-. m I 1 I Mr. Hamilton Campbell wb is th cnsv Fridy for th carnival and rams. Mr. and Mr. R R H in ton attended the carnival and racM last wek, laaTiag Sunday for home. Messrs. Looie Morris and Paol ONill, of Dayton, Waab.. wore visitin friends ia this city Saturday. BCOliLAJOB PORTLAND CAKNfV At. cxDoamon On sale, Daily Regular RoonoVtrip Tfekete, unlim- I i ted Mr. Smith, of Rieeburg, an old friend ' of Mr. John Harden, has been visiting On sale Sept. 19. So, Oct. Z, V, IB, Special JCounO- tbst lady durin2Crnrval Mr. aad Mrs. James Wood left on the delayed morning train Satardar for a abort visit in Portland, retarning San day noon. , Mrs. Rand and Mis Anne Smith, wno have been visiting with the family of John Harden this week, resumed to tbeir homes in Hood River today. Saturday Afterwoan RaCM. trip Tickets, limited to 6 days from date of smle t mi riiarw W. C ALLAWAT. aSkfaVaaC JaW aPflaat ' WsT WH9t stfOaPssail (IvBBaaaQfa have boUa if son tab aare car tot botia. ' - Yam will not Cla Folk's JVIaier & Benton, Headquarters for i Fine weather, eplendid racing, food mnsic and nnmerons other attractions made the concluding day of the meeting a fitting wind-ap of the thirteenth East- era Oregon fair. A half-mile trotting race between Young's Wasco Las and Chas. Snipes Easter Lity was the opening attraction. Mr. Young's yearling is a promising coll end easily out-classed the Snipes mare. The time was 2 :36H. The next speed contest was between Jim Busaman, Mayflower, Filly Fair aad Undergrowth. It was a one-mile' dash for a pane of $125. Jim B:z?man practical :t won the race in the first ! quarter, having lead ont, with Filly Fair Saturday night was the Indian second and Undererowth third. May- which took place as announced - ft T . Family Groceries, Mia Jnlla Masqnart, at Urn Beehive will do diemaking of all kinds. 9!m Wanted An apprentice at the Camp bell Wilson millinery parlors. Some one that is neat with a needle. 28 If von take the O. R. A K. for the Portland exposition one day will be ' equal to three day if yon go via any other line. Clark and Falk base just received fall line of fresh Velox papers and de velopers, the same as need by Mr. Lovkk in his recent demonstration at oar store. the " Owl 77 Purest Family Uag Delivered to any put of the City. Phone: 51 Local, 86 Long Distance. 173 ft WmMMf UiIKh lV nmi nuMmm buuk isj mm CORD Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Stores and Steel Ranges. '1 had long suffered from indigestion. writes 6. A. LsDsis. Cedar City, Mo. "Like others I tried many preparations ! hot never foood anything that did me H6adQ 118X1618 SOT b6M One bottle cured me. A friend who had M6&u(UaUrti6FS IDT Buffered similarly 1 pot on the use- ot Kodol Dyspepsia Core. He is gaining I fast and will soon be able to work. Be fore he used Kodol Dyspepsia Core 167 Second Street. THE DALLES. OR. indigestion bad made him total wreck. r...k. A C.Ik '. P n Phinnm VIW.v v. . . k m v mpmrn J Last Night or Ike Cars teal. The great "attraction at th carnival wadding ' , BIDS RECEIVED. Of aU ft; ot U Urn Headquarters for Eolled Ofaixi, aa TToorlnnawf-aM . KPAfl KlMWfll mSU Headquarters for "Byenf Best" ton Flour ssnrnf aaaanJlesSMM ed exasasary lor fas aad to give sstiahsM aad if yen don't tus3 This Floor is instantly relieves that distressed feeliag after eating, giving yon new life and Clarke A Folk's P. 0. Pharmacy. Bids will be received until Monday evenina. Oct. 7. 1901. btdl CrandeJI. prompt- j f -II Innha, kalauat. an Tk. ftowerdropped out before the first qu.r- ly 6:30 o'clock A few minutes be-. M m g tor post -a. reached, leaving thai i hour .11 the Indian, of the s lnmmr upetintendma wishe. to between the other three. Undergrowth ; Midway dressed in all the finery thev .. , , .... ... . . . . ..." reserve, in successful bidder is to began to gain belore Uiey passea onaer .. ssuned for tbe war dances, marcbed in . .... . . .. . , viTOr 7u . 