The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 08, 1901, Image 4

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Mies Nina Clioe. of Albany, to visiting
with Mr. awl Mm B. M. Nt.
Deputy Sheriff E. B. Wood went to
Portland today on business, to to
boat weak.
Cattlag "Tie" Travttt lata Haavaa
---- - - ... , , - , . . , . .-
Daily Regular Round-trip Tickets, unlint-
trip Tickets, limited to 6 days from date of tale.
Waier & Benton,
Headquarters for
A small pamphlet issued by a team
heat mm nan r nneratina the Stern-wheel '
steamer Bailey Qstsert between Port-;Onato Sept,
land and The Dalle, on the Colombia ;
river, contains a picture of the tomb of .
Victor Ttevitt, oa Memeloose Island, an
ancient burying ground, with a snort ac
coont of the remarkable man whose
bodr occupies thai lonely mausoleum
Bat the pamphlet dose not recount the
reasons for locating the tomb where it is.
Victor Trevttt was an Oregon pioneer
of 1849 and was eery prominent and
popaiar in that territory. He was a
good democrat, a good citisen and a
good, kind-hearted man, bat when he
came to outsider the hereafter be was
not care that all these would be suffi
cient to admit him to heaven. Bat,
reasoned ne, the Indians, on account of
their invincible ignorance, will probably
be allowed' to pan in as a body, wit hoc!
mnch ecratiny ; and, rf only with them,
he might be allowed to move along with
the crowd. Also, he thought that hav
ing always dealt kindly with the Indi
ana, as well as with his white iellow
citizens, the red men would intercede
for him if the procession should be halt
ed to inquire into hie case. So he asked
IsatesaisP swJn 5
Gawk A Folk ate aswer esrjesd Scoday
Family Groceries,
Tea will act have keito if
Clarke A Falk's sare cere ot boils.
Jails Mssqasrt, at the Beehive
will do dressmaking of all
Wanted An apprentice at the Camp
bell Wilson millinery parlors. Some
one that to neat with a needle. 28s
If yon take the O. R. A X. for toe
Portland exposition one day will be
equal to three days if yon go via any
other line.
Clark and Falk base jest received a
fall line of fresh Veloz papers and de
velopers, the same as need by Mr. Ivick
in his recent demonstration at oar at
Liquors for
Delivered to ny part of the
Phones: 51 Local
868 Long Distance.
173 Second Sti
"I had long suffered from indigestion,"
writes G. A. LeDaie, Cedar City. Mo.
i "Like others I tried many preparations
; but never fonad anything that did me
! goo I until I took Kodol Dyspepsia Care.
' Oast houla cured me. A friend who had
HorHuPa TinUarO nrflnitOUarO suffered similarly I pot on the use of
g..wvM., a ....vva w,iKodoiDTi)pepim He to gaining
I 1 , 1 . . - T
i laai ana win soon oe awe io won. or
'fore be need Kodol Dyspepsia Care
; indigestion bad made him a total wreck.
' Clarke A Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
Wilt WirrtHB Hi!
" i , J . ---w p'VW wijii m m Cv.,-.
Stoves and Steal Ranges.
167 Second Street
' . . . Kodol Dsspepsia Core is not a mere
Portland Carnival Kzaarsloa Bate BoVi ThU! - ' r , , , ,
... . , . ' Btimnlent to tired nature. It affords the
White Collar Line, steamer Bailey, We offer one hundred dollar reward gtomlieh mop let. and absolute rest by
Gatssrt. ezeursion rates: Round-trip or ny case of Catarrh that can not , diml in. mod von eat. Yon don't
...... a. an' anrml her Mali's I ' " sTleaasm I w - "3T
bis friends to take his body from where- excursion tickets win oe soio on ""l , I,. have to diet bat can enjoy all the good
tember IV h and zotb, October sua, tn
ever it should fall and deposit it among
those of his old Indian neighbors. And
there his endurin . tomb stands, on I
Memolooee Island, "land of the dead," :
in full view from every train that passes
through the gorge of the Columbia.
Shortly after the erection of the mon-'
oment there was a democratic state con- I
vent ion held at The D-ille?, and the
delegates from the Willamette valiey
were going along on a special train when
someone called oat that "Vic" Trevitt's
tomb was in sight. Everybody of course !
