The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 09, 1901, Image 1

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    jvol. xin
NO. 2
w wattift iiamaaton tujrl' Timifchfciit x
ldHHtlN KM Yn HiW
Aperfetltefu 0S6
Ron . Sour StoaKhjNmtoea ! IaF
Worms .(xmsmmis Jeverish- II wT fAfa flat aw
ncssandLQSSOrSmP. Wf ffit UV8r
TacSnrjto Scflitoliiii rif I
gJ Thirty Years
tiRMtt licmaSjr tar
New York, Oct. 8 Stye tbe London
correspondent of the Tri bane : A promi
nent official connected with criminal
prosecution U authority tar the state
ment that Atnerie arid England vera
responsible for the failure of a recent
conference of police officials of European
powers directed against anarchism.
"If our two countries," be remarked,
"had been willing to restrict tbe privi
lege ot political asylum anarchism would
bate been doomed, for its advocates
ooid be driven ont of one country after
another aud compelled to abandon their
prineiples. Anarchists will be found as
bog as England and America agrees to
belter and protest them. Let those two
doors be closed upon then Kid they will
disappear from the face of tbe earth."
The eminent specialist qooted asserts
with em phaais that tajgjaad and America
de a serious mistake in rejecting the
wertureg i0T international police meas
ures against anarchists after the murder
of tbe king of Italy, and that they ought
to undo the niisrhief by reopt ning negotiation-
lor a conference. Hie remedy
for anarchism is expulsion oi anarch isU
from every foreign asylum aud refuge.
Bnva la e,
Chicago, Out. 8. In an interview
fett night, Oongrewtnao B.bcock, of
Wisconsin, republican, who declared
Massif sun an ooeompswmteiog
ualst, said: "
"When anv artiela aaa bm
toeturod in the Doited States cheaper
arw rawavpay,"
anywhere elas and is an avtte'e of
frt, tbe doty praaVaoes no revenue
d affords to protection, owt . simply
ose who secure coaUol to make each
"tees e they see at io the tlnmrrtlr
f up to a point where it can be
Mr Babeook instanced tAeAtoaJ trust
illustrating blj coaieottan that the
i wfssent system foals
iusistad I.
uoninatioa of
mat bigh
confident be bee something batter tbsa
! I . m 1 l.i t
0 strong si ream ot water won ia na ve oeen
in this particular locality,
Since the discovery of the gas the well
has been sank to a further depth of
fifteen feet, at which level a steady,
constant flow of illuminating gas is
encountered. At this depth, too. a low
rumbling can be distinctly beard from
deep down in tbe earth. The gas well
and the peculiar things connected with
it are somewhat of a mystery.
Bases vrui Uttma.
London. Oct 8. The Brussels cor
respondent of tbe Times quotes a die
patch sent by tbe Independence Beige,
which repeats tbe minor that Bowie
will intervene in the dispute between
Tor key and Franc. Tbe Porte is said
to be willing in exchange for Bosnia's
assistance in obtaining a friendly settle
ment to cede to BoasU the port of Burgas,
seventy-six miles northwest of Adrlaa
opre, and only ten hours' steam from
Constantinople. Tbe rumor I not con
firmed. The cession of the port would
create a grave situation, riving Bossia
virtual cemmsnd of tbe Black Sea and
anal ling bar to occupy Constantinople
at a few hours' ewttee.
SMCfe Was Xcrrer,
I would cough nearly all night long'
mi IsastTiaw that
Gar's Pa rW a
. l : An a a a a
WI 01 sTAH M tKai
. "see "SiSJ J
WwK Cnrrw
- aaar aanai m I
" "W W
Csrttd Stated tMsltl at
- t . a
Ordered to Arrant fir tot of;
condleinns failed, three $1.00 bottles of
Or. King's Hew Discovery wholly eared
sat end I gained 68 pounds." It's
absolutely guatfajtaod to cute Coughs.
Colds. La Oriooo. Bronchitis aad all
1 Wr T. liiJ - . aSh-I t.
throat and Ii troubles. Fries
and $t 00. Trial bottles free at O
Biakeley's dreg store.
c. ui ciu.
$a Faanciaoo, Out. 8.-A O-ll has
Kb atMA J it. PLaina far o
stntceooveetlon.tobtbMd In this tftr
Bitesabnr Slat, for tile Prpaas an
snesaorlatislng aarigress to re-emot ifca
Cblnate exeinsfon law. obit tn
expire nsnt Moy.
lit mi
Pagan Oet. 8. A latftar received b
the ftava. iiiey from Monica, dated
October 4th, says: i
"The American consul here bat just
received orders to make tbearTangeoienU
with the Vaii (ffnveHrOjr ) far foil pay
sent of tbe rapsasn of Mtsa Stone. The
United 8Utee will advaaee the money,
afterward settling with Tarkey.
"The Turkiifa autbortttei have made
numerous arrests among the Bulgarian
population, without distinction of re
ligion, and nearly ail have been put to
torture in the hope of abstracting In
formation. A prisoner named Dimitri
said an ucderstandiag existed between
the Protestants aad the Macedonian
committee, and that Miss Stone was
even acting in concert with tbem with
the view of obtaining funds for a political
religious propaganda. These declara
tions, irrung from Dimitri under torture,
are valueless. What is certain is that
tbe cap Win of the band designated for
tbe payment of tbe ransom a place in
proximity to tbe, Roumanian frontier,
which proves that he hopes to escape
the Turkish police, and that the. Bul
garian police do not cause him anxiety.
"The condition ot affairs is shown by
the fact chat five or tin bands of brigands
of If or IS own each have become so
bold between 6 transitu and Kuprili
that the offHal of the Oriental Bail
toad nave requested toe military
authorities to reinforce the troops guard-
lag Che track and bridges."
