The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 07, 1901, Image 3

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    , jt--: - -k -w-jjl ,. . . . a 11 - L - ' - - . ............ -
aBBBBBBar.BB-aHr -aV W -w - - "- -ap wKKKVrHVVHVH 'V I BBBU .VBmSBBT-
& a fuj20n mm i3 ! swoon
I TO ineramoo in r
Ladies' duits aod Skirts.
It is our constant aim to supply the popular demand the need
of the multitude all conditions, classes and tastes, with the best of
everything at a price where profit is figured only as a definite margin.
rine Artum Suit., Skirts, Jackets, Coats.
Beautiful Serge Suits in oxford gray, black and navy. $12.50, $14
Two specials in Pedestrian Suits in oxford gray only $14, $16.60
Splendid Tailored Walking Skirts, in oxford gray and
black $5.50, $7, $8.50
The Famous
for Women
A general favorite. They are
justly famed for their stylish elegance,
superior fitting qualities and up-to-date
styles. A thoroughly high-grade
shoe of unusual merit at a sensible
Price. $3.00
Very Dressy.
Exquisite Styles.
1av jfc, JLA Jtr -M- .Jfc. .J. -A- -A- .Jfc. AAA
The Dalles DaOf Qawifete.
OCT. 7. 1901
Ice Cream
lea Cream
At Andrew Kaller'u.
All Wasco Coaaty- wamati rasflafcarad
prior to December S. IMS, will fee pM
a presentation at any oSkee. Interest
-MM after Beptember IS. 1M1.
Ooaatr Ttmwr.
The ladieg of the Good Intent 8ociety
of the M. E. cbnrcb will meet witb Mra.
Parkins Wednesday afternoon.
All persona having bills against the
earnival or district fair will please
present them to C. J. Crandall at hit
office before next Tboraday.
Bev. Panl Kroger ia qnite ill at his
borne in tbia city of nervous prostration.
He was taken ill on tbe road aboot a
week ago while traveling for Tbe Dallas
nurseries, and had to bo brought home.
The two bands of Wasco and Yakima
Indiana that formed a leading-attraction
at The Dalles earnival went to Portland
Bonday, on tbe Bailey Gataart, to re
peat their war dances do ring tbe week
foi the amusement of the natrons of the
Portland exposition.
Tbe following story is not vouched for
and ia only given for what it is worth :
While Ned Gates one day last week was
down at the Regulator landing and wail
pointing oot to a friend tbe good quali
ties of bia dog, Willie, be threw a fttt-eent
Piece into tbe river. Obediently-Willie
divod for tbe coin and brought op a
two. pound sucker and 86 cents in
James Wyno, a farmer'of the Mosier
neighborhood, died at The Dalles Hoa
Pital last night of typhoid fever. The
deceased waa brought to the hospital a
oople of weeks ago from Sherman soon
iy. where ba had base working in the
harvest field. He was widower, aged
. and leaves one child of leader year.
The remains were token to Hosier today
lor interment.
The More mrrassoaiaal tif tht
eya he is toM that "Mr.
"lawart intends to threah stetson with
trend power t break sr. Thissaeehtae
wui probably beassaoebof a
" majority e(
p aa beeaaJar weeid he to she
"flaw. Frank Am In 4a ha
and we saayjsji tks e
aaattt with
Mr.. J
Bantonl, Illinois, annonncing the sod
den death at 4 -.30 o'clock of his sister,
Mrs. Theodore B. Thompson. Mra
Thompson had bean dangerously ill
a year ago and bad under gone a critical
surgical operation, from which, how
aver, abe bed recovered, so that bar
death comes to her brother aa it doubt
less does to her relatives at home aa a
great surprise and shock.
Nod Gates, tbe handsome assistant
secretary of the earnival, has left et tbia
office two odd kid gloves of the female
persuasion, which be found on tbe table
of tbe secretary's office, and which be
thinks tbe owners meat have forgotten
in the bewilderment that naturally re
sulted from their coming into the pres
ence of ao much masculine beauty aa
Ned carries around witb bim at all times.
