The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 08, 1901, Image 1

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    iwS H4 fttlff f I st
ivol. xnf
snnwrveTnYwn sW
A perfect RewwyfofQwrtM- (I
fion . Sour StankhJ)latdeaa H
Worms ,ConvubSJBWliih-
ness and LOOT OF Smt. B
V FacSitnne Signatuw of H
H W5rWSW" ggaj
T1 " lit jfffftfPnSiWm
' I ' 1 1 II I J I aenw
Ita KM Tttlm
Bean the
0; w
tion in ohwi xhe Nw Hats
For Over
Thirty Years
MdfotrMbm M dlfleteat famines
Ma wbtoh eh mm eaaideyed m
The laat soeeeeed vtcum was her
slater, Mrs. Anna Page., w bo died a week
ago under mysterious circumstances. An
autopsy performed si the request of Mrs.
Winner's mother, who came here from
Detroit,, ia amid to hve disclosed the
presence of arsenic and copperas poison
iag in the stomach.
Following closely upon the death of:
her first haabaad, came, according to
police deportment data, the death of two
children. The second haabaad died
suddenly eeverej jreare after tea vaaeri age,
and three cfaildraa of this marriage died
ia rapid eocceesiou. Her last husband, f
J. A. Witmer, died laat April. In cm
anas some Let sodden.
aad the eaaea vara aU atraagaly alike.
The prisoner ia feny-eevea years a
age nad formerly 0 vedia
state. 8fae has two eoas ta the
place, aad a sister, it ia staf sd, ia a
Janes G. Green Will Sorely Be Hanged
Governor Rogers Declares Em
phatically That Be Will Not Stay
the Process of Justice.
Oi.ymi'ia, Wash., Ob. 7. James G.
Green, ho is ander sentence of death
(or the murder of E. C. Benjamin, in
btsmania county, last March, aaed not
hue any hopes on a commutation of his
sentence by Governor Bogers. The
governor made that dear thia afternoon
when he informed The Oregouian cor
Nspondent that he wpwldn't interfere tn
the car- vine oat of the execution of the
ptMoner. Efforts bare been made to
isaace the governor to save Green from
the ga: lows. Two weeks ago two minie
tare, n.em hereof the MclbodtetBpieeopel
Conference, held- it) this eily, called on
the governor and aaked him it a petition
'or executive clemency woiald be of any
vaH. The governor was emphatic to
sting that he wouldn't interfere.
In the et It has been the oastom,
here the trial jadge and procreating
attorney asked foe a comrxetttiou. h
swvernor 10 green it, tmaMMna ease
ol Qreen the governor said today that,
" " judge who tr led Green and
beettorney who grossrejlad him ware
Hnina petition for. clemency, it
osld not be created. "It was a wllr-
munier. siid. tJasaa sMf OO
ung ci.canAataaaav aad I will
oner any circometaeees interfere,
aid the governor.
---focaaar Senator
antrob jitst nahllaharf
jeuswlwsea navaaWaai in I
auu ajeaa fast so-
Raw Yobjc, Oct. T
bim0t oro
the ezc'.ntton ef
the deportaiioa) of tawag who bad aU
Ty trad this aaaaary. Sexjator
"' ass "t'sirmaa at lU iaaiMaiM.
at iai'ft Jr: zamL yi
IrT J srsTghwsmasMaf
aoaea ware oaaaaaa. 4a aha mnaaaal
"tooates of .v-TZTTL T JZM
8sb of
objeutioa uai ecu tod the
oaminz op for. a vote. There was a
bitch between the honeeand the snate
as to whether the aearebiita should be
examined by onoeoler agenta or treasury
ajrants abroad. However, be declares
that each legislation moat be passed by
OO agrees in the near future. He predicts
(mat the next congress will take up the
matter. '
rwtut Maldaa Voymgm.
Plymouth, Oct. 7. The North German
Lloyd eteamabip Kroa Print Wilbelm
arrived bore at 5 o'clock tf.ia morning
from New York vOet. let.), having mat'o
the fastest maiden voyage on record.
The record is five days, nine bonra ead
forty-eight miaotes from Sandy Hook
linhtebia. Her beat day ran was 540
miles. Tbe record time from New York
to Plymouth it held by the Deutschlaod
o( the Hamburg American line, namely
"Sre dayr, seven hours and thirty-eight
minutes, toad iu September, 1800.
Potatoes After
PaKourrou. Oct. 7. A saw method of
summer following land baa been triad by
several farmers near this place this year
aitb splendid reaelte. Potatoes ware
raised on tbe land, and tbe cultivation
baa prosed beneficial to the soil sod a
mast profitable crop is now being
The land needs a rest from grain grow
ing, hot the arodaetion of root crops
seems to bring too desired results, aad
I the land is kept free from weed sad it
loft ia eaoe-leot eoadition for seeding.
One 80-aora patch of potatoes is now
heJjg harvested.. Op this land abonl
8000 aaaka of 100 poandji aaoh giU be
aaearad. At present prices these potatoes
re worth tbOOO is easfa, sad will find
rwmAr hosatrn at that fiaore. A. A.
MeBeniel is tbe tacky farmer who tr
thasperinos on ttois isrge seeir, ana
he is bW tw tM reaak.
A Miaf had a-mr Aa-
aw uaamo wa .w
of this lend ia flan wheat lagA rAab
saaakloam. It wail water-ad, there
hatne sAsnn tBMJtV forty
aba lease aad asset) n
www www ww n
'i .' md" swjailpatif 4w
gMsaaataa is tee vMsvatMUb teaaag.