' cored by Hall's Catarrh Core.
F. J. Cbknbt A Co. Props., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, base known F.
food yon want. Kodol Dyspepsia Care
you new
vigor. Clarke A Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
ana torn, good going srz aays alter oam- ; instontly relieves that distressed feeling
of sale, making one weeks limitation, j Cheney for the last 15 y -n,";,,,., VOu new life and
including aate ot sue. ine price iram uu,.u, .u
The Lallee to Portland on tbedavs these ! aem transactions and financially able to
tickets are sold will be $2.30 for round j? ont "T obligations made by their, Cn ph.Sps, Forestdale, Vt., Buys
trip, including two coupons that are Brm. j yg ci)i,d WBa cou,piete!T cured of a bad
good for one admiwioJi each to the Port ; W e8t Tru ax. Wholesale Druggists, To- j of en imm OT the nse of DeWitt's
and carnival. Hood River and White ; W. - Welding, Kinnan A Marvin, witch Hazi! Salve. Beware of all
. r ni Ww . twa a a i
Salmon to Portland, round trip, $2.20, j ooieeaie urugtisis. loieuo, vnio. coanterfeiis. It instantly relieves piles
including two admission tickets.
16 Utrtf J. M. Filltos. agent. nally, acting directly upon the blood and
Hall's Catarrh Core ie taken inter- Ciarke 4 Falk's P. O. Pbarmacy.
craned his neck to take in the view, and
in neons surfaces of the svstem.
uiMoiaiion Katie p. j. Chzset A Co., Props., Toledo O.
- . . : t 1 : - . i - F cu w J I . - : -7n
it ta auk th nbi rt nf manmitaa " ui uworn-. 17 iuibbi, pirn inc.
it wa- made tue eohj ct of conversation ,u heretofore existing between J. TT-ll's Famiv Pills are the beat 12
afterward, nearly ail of the delegates g Fait and Chas. F. Mictielbacli, under S "
having been intimate with "Vic," and j the firm name of J. E. Fait 4 Co., has j For the meeting of the grand lodge of
being abie to recount some incident it-! ,ui9 dT dissolved by mntnai con- Oregon, K. of P., at Portland Oct. loth,
lastrating bis steadfast Democracv and ; r. " .-. T- j the O. B. A X. will make a rate of one
universal kindness of heart.
sen. C0a f. Micheinach retirinc. J.l.. , n t
i wiii ciilect ail ontstanding accounts and 'nd one-third fare for the ronnd trip on
Alter discn9ing nta reason lor wish- , par at: claims against said hrm. j tne certificate plan. J"amengera paying
ing to he buried there the conclssion
was reached by the delegates that as
"Vie," like Aboa Ben Adhem. hsd
loved his fellow men he was sure to get !
through the peariy gates even if t e In '
dians did not.
"fiat." said one of the delegates, who
bad observed the mas9ivenes9 o: tbei
The Dalies, Or., Sept. 30. 1901.
J. E. FaltT
All persons knowing themselves to be
indebted to the late firm of R. Gilbreth j
' full fare going, and calling for receipt ' A Sons will please call on them and pay j
Experience is the beet Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded
25 cte. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug-git.
Headquarters for Seed Grailt of au
U AOnnnaFtAPfl TTsT RMM1 UfMaM mt all Wi
Headquarters for Rolled Qftin. aa
Headquarters for Bran. Start T
Headquarters Ibr
ton Flour
Ttato Floor m
We sell oar goods lower than any boose fa the
call and get oar prime and be convinced.
to atvei
J don't!
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pwmaap Orocer. I
Chas. F. Michblbacr. j
If yon
have to
want to retain your bsir yon
keep your
from selling agent, provided fifty or amount due. All accounts unpaid by
mere nsndsaa nacaanawia of not laaa khan '. September 20th will be banded over
: 50 cents each have been in attendance, to Messrs Wilson A Huntington for col-
scalp clean. Soap ' ai: included, delegates or members j lection
of delegates' families who have paid fall
Price, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at Fraser'r
barber chop. The Dalles. tf
best preparations for
atones composing the tomb and the I Kelp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo
masaiveness oi tneir iastenings, ana: . will leave yoar nair solt and gii
if 'Vic' could not get oat of that when
Gabriel blows bis horn?"
