The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 07, 1901, Image 1

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    Itye Dalles Cljr ait t tit.
ivol. xm
no. m
Vm T At, j ffiitBwi
The IW Yw Haw
Alwsvs BfiKht
r i- I II i inJMiy ! tama v
agS8gM8!feM Beam the
if t
fa9S flfflBSSSBMf lH a,f 1
Worns .ConvuJsiooB Jfeverish- If Amam
ncss and LOSS OF SUEEP. lOl UVul
JSMgA, Thirty Years
Anarchist In Loatdoat.
London, Oct. 7 A fairly well at
tended meeting ot anarchists was held
yesterday in a hall in Tottenham Court
road, London, to bear a lecture en the
amsBination of . President McE'.niey, by
B. Kelly, of New York. The audience,
largely composed of foreigners, ap
plauded ail reference to"Saim" Crolgoei
and hie "meritorious" act. The speakers
included Enrico Malatssta, tbe Italian
anaruhiet, who described the assassina
tion as "a deed of heroism." Kelly's
lecture was a wild harangue in denuncia
tion of McKinley'e political career. He
declared that tbey did not try to justify
auassination, but rather to explain it as
the outcome of "the oppression of work
men by capital."
"If the killing of McKmley opens tbe
eves of capitalists and induce them to
treat tbe working people better," cried
tbs agitator, "tben great good will hare
been done."
Tbe Standard, protesting editorially
ginet the holding of tbe meeting, says:
"We publish a report for tbe pur pore
l drawing attention to tbe criminal
methods that are practiced in onr very
nidet. It may be allowed that the form
of Keliy'e address was not specially
violent, part of it being only vulgar
bus. Yet be went quite far enough to
call for the notice of those whose duty it
ia to stop apologia for murder. We da
not nt any Kelly among n, eogaged
la familiarising Englishmen with such
mischief. Society ts entitled to protect
iuelf against tbe teachers of these
Aiuiiii Bjatatgr rants a.
Chicmiw, in., Oct. 2.-Pia of A
Mem Colgofs and doMuncJatWm of Preei
t McKinley characterise tbe article
Emma Goldman to today Jasae of
toe Free 8oclty, the frat iesoe of the
fi of anaroiu uioM the aseesaine
HerarUcUmgatongMi -alf-satiOUd, iadiffeiamt. Manted
sdiudoleot public as be tbe one f red
Z io sad Uust megastss of the
tbe clergy Vwe aha sand rarlaBt
mob, the tinwant ssWssjdf Mni
tbat even Amtric has gi ven birth to tbe
man wbo struck; down the king of the
reoub'ic. tbev have loet't heir, Leads and
are about ins for vengeance upon those
wbo for yean bare anown mat tne
conditions be re were beginning to be
alarming and until a halt be called
despotism would set its heavy foot on
tbe hitherto relatively free limbs of tbe
"I did not knowCrolgOE, but from
bis attitude and behavior I feel that he
was a soul in pain, a soul that could find
no abode in this cruel world of oure, a
soul impractical, inexpedient, lacking in
caution (according to tbe dictum of the
wise), but daring just the same, and I
can not help but bow in reverenced
silence before eoeh a soul."
folio Were Thar.
6Tew York, Oct. 6. One thousand al
leged narebiets assembled In a hall in
Fourth street In this city tonight, os
tensibly to bold a ball in honor of the
organisation of the Frei-Arbelter Stem
me. aaid to be a society composed of
anarchists, but the nature of the as
semblage was suspected by the manager
of tbe ball audi in a abort time forty
polisemen were on the scene. Tbe
manager learned tbat tbe meeting was
really planned to hear Herr If oat make
a speech, but Most, while on bis way to
the hall, wan warned away by members
of tbe society wbo were sent out to bead
Mm on when the police arrived on the
scene. Tbe presence of the polio
vented any aaaccbinaking.
rUM Wtll U MMllaw
Haw York. Oc:. 6. Aa tbe result of
nn urgent reqeeet that be accept front
the Presbyterian Board J Foreign kfa
sioos a call to work in Manila, the Bev,
Dr. George F, Pentecost be severed bis
connection with the pastorate of tbe
pjmabr terwn ebereb of Yenkers, N Y,
Dr. Fentceoot wen to Yeokere from tbe
kfarrlsbooa Presbyterian church el
i . I - - ' l . .
ne nee nreaenea snr
a ban of envvnens of land near Aav
belf f tbl land is oe wbeajbm4, H
i fortf
ll Vjtm
Seaater iiftchell Sacks For Orsaea
Fodder Dealer Deny That They
Are Eaverief Any Part
WAsnniGTON. Oct.
eU today bed aa ensealed iatarefav
with war department officials ooncat ning
the shipment oi (odder foe tb ?bW
pines from Portland. Upon ropteesatta-
tions made by Oredaavdrma, the senator
entered a protest against the, recent
action of the department in adyertieiaf
for forage and cattle in Baa Francisco,
and not in Portland. Tbe department
explains thattbis cargo was to be shipped
oa the transport Dm, which, when fully
loaded, it is alleged, could not have
crossed out of the Colombia. For that
reason, it decided upon the remaining
available ports. The department has,
however, ordered tbe quartermaster at
Vancouver to load the transport Adato
at Portland with fodder secured in that
vicinity from tbe lowest responsible
In general explanation, the department
says it intends to purchase fodder
wherever it can Jbe secured at the least
cost, and nearest'tbe port from which it
can be moot conveniently shipped. In
this manner, it ia not endeavoring to
favor any city, bat to beet serve tbe
Interests of the'snvernmratT Had they
beer convinced tbat th;Dix could have
sailed fromfc Portland with a full cargo,
advertisements for that cargoonld have
been issued at Portland as well as other
Ktprtwlsa mt Anarehlf as. ,
Nxw Yoax, Oct. 5. The Hudson
County (New Jersey) Bar Association, at
a meeting called to bear the re part of it
committee appointed to recommend
legislative acts for tbe repression of aa
arch ism. ordered the report referred to
d special committee. Tbe first section
of tbe proposed act specified tbat "anar
chism shall be made a capital felony
both as to tbs principals and accessories,
as well before aa after tbe fact. Tbe
term anarchism , for tbe purposes of this
section shall be taken to include, every
act done or word ottered with en tent to
cause or to invite others to cause tbe
assassination of a president of tbe United
States or any person m tbe line of suc
cession, the governor of a state or any
person in tbe gubernatorial . succession
or tbe chief of any foreign state or any
person in the line of succession thereof."
