TUESDAY OCT. 8. 1901 1 of candidates by direct Tote of the people at It I primaries instead of in conventions right of the that can easily be manipulated by to keep np a snob men as Simon. Simon's op- It m the inalienable American citizen nal kick about high taxes, and position is the highest endorsement the taxes are really high and that law could possibly have. i ever knew tbem to be otherwise reasonable amount of kicking AnoUMr food fad h been may be justifiable and right. But b,.. bT mott competent author. the amount of energy put tnto tne ; uies. They have dispelled the silly kick should always be governed by : tion that one kind of food is needed for brain, another lor muscles, and sti.i an other for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the what has been done with the taxes. There may be a liberality of expendi ture of the funds raised by Uxation that is neither extravagant nor fool ish, just as there may be a penorious ness that is both. In public as well aa hi private life there is such a thing as saving at the spigot and wasting at the buns. Take the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet. however good year food may be, its nntritnent is destroyed by indi gestion or dyspersia. Yon mast pre pare for their appearance or prevent their earning by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, tbe favorite medicine of the healthv millions. A few affairs of Wasco county for example, doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver The taxpayers are constartly com- to h,tbT the blood, and .... j makes yon feel buoyant and vigorous. plaining 01 toe dii raw ui huuuu, You and The Chronicle can get Dr. 6. C. Gieen's reliable is not saying ,medie at Blekeley'e drag store. Get that it is not high, nor that it might Green's Special Almanac. 1 not be lower. But the public will probably be surprised to learn, as the a rtrenu'l Cleee Call. "I stuck to my engine, although every writer sorely was, that while tbe total t tint ached and every nerve was racked taxes collected by Sheriff Kelly last year amounted to $100,625.83, no km than 143,941.87 was' expended for school purposes. Taking 4708 as tbe number of children in the county between four and twenty years of age, tbe amount devoted to the education of each of such chil dren is thus shown to be $9.33. This is the largest amount ever thus devoted to school purposes in one year in the history of Wasco county. Or tsking the number of nunils enrolled in tbe schools of siee- . ... . oino d I walked a bloc I would eougn fngbt- Wasco, which is given as 3403. tbe . " " 7. fully and spit blood, bat, wben all other amount per capita expenueu uu tun. medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of education is thus shown to be 12.94. Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured Here, then, is what has contributed me and I gained 56 pounds." It's largely to swell the aggregate of our j b-olctely goarantsed to cure Coughs, m k u . t , K h Co!da- L Gr'PPe. Bronchitis and all o, - r Throat and Lung Troubles. Pries 50c of and one that tne good citixen j mA tl m Trwl hatam frm t G. c would not willingly have erased. Biakeley's drug store. 2 with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa., "I was weak and pale, without any ap petite and all run down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bit ters and, after taking it, I felt an well as 1 ever did in my life." Weak, sLkly, ran down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. Price 50 cents. 2 Xlgat Was fl Terror. 1 would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Cbas. Appiegate, of Alex andria, lad., "and c ald hardly get any I had consnu ption so bad that . , 1 I . . -I Playact Oat. Tn the nonal ihm)p nf thp atate (if j Dull Headache, Pains in various parts Kew York is found the following :f bod 8illkilMr ,t u,e ph of tn. V person concerned in tne com- gtomach, Loas of appetite, Feveriahnees, mission of a crime, whether be di-, Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden TMtlr onmmiu the nffpnw. or aida ! cee of impure Mood. No matter how it and abets in its commission, and whether present or absent, and a person who directly or indirectly counsels or commands, induces or procures another to commit a crime, is a principal." There are similar laws in other states. Why should the murderers who call themselves became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Eleur has never failed to core Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases, It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley, the druggist. Wnktaf US Hoars a Oar. There's no rest for those tireless little anarchists be excused from its opera- little workers Dr. King's