The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 05, 1901, Image 4

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    The uttendance m lb race track yee
terday afternoon, while probably sot so
large a the previous day, was as good aa
could be expected, and tba attraction
were numerous aad varied.
Tbe trotting race in mile beata beat
two in three, between Package, Doke of
Walatein and Roy 8. was the opening
attraction. Tbe first beat waa taken by
Package in 2:30 4-5. witb R y S. aciose
ancond. Walatein appeared to be cat
claesed. and at no time appeared to have
a show for a place.
A typical Indian race followed tbia
beat, an i was a fair contest between five
Indians. A typical Indian race is al
ways interesting, and tbia waa in no way
A Shetland pony race between E. O.
McCoy's and Frank Fnlton'a pontes,
came next and was a novel featnr?. It
was a balf-miie daab and waa won by
McCoy 'a pony in S :50.
Tbe second beat of the trotting race
came out aa tbe previone one bad, with
Package first and Roy S second, which
concluded tne race, tbe time being
2:30 2 5.
The special rnnning half-mile daab
waa between Sunset, K. C, Under
arrow th and Dewey. Tbe race waa taken
tor Dewey in 62 2 5, with Undergrowth
second and Sunset third. K. C. bad
aecond place, bat was disqualified on ac
count of an accident in which tbt rider
bad bis foot croslied by being crowded
into tbe fence.
Professor Wallace save another of bis
remarkable performances of bippidrome
riding. Each day that be performed he
bad a different team that bad never
been naed in stand-up riding before. On
Tburfday be rode the flight; black race
mare belonging to James Parkins, and
another local horse, and bandied tbem
with aa much ease aa if both had been
trained in hie particular line of work.
On tbia occasion he made tbe circuit in
1 :01. coming within one second of mak
ing tbe fastest running time of tbe entire
week. After seeing bia work no one will
doom bia right to tbe championabip of
(be worl-i in stand-up riding.
Tbe concluding race was a running
ball mi!e dash for a $75 00 purse be
tween Typewriter, Tucker Snow, Fieet
H, Del! Hotkey and Whistler, and waa
won by Typewriter with Tncker Snow
econd and Dell Ma key third, in 5 4 14.
This concluded tbe raeee for the after
noon. The live etock parade took piace be
tbe beata of the trotting race and a more
magnificent display of fine stock was
never before seen in this district. As
tbe greater part of the stock waa men
tioned in Thursday's daily and in the
premium list, we will not go into detail
in regard to t bees rue.
-Bra Id Pood onecse.
"Another ridicnioue mod fad baa been
branded by tbe most competent anthor
s'.ies. They have dispelled the eilly no
tion that one kind of food is needed for
brain, another for muscles, and still an--other
for bones. A correct diet will not
only nourish a particular part of the
body, but it wiil sustain every other
part. Yet, howevei good your food may
be, its nutriment ia destroyed by indi
gestion or dyspeysia. Yon must pre
pare for their appearance or prevent
their coming by taking regular doeee of
Greer.'e August Flower, tbo favorite
medicine of the healthy millions. A few
daaea aiJa digestion, atiuiu'atea tbe liver
to hialthy action, purifies tbe blood, and
snakes you feel buoyant and vigoroua.
Y can get Dr. G. C. Gieen'a reliable
reim-diee at BUkeley 's drug store. Get
3r--u's Specie! Almanac. 1
fc- Wh.8alaVaCiaaBlaL
On sale. Daily Regular Round-trip Ticket, nnlim- apaaa aa aefSj "JQ
On sale Sept. 19, 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, Special Round- j J . mm . v
trip Ticket.-, limited to 6 days from date of sale ; stWa leJJ
JVlaier & Benton,
Headquarters for
Family Groceries.
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Stores and Steel Ranges.
167 Second Street. THE DALLES, OR.
Portland Carnival Kxrarsloa stakes.
