The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 09, 1901, Image 3

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    The New York Oath Store
tat and 142 teoonci toes.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
I i
Ladies' Suits and Skirts.
It is our constant aim to supply the popular demand the need
of the multitude all conditions, classes and tastes, with the best of
everything at a price where profit is figured only as a definite margin.
fine Autumn Suit, Skirt, Jackets, Coats.
Beautiful Serge Suits in oxford gray, black and navy. $12.50, $14
Two specials in Pedestrian Suits in oxford gray only .$14, $16.60
Splendid Tailored Walking Skirts, in oxford gray and
black $5.50, $7, $8.50
The Famous
for Women.
A general favorite They are
justly famed for their stylish elegance,
superior fitting qualities and up-to-date
styles. A thoroughly high-grade
shoe of unusual merit at a sensible
One 9
Price, 93
Very Dressy.
Exquisite Styles.
The DaQes Daily
WEDNESDAY - - - OCT. . 1801
fk m Served
At Andrew Keller's.
All Waoeo Coast
pater to December S, 1U0U, will be
aa preeeatetiea at aay
ieaa after Septoaaber IB, 1NL
Son . lAHTMUl
Herr Rchott
At the Vogt tonight.
Program commences nt 8 :30.
Wanted Ironers at The Dalles itnB
laundry. 8tf
ProfeMor Sendvig will (in a social
dance at tba Baldwin Saturday night. St
Captain Fe-rier, who formerly had
charge of the Salvation Army work born,
is in the eity, and will condoet the
meetiDg at the barracks tonight.
J. M. Benton, of Five Mile, Has pur
chased the Fred Fisbav rasltnnss on Al
ord avanue for $2,600. He and Mrs.
Benson will move toto it some time tb:s
L A. Porter ban pnrehaa-d the grounds
that his livery auble that waa recently
burned down occupied, and will erect a
new stable as soon-as it is possible to
nsve the work done.
There is n vague rumor that outside
parties are negotlatioc tbroueb a Port-41
tad real estate firm for the purchase off
a desirable location near the center of
the business part of the city
reet a first-class briea hotel
The wile of Mr. Jobn Gibson, of this
city, died this morning nt the family
residence after an illness of abaut a year
of consumption. The ilsrrsirif was In
Ur 24th year. She leaven a bnabaad
nd one child, a boy of 6 years. Toe re
mains were taken thin afternoon to
Portland for interment.
The ssssssassat roll of Multnomah
ooonty lor this year shows taxable prop-er'-v
the valee of mjUfl, as eom
r6d ith $83 M$m iant year, or an
increase of $10,000. It Is, probably
udkido to remark that rwe
aimovsred thathare In so
01 equalisation this year.
Acoordiagto n Wi
" prWent, yisJmiiji, ssttlad Mm
long eentiseamj eour ten MiT'nrrtri
toe Or en i - - - w.
ihe center of H
on wbiebtoj
Tongue recommended J. B. Irvine, of
Yamhill county. The appointee is at
present postmaster at Sheridan.
Colonel W. F. Helm baa on exhibition
at N. Wheal don's office some remarka
bly beautiful fossils of a kind of shell
Ash that Professor Condon, who saw
them, says existed some trifle of a mill
ion and n half years ago. The colonel
found tbem (near Supiee, dose to the
boundary line between Grant and Crook
The Portland papers my that D. P.
Thompson, ex-minister to Turkey and a
wall-known Oregon pioneer, is critically
ill at his. borne in Portland. Two weeks
ago Mr. Thompson started on a journey
around the world hot on account of
delicate health was forced to abandon
tbe trip nnd return home after he had
reached Iuwa on the overland trip to
New Yok.
Bodsou, Brownhill & Butts yesterday
sold Fred Fisher tbe J. P. Mclnerey lot
on Washington street across the alley
south of tbe William Miebell residence.
Tbe consideration is said to be $1000.
Mr. Fisher will, as aeon as possible,
commence tbe erection on bis new ac
quisition of n two-story residence to coat
la tba neighborhood of $5000.
Io tbe report of the premiums award-
ad for tbe poultry exhibits, published in
tbe semi-weekly ChuOmIcijc of tbe 6th,
the types trade ns nay that the first pre
mium for Bronzed Turkeys was awarded
to 0. A. Gibson and tbe second to Chas.