1 E-.. j , , take down and remove all the lumber 'W tav wire ie u.ai ume, auu jissnu riui aie iuruu liie proanas nen mouniea . . . . . ..... , . . .... s t- D . - . . . e within one week from the letting of the !,, . , Fair at the last quarter pole. Jim Boxe- the band stand in the presence of about ! COBU-ct Bnd he ls to take jop.,, d CM. Phelps, Foreatdale, Vt., aays man won first place easily, with Under-.' 3000 spectators. Tbe bride, who is a" B. e .own " j bis child was completely cored of a bad j i ii i j . - . . ; remove such nornous immediatelr, as . , , .... . growth fecond and well in tbe lead of ; mere giri, trembled viaibrr as with ? . . .. ,. . " ,, : case of eczema br tue use of be Witt r rp. . ,a I . ' th superintendent o.av direct. The i .. t , , n , Filly Fair. Time i :4 downcast eves she faced tbe audience.;... . . . .... . ; W itch Has! Salve, Beware of all uiu must ue up iiiuusou'i iwi uo.iru . . Clarke A Falk'e P. 0. Pbarmacy. Kodoi Dyspepsia oore u note mere w ami oar mods lower than any hoaaein the stimuleat to tired nature. It affords the dating th food you e.t. You don't ; Highest Ptioss Paid for Wheat. BsurXty Oat-L have to diet bat can enjoy all the good food yon want. Kodol Dyspepsia Core The halt-miie saddle horse race be- If ane blushed nobody knew it for her j tween De'.l Mb key . Bessie Whistler, j cbeeas were painted so red that they were Wa next in a promising Roman Girl and Fleet H. order. Roman Girl made start, but began to quarter pole, while Kelly's Bessie K. at this point began to show tbe met! she had in her and forged to the front, while Deii Mnlkey won a second place, with Fleet H. third, tbe time being 5:5 Professor Wallace gave another exhi bition of hippodrome riding, in Una case as previously, riding a flighty team that bad no previous training in stand-up work, and bis last exhibition was as well received a the preceeding ones. The race in which the most interest centered and on which the most batting was done 'was the one between Barnato, Mr. R ibinson. Irate, Dewey and Raga- long. Irate was the favorite in betting 1 circles, and migbt have won only for tbe tact that she was pocketed on tbe start and crowded back, wbicb gave tbe race to Dewey, with Barnato second and Irate third. d:rr-.i.rJ Letter. as insensible to blushes as the cbeek? of a wooden Indian. She wore a deep'.y meascre. The superintendent reserves the right to reject any and ail bids. For the meeting of tbe grand lodge of I Experience is tbe best Teacher. U;e lose ground at the ! fringed buckskin gown or tunic and ber Oregon. K. of P., at Portland Oct. 15th, ; Acker's Englisb Remedy in any case of shoulders were covered with a brilliant- i the - K- K- make a rate of one ly beaded shawl or niterine. The groom nd one-third fare for the round trip on wore the conventional blanket. Inter- I fae certificate plan. Passengers paying preter Jackron placed the bride and ! fo!i fra gulag, and calling for receipt ; from foUowiug is the iiat of letters remain ing in the postoffiee at Tbe Dalies un called fur Ojtober 7 1901. