Thi Mies tkShf Chronicle. WEDNESDAY SENATOR WILLI AM SOS. who would not let tbe 9aa Pinaofcoo Safeguard of CiTiliaaUon," Qoi OCT. 9. 1901 mre (be Bwk known as the Exam- ' tner, into their nouses; not beeanea of ita politics, bat beeaoae it, like all the other "yellow kids," hi a Tile, "No man in Eastern Oregon standa dcan ng ,bat n to . that u higher in the affections of the people d humm Mture Senator Williamson and be win men and brcthreo there fa no as near getting anything be -ccounUn for ... saay ask for of the republican voters j as anj man this side the mountains." j The following personal appears in This is what the Dalles Chronicle the La Grande Chronicle. Mr. Mo nays of a man whom it thinks wonld Camant's ambition will probably he a good candidate tor the repnbli- i create little surprise, although this can nomination foi tbe governorship ( is the first public announcement we of Oregon. We of the eastern part have seen made of it: "Wallace of the state, who really represent W. alcCamant, a prominent rcpubli Eaatern Oregon and not the western can politician of Portland, was here part as do most of those living at or Saturday and Sunday on business near The Dalles, desire to pay some and politics. Mr. McCamant is a compliments to Senator Williamson, ' candidate for congress to succeed The Chronicle's candidate. It is Moody, and is beginning to set a few true that The Chronicle failed to stakes in that direction." speak very courteously of the candi- j mm dates for the same office who live in Br1" Pendleton, but this will not deter us ridiculous food fed has been , branded by the most competent author- of the real Eastern Oregon from ac- llim They dteprfled lhe si,ly no cording to the Prineville statesman tion tnmt one kmd of (cJotl ig Iieejed for the ere .lit due him for excellent brain, another for muscles, and still an character and valuable public work. i other for ma. A correct diet will not m . mm onlr nourish a panicnlar part of the Senator Williamson is a man of - 7 : body, bat it will scstain every other very high standing throughout the i, Yet, however good your food may state, and he has many friends here : be, its nutriment is dee trored by indi abouts. Be has a eery good record gestion or dyepeysia. You must pre ss a legislator, and where he resides 1 Pre for he,r appearance or prevent . , , I their coming bv taking regular doses of u known as a citizen of fine personal , - , 1 Green s August Flower, the favorite character. In the event be be nom- j medicine of ,he beallbj. millions. A few inated, bis opponents can trutbfuHy j doses aide digestion, stimulates the liver aay nothing derogratory of him as a to healthy action, purifies the blood, and , F.ast Oreponian. ! Dem. i manes von leei nuoyant ana vigorous. You cm get Belief in the Darwinian theory of i 'emediMc " Sm drn "tt,rf, ... z I Green s Special Aln.-tnac. toe descent 01 tne enman race :rom monkeys, and sot by the direct creative act of the Almighty, has just received a most confirmatory impetus by a discovery recently an nounced in the Cincinnati Enquirer. True, the Enquirer gives ont the discovery in a tentative way and modestly calls it a "possible explana tion;" but for all that it Dr. G. C. Green's reliable Get 1 A Fireman's Clow Call. "I stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes ( W. Bellamy, a lo comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa., "I was weak and pale, without any ap petite and all run down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bit ters and, after taking it, I felt ae well as I ever did in my life." Weak, si. kly, merits as ; run down people always gain new life, high a place among the hypotheses of j strength and vigor from their nee. Try Darwinism as many others that evo-! tbwn- Satisfaction guaranteed by G. C. I-.:;.,. k-o - with . ; Blakeley, thedrugist. Price 50 cents. 