J. Nicholson. The order ought to have
been reversed, Mr. Nicholson having
carried off tbe blue ribbon.
P. J. Stadleman has let the contract
to a Portland Arm for the machinery for
an ice plant to be established here tbls
fall. It will have a capacity sufficient
'to meet all the demands of the any for
veers to come. Tbe feat that tbe bulk
of all the ice used in Tba Dallas for the)
peat five years has bad to be imported n
great distance by rail bas made the es
tablishment of the plant n practical
nf Gen. A. fitenf,
Tousght will be your last opportunity
to bear one whom such papers as tbe
New York San and tbe World apeak of
aa "tbe grant Wagnerian tenor." The
Vogt should hardly be able to contain
the audience on this occasion. Nat only
for the plneenre which will be derived
therefrom, but for tbe sake of the repu
tation of Tbe Dalles aa a city where ton
"best" Is appreciated, do we hope to
nan the largest mend gathered upon n
similar noatsinn in the Vogt.
Thorn ie mora activity nt this Usee In
MTkei ef Tbe Dalles then
tar the past Ms or eight
Dad Botta, who baa been in tbe
for sfe yearn, says
in nnd net of
no seed in all the
Be nam thaw isn't a
tla be know of In fawn, end
within tk few of m,
saying that tbe price of real estate has
palpably stiffened In correspondence
with the increased demand.
Will wonders never cease? Cabbages
weighing twenty pounds, potatoes three
pounds, onions nearly as large, cauli
flower five pounds, turnips, radishes,
lettuce nnd peas that would put Mill
Creek on the bankseat. Them are in
cluded In tbe Klondike exhibit nnd nil
raised around Dawson City. Alaska
will be a garden spot yet. On October
15th tbe O. B. A N. will nail round trip
tickets to tbe Portland exposition for
$3.10, including two admissions to the
exposition nnd good for return within
ix days. oO-td
The semi-annual report of tbe countv
clerk, which will be published in Tun
Chroxici-b by tbe end of tbe week, will
probably be a surprise to a good many
people. It will show that tbe amount
of outstanding warrants and estimated
accrued interest aggregates tbe sum of
$119,668 62, while tbe resources, which
comprise the amount duo the county
from tax sales for tbe years 1898. 1899
and 1900, is estimated at $8,000, leaving
e net indebtedness of $111,668 63. Mr.
Lake remarks that bis statement shows
a large excess of indebtedness over for
mer reports by countv clerks, but ho
feels certain, nevertheless, that it gives
aa correct a statement of the financial
condition of the county as It is possible
to make.
Orlin M. Banford. of Pittsburg, bas
started a movement in favor of planting
tram in memory of the lata President
McKiniey next Arbor Day, and baa
written to a number of governors of
states in regard to the matter. Governor
Nash, of Ohio, replies that be will prob
ably make such n recommendation in
bis Arbor Day proclamation. Governor
McLean, of Connecticut, has referred
the matter to tbe local press, and be Is
likely to also take action Favorable re
plies have also been received from other
governors, including New York, Kansas
and North Dakota, and others are aeon
expected. A letter iant received from
George B. Cortaiyou indicates that the
matter has been laid before the pml
dent for his eon si deration, which is like
ly to bo favorable, In view of hie attitude
la rotor octrouoa.
Henry E. Doeeh, who bee charge of
the Oregon exhibits at the Pan-American
exposition, writes to the Oregon Ian
explaining the eireossstsiices which led
ap to bis obtaining for tbe Oregon ex
hibit of wools the highest award and a
gold msdsl to The Paiisn Seeoring
Mills lor the finest exhibit of graded
wools on exhibition. Mr.
