I tJPWMtM4i4 I New York Cash Store... I logs' aui loiitn's school sins.. KNEE PANTS f mm l la - , i n yvv t ft :?"roQ8 n t LadCft9 Stlitft And Skirt. A mmI favorite. They m 1 It is our constant aim to supply the popular demand the need of the multitude all conditions, classes and tastes, with the best of everything at a price where profit is figured only as a definite margin. fine Autimro Sulfa, Skirts, Jackets, Coats. Beautiful Serge Suits in oxford gray, black and navy... $18.80, $14 Two specials in Pedestrian Suits in oxford gray only . $14, $16.60 Splendid Tailored Walking Skirts, in oxford gray and black $6.50, $7, $8.50 A Qtaeral favorite. They are justly famed for their stylish elegance, superior fitting , qualities and up-to-date styles. A thoroughly high-grade shoe of unusual merit at a sensible price. Prfce, $300 Very Dressy. Exquisite Styles. PERSE 5t MRYS. The Dalles Daily TUESDAY OCT. 8. 1901 jOjstersl At Andrew Kwller's. 4 $ 1 TREASURER'S NOTICE. wUl fee , All Wimo Coaaty Btler to Dmakir , 1 a pmiWIw at mj km arter Bayt T t. Ml. JOB 9. SAHTMMM. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Wanted Ironen nt The Dalles attain laundry. o8tf The county board of equalisation Xa anion this wek at tb asseesor'e office The Artisans are req nested to meet at their hall tomorrow sight promptly at 7:30 o'clock. There will be. a regwlar mooting of the board of fire delegates tonight at 8 o'clock in the conaeU chambers. Thirty-nine deeds of right of way for the power lino of tbs Wasco Warehouse Milling Company war Sled yesterday in the connty clerk's offioe. G. W. Phelps, of Heppner. baa been appointed by Jodge Blakoley gaardiao of the estate of John H. Doobam and Cora Dunham, minor heirs of the estate of the late Chaa. ft. Dnoham o( this city. The attention of those who signified UMtr desire to attend Herr Sohott'sre- ital by signing the short time since, is celled to the feet that asata are now on sale and to o procure the best H will to attend to the matter at As was expected by the people of Pot til, Dewey, tb bias bases formerly ownsd by Cos Barnard, won the quarter desh t The Dalles fair this week. This owes, which need to win all the swob aa in this part of the eonntry. is now owned by Was. Bamngtoo, of Diamond Valley, son of P.O. BafBnoton. of Fossil. -Fomil Journal. toteaato in having an oppovtaaJfjr "n nsrr aenott tasaetvo H k. i . -aurns-thi alaseS w tne bishop found that oa bis way to Spokane to preside over the German Metbodist Episcopal Conference, be could stop et The Dalles snd spend a abort time here ; accordingly arrangements were made for him to preach to the M. S. church this evening at 7:80 o'clock. This lea privilege offered to the public to listen to one who is justly distinguished for his obilitiee and great work for the good of humanity. The Gilman-Freneb Land A Company shipped 190 head of beef ca Thursday from Shaniko to the Union1 Meat Company, of Portland. The price wee SM cents par pound on foot at Shaniko. The cattle were driven to the railroad by J. W. Gilman, S. J. Thomas, T. 6. Hoskins, Nealy Helms and James Bar bank. The company is to make another shipment to the Union Meat Company, about the la?t of this, month, of about 300 feeders end beef cattle. They nave also sold 300 heed of yearling heifers to the man who recently bought hout Newt Bnrcess. Delivery of the r . ... . neirars win aiso of tbe month. Livestock! i s i than that of any previous year. Last year the space covered by the fruit and vegetable exhibit was about 320 square feet, while thia year we