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Bailey, Uattie Karlson, Anna Bnrlinzame, Edwin Kramer, Anna Brows, W R Luecks, M L CoDper, G C Murray, Tboma Clenduming, Wm Miller, Elmer (2 Carter, Charlie Miguet, E Evanahill, Tim 1 2. McDonald, C Greene, Ray Russell, Mary Greinirr, Marguerite Ruieell, G H ' Her ane, Charhe litrtiweil, G F 2 Herman. E iuL Hansen, Anna Mill, W E Hansen, Henry L Jones, W E Johnson, W J Johnson, A W Jones, Lewis Hariey, Johnson J. M. Kieaer, Mies Rigga. T A Kamey, John cmith, A C Spere, Geo feireeter, Wm Sloan A Co Walkington, Geo Viator, J Brown Williams, J E (2, Williams, G L Pattkbsok, P. M eroom tacme each other and about ten aaei.., pruriuea uuv or feetap.ru female relation of tbe k more P"M passengers of not leas than groom stood by his side facing a male f 50 eant eael have been in attendance, relative a ho stood beside the bride. al1 ,De included, delegates or members f season then turned to tbe vast throng j of delegates families wno have paid full and said : "My friends, we have come ! mre to Portland, will be returned at one bere to marry this man and this woman. ' third on presentation of certificates If an Indian man' wife die, be get an-: to r tnta Portland on or before other. If an Indian woman's husband : October 18:h, certificates to be signed by die, she get another. That's the Indian ! K- B"' seeretary. Tickets sold mle. I October 13th, lttb or 15th. No rsduc- At a signal by the chief the two couple Uon wiH madm for tne urn if total approached each other, and as the bride andance does cot equal require and groom met they clasped each otber ' n,ent- -al8-lm by the right hand. Tbis was done three H,r' TUUI times without a word b.ing ep .ken. w"e offeT on hundred dollars reward when the interpretor announced that toT nv OaM t Catarrh that can not be that waa all ; the couple were married, i cnred bT Hall's Catarrh Core. J. H. Cradiebaugb presented the bride: E.J.CnjETt Co. Prone., Toledo, O. and groom to the aodience, and an-; We the undersigned, have known F. nounced that after J. C. Hoatetier. C. J. J- Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- Crandaii and Jod Fish had an oppor- him porfectiy bonorabiein all busi- tonitv to kiss would be given to the gentlemen of the ' oul D obligations made by their party whu had come nu from Portland cough, colds or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded 25 cte. and 50 eta. Blakeley, the drug gists. NOTICE. AH persons knowing themselves to be indebted to the late firm or R. Gilbreth & Sons will please call on them and pay amount due. All account unpaid by September 20th will be handed over to Messrs Wilson A Huntington for col lection. set-6 tf A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke A Falk. Subscribe for Th CHBonci.c. ;i b -is ' PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this vell-kiiowii Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. est I THE CELEBRATED j .. .COliUfflBIA BHEWEKY.. Gilford's Fotos Never Fade. Contest Notice. United fetaTaw Lbi Ovvic. J Tbb Oaixsa. Or.. Aug. 7. 1901. ( A sufficient contest affidavit haTin been lied in thi ofllee by Albert 6. Roberts, contestant, rainst timber culture entry No 3135. made April I. IwS. tor lot t, 3 and 4. sec 12. 1 I f. . R o E. by UeoTitc Murton. --:: lex tee. in wbich 11 ! I. MMl tht . ..k.H.. I .1 -r..r. ..f..,. r.,. the bride tbe next cbauce - ueBe irauiatcuoue auu nuanciaiiy auie to snout uree acres tnennt (saT.nas done uoUtias ! earrv ont int ohlioationa marfa hv t.i, ' """"""T mlurv- "tn "a neiUMjr -a"- cumvauoc nor pMnuogln any ue, and till firm. within six month bat been unieuced and open. ... . . . Aow amid tract Is fenced by other uartien. Haid tbat afternoon on tbe B&ilev Gatzert. weat lrnaz. W holesale Llruggists, To- astias are hereby noufied to appear, mpond leoo, u., walding, Kinoan e Marvin. l7fSr"ZrSSSmtSrKSZJS. -ter and receiver at the Cniled Butea land ce in The Dalles. Oreaon. The aid eonteetant naTin. in a proper affida vit, filed tieptetnber i, 1901. set forth Ju is which show ttuit after due diligence p -rwoa! s- rvice of this notice cancikt he made, it la hprphr nr. I dered and directed that inch notice be given by due and proper publication. M JAY" y. LUCAS, Register. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-knoan brewery tbe Vahmi States Health Reports for June 28. 1900, say: "A more superior brew never enters tbe labratery of tbe United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand i composed! the beet of malt auu choicest of bops. Its tooic ualltiea are of the high 2 eat and it can be need with th irrslint luiiirfitaiil saliatssliasi lij nlil sit young, its use can cnnBcieutiuusiy ue prescnuea oy in pnysician wit tbe ceraainty that a batter, purer or mote wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. J As no one seemed in a Lnrrv to embrace Mr. Cradleosujib'a uffur be theu un be-; wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio, half of the carnival committee presented Hall's Catarrh Cure h? taken inter the bride and groom witb a number of ' "''' actiug directly upon tbe blood and appropriate presents, consisting princi- mocous surface of the system. paliy of gay colored silk handkei chiefs . and Indian blankets. Tnen a brother . of tbe bride, who it appears is an orphan, t announced in very broken Engiisb that F. J. Cbjut et Co., Prop., Toledo O. Sold by drrnggist, price 75c Hill i. Family Pllis ere the best. 12 Iltaaolatloa Notice. Notice ia hereby given tbat tbe part nership heretofore existing between J. . Fait and Chaa. F. Michelbacb. under the firm nme of J. E. Fait et Co., baa thi day been dissolved by mutual con aant, Chas. F. Micheibacb retiring. J. E. Fait will cootiaue tbe business nd will collect ali outstanding accounts and pav H claim against said firm. Tbe Dalles, Or., Sept. 30. 1901. J. E. Fa Li, CllAS. F. Micbclbacii . When yonr hair appear dry and to Lave lost its vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what tbe hair needs when it gets In that con dition. We have "- m tbe Crown of Science Hair sB BV Grower and Cocoaooi Creanjgl WT Tonic will core dand mmmm ruff at d nil scalp diseases. For sale at Fraxer's bar ber shop. Price 50c end 75c bottle. We offer for a hulled period the twice -a-week Chronicle, price $1.50, aud tbe Weekly Oregonian, price 1.50, both papers for S3 a year. Subscriptions j kind, under thi offer most be paid in ad - place vanoa. be bad given his sister a wedding pres ent thitty bead of saddle horees, two miicb cows and donkey. This closed tbe ceremoni. of the In- dian wedding, and as the vast throng scattered through the grounds a confetti war began, wbicb raged good-naturedly and with little cessation uolii midnight. For the two hours before th ciose oan- demoninm reigned The peoni, with out distinction of age or ex, Inrned j themselves loose in innocent fun and ' frolic till it looked I wild. Tbe visitors tbat came on the . Bailey Gatsert goout, fifty in all set tbe pace by each purchasing a tin horn and blowing it ir all tbat wa out Staid matrons, decorous old maids and men on tbe shady side of three -core, caught the infection aad procuring horns tooted aud frolicked with young stern in tbeir teens till no rations: ex planation could be given of their action Tbey except that they were hypnotised. Tbe noise waa simply awful, and would have waked tbe "Indian mummy" II it bad been quite ceitain tbat fie ever went to sleep. And thus closed by far the most sue Bays Ue Waa Torture. "I suffered such pein from corns I could hardly stalk," write H. Robinson, Hillsborongb, Ills ,"but Bucklau's Arni ca Salve completely cured them." Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts. AdmiiU8tratrir Notice. Notice is lierebr given that the nnderafmeri has been appointed a lieinUlratrlx of the aaaaaa of C. E. hees, deceased, by order ot tht Coouty Court of the state of Oregon for Wasco coanty. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notJnet to preacul the same, with the proper vouchers, to me at the office of Hunting ton Wilson, I be hsliea, Oregon, vitnin six sores scalds, borne, boils, ulcers. Per- j m J? jTigt? feet healer of akin disease and piles. ' n 'vwalia kkk.-, Administratrix. Core guaranteed by G. C. Blakeley, the j druggiH. 25c. 2 ! W. T. druggist, DEALERS IH fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Crandall & Bar get UNDERTAKERS if EMBALMERS Robes, Burial Shraofe Etc I The Dalles, Or. 1 I ... . . ". f - ST French Periodical Drops DR. LYON'S Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish ucaiKCU sccssjuui. (areateat known Beware of coanMrfelta and Inluulooa. ton with fac simile signature on auto The or bead fur Circular w VTUAXAJI& M'w. Cu..aui Aaaou, Ctovaua. For sale bv Geo. C. Blakeley. The Dalies. Or female remedy Is pat only In paste- Administrator's Notice. i ... . . , f Netfee hi hereby given that the uuderigned, Wesson, Gbotsonville. a., bran ordered Uieourriy eou-t of WaaeTeouutv writes: "lour une Aimm : zzzzi"!.."-' . "TT," -ei-'i"i umiui- deceased. SUMMONS. theatale of Oregon for cessfu! and most enj yah!e event of its Dyspepsia can be cared toy using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablet. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or reloaded. Bold in badsome tin i atafe eta. Blakeley the druggict. or of any kind, that ever look in The Dalle sine the first pal face set bis foot on tbe Colombia river and. DDOi Mltlie HraiTf rVinwh C.ttrm srivea nerl.i-' awl iaf ait inn . All parsons havlne elaima aaalrmt ih.M.i j i if thev had gone ' u ..., :, 5- , eas are notified to present them, with i enstomer say It IS tbe beet remedy I the proper vouchers, to my attorney Hudson for coughs, cold, throat and iuug 'nTi'.tlU to'tt?.' HJJSf"' iruusws. vtsawaiv at rata a r. v. rnar- " nay oi Juiy, maey. AJt , . c. :. hobrt. ' Administrator of the catote of UltUe iiobart. Do yon suffer from piles? If so do "' i'i7 not turn to surgery for relief. De Witt's v?itB Haxsl Salve will act more quicklr, ! sorely and safely, saving you tbe expense '"uSrosTSo.Il nd danger of an operation. Clarke A ! Una Hale, Plaintiff F1k'.P.O.iWmacy. j w. w. ila Dwencaut Lewi Odksrmaa, Goshen, Ind : ' De- Tn w-w- "dant above named: Witf. Little Early Riser, never bend me ' beroutodr UsTeoT doable like otber pills, bat do their work i tnJLSSHm 'P " are atttJ , ..... .un tm or bat ore rrloar, the twwaiv-seeosal ds thoroughly and make me feci like a boy " ' of November. ISO, and U yoa fall to m suwer Certain, tborou.b. gentle. Ciarke & ' preSTor?. F.lk's P. O. Pharmacy. mm bLlIuyri, Mother, .very -ber. prm.e On. "uir IZT &2ZjZLSX2i5t Hsi. a ailuor ahlM. the uaa of said atarrtaac. has relieved aad the lire of thir little 1 Court aaay sssea proper WooJ! Wood! Wood! of fir, piae, oak and .labs, all well sea eoaed, eon be bought of Jo. T. Petes A Co. .10 la one it ha Minute Coogh Oat for lb sufferings it j St,.iku . .1 . 1 Btuuswn m siiw raws ui iw. oar the iofl.m- Th childcen's tcjrofiu Coagh Care. Clarke k Falk'. P. O. Pharmacy. araU line lion Hi il la tk. n.11.,- lb -tree bi and draw, oor tbe inBsm- 1 Tnt ttpon yea Uhroetale tar sis coa A Falk of paint aad axtiet's en sasniwlatMk aay af . A. B. GCBLEY. Attorney for PlalaUff. u jsiypgiijij u ij j 1 1 tm pmmstmu C. J. Sf UBlilfaG, wHOLBSAug nan utail nines, Liquors cigars I Family Orders wi rectiye pftttot attention. CwajOan rhaae.S Lastg UUt 1001. Neat door to Fbat National , i THE DALLES. OREGON. trre ffsWBTkraii rsgiajfTlrDaL mStthmmaALL Ai.. caevalai For gM by Geo. G. Blak-sn,Tkel-lJ-.Or