 25c. 2 Steamer Bailey Gatsert. Commen ing October 1st tbe boat will leave Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a. m.. and Tbe Dalles on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 7 a. m. W. T. Wesson, Gholsonville, Va., druggist, writes: "Your One Minute Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction. My customers say it is the. test remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles." Clarke A Falk's P. O. Phar macy. Do yon suffer from piles? If so do n t turn to surgery for relief. DeWitt's WitcQ Hszel Salve will act more quickly, surely and safely, saving yon the expense and danger of an operation. Clarke A Folk's P. O. Pharmacy. A fall line of Eastman films and sop plies just received hy Clarke A Falk. Subscribe for The CaKORici.a. PtWEtfltMttt I hare re-opened this weU-kaorwn Bakery, and am now prepared to &ffly every body with Bread, Pies aMCa&ea. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Grocer. In s French Periodical Drop Strictly vegetable,perfectlY hannleaa, anre to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. PlBTTinH Beware of counterfeits and Imitations. TiIlllM hjj a onlr Id puMaMb. Bend for Circular to WILLIAM M fu CO.. Sola Ajaota. Clavelaad. OMO, jSnW-iawSBt For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley. The Dllee, Or. Contest Notice. rstTSD STaTBS LAND OVTICX, i Tbb itAixis, Or . Aug. 7. 101. A niffleient contest affidavit having been tiled in this office by Albert 6. Roberts, contestant, against timber culture entry No 3135, made April 19. ISMS, lor lots 2. Sand 4. sec L?, Tp 1 8, Hood River and White I R 75 E- bJ George Murton, couteatee. in which it nooa KtVOT anq ! ! .UeiW that said fieonre Morton, alter breakng bout three aerea the brut j ear. has dune nothing whatsoever since then to snid tract, neither cultivating nor planting iu any -wise, and till within six months has been nnfenced and open. p ow saia trsc; is leneea oj oiner parries, eaia THE CELEBRATED ...GOhOHBU BREWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-knoan brewery the United 8tates Health Reports for June 28. 1900, says: "A more so potior brew never entered the labratory of tbe United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoM of the slightest trace of adulteration, boton the other hand is core posed of the best of malt and choicest of bops. Its toaie, jnalitiee are of the high est and i t can be need with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old sal, vouna. Iu use can conscientiously be prescribed hy she physicians wHk tbe ceraaintv that a better, purer or move wholesome beverage could net' possibly be foond." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. SVSVSSVfAaV panics arc hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 We offer for a iiniued period the iai.a.a.k Pnonvi.-M r.rirw i aft across most uf it. 1 he land IB situated of delegate' families who have paid full i . . ..-,, !1- . . J from four to eight miles from the end of V. . ... . and the week. y Oregonian, price fl.DU, ; -, , C1 fare to Portland, will be returned at one- ... t a L . - ! the rllroa4 st ohaniko. ., . , , . . ' both papers for $2 a vear. Snbecriptione Anv cart of the land will he sihl tb,rd fare on presentation of ceruficates onderP offer m-t paid in JgSigiJkAS.S&!S 10 uur agent: si rurtisuu uu or ueiure vance. I October 18:b, ceitificates to be signed by j TAKE THE O. R. & N- L. K. Rtinson, secretary. Tickets sold j For the Portland carnival and expos;- Oetober 13th, 14th or 15tb. No raduc-j September 19th to October 19th, me u. k. dc 3. . wist sen rounu-irip CHANCE TO BUY A HOME- A. bodv of 4800 acres of land near An teiope wiii tie sold in tracts ot lbO acres or more to smt purchaser half of this land is fine Wheat land, neb ! vit. filed September 4. 19(il set forth fa- ts which black loam. It is weil watered, there ,nat th!r a Jt diiigeuce persona: service v. -. . . . . - . , of thif notice cannot be made, it is herebT or being some thirty -r forty springe on ; dered and direcird that such notice be given or the tract and 6mali running streams i due and proper publication. sh jai i. Luuaa, Jtegutsr. o'clock a. m. on October 29, 1S)1, before the reeistcr and receiver at the I nited States land Ore man . Th Hifl mnfMtHnt h.rlnp in inmwrillUa. first pevment. Inquire of A. Price 6 to $ 15 per acre. S. Bennett. elS dawlm I..., . Vu. m.rla f..