2 iubivuiow aaaawvw se vvuuuv u ww much dogmatism as if they were blck Meaaacne absolutely and perma- U ktw: T A mathematical demonstrations. The;""' . . . I pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation Hu,rer " aw-vawaaaawi w.u. rc and indigestion, makes yon t, sleep that a drowning man stretches out and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or bis hands for aid or "to catch at! money back. 2cu. and 50cts. Blakeley, straws. as the savine is. and sop- i loe aruggiet. " ( v m o seats as a "possible explanation' that 1 When yoar hair appears dry and to the drowning man, losing all bis ; t,j give it life and vigor. We have what acquired habits, and even those in- j the hair needs when it gets in that eon " , . . d tion. We have a the Crown of herited from more recent parents, m g :ience Hair Q Cfe Grower and hh terror coca back to the instinctive . C coanut Crearo W Tonic. They 6 . .. will cure dand watataW rnff and all movements of his arboreal ancestors, j diseases. For sale at Fraaer's bar (the monkeys) and his movements ! her shop. Price 50c and 78c a bottle. am those of the frightened ape in seeking safety by clinging to the rest tree. Did ever human reason offer anything more convinc ing as to man's ancestry than this? We trust no irreverent critic will my that a "frightened ape" would be just as likely to "seek safety" by j til flliTTm 1 1 1 j" chapping using bis tail as bis nanus, wnen . and (unburn. Manufactured by Cars Don't Kik It la. Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and tne pain is gone. Sold by Clarke Falk. If anything ails yoar hair, go and am Fraaer; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he makes a essclaltv of these goods. tf clinging to the nearest tree,' that wonld spoil it all. for A Falk. Giffords Fotos Never Fade George W. Davis, ex-clerk of the School Land Board, was in Kern county a month ago where be swore to an answer in the suit brought against bim and bis bondsmen for the recovery of $30,932.08, which he is charged with having collected during bis term of office over and above the amount that be turned into the state treasury. The answer is a formal denial of all the allegations made against him. His attorneys, however, have agreed, for the pur pom of the trial, to admit the short age snd bam their defense on the statute of limitations and other legal technicalities, snd if them are not sufficient to constitute a defense they admit that judgment must be ren dered against their client. The Times-Mountaineer contrib utes the following I? the controversy -yellow" Journalism : Call it you may 'yellow,' black' or 1' journalism is oas of the of the government" Ws in thai tows, sot religious mm, or ebons members, Mem Pais Yellowstone Park Line. THE HIKING CAB ROCTE FBOM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LIKE TO THE YELLOW STONE PAKE utva. DllMlBSl, FlNlMIftS Ma 2. Fast mall for Taeoma, No. neanie, oinania, Oray'a Harbor and KouUi Baud aotnla. SBukana. Boaa- land, B. C, Pullman, Moaaow. Lealaton. Baf- ll:l A. M. faloHumpnUnlnf eoun 6;40 p. SI. try. ttatcoa. aumiaapo lla, BL Paul, Omaha, Kaitaaa City. SL Loute. t.'oleago ana au point Has. 'aaatane aoattiaaf Pnaat Sound Bxpaaa U; P H lor Taeoma and Saatth and lahwaMdlata ataatt Pnlunan first elaaa and tourist MlnAeaaotts. at. Paul aad Mia nil uitaouC ebaaaa. VambuJadwaina. Dulaa daaet w3eT isi-iaiiiai iasiTs. j - i j SaS. I ML BL 1 lias aw h rivar potato A. D. CHARLTON. On Sept. 7th will be presented to my customers 1 Shakespeare, complete in one volume, bound in Mor rocco; i Atala in large folio volume, illustrated by Gus tav Dore. BL T. NOLAN. Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. REGULATOR LIRE. Danes jortim 4 Ma NAVHJATIOH CO. . DALLES BOAT LEAVES OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. ...Portland Boat... LEAVES THE DALLES at 7:00 A. M DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. STEAMERS REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE. W. C. ALLAWAT, General Aaeot, The Dalles. Oregon. White Collar Line. Uk Dailes-PortlavC Home Str. BAHaEY-GATZERT, From Portland to Cascade Locks, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leases The Dalles at 7 a. m. on Son day, Wednesday and Friday. Leasee Portland at 7 a. m. on Toes day, Thursday and Saturday. Meals the Very Best. his Route bas the Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. x. Leave Astoria 7 p.m. Prof. Homer de Morrison 3S3U iraahlBKton arset. Kooaaa 23-30, POKTLAXD, OKBOOM. Landing and office Foot of Alder Street ; both phones, M 861, Portland, Oregon. E. W. CRICHTON, Agent Portland, J. H. FILLOON, Act. The Dalles. A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. Jast What Yoa caant. The first reaitered at well a- the first gradu ate paMatat ever in Portland. The world's g eateat Trance Clairvoyant and Herbalist can I be consulted dailr on all affalis of I if p. I Prof, de Morrison is without a doubt the moat ; scientific PslmUt and Clairvoyant in tne world I today: be locates bidden treasure, reunites the separated, tells If there is mineral, oil. or gas on your land, enables jou to win the afiectlon of one you desire. Palmistry taught, mediumistic oeraons devel oped. Heals by the uses of bis revealed heibal teas: cores chronic and so-eal'.ed incurable dis eases Prae treatment for the poor. Send 91, date of birth and three queatins; all letters answered at c nee. PACKERS OP PORKand BEEF kLANCFACTD&EBS OF Fine Lard and Sausages Corns of BRAND TTAMR & BACON JRIFD BEEF. ETC. Just Received A full line of Freeh Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, Velox and Aristo in all sizes. Also a line of Pistes in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, Milligraphs, And all accessories to complete the outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. am unhw Riant ITMB 8CBKDTJLX8 TltS Stalls Chneaso-Portland 3ta&p. sn. Tie Hunt- Oor Enreka Combined Toning and I-uung Bath is a dandy. Try it. Tbe A. E. C. Developer for plates, films or derelonin naneta has no eooal Enough for 35c to develops 8 dozen plates or 6 dosen Velox 4x5. Perfect blacks and whites are guaranteed, if directions are followed. Ask tor tbe A. H.. J. De veloper, and see thst vou get tbe genuine. We are nrenared to com no mid aur and all of tout own formal and anarantea satisfaction. At tbe old place, 175 Second Street, ine J lanes, Uregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. LssaUS by Vision. PortUnd. A uk- 10. -(To he Editor). Homer de Morrison, oeculntt. incsted by vision thebul lion stolen iron the oelby smeltinc; Works. In bebalf of occult sciencv- he imoediately com municated by letter the facts to Ur. A. J. Bala ton, owner of tbe Masks Work. The report re ceived last night prove bis statements correct. JIBS, t RAKCf 8 PASTLOW. "It is pleasing to be assured that tbe sjold stolen from tne Beli? smelting Works was lo cated by vision' by a Portland occultist. This proves that the story of the confession of tbe thief and that bis assistance was required Id re covering the cold waa a base California inven tion for tbe purpose of deptiriiur oreaoa uf lust glory." (Editor Portland Oregonian.) New ideas in Wail Paper here. Such ride variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion ere ton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St U U D M 1 U l' L. Lane, GEXEFAL Uactsiflt AND... nil w OS John W Hi n rich's Farm, East Hood River. In&uraDce. law IMn (rm lis. (o. ol Lmki. Founded 1S25. Capital paid ap S7.500.000 S20,iae,o3B Now is the time to insure ; tomor row may be too late. Phone No. 86, fieulert A Condon. Phone No. 808, Pacific States Co. ARTHUR 6EUFERT, Resident Agent, The Dalles. Up Wagon and Oarri Fish Brothara' aa Warfc. 