Tbe second section provides tbkt every
person who, without intent or cause or
to incite others fo cause tbe assassination
of the persons referred to la tbe first
section, shall say or do any tbing with a
view of maintaining or promulgating aa
arcbiatic doctrines shall be guilty of a
high misdemeanor.
Fortlawa Carnival Bxearaloa Beta.
White Collar Line, steamer Bailey
Gateart, excursion rates: Bound-trip
excursion tickets will be sold oa Sep
tember 19th and 2October 2nd. tb
end 16tb, good going nut days after' date
of sale, making one week's limitation;
iertodind date - Tne prto from
Tbe Dalle to Portland ob tbe days tbess
tickets are sold will be (JC.B0 for round
trip, Including two ooenoos tbat are
Mod lor one admission each to tbe Port
Inpdnarsriraj. flood Blear and Whit
Salmon to Portland, round1 trip, fS.SO,
including two sdialmloa tickets.
16Jwtf I: y(. Fhxoqm, agent.
sbeO. B. A M. Co. will sell roond-trip
tfekets to Pmllandaad return, Jnelnding
fktstena the i
te sold only on Sept. 19tb
isdaa nin dasa after dale ai
aTJf. Tickets
ssUDbjt sBsBn fcsaon 3
Halted to aaalsa
el. -r-'-- tJsVtgs
disappoint. Thar are safe, aaaaip.
aentie, ssTctive im ressovlng all lav
aaritiee from (be Uvar aad beweis.
taieka. Haver gripe dr
Clarke A Falk's T. 0. Pbat
saaBkirnme ssnsn
i fannh sBsiiii iaf I tfneeiT abaaalsAail
ZJ aSll,'. PBaa.1
TKe New Hats
t Here
A man can't look you in the face .without
seeing your hat. If it is a neat and becoming one
he notices it ; if otherwise ditto.
Neat shoes and a new and natty 6uit are es
sential to your appearance but you can't even
then look your best without a new hnt.
We have the goods and know how to tit.
No matter how critical or economical you are
we can please you. All the new shapes
$1.50 tb
All Bolts pressed free of charge.'
No ix'.ra charge for alterations to fit.
tfftawnmananananj gsgyaaaWifjIi
We are prepared to demon-1
strate that this Is the
right store for those who
are looking for the best in Suits
and Overcoats,
Evsry day bat Sunday
From 7 a. m. to 8 p, m.
A. M. Williams & Co.
H ami H '
- -"-f---'
Woman wela
Jewels, candy, ffowet, mm-tbat is
tbe order of a woman's prajerencsa.
Jewels form n magnet of mighty power
to tbe average, women., Jven tbat
greatest of a)l r lwar, . beeb, is often
mined in the streanoai efforts to make
or aavs the money to purchase them. If
a woman will risk her health to get a.
coveted gem, then let her fortify herself
aga'nst tbe insidqous consequences of
coughs, colds and bronchial affections by
tbe regular use of Dr. Boechee's German
Syrap. It will promptlylTarrest eon
aomption in itaaarly stsgss and heal the
affected longs and bronchial tubas and
drlvs the dread diseasejfrom the system.
It is not a core all, bat it Is a certain
cure for coughs, colds snd all bronchial
treaties. You can get Dr. G.G.Green'
reliable remedies et Blakeley'S drug
store. Get Green's Snecisl Almanac. 1
Mrs, Wilson, of tbe Campbell A Wil
son Millinery Parlors, bas engaged tbe
aarvieas of Miss, Margaret Torgler, a
first-claas trimmsr. a former employes
of Holier, of Portland, and is there
fore prepared to meet the demands of
tbp best trade, aa. aH as tbe median..
Onr style are eqaat to tb best, and oar
prices are, as low .aa the lowest. 21s
Effective tbl daa. A charge of 1
will hiJfelaf ?
lime oeij noer .ana, ia
. in excees of forty right hoars
mncarU se for loading or oa-
Agent 0- B. A N. Co.
i .j
r 1 i'
oar ear
from ti
. t'-t i. ' If '
Tbe largest and tnost
ooeaaieta Una of . . .
evarabown in tha aftf
ama awav mi ifianisr ai
aswfoja .ganr vasen eaeswenw'ewey Wf
IFmlnt sviad OU sHorfw
bju mi A.H.TH1 ACaV JfaTJJN 'X'sbs FOR
sr enabnaw aaBMaBwesan enBeaanaew saamBaa aww anaunaBeanraai eaan eaasF- aaanr aareaam aa (j
ssaBsn st
We ,opratf a PI.UiqiINa, TIN and Bl
HBPAIK SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have
prompt attention.
llsBffjlPi"lwil dM
ii l tin hlt ?
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and
' i. J win "v.ii shift . -
Iron, SafMl. WbvMlaV dsJdwB, Spriogt aad JQWftmm MnpfXttm
a mmVl
Tfa'' B '
a. fa.
s ansa, sail
Ik. LDeBMB. Asaal,Tbe
1 uai tne imneanlsn nan