One is of slate color and for tbs right
band ; the other is cream colored and
for the left band.
Bishop Willard F. Mallalieo, of Bos
ton, who now has episcopal supervision
of tbe Methodist Episcopal conferences
in the Pacific Northwest, and who will
Breach in the M. E. church tomorrow
evening, ia a striking personality, a
commanding presence on tbe platform,
a traveler of wide experience, a ripe
scholar and an orator of great seal and
power. His Christian character and
reputation are known in many lands.
A rare opportunity ia offered to tbe peo
ple of Tbe Dallas io his visit to our city.
Aa these aeema to be a difference of
opinion aa to tba closed season tor prai
rie chickens, we publish below tba law
on tbe subject, passed at the last session
of the legislature : "It shall ba unlaw
ful in tba county of Wasco, at any time
bat ween tbe fifteenth day of October of
each year and tba drat day of Augast of
tbe following year, or at any time waea
the around is covered with snow SUfB-
cient for tracking, to hunt, peraee, take,
kill, injure, destroy, or have ia passes
aloe, exeeot for scientific breeding pur
poses, or to aell or offer for sola, barter
or exchange, any prairie chicken."
A writer 'in a scientific periodical
states that it is net generally known that
fruit acids are germicidal. "The joins,"
he aays, "of limes and lemons is as dead
ly to cholera germs aa corrosive sabii
mate or sulphur fames or formaldehyde,
or any other disinfectant. It Is so pow
erful e germicide that if tbs juice of one
lime or lemon ba squeezed into a glass
of water that has been etanoJng tor ten
or fifteen minutes the water will be dis
infected. It aaakaa little
where the water has
As pore eeter ia net always obtainable.
this is worth
frees a
ttmaati at flnMawialr It ia laseaaaaT thet
the Aadiag ef she -pariar eeert of
gsaata, who woo Ii gml p iij mm
dor ef A. f . Vmim bfmm
murder occurred over a year ago and waa
generally considered a very b ratal and
cold-blooded affair. Ferris bas bad the
benefit of able counsel, who would bare
saved bia neck if there had been any
passible chance to do ao. His only hope
now lies in the clemency of Governor
Sogers, and the governor's record con
tains little that will give tbe murderer
or bia friends any encouragement.
Next on the program of amusements
la Tbe Dallas will hatha mnsieale recital
by Harr Schott at the Vogt Wednesday
night. Comment is unnecessary ; hot
upon his appearance in a musical in
Portland recently, tbe Oregonian speaks
of Herr Schott in the following manner:
"A more splendid exhibition of vocal
dramatic power bas probably never be
fore been heard la Portland. The audi
once e highly - cultured and critical
one was even more completely carried
by storm than at bis first recital of the
series a week ago. Tba program was a
most difficult one, making unusual de
mands upon tba vocal powers and emo
tional energies of tbe singer, yat in such
snparb voice was ba that ba not only
went through tbe heavy program with
easy triumph, bat actually doubled it
PaMie aahaal Patriotic Oaeletr.
The polptls of tbe Goldeodale public
schools hove organised a "Public School
Patriotic S.ciety," the objsete of which
wili ba inferred from tbe following res
olutions wbicb are published ia tbe
Goldeodale papers and signed by a com
mittee of five, consisting of two boys and
three girls. These youoeeters have the
right idea and their example might be
copied by others with great profit.
Whereas, We believe that tbe lack of
proper discipline daring tbe period
when character is forming prod aces e
low standard ef morality ; and
Whereas, We belie ve that the assassi
nation of our late president, as well as
ail other high-bended lawlessness, is
tbe result of a misconception of tbe
principles of a free eerernmeet ; there
fore be ft
Besetted. First, that we, tbe members
of the Public ftohooi Patriotic Society,
district No. 7, dkeountenance any and
all disobadtouee to the teachers end
mA tkat MM
gentlemanly or any unlady like act, by
any member ef oar society, at school or
elsewhere, will be eatf cleat grounds for
expulsion worn our
etrawb It XUofe.