made provisions for 1100 cqaare feet, and actually occu pied 700 Eqnare feet. As there ere ap ples enough in a four-layer box to cover eix square feet of space, one wire was not here can easily judge of tbe quantity of the exhibits. We maintain that the exhibit wee the greatest effort in its line ever put forth to The Dallee,thet It wee equal la quality to any former effort, with possibly one or two exceptions ; while in quantity It was superior to anything ever made to Ibis district. G. E. Sandebs, - R. H. Wnu, E. Kuetz, W. H. TaTIiOS, Committee. Herr SehoU'a frograaa. bej tbe! ?oaail Jonrni ' 'lis An 111 nird," CI. of a Dalles pepilof av too her - . -annul training if tasty thfc J Mr. and The Daixeb, Oct. 7, 1901. Editor Chbohiclk : , We notice an article in the Times Mountaineer to regard to the fruit and vegetable exhibit, which starta oat by aaying ; "The meet disappointing feature of the diatrict fair and carnival was tbe fruit and vegetable exhibit, it having fallen far abort of expectation, both in quality and quantity." Now, Mr. Editor, wo dp not believe that each a sweeping statement, made by a local pept-r, is in good teste, to say the least, for h is an ill bird that fouls its own nest. Bat tbe statement is net true as far as it includes anybody else except its author. To everybody ales tbe display was, both ia respect to quantity and quality, a magnificent ewe esse. Scores of persons who bed visrted the Portland fair voluntarily testified that it was hotter than that of Portland. A well-known Portland commission men told one of us that the exhibit was the best be ever eaw in bu life. A well known railroad official told another of ue that be bed seen all tbe fairs from to Portland, sou at none w wan tbe exhibit at ail equal to that of The Dalies. The testimony of a well- mar for aa implement was the ensue, and a who bed jest retarned from the quality of the to Um And so U wae with body the eoenmiftoc came in How as to qeeaihy.let as any that 1saey daaa't knew what boa: While it tt tow Jaetepr anlttot eeato wJ Tbe following excellent program will given at Herr Scbott's recital tomorV w night at the Vogt: tarn Piano a I Die Grenadiers b j Arla-"Loeresia Borate a i Derlindenbanm.. ! Me Throes Anton tehott. Arie-r.des ana "Prophet . . omileaueeknif jeumotti ........... .DamUttM mod. fl JtafAavftaowea recwcrl V ii i Jl . ii I HMteaer 1 October Uekaol Aapartloameat. The October apportionment of tbe school fond for Wasco county la com- wed of 6,743.78 from the state and f4S.884.97 from the county fund, or a total of 18,808.78, givfac a per capita of 81.22 from the state aad 81.93 from tbe county, or a total per capita of $8.15. Below to a list of the amount!, for which warranto have .been forwerded by the county ' euperinMadent to the several sebool districts, with the number of tbe UUetricte and the name and tbe peetoflM address of tbe eterka : 1 T O Benson, Oeeeede Looks.! 636 06 fiM B Nickelaen, Hood River 008 80 3 Geo T Prathar do 4 P H Hinricha, do 6 M D Odell, do 8-Wm H Sdlek; Mt Hood. 7 B N Sprout, Hood Elver 8 W T MeGlure, Hosier Or- A -Y Marsh. The Dalles 10 Henry Beadel, do 11 W H Howe, do 12 John Gnvin, 'do 18 W H Sberp, do 14 M M Cuabing, do ' 16 Auguet Deckert, do 18 W Brook bouse, do 17 M DFsrriogton. Wreatham 18 Leon L Ivls. Tbe Dalies. . 