1 Tbiii ani Jeffinn. tai5l atssaaaassl A (T fl FRENCH & CO. BANKERS. Transact s General Banking Business. Letters of Credit leaned available in tbe Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Tr.nsfera sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Han Francisco, Portland Ore- Cn, Seattle Wash., and various points Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. SUMMONS. 1 will sell at auction on tbe above farm, Tuesday, October 8th, at 10 a. at., the following personal prop erty : 80 bead of Prime Cattle (no Jer seys i. constating of Calves, Yearlings. 2 sad 8 year olde, aad sosae Cows. About half of said at oak are first class beef. 1 ansa tthlsa Draft Hnssssa 1 old; lapaa good Paras Boreas, 6 years .11 a .as aw A ,11 ass oio; i goon eaouie rory. d years old; also Farm lssslassaata. Harness. Wa- John Pashek, The Tailor, Hsi i just received 1000 samples of tbe latest patterns in Gent's Clothing Goods. He suarau teee prices and a good fit or no John Pashek, The Tailor. JOHN W. H IN RICH S. Sabacribe far Tas Ci irxa. Saw Twenty bead of horses, ranging In weight froa 1100 to 1400 pounds. All balfcar-brokea, aad some broken to work. Apply to Straaas Brothers. Eodarsbv. jly tilsaw tbe SFaaVal Ask yoar t -ear for them. Una Hale, Plaintiff, Wsl W. w. Hale. Defondant To W. W. Hale, tne defendant above named - JJLH3 Dm " 8ut ot Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer tbi iw -putlot flisd agaiust you In tbe above entitled suit on or before rriday, tbe twenty cd d!v o November 101, d If oo UU1 uscs vrei " "PPly to tbe CoTrt foMbSSaf crse and ordsr of th t T. and eanoelio. tbe bT 'irL"" bat warn yourself Atlantic 12:80 a. ra. rlaBnat- 9t Paul :. m. vuapo- aalt worm. maCiry. at. Loqu, chl susvi saw aaaClty.St. Loans. Chi- Walle gyw- faaDvjvivan' kea,Cbseaap and East Nusi s.; as 0CEAJT AID BJTBB B( fartlaaa. (Afl mains dates sub ject to change ) s:00p.m. m. For Ban rrsDcuo, SanewasyTeaya? Dally "" gqilay 0stas,aBa,Be KlfSTs jg h'QD d. m. To and Way- Saturday, Laadlngs. H 2 10:SDp.m. J T" llleaawtta River. SX. .ndeS: 6:00 a m. maA a ay-LsmdlngiT Tuesday, Thursday, ' Corvallis and Way- aaiaraay, 6:00 a m. a Tneedav. Will: Thnrsdnv. Vmmtill I ttlv.a Satniday, Oregon Citr. I)vton snd Wag-Landings. :00 s. ni. Leare BlistrU dally. 3:40 s. m aaha atlvar. Rlparla to Lewlston. SB 'tafsafM Tsatg warn lurevet annauteaT theboodsof matrimony ezUUng !''Jfttff.and .ward.usto -hlld, tbe issue of said .n.JZT jvuimi suu oiaiaua plaintiff the care, custooTand. MSI a mlr.kal.lia as. . . . Uou tbereof in Tbe Dalles! day of ffialgej oats S A. rToDSLSY z!z Asssaaaf tar rising last The GUbrd s Fotos Nawer Fads. fiSjr- Parties leal ring to ro to peaasi Maa. on Colombia Southern vis taaeSa 3, awvias Tne Dalles at : making direct euwaaeuuus at Be nd niaws. Betumlns mas Ins di at Heppnet Jancttou and Biggs vttk'Ss, La riTlns; at The Dallas at 1:06p.m. For farther particnisrs, call on or ananas JAB. IRELAND, ASae; Te Dslsa. aapa Complete Cipe of I Dms at M. Z. DON NELL THE DRUGGIST. MsxAfaj j First national 9 THS A Pssaatss lassivsfl, sni sea. si. stwL.. DMJt or Check. tsaaaadpe sadav of basiSlvJ Sight aad Tassmtphie xoh New Terate rranedase i land- D. P. Tasstrsas. JBO. I Sn. M. WaAJABta. UBO.I B. M. Bbau. mm. W- . tssavsva. 71 Frant Si., ssar