- tt... rAtn.n if , . ! tickets to Poitland and return, including .ioee cot tqual require-; two ..imigaior, tickets to the exposition. mtr.t. SlK lm . 4 T...t ..! nnU nn Kont ttl l Woman r roved to Be the Tblaf. at $4. Tickets sold only on Sent ; and 25th and October 2nd, 9:b and 16:h, - litT.llofl In nin at ilava aflr .talw nf Pakeb Citv, Oct 81. K. lvy, a Me el8-lm traveler, came into C'i;i:llle-tCla: town la:e Saturday evening and opened op bis samples of clocks, hosiery and' underwear at the Oakee sample rooms. Beaterday morcing he discovered a thief; Lad entered tbe place durine the night and carried off about $75 worth of hie finest samples. He suspected a Mrs. ' Jai-k, who is employed a', the Oakes, of being the thief. He took his troubles to toe cuiei ot ponce aco touay a search i qq was made of the woman e lesidence and most of tbe missing articles were found. At first tbe woman denied she had taken the goods, saying the things found in her bouse had been sent her from Boise, but later she broke down and confessed to tbe theft and produced tbe of the missing articles. Mr. Levy was so glad to recover his property that be declined to prosecute the woman. iner heap for Cash. Bate, to Pan-American exposition. Bound-trip rates via O. B. & K. from The Dalles, 81.90. Tickets on sale first I and third Toestays during June, Julj , j August, September and October jrood for continuous passage going on date of sale. Return limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of Administratrix' Notice. Notice is herebr given that the undersigned has ooen appointed aurinintratrix of the estate of C. E. Kees, deceased, by order ot the County Court oi the State of Oregon for Wasco ( onntr. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notifiei to present the same, with the proper vouchers, to me at tbe office of lluntine- j ton a.- Wilson, i be lislles. Oregon, within six j months from ihe date I ereof. I Dated Sep:. 17, 13U1. S71 VIHALIA REES, Administratrix. DEALERS IN fill kinds of Funeral SappHesI Gf andaM Bo? get TTNDKRTAKERS fp EMBALMERS The Dallas, Or. Robes, Burial SlnMl Etc Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that tbe undersigned, by an order nf the roomy court of Wasco county, state of Oregon, has oeen appoiuted sdmints- ... . . m.ur in w bi ne or .uniie Monart. clec-eaml Having purchased ali the lnmber used , miesoort river or bt. taoi on return trip ; AH persons having claims agaiust the estate of . , v m n .u within limit of ticket j said de-.eeaed are notified tt. pr-ent tbem, with on tbe carnival, I will sell the same in wiinin limit oi uccei. ! the proper mv aitnriievs Uudson Quantities to suit purchasers at a low ansuienwun csn ue nuuv or appir-: " uT' " l".u.r' 1 un. price tor caeh. in to "fwt O. B. & N. CoM The Dalles, t8-12 W. D. Wcodhow. herety tickets will be honored on lake jteamera in one or both directions be tween Detroit and Buffalo, tf Jams Ibblanp. Agent Wood ! Wood ! Wood ! Best grades of fir, pine, oak an I slabs, all well sea soned, can be bought of Jos. T. Peters & -10 lm 11 isaol niton Notice. DeWitt's Little Etrlv Bisers never within sis months from the date of this notice! lioieu uus ie nay oi July, lupi. C. f. HOBABT, Administrator of the esute of Mittie Unoart, Jiyifi timb;b land notice. C.B. Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., 1 July ft, 1W1. ) Notice is hereby eiveo that in compliance wtlfc toe proeteious of the act of Congress of Junes, 1876, eutitld "Ad act for the sale of timber lands iu the xtates of Ca ifomta, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the pubi" land stales by act of Angnat 4 "w, nomas t.. i.onutoua, c.t . atgn, eonnlv of ""I had long suffered from indigestion," writes G. A. LaDhib, Cedar City. Mo. "Like others I tried maoy preparations bat never fooud anything that did me eoi until I took Kodol Dyspepsia Gore. One bottle cured me. A friend who bad suffered similarly I pot on the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. He is gaining fast and will soon be able to work. Be fore be osed Kodol Dyspepsia Cora indigestion had made him a total wreck. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between J. E Cl. - v a:L-ti t j . . ran auu ,ynu . I . ai ci enau'ii nni ur disappoint. They are sale, prompt. , tne firni name of i. . Fait A Co., has gentle, eff etive iu removing all im- this day bean dissolved by mutual con I . .... . . . I u rK.. w ai:-.u-i.-..i. ....... purities Hum tbe liver ana DOwei-. "y"": , ' ,Z S J ' J Casa.alate of Sorth Uaaou, has thii day filed Small and eaav to take Never erioe or E. Fa!t Will continue the business and in this office his sworn statement So ri for Small and easy to take, ever gripe or M mceoaDtt ,nd : iheponshaol theeonih bait northeast mat distress. C.arkeAFaike P. O. Pbai- pv all claims against said firm. iS"tfa ab"V,',,b"?, ur 01 Th. rwibaa He ., -in ior,i wln township 4 north, range 13 east, tt M. macy. I be Uailee, W., sept. H), Iwl, and will offer proof tosbow tbat the laud soucbt j , . -j- - J, E. Fa i.i, ; niorevaiuable for Its limber or stone than for uiwricucc u iu ucn irscun. 1 tfe f has V M ir-uai u ,rn . "B'wiihiw , Acker s Englisb Bemedy in any case of . coughs, colds or croop. Should it fail to ' immediate relief money refunded 77 . . " ; Hayes, Lewis II C. J. STUBMfia WBOLKSALB A SO UTAH. I Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive jmwtirt attentitm: Next door to First National Bank. Condon Phono SS. Long PUt lOtfl. THE DALLES, OREGON. tfi IT ' it n n lMm MOTT'S a! W asssaV VsaaaaaaaaasBaaalaBaV' tmrnrni tm overcome. of menstruation." They woman nooq, aiuinf becomes are They sas. fare; missions, in ' or and Ix LIFE BAVEB of orraoa and known remedy for women eaualathesa. Cannot do luwiins m , 1 ..u a.. aws Mn UE'if ufiv saw ni a by cLrnrriata. UK. MoTTfa chkm ical CO.. cieve iaod.1 For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley. The Dalles, Or Mothers every where praise Ox jwn-osev. ana 10 establish his claim li m, fl l.iin mia,.. t .. . 1 i.t... . . . 1 hi. office at aneouver, tt asb. , on Monday the 1 S : 7tb day 01 October, 1SU1 . -ouoay , me give 26 eta. gists. and 50 eta money Blakeley. the drag Minute Cough Core for the sufferings it I iiiLUl2wta h Fajl 'ufi i.w,.,0!?i: Em,ch. . 1 1 "m m . -jirun ill BUIQ has relieved and the lives of their little j ones It has saved. Strikes at the root of the trouble and draws onr tbs it fit m ; mation. Tbe children's favorite Coogb Core. Clarke k Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves to be ' mlul.tiwl In f k. Imtm Arm r.l R t il IipmI li ' A Sons will please call on them and nay j Dyspepsia ean be cored by using amount due. All accounts unpaid by Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little September 20th will be handed over ! Tablet will give immediate relief or to Messrs Wilson A Huntington for col- j money reloaded. Sold ia handsome tin Lena Smith, all of Lucas, Wash .iSZZXlZJtlLy?""'? cU,'"'nr oover-elv ne aaove qascribtd laud are requealea to die their OctSr,ni8aiU mt U 01 Mid sTof nyjoaow ' W. R. bl XBAK, Rsatotay ill lection Be (.6 li Lewis Ockerman, Goshen, Ind: "Dm- never bend me Vaotgoss Nut Is Ha Bmmm. Albakt. N. V., Oct. 7. Stale Superit teadeot oi Prisons Collins has given . -orders that Caelgors, tbe mcrderer of j Certain, thorongb, gentle President McKioley, mast not be sabjsct 1 Faik'e P. 0. Pharmacy. Wit-'e Lsttle Early Bi doable like other pills, bat do their work thoroughly end make me feel Ifkea hoy." Gierke A hoses at SO eta. Blakeley tbe druggist. Why paw $1.76 par gallon for inferior BHaatfawf as. awKaMi mn Jesses raaa as w- B fSaiaia lor IlOoer bi. for ft years. Clark A ml Sabsertbe for Tan NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Uw-Omoi at Tata Uslumi. Or., Notice ia hereby pst' foHowloa- .-..Muuiuieaim mase niuu pfool In ruppott nf Slmi?.!i" - mid? be- i Oregon, on Saturday, October IS. imi'.Wa: Artbnr at. Barrlasaa. i,?:DS20220-. P-.m mi ler .he - " a w ssa owe . awa. . 1 n . n II sav as JM-Wtowiug wltaaaaea to prove of saMteoeVvte.: ""wn A iS!""- O.U- roller and L p. Uavaa avpTi Headquarters for ftaed Grain of an Headquarters for Feed Grrais ot u Headquarters for Boiled drain, Headquarters for Bran. fiWBrts. Headquarters for "Byens Best trvn 1?1 a wise - " - - ---- end 1 of JAY P. LOCAa.BtsjIstar. Hihiwt PrioM Pi& tor