New Piils. tjon? ! Millions are always busy, curing Torpid gawawaa j Liver, Jaundice, BUIiousnses, Fever and press dispatch from Washing- Ague. They banish Sick Headache, ton sat" s : "President and Mrs. drive out Malaria. Never tripe or Roosevelt entertained a few friends j V' III jf WOD . . , ! ders. Try tbem. 25c at G. C. Blakeley e at dinner tonight, tbe number in- drnBtOTB 2 elnding Senator Mitchell, of Oregon." j giek Headache absoiutely and perma It is to be presumed that President nemi. en rod by using Moki Tea. A Roosevelt will entertain many par- j pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation at dinner, but not all will be ; d indigestion, makes you eat, sleep , ' and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or ungf tfcaftr OR fa unil Ai.lf. RlakMlav officially announced as of "a few 1 J druggist. friends." Senator Mitchell appears j . . ... Gilford b Fotos Never Fade to have a very strong position, per- -ievw national admitted aonally, in tbe Eugene Guard. capital. "Tbe O Man expects to meet Mr. G our lay in Tbe Dalles today and aettle that 'shady side of 40' busi ness," wrote D. C. Ireland in He Moro Observer of last Friday. Well, Friday has come and gone and for some lesson the "O man" didn't carry out bis threat, and Mr. Gonr lay's scalp is still whole, and be still insist! that "the shady side of 40" allegation concerning tbe Observer editor is correct to a dot. Now, come an wid ye, if ye dare '. Mrac Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAE BOrTB FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. TBE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW SIONE fAKK lairs. OllMh(I,rirUlM!SU eaarva. William Carey was sent out to India as a poor Baptist cobbler, the petty sum of about $65 being con tributed for bis expenses. And yet Dean Ferrer has aaid that England owes more to that act and tbe con Mutation of that bumble laborer than to the genius of Warren Hastings mad the battle spirit of Clive. Senator Simon, who hi nothing and was anything but a shrewd politician, is opposed to tbe MaS. Feat atatl for Taeoma. No. Seattle, Olymple, Gray' Harbor and (youth Bend Enls, Sauaaae. Ho d, B. C, Pullman. Moarow, Lewlstou. But 11:1ft A. M. faloilnmp mining eoun bJCf. M. try, uetena. aunnaapo Us. St. Paul, Omaha, . Kansas Mty. St. Looia. Chlrawa and aU aolnu So. 4. aaat and southeast . S. U;S P.M. tor Taeoma and Seattle 740 A.M. M tnaeaaoUe Paal aasTniaiiuS rxVarpatata tBanavtalaaltaaa,0ataa eannssajeaa 'eawaeneabed aaaaattaaSlea at UeaeSa, " A. 0. CHARLTON, "slrsatTeonier TalfdV HwUaad Ossm? On Sept. 7th will be presented to my customers 1 Shakespeare, complete in one volume, bound in Mor rocco; i Atala in large folio volume, illustrated by Gus tav Dore. SL T. NOIaAW. Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. VV2 aVt. IDBft r wamamaamw 5" TiaiscBSOClB THE,DALljrjB. -W. L ' " ' - - I tf war- i luiaiMBw I awstsa alaaawta. aaSDnr an : l"" REGULATOR LIRE. Dalles jiitiaif ft isiBda NAVIGATION CO. White Collar Una DALLES BOAT LEAVES OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. ...Portland Boat... LEAVES THE DALLES at 7:00 A. XI- DAILY Except srXDAY. BTZAMBBB REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Aent, Tbe Dalles. Oregon. Prof. Homer de Morrison 3S3', Waahlactoa Umt Bnai SS-3S, rosrujiD, okkook. Str. BALLEY-Gr ATZERT. From Portland to Cascade Locks, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAKCFACTtJ BEES OE Fine Lard and Sausages brers of IRAN D HAMS & BACON TIME QA.RD Leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. on Ban dar, Wednesday and Friday. Leaves Portland at 7 a. m. on Tues day, Thnrsday and Saturday. Meals the Very Best. is Route has the Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m. Leave Astoria 7r.i. Landing and office Foot of Alder Street; both phones, M 361. Portland, Oregon. . W. CRICHTOK. Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOOX, Act. Tbe Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. Jast What You rjuant. Toe flnt tvgtatered aa well at tbe Brat cradn ate palmiat erar in IMrtland. The world r eateat Trance Clatnrorant aad Herbalist can be eooanltad daily on all a&atra of ill-. Prof, de Morrison U without a doubt the moat aeienUSe PatatLt and Clattrot ant in tbe world today: he locate bidden treasure, rennltta the tells It there f mineral, oil. or ess on your land, enablea yon to win th? aftectlon of one yon desire. Palmistry bnnjbt. medium Utie persons devel oped. HeaUby the uses of bis reraaled beibsl teas, cures chronic and io-eal!cd incurable dis eaier. Free treatment for the poor. Send Si. date of birth and three qnertiona; all letters answered at c dc:, L Fortlsnd, Aug iUmI by Vision. M. -(To "he Editor). Hosier de Morrison, occult: it. located by vision thebol lion stolen irons the Helby rimeltine Works. In behalf of oeeoll science be imn edislely com m untested by letter the (seta to Mr. A. J. RaU ton, owner of tbe elby Works. The reports re ceived last night pmre bis stataaMau correet. MBS. i KANCI3 PART LOW "It is pleasing to he assured that tbe cold stoien from tne Selby Smelting Work was io catad by vision by a Portland ooenllist. This proves that the story oi the confessl n of tbe thief and that b I assistance was required In re covering the gold waa a base California Inven tion for tbe purpose of depriving Uraros uf just glory. '- Editor Portland UTcgunian., Hew ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion ereton effects at ordinary prime. S?011 FTff PPr prices. Secant designs, tasteful coioringa, yoars for a small price, at oar store on Third street. Also a fall line of house paints. D. W. VATJBE, Third St MM M Fire Insurance, la Dm I bm te (o. of lata. I Founded 1823. Capital paid np 97,500,000 " e20,120,035 Sow is the time to insure ; tomor row may be too late. Phone No. 86, Seufert A Condon. Phone No. 808, Pacific States Co. ARTHUR SEUFERT, Resident Agent, The Dalles. sRIKD BEEF. ETC. Just Received A foil line of Freeh Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, Velox and Aristo in all sizes. Also a -line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds snd Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphs, And all accessories to complete tbe outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. Ball every Bdaya? I 1 Dane Satarday, lemmata, 10 .-SO p. m. Daily rnmtaaaasse Stiver. SX. .2C5eSSe;; 6-00 a. m. and ay-UradinL ! Tuesday, ' Thursday, Corral lis and Way- Saturday, londlnga 6 -.ma. m. Tuesday, j WUIaaa asss aad Thursday, V.ashlll Hirers. S' Oragonaty, Dayton and . :00 a.m. Way-lindlnga. ! Leave mmutta nUvar. i Ri parte L Mtkm. j Rlpariatotewlaton. I Our Eureka Combined Toning and T- V. .1 , J 1- rtxing oatn is a annoy, try iu The A. E. C. Developer for plates, films or developing papers has no equal Enough for 35c to develops 8 dosen plates or 6 dozen Velox 45. Perfect blacks aad whites are guaranteed , if directions are followed. Ask for tbe A. . C. De veloper, and see tbst vou get tbe genuine. We are prepared to compound any and all of your own formats and guarantee aeusfactioa. At tbe old place, 175 Second Street, the miles, Oregon. Geo. 0. Blakeley. L. Lane, GENERAL BiacKsmili Oawri Fieri Bret ri era Ttul ail JeffcmD. FbHBl5S -OS) John W. Hinrich's Farm, Jolm Pwhek, The Tailor, East Hood River. , Has just received luttt aamnU. of the latest patterns in Gent's Clothing Goods. He suaran tses prices aad s good fit or no 1 will sail at auction on tbe above farm, Tuesday, October 8th, at 10 a. m., the following personal prop-1 . amen a a a .are, am . a r r erty : au oean or rvtme uattie ( oo Jer seys consisting of Calves, Yearlings. 2 aad 8 year olds, aad sums Cows. About half of mid stock are first class beef. 1 spaa fJbire Draft Horses, males, 7 years old ; 1 span goad Farm Horses. 8 veara eld; 1 good Saddle Py. 5 years old, rare lmpJeseeote. Harness. Wa- John Paahek, The Tailor. JOHJf W. H1NRICB8. Sacserlbs for Tas CswoairLs. te asm of 1100 to 1400 Apply to Streaks Brothers. Eadersby, 0nm- Jly Vs-lmw Olarks A Falk's fiavortng eaawjgm be bast. Ack your r-mlor tbem. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit iaataarl shIUM. 1. tbe Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic ranefera aoM m Km Yv rki St. Louis. Sen Franeiam Pnrtlend nJ goo. Seattle Wash., and various poinU in Oregon end Washington. Collections made at ell points on fav orable terms. Adnxinietrator's Notice. asreoy given that by aa order of Iba eoaoly court of tbe stale of Oregon, for 5E2!5!3r- fUf mld thesrd day Z .r. . V aooerugnea was an- poloted administrator of lite esute of John BgoUagtoa O Wllaoo. Tbe Dallaa ti!Z Wltbiaala niu iSS .L J-.iT.U?i,-.t7?f we seaai. FRANK rCttOK. Aominlatrator. . Atlantic 12HLB. vat St. Paal Peat Mall, via UaeiDenverrt. .mJawda,Uhi- :s-afcr Walla WaOa. Lewteton 8L llwao 0GEAI 119 lITat 80HEDult iaa ?,wSa nf Parbaa aeatriag to go to Bspaaw m inmta oo Columbia Southern via Biggs, laaaa taae No 2. taaving Tbe Dal lea at i Dallas and at Heppner nving as For farther wlthkEa. IS asi46p.ni. sail on araddraa JAB. IRELAND, Aandk TbeDaUea,OngSk 2 Complete Cipe of Dru$8 at Z. DON N Em THE pftUOGIST. Mas A. vgjp mama. as WaaSl . as at gSWS i aaTltTr THE A . . wwaus wawa m I - - -- EOTIOE FOB PUBUCATIOS. LaanOTftca at tas pause. Or.. i H as xae I W.imt, via D.F. Jsm.fi. TUIUW ana MaaVaartt gamasamawaww PnH jo Cifwry mm PfmVATn. FstaftTWe amain 8agsaamm " JAT If. i4IC.tS,Kttar,