S-cognzmg that future Cpoesible! fitearoer Bailey Gatiert. Commen
diffi.uity, the delegates, among whom ng October 1st the boat will leave
were Governor Pennoyer. afterward gov- pUnd on Tuesdays, Thursdays and
ernor of Oregon j Sempie. afterward gov- Saturdevs at 7 a. m.. and The Djllea on
will make roar bair tiarsh, drv and
crispy. Sow we have two of the very Portland, will be retuaned at one-
preparations for cleansing the l"ra ln on presentation oi ceruncates
to oar agents at Portland on or before ;
October 18th, certificates to be signed bv I
L. R. Stiaaon, secretary. Tickets sold
October 13tb, 14th or loth. Noredac-I,
lion will be made for the return if total I
attendance does cot equal require- i
. eet6tf
A foil line of Eastman films and sop
plies just received by Clarke A Falk.
Subscribe for Thb CHBOaref.a.
Gifford'e Fotoe Never Fade.
slS lm
Contest Notice.
Fridays and Sundays at
ernor or n aemngton ; J!l:nKer, alter- Wednesdays,
ward United States district judge of Or- 7 . m.
eg :.: and Bouham. alterward minister
to Siam all then and there agreed that
when the aforesaid horn should blow
they wouid knock down the tomb and
let "Vic" out.
Thie resolution was verv magnani
mous; for, though thej were ali certain j Why pay $1.75 per gallon
that "Vic" would get paed by 8t. paints when yon can boy James E.
Pets.- ah right, they confessed that tbey Pattoo'e son proof paints tor $1.50 per
were r.o". 0 u"e of themselves. Baker gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Ciark A
Civ Dc-uiocra'. Fa!k. agents. ml
Of the product of this weil-knoen brewery she United Sutes
Reports for Jane 28. 1000, says: "A more superior brew never 1
the labratory of the United States Health roper
ot tne siiantest trace ot aaaiteration, oat on tee niiMH liann is com;
the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the
est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and aatftfaetioa by old
young, lie use can conscientiously be presort BOO. M tba psysiciaas
tbe cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Dyspepsia can he enred liy nsing . ca Salve completely cored them
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets.
Tablet will give immediate
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxee at 25 cts. Rlaceley tbe druggist.
for inferior
111 kinds of
I'smn extras Lam, Orr.cE. 1
Sara Ua Waa Torturad. ln ' . aub. 7, iSUi.l
, J . ... , ! A sufficient corneal affidavi: having beer, tiled
! 1 suffered such pain from corns I In thin offlee by Albert B. Kobem, contestant.
mnU l.,frf!r lk " mUmm H U.Ki..n againat timber culture eutry No 31-io, made
j -,.". Aprii 19,1889, for Iol , 3 and 4. Sec 13, Tp 1 ti, '
Hillsborongh, Ills. ."but Bncklen's Ami- ''E. br Ueorae Unrton. contcatee. iu wbicl, i: '
Acts about three avrea the first jear, has done nathioa
r ....j,- Ur.-Uini i..nt. .... wnataoeTer :ni?c then io sua tract, neither 1
' i culUvating nor planting io any wise, and till
ne a t - - 1 J 1 a- J t n ' ..(-. k. k a a a .
reiifl or mtvc eceiius. uum?, ikjiis, oicerp. r-er- "iiui i uiujius nv ocen uiiivnitu anu own.
N i-.tar .an' Iranf i- ianaaH ha niK wt, . : J '
:ect healer of skin disease and miee. ina-ti an- hn?rT riK.i i i
Cure guaranteed by G. C. Biakeley, the ; uetw'lne frWVlH SOpplieSl
'.I UK . -'V . ; . twtivi a. mc t.'Ultcu otltCV laUfl l
effiee iu Tbe Dalles. Oieaon.
W T Wesson Gliolsonville Va ! eonte-Unt having, in proper afTida
v.. a. neon, uuoisoovuie. vtt, akd September 1. 1. set forth laito whieh
druggist, writes: "lour Ooe Situate show that after due diligence pvntoua: service j
uiwu uoiict- csnuw oe mane, it u hereby or-
w anu uuvcku iu such uouce ne given oy
doc and proper publication.
U JAY K LFCAB, Regiater.