Th; Pendleton Meeting Was Marked by
I7000 in Sales.
PxvourroK. Oct. 8. The first month
ly exchange fair in tbe Northwest, which
eras bold bora today, was a success.
There was a good attendance. This is
best told by tbe sales, which aggregated
87000. The demand far exceeded the
supply, horses coming in first. Ranchers,
who reside 180 Wiles from Pendleton,
were io attendance, aad purebeesd
cattle, bcrsee. etc., as veil as offered
tbem and general farm produce for sine.
Farmers fo fHites Valley. Harney
coop, loft tor borne this atoning with
their parcbaaas, which filled six four-
horse add two five borws wagons.
Too fair was held in Alto street, at the
corner of Main, next to too Pendleton
Savings Beak. B. t. Obx was In charge
of the arrangements, aad represented
aha Paaatafcon fVimstarslat Aeaoeiattoa.
Ha ttftfi thoroughly eaarvdsnsd the coon
writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of aisav trf.nad knew lb a general way what
andria, Ind.. "and could hardly not any e& band for sale. Mr. Cox
sleep. I bad consumption so bad tfeet t oort of otoater of ceremonies,
nlwaliedabkiealwcnldcooaiifrlgbt- mdntiy. Otfasrs ot tbe
fully end spit Wood, but, when all other ,,,Tr, ,r aseistod, and Coloosl B.
MiHlnat Utlad. afane ftl.00 bottles Of t WmAm. t-mmMi ni tKa O. ti.
C. Xadaaa. radastrlsd amsat of tbs O. A
AV. and atfifir Harrtateo Hues, was
loseobewtbO fret fair succeeded.
to wee who nrramel ft aad who
Its trial as an sxaertment for tbe
towesof tJw Paetile Bortbweet. CoUmel
.dto. wiU cera-t the omter to ott-r
towns ana areara one eo oprrsww 01 sow
il bodies aad of the press
tnoas astoe awn norma-
fmw W KX&'
st to WJijrd saHOirer. t smaywe afW psansne so w atom na
rtogao it
Doll Hmdaabe, PvJns la various potto
' sha aad. atekisaT at the nit of too
gtojMcBa Lass o ipptUlt, FjspbrfoaWistoJ,
vesaaatar away ail
The New Hhts
jfVS,. a fj U rsawtjlT K m A
A man can't look you in the face without
seeing your hat. If it is a neat and becoming one
he notices it; if otherwise ditto.
Neat shoes and a new and natty suit are es
sential to your appearance but you can't even
then look your best without a new hat.
We have the goods and know how to fit.
No msttter how critical or economical you are
we can please you. All the new shapes
$1.50 to
All Suits pressed free ot charge.
No txtra charge for aheratioesjto Ot.
A I I aM V
We are prepared to demon
strate that IK Is In the
rlgHt store for those who
are looking for the best in Suits
and Overcoats.
Every day bat Sunday
From 7 a. m. to 8 p, m.
vreaiaa ..aiiwess.
Jewels, eahdv. fioters. Siithat is
tbe order of A wolhlh'l fwterences.
Jewels form dmaldetof mif power
to the averifge womio, Bven that
greatest of all jew.ts, Kealtf , is often
ruined in the tranuons efforts to make
or save tbe money to purchase tbem. If.
a woman will risk her health to get a
coveted g.o, then let her fbrtlfy herself
seainst the insidaout consequences of
cougbs, colds sod bronchial affections by
the regular urn of Dr. Bosebee'a Oerrosn
Svrnn. It will oromptlvr arrest eon
sumption 10 its early stages aad baa) tbe
affected loons and bronchial tubs and
drive the dread dlseasejirom tbe system.
It fa net a care all. but It is a certain
euro for eongns. colds and all bronchial
troubles. You cab get Dr. G.O.Green's
reliable remedies at Biakeley's drug
store. Qst Green's Special Almanac. 1
Mrs. WilsonTot tbe Campbell dc Wil
son Millinery Parlors, has engaged lbs
ssrvieee of Miss Margaret Torgler. a
flrst-daas trimmer, k formsr employee
of Hellers, of Portland, and is there-
Oar styles are oqaal to the best, end wrr
prices are as low as spa iowav.
Bfbetlve this onto.
per car per day will
A charge of $1
bo mado mrofiay to
BUaWaSBSnnHBX m av. an na snsa a a
Agent O. B. A H. Co.
The ldiast and most
nomnioto line of ...
la Mm otAr
aaa aaw aa saawaaw at
OWw Ssaaaaw evwas maaawaaamwy tjaw
nfawilrt taMMt fMi StmNfgV
Wt, JPrp rtiUMBHfU', TIB and BtUtOtM
HlBPAlii SBOP. All orders entrusted to us will Hvrk
proirtpt attention.
TBB DAhUB, - - - tRiOOK.
s s
and WlbgW'lttwa
-PKAtsa !
Iroa, gtwi rdrwtly AjtUfi. pclnft and jlMiltal UnUm
i eaaii in 1 a as iff! t Tit ' Intmrt TTirtfffnrt iti ttoT- Mfffi
sajsnmsspw arap amain" " ' w WjP! VTr' WtW" waaya- apaaw
LatTDtomEL'lJm fa,
SLtoaUaWi VCltlsaT iCgnPalKWaM-
.aVaW afaftJA aUV'aaW,aVa;lIT -LaT JT ' ' i' ski Lti-..AU M gV?ana.
afaVJ afafl IIVMaaaffsrVW I I I IL SPWnrf 3 iT TI " .afAwI fJIH
aH Is aab aUvwaamaaVUsl BBmaHaHw aaarwl Hi