Andrew Ifstler ia ea proud as a pea-
he magnificent frelt soke that he
SmSsVA Ban saijMj4kJewtfs teawf flflsfae.
the following tetter, which
te'atheeke tor your aneet sjanareas gi
jftf r a flffadVA aAaiatgg. AmM AAMsaJM
sWgp Pbbf TP fpWaamw lawNw ww tABaaFgWwaVBBwPM
MifsTl 1 1 HI. PPffMr
Aitosfif ttMi C mrtr
Oatnival s Greet Uneeeaa.
The carnival of 1901 is now only a fact
in the history of Tbe Dallas, but it la
one that its promoters can look back
upon with considerable gratification.
The financial results cannot be known
till all tba bills are in and that will take
several days' time, but In every other
respect tbe carnival waa a great subcase.
Tbe attendance waa gratify logly large,
especially on Wednesday and Saturday,
and the people from adjoining counties
were aa generooe in their attendance, all
things considered, as those nearer bone.
Tbe booths of the merchants were great
ly admired and the exhibits, especially
those of fruits and vegetables, ware a
genuine surprise to persona from a dis
tance. Tbe writer talked with msny
who visited the present Portland ax
position and they were unanimous In
affirming that our fruit and vegetable
exhibit waa far ahead of Portland. Io
all matters that were designed to cater
to those who sought lighter enjayments
tbe earnival executive committee were
unsparing ia tbair expense. Tbs first
arrangements for Indian war dances fell
t:.Tougb, but tbe dances had bean an
nounced and tbe committee never ceased
their efforts till ether satisfactory
arrangements were made. Tbe Mid'
way attractions were much superior to
those ef last year and they bad this
negative excellence, at least; they were
clean and decant. Yfae music of the
band waa greatly admired and was atone
worth all that it cost h sea end hear
everything to be seen and beard. As
a rssult of tbese efforts of tbe committee
the visitors wont back to their homes
feeling that they bad had a good time
and had flatten tbe foil worth of their
money. Aa one pf them shouted to tbe
writer yesterday as be boarded tbe train
witb fifty others from Sherman soouiy :
"Gcod bye, Mr. Editor. 8ay to your
people that your fair waa better than
that at Portland and that we are all
glad we
For InJuttt and Children.
Hi KM Y Km Aiwtys tatf
Steamer Beitey Gal sort. Cerumen
lag October 1st tbe boat will leave
Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays and
aeterdays at 7 a. and Tbe Dalies aa
Wednesdays, Fridays aad tuadeya at
fa, en.
w5 antaepnwato USSSSfhJ!
m mill's shm stm
We have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to At out your
boy lor school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. W Will SeW6 yOU money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
The HewTork Gaffe Store
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh,
clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
me People's national Family jhswspepiT
To all old and new subscribers paying one year la advance wa offer
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for tSLOCk
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly OhronJcle for 91.6a
Published Monday,
Wednesday aad Fri
day, is In reality a flac
and fresh sverjr-other-day
bally, siring the
latest news on days ef
larae, and oovertng
newa of the other S.
It contains all Impor
tant foreign cable
newa which appears
in the fatly Tribune
of same Sate, alee do-
and foraua
aorratneAawsMM. snort
aeje eiaseeeJa0Be en
liable InaaeUl
market raperW.
tfoa prJcCi
!. per
aeZfwectfy Obraiff
sis for W OO per year.
day, aad known fee
nearly sixty years an
every part of the Vat
Md Itates as e i
al family
of the highest
tor farmers and vttaa
gers. It eoutalaaaJt
the most lmysrtaat
Uegnlar snhesrUa.
Send all orders to Obroniole Publishing Oo., The Dallas, Of
We beg to preeent
of a late arrival. Whila
up-to-date, the design is
quiet and in good taste.
This is not a fS.Wshee,
as good as $0 ones, hot
thoroughly S3.CO
through and through.
We have a whole window lull of tbe tame kind.
Light and laftewr eolee
aVf'hls lid heme to