RtCular Monihiy Council .Weecing.
Tne regniar monthly meeting of the,
ci. . council was held last night, with '
M.i or fVie-y in the chair and Council-,
men Shackelford, Kelly, Wakefield,
Toomey and Leinpke present.
A petition was precented by the firm
ot tea toe A Waither, asking to have the
time of pretentiue bide for '.he constioc
tion of tbe Court street sewer extended
to Friday, October lltb, at 7:3) p.m.
As tre e was only one bid before thai
coiinc ., and this from a party outside
the county, a resolution was ansnimons-
ly agreed to in accordance with
prayer of tt.e petition.
Goancilmea Wak fir.d end Kelly were
appointed as a special committee to
tnpsnutend the work of moving the
peat bouse from its present -location to
tbe city property.
By a resolution the eisttra at tbe
intersection of Fourth and Union streets
was condemned and the maia-ral was
ordered to have it filled op.
By another resolution the lot now
ad aa a pouul at tbe foot of Waai.iog
too street was rented bv Messrs. Scban-
C . 6. Land Office, Vancouver. Wash.,
July 5. 1S01. t
Xotiee is hereby sivea that in compliance
with the provision of the act of Congress of
JaneS. 187, entitled "An set for the sale of
timber lands in tbe states of California, Oregon.
Nevada and Washington TTri;o?y." aa extended
to ali the public land states by act of Aueist 1.
132, Tbuuiaa Comttoek, of aign. county cf
Casa. atate of North bakoia, baa thU das hied
in thia office his ssrorn statement No. '.r for
tbe purchase of the soutb half uoitueaa; quarter
I Bee and ou:h half nortbsreat qrurter of
jiec in township 1 north, range 1 i t-ast, M" M.
and arlli offer proof toshna that lb i land sought
is mote valuable for its timber or stone than fur
agrictilrurai purposes ,anl toeaubiisn bis claim
to said land be lore the Re vUb and heceiver of ,
thii office at Vaoenu vcr, Waia, on liuuday. the
, 7th da; ot OsSober. : .
lie naasw the lolluwlug wnoeaea: hutch
, llaye. Uvu II. I'aiae. Witt U. OUdsrut and
the tmo smith, ali of Lucas, Wash.
Cough Cure gives perlect satisfaction.
My customers say it is tbe beet remedy
for cuogbs, colds, throat and long
troubles." Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
If so do
De Witt's
Do you suffer from piles?
not turn to surgery for relief.
Witeb Haz-i Salve will act more quick) v.
AdxxLinistratrix' Notice.
Notice is herehv given that tbe undersigned
has been appoioleJ am inistrauiz of the estate
of C. E. Re, deceased, by order of the County
Court of the tiate o( wrvgofi for Waaeo I ounty.
Ail senoua harinr claims ininii uM .i.,.
sorely and safeir, saving voo the exoense befrtr notiaei to present the same, with the
. . . . proper voucnera. to meat the offlcc-of Uuntinx
and danger of an operation. Clarke A ou wiiaon, the iMiiei, Uisgoa, wlmfa sti
P,ili. p i mimths Irom ihe date i ereof.
tr alk s 1". O. Pbarmacy. naoal Sept. 17. it.
T rZ . , 3 V1HAL1A REE8, Administratrix.
Lewis Ockerman, Goshen, Ind : "De-
Witt's Little Early Risers never bend me
doable like other ptlla, bat do their work
thoroughly and make me fee! like a boy. "
Certain, thorough, gentle. Clarke A
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
The) Dal Lesa, Or.
lyon's French Periodical I
Strictly vegretabie. perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
uewaraof eonaterfeits and I mi tattoos. The
ssusua wuasuar so HllaasSS BtSV. CO
Any and all persons cbsaalog advertelv Ihe
aboTSHieacribsd iaad- sja BSaassIr I t die their
rUin In ihiiofcct on at bssue said 7th Cjj of
October. !'.!.
)iv:i-luw W K. UCXBAK. Regiitet.
Mothers every where praise One
Minute Cough Core for the suffer ings it
has relieved and the lives of their Utile
ones it tow saved. Strikes et tbe root of
' tbe trooble and draws oar tbe ioflam
nation. Tbe children's favorite Cough
j Core. Clarke A Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that tbe undersigned,
by an order of the evuuly court of Wasco county,
stale of Oregon, hat Men appointed admiuhv
Uatorof tbe eat tie of Millie Mobart, deaid.