4 tried Sanaa hie arrival in
In MM Oissjan wool saw Inter
to n vooi exhibit, bnt without
In hie extremity honsnd the
ton World's fair.
ured six to seven feet long ; the Argen
tine Bepnbllc, with its Immense wool
exhibit; Missouri, New York, and many
other Ann exhibits, and Oregon with
only a handful, so to speak. But hero
again quality and not quantity won the
day. The judges repeatedly came back
to our exhibit tore-examine It, and final
ly said to me: 'Notwithstanding yon
have no fleeces according to the rules,
your wools are so fine and of such super
ior quality that wo have decided to give
yon too highest award for a collective
exhibit.' This certainly waa a generous
thing to do, and waa decidedly gratify
ing to us. Tbe judges also said : 'We
shall recommend n gold medal for your
scoured wool, which is the cleanest,
whitest and finest we ever saw.' "
Herr Sehotfs Vreuraaa.
ft i Aria "Luereela Borgia '
ten van
a I Per Linden ban in.
ft t Die Tor
The following excellent program will
be given at Herr 8cbott's recital to
night at the Vogt:
Selection Piano
a I Die Qrenadlare fteUsiomr
Ml. Borgia ' Donizetti
Lneien Vannotl.
Elisabeth Bonn.
Selection tariur
Anton fcebott.
a ( Arte Floes ana "Prophet' afryarftwr
ft i Lied .,7.7....: Jwiserr
OttUle Behaeeklug.
Selection Wagtm
Anton Ssbott.
Duett "Abend lied ' Euer
Kllaebetfe Bonn. On tile Bobneealng.
Trio aua "KacbUeeer' ' Vreuiur
Ottilia SehneealDgtAnton Hchott,Lueien Vanned
Selection Wagner
Anion Boaoic.
Accompanists: Lores a Sails and Ottilia
floats are now on sale at Clarke A
Falk's drug store nt 75 and 10 cents.
School Meyers.
extta left evm tram
Fmvltfml PwBatg unOgPvufi SatfwttnaWJete Sni4406 I
00 flggfSsktiMur VsV9 w&WVO tvPfeW ft futeMffwfi
ntsaaJPeP lIsTn UWBmttuBY'g NuJO Dnwwaaar Fvyefe
The following Is tbe monthly report
of the school In district No. 63, for the
month ending Oct. 4tb :
Number belonging, 34; average dally
attendanoe, 19; whole number days at
tendance, 881 ; whole number days sb
senee. 41 ; times tardy, 6.
Those on tbe roll of honor for tbe
month nrn Ernest Evans, Jamie Hard-
wick, Gertrude Davenport, Allah Smith
Lee Evans, Lnrilne Fisher, Maude
Evans, Willie Gelbart, Johnio Smith,
Jimmie Smith, Floosie Gelbart.
Ola NoBMaa,
Tbe O. B A N. Oo. will sell tickets to
Portland nnd return on October Utb,
siSflto4luwJp' mrw) flfc) ifskwOw) 6O9pOR0 Co wbo
exposition, lor $3 10, good returning
within six days. Children, half thntn
"9m Tnmeto Sfhi fHHrssu
pis KM Ym waW Alvil taafjM
SawBW "sTBwnngTglp sskjfwP
We have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We Will MtV yOU money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
Tbe NewTork Cash Store
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh,
olean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
We beg to piuvumt
sv picture)
of a late arrival. While
up-to-date, the design is
quiet and in good taste.
This is not a $3.60 shoe,
as good as $5 ones, but L
thoroughly (&3.50
through and through.
We have a whole window full of the same kind
Light and Heavy sol.
.. LV
aj-'a t-a-aaa aWBt
me People's national Family newspaper
To all old and new subscribers paying one year la advance wa oner,
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Onroniole for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Onroniole for tl.60.
Weuaaaday and frt
aay, la in reHtr s Sm
tfar Delir. girtafl Ike
latest news sn ears of
lavas, and esvsiiag
news of lbs otter 1
It easterns all latter-
news wblek seseats
la tae ImUr Trtteas
sssstle end
use, sawn
aaaauiaatraUaiia. aw
nasaT IfUXl caWaeat
ear. sag known for
new if sixty years In
every fortes nMVa
led States as a mien
ol the UaaemtmS
(or farmers aa4 VtlnV
It seetataesU
MmBEZ fivl mwS
jBsavu) wavesBBf a gwnyr STsbsbbs
wsw snuur f"s ""W
ftggfcd mM Msjnsm A fftimnlllS PuMlfisalnnT OOa. TawS i
aaBBsaareasnsBSBT asvsFav wr .awspw' enr wppnf1 srwgBBur BBwuuuBFvar war wmBumwaurmmuBBmmjp WWaTwua . nx.nmwaur '
Subtoribe tor Tho Ohroniole.
If ha sawtkonm. it