Pwag wastebea, Qseftejsij
lATToy, 0., OoU7. Itaa., j agtU
or, e widow, isstelaiaa tMaefty, heal
tawaejrWagsaa rnatb
gattoa of the earoaer and to bald a
anaav aassmadsiai 1 1 aenasVaasak WAanaaBnaVanTsw
Iff JrWlrsTrl wWsal MsTaTaMl
Coaaaa, lsanab ! iiTai iMsa al
A man can't look you in the face without
seeing your hat. If it is a neat and becoming one
he notices it; if otherwise ditto.
Neat shoes and a new and natty suit are es
sential to your appearance but you can't even
then look your best without a new hat.
We have the goods and know how to fit.
No matter how critical or economical you are
we can please you. All the new shapes
$1.50 to 95.
Ma- 1 11 1 nil 1 a
At! Bolts aressed free of charge.
No txtra charge tor alterations ta It.
are prepared to demon
that this ia tlaa
right stor for those who
are looking for the best in Suits
and Overcoats.
Every day bat Sunday
From 7 a, m. to 8 p, m.
for the saspeuted
closed. Drag which ware foaad ia the
heaas aemaied by Hi. Witcaer, ass ia
ssssesiion of tbe polios and wiH be
examined. '
FmUM Classed With AMienuUe.
London. Oct. 7. Tbe speech of H. H.
Kelly, of New York, at the anarchist
(meeting held yesterday in tbe Totten
ham Court Bond, London, in which he
denounced tbe late President lacKtnley'a
political career, has led to a revival of
the demand for the extirpation of anar
chists. Tbe Pall Mall Gazette tbia altar
noon compares anarchism with Fenian
Ism sad maintains that tbe only dif
ferences between tbe sentiments of
anarchists aad the war of outrage ad
vocated b each men as Former Con
gressman Fiaaerty is merely one of
divers means to tbe same ead. and
urges that tbe police of tbe two Anise
Saxon nations ha empowered to take
concerted action la heat dewa the social
enemy, whether anarchists or Fsotsnf,
and that both governments refuse them
the right of asylum.
By a eoiaaidence, the Times this morn
ing prints a loaf article from Washing
ton, protesting s gainst the license el
lowed tbe Irish in America iu plotting:
against Great aVtlaia. Commenting
open this, the St. James' Gasetts tbiaks
British bands ore act altogether clean,
and that no law will h strained it Kelly
and other foreigners whose cult is
received Immediate notice tb
TAKE THE O. ft. N-
:tbPKiiand carnival aad exposi-
mn ta octeeerisea,
theX. B.dtB.Co,
iMUM sa nai f laawi ann
r? . JMtaninn tlri si's 1
etaa. Tuajsaa ansa
aau 'aead-ieip
esdf on Sept. lth
rtS.eth and into.
limited ta expire eta days after date of
all im-
DeWitl's Little Barir Blasra
iedJ dlsapeaiat They are sefe, p
gee tie, effective in
aVtaail and esay teoaka. Baaar gHgs or
frtt'i r. 9, nm-
Jnaa swat the eaTbriled eert freafe aitb
eeTfitsT' Saftt? ttSft
Ifaaytbiag alia ftmkttt, 1
'wtvaaelawaf J afckjnw fcr-
any fJ
(t Cos'
Jewelr, candy, hgerei eiejrthat is
tbe order o ar eojgie sMarencea.
Jewels form, e,naBetof mlgty power
to the average woafag. Bfgp that
greatest of all Jf.e;lr, health, t often
ruined in tha aoons effarta,tft make
or save the money to purchaeetbem. If
a woman will risk her health to get a
coveid gem, then let her fortify herself
againet tbe iaatduoas consequences of
cougjtt, colds end bronchial affections by
the Kgalar ass of Dr. Bosebea's German
Syrep. It wlrl promptly! arrest con
anchptloa ia its early suges and heal tbe
affected lungs and bronchial tabes and
drive tbe dread dlssatfrom the system.
Uls sot a care all, bat it is a certain,
care for cooghs, oolds and nil broaebisl
troabtes. Ton can get Dr. 0. G. Green's
reliable remedies et Btakeley's drag
stare. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1
Mrs. Wilson, of tbe Campbell A Wil
Htjlinery Parlors, has eagaged the
of Mies Margaret Torgier, e
trimmer, e fvriner employes
of Hellerr, of Portland, aad is there
fore prepared to meet tbe demands of
c beet trade, as well as Ho.
EaVmien this aWe. A ebsrae of II
per ear per day wltt be mode for deley to
ears, nr sal lime neta anoer onq. us
InedlnJr ot aatsedl
from tlSM oa is art
bbbV' gaa enufanTanTlsValsnnll danT
sf sWIfiaT SJaewl
anununttftswnwenfd laaanft
asvsgJIHHsTsieSwn ajewnwgg wgw
ggg . gjaar aa iUnmg at
wd Ann jkcW3nm 70x1.
We operate a PLTJlflllNa, TITX and BTXTTOXel
atXB K&Qr. AU orders entrusted to us will have)
Twwnww frwwewwwgsBwng www wnwwwwwjwwwww vwwny
lrMlw - affawweaarwaaw-wWPS
p. S.
MfsMtih HotoWsnOer and Wneo&B&Ht
XePOaawe wavSnvw-a jJsasyeiwP erreawwPs sBjePsivftfwoV wasftai wsav-wavwwaV00tw '
wafllMsvfO1 afaWfPwwl 4l C"aV 4v SalstfatsMa e?eeMw$MeV v4l)( aPaWslrB
Atfist lafMt Oil
1 .jj
loaPmlS7. ($
aFMHMflHMb ' '7 VsnsvlwL sanVi
' Eaal anaV ""Vnl aanTaT rnatnH.: "."V
I mVV& ' d a,.j i kbg-f' Tab
Tvfaa f JWwaTm1"."