A.I tersees bating claims against Ihe tslslr of
said rjeceaaed are notihtd to present them, with
the proper vouchers. t my alUrneys Hudson &
BroarubiU, at Uicir ..Ukc at The baiiea, Oregon,
within sis Months from tbe date of this noUee
baled this 37lh day ot July. liOL
I' f. umD-r
AdmlnUtrator of the eatete of ' sttttis Uobart,
V'sants. VaVrastag ttirs'
For sale bv Geo. 0. Blakeley. The Dallea, Or
OP only In pasted
kSjfSsMrAsOi Court of the mate of Oregon lor
Iris i laiiilt ,f vA
V. Land Offisa, Vaoeoaver, Wash.,
May to. 1-J01. i
NotkSS Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of roiaoasa ot
Junes. WS, entitled "At act tor -fjn vajsnf lim- the Ctaiutv uf Wasco
W ofbrtar a limited period tbe Aim totokaag,
'l11 f'SuauX IfZZ SX ZlU'o, lU-rt OaJtoatClJl. price $1.60. w. W. Uaie. Petendant
fiiistomTssate sTtWonTss. aiTaiVflrad in Weekly Oregon ion. pceJ.60. To w. w iw, , the defendant above named -thlsoSsae
bUsaryraaUieearnt No W fr tbe ' both nauaarafrarata vssar. flnhawrintlnn. In the name of the tan- i v
Ett"tt?tfXnILSVZ:2 oftV moat be paid .n ad" SS? tms.
thai the land sonaht la more valuable (or iu
no and Meier to the city for on. year for ZJSSSX' cTL
tbe sum of BH'. tbe KegUtcv and tteeeirer oi ihis cflic- at ai . ,-t
.TV . ,. , . . eoov. WMb.,UU WIm1s), thr lilk dsi oi o( I'"' W rtMt """h"
After auditing the claims againal tbe August, wot.
city tbe council adj .nrned. .b.SstreT IuTh. TTJTa
ilar-y M. Barrett, all of Portland. Or
Clerks A Falk have oa
when yonr uatr appears ary and to Anv and all parsons claim log adverselr the
have lost its vitality it wants something aboveeacrtbed lands are renusatsg to die tbalr
to give it life and vigor. We have what wJl mi. uaoeou " before
the hair needs when It gets in that con- jniAt w. g. UBMaAK
dition. We have tbe Crown of j
Science Hair (fl A Grower and A eber wants a school in Oregon or
Oueoanat Cream WF Tonic. Tbey , Washington. Addrem J. A. H., Caaotf
will eoee dgmd sbbbbV mbbT and ell ICIM offlos. UMl
scalp dtosaam. For sale at Fraser's bar
torebqp. Pries 0c and 76c a bottle. ' 8a beer lb. far Tag
, , , - -Ki 1 mint iiuwtr leaeoss
Dlsint flld aaainat voo in ih. .i zr.,.VZ.
suit on or before Krioay, tbe irimlr unaid ilai
... ., 1 of NovewtM. Il, and if you fall io7oTJ '
a fall line rinuir will apply ,o ibicJSl jiiASS ;
prayed lor in ber eomplaint, lo-trit: fur a da- 1
eree and order of tbe Court forever annulling
. ud caiiaeiuig tbe bogataof maid moor wuuist
Ti:rw7;lL",nm" asm puuaua. sad a.arding to
aneeunteolof WUUaas
turthsr relief aa to
Hale a minor ehiid. the la
mm for such other and tui
C. J.
Wises, Liq yen Ca
Fariry Orders w ffl mmt 9Sterm-
Jaasdaa Fhna SSa
Uaasg sesaa. lOVl.
Nest door to First MaMojesl Bank.
r i
Ccort may
llmsiamwrnkm, C-aJ.1 "MKWc'oT
umutw mm tummmm KM, X.2Z& Utsi t
order oaaadt "and 1
Car. Third and Waahlnsrton ate.
I MMimilll Fill HibbI
mm . x ' rnamiji mmwmm
saaV. aXiXWff---- . i talDMUnn
ws 1