19 No renost. SO -J B Haveiy, Boyd 809 36 21 B D Better, Boyd 206 OS 1802 20 488 00 825 90 SS6 10 337 20 1S1 16 1S7 46 206 20 140 60 4784 40 118 00 138 76 114 86 68 90 167 10 160 80 Warmer Duett "AAeBdliea- .............. Eucanetn noon, utaue acnaessing. TrioaWNaebUasar' Kreutttr OltUl aeaaaekiAf ,aokw HehoU.Uieieo Van nod deotton. , Wagner An ton Hebott. Aeoonpaniato: Loreae SaJla aad Ottilia aeltueefcius. beau are now on sals et Clarke Folk's drug store at 76 and 60 cents. CarU mt Ttlita. We desire to sxpreea our heartfelt aake to tbe many friends who as thooghtfolly end kindly assisted us la Ma. Ann Mas. Boar. Waeheb. Having purchased all the lumber used on tbe carnival, I will fell tbe same in Quantities to suit parch sears et i price tor each. cfi-lS W. D. Wcoaaow There sill be a Calnmbto Oaaptar Bo. 88, C E. fi. CASTOR I A 220 B Connelly. Bndereby 23 r r urey, tus iiaiiee 84 KD Adams, do 26 O L Walter, do 28 W J Means, do .... 27 J W Hoilo, Dufor 28 James Baady, Eadershy . . 29 Geo W Johnston. Dufor. . . . Henry Hudson, DofurJ Wnsb fHlrawefe, Boyd far a rtAaii nmA m ww.aiww Frank Hathaway. Nansene. Orrio W Moore. Ban sens . . 86 W L Hendricks. Kingelsy 88 James LsDee, Defer 87 B C Brown, Klngsley 88 Henry Bolton. Jtlegeiey. . . 89 Owea Jones. Vaaeena 40- J H flisaatrtok, Tvgb .... 41- J W Hnakwv, Hosier 48-B V Obaadfer, Wamie 48-Joeeph A Knox.Hood Elver 44W M LedfonTaaaoek I west, weptaiua M Woodsida. Wapioitto 47 Jeeeph Betty, Wepinltia 48J H Chaataia. it. Victor. . . 49-f 8 Fleming, Bake Oven. . . 60 frank Irttoe, Aatolope. . . . 61 K r MauoaaM, Autcwpe . . A3 Chaa A Oeemer, Mostor. . . . ma Tne wanes , Aetekpa 67 L A We have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to At out vour boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seeing our line. We Will SeWe you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. Tbe NewTbrk Cash Store New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh, olean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. a MAYS eft CROWE as AN UNPREOEDBSNTED OTHER! Tfiii People's National Family lewspp To all old aad new eobsorlbete payta one veer to advene wo offer Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for fSLOOa Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Ohroniole for $14KX NEW YORK Monday, Wadaeaday aad frl day, is In reality a fine and fresh erary otber day Daily, airing the . latest news oa days of bene, and covering news of ths other a. It contains all Impor tant foreign news which In the Daily Tribune of mum date, also do- SMstie ana 188 88 146 88 198 89 140 05 186 90 168 68 147 66 609.16 196 76 76 20 119 80 181 00 108 66 111 70 180 60 148 80 887 70 166 80 122 46 148 86 888 70 180 80 168 40 171 66 84816 188 76 888 70 166 86 466 80 199 86 188 76 148 86 99 10 ltl 16 984 68 18 1 87 68 TRI-WEEKLY ET mm etorUs otaMM aaU IhMns, leans. tnral matters, ana ooaiaeobeaslre and re- inajSat tesorta. TRIRUNE. Been lar tton price, We Sen eleforl mis Send all orders to Ohroniole Publtshinf Co., The Dalles, Or NEW YORK WEEKLY nearly atafey every pan ol the Ua MS states as a al hnaUy of the highest etaf (orhHvtar era. ttve. TRIBUNE. tts M V.. no h st Gaewe. Masai way .... in m 'wd gyetoy flnaal w aSSfli Bawayewf . . ff??l 3 ' ' Bawl a Baisar. fawea fiw. . . . . 87 68 1 M (eWl IBtoT, Bead Biver 888 80 14 iHmMAIB'Vhbb: lis mm t m.h , mmmt mmwm, Mia. 88ByawysjssBaaaaatnaT 1twwwt " y ' . www 'r48JP"8B r Viwd VeaftJ Weed! Beet sjaaajf laawestoa mtriMjSI Bvbees feeae . 45av 'SawISi eeasa,awejwawsnT syaaas ansaaasF 2 Shsw Wmt bbbsjt m mr obbT We have a whole window W hwg to yrotftt ia tBlctusfo i of ft late' arrival. Wktk up-to-date, the deei ift quiet and lofgood taste. aaaw aw sww m eyisrar as good as 0 ones hmi tboroufhljCiBO thlOUjfc ftBj.rtfftlBrW Man. i. H. Ctoam, The