Wbie Collar Line, steamer Bailey j
Gatzert, excursion rates: Round-trip
excursion tickets will be sold on Sep-
m aw
Ma mm&
Sold only by
H. Herbring.
tember 19 h and 23th, October 2nd, 9tb
and 16th, good going six days after date
of sale, making one week's limitation,
including date of sale. Tbe price from
Tbe Lalles to Portland on tbedeys these
tickets are sold will be 2.40 for round
trip, including two con pons that are
good for one admission each to the Port
land carnival. Hood River and White i
Saimon to Portland, round trip, $2 20,
inclnding two admission tickets.
lGwtf J. M. Filloox, agent
Bids will be received until Monday
evening, Oct. 7. 1901, by C. J. Craudall,
for all the lumber belonging to Tbe
Dalies street carnival, excepting sneL
lumber as the snperintendent wishes to
reserve. Tbe successful bidder is to
take down and remove all tbe lumber
within one week from the letting of tbe
contract, and be ia to take down and
; remove such portions immediately, as
j tbe superintendent u.ay direct. Tbe
biJ must be per thousand feet board
measure. The superintendent reserves
' tbe right to rtj-et any and all bids.
For tbe meeting of tbe grand lodge of
( Oregon, E. of P., at Portland Get. loth,
Your Faca
si . i - . i - " . : . 1 . i
D"" "u uc j the O. R. ft N. will make a rate of one
state of your neaith as wett. impure . n.hi. . th. . ..
biood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples aad
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and -ora oat and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir, it cares all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsapariilas and
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeiej tbe druggist.
Dteeolntlon Notice.
Notice is herebv given that tbe part- :
nersbip heretofore .listing between J. !
E. Fait and Cbas. F. Michelbacb. under j
the firm name of J. E. Fait A Co., has i
this day been dissolved by mutual con-1 attendance
sent. Cbas. F. Micbeibach retiring. J. merit.
E Fait will continue tbe business and
the certificate plan. Passengers paying
fall fare going, and calling for 'receipt
from selling agent, provided fifty or
more paying paesengeis of not less than
50 cents each have been in attendance,
all lines included, delegates or members
of delegates' families who have paid full
fare to Portland, will be retained at one
third fare on presentation of certificates
to our agents at Portland on or before
October 18th, ceitificatee to be signed by
L. R. Btinson. secretary. Tickets sold
October 13th, 14tb or 15th. No reduc
tion will be made for tbe return if total
Caw A Falk are never closed Sunday .
Don't f organ this.
Yon will not have boils if vou take
Clarke ft Falk's sore cure boils.
Mies Julia Masqoart, at tbe Beehive
- . r H
restaurant, will do dressmaking oi an
kinds. 9 1m
A fresh supply of Lowney'e chocolates
just received at G. C. Blakeley s phar
macy. Wanted An apprentic: at the Camp
bell ft Wilson millinery parlors. Some
one that is neat witb a needie. 28s
Wool ! Wood ! Wood I Best praf'ee
of fir, pine, oak and slabs, ail well sea-
j soned, can be btniht of Jos. T. Peters &
I Co. 10 lm
If yon take the O. R. A ". for tbe
Portland exposition one day wii! be
equal to three days if you go via any
otber line.
Clark and Fik have oat received a
fall line oi fresh Yelox papers and de
velopers, the same aa naed by Mr. Lovick
in hie recent demonstration at our store.
Purest Liquored Family
Delivered to any part of tbe City.
173 Second
Pbones: 51 Local,
858 Long Distance
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au ktm
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kr
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, aM
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TSSt
Headquarters tor "uyers uest Penfflt
a. I.'l I Thia lOnnr ia maiinfai taiaal l
w-ws aa irinr - -
trvJU. jl iviu
We Mil oar goods lower than any house ia
call enu get cur prices avuu m routuiw
to aMi
if you dost I
Highest Prioes Paid for Wbmt Barky and Oatm.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer.
Gifford's Fotos Never Fade.
doss cot equal
will collect all outstanding accounts and
pav all claims against said firm.
Tbe Dalies, Or., Sept. 30. 1901.
J. E. Fai.t.
Chas. F. Michelbach.
Bow's Tbia:
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
. cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney ft Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
, lieve bim perfectly honorable in all busi
! neee transactions and financially able to
k body of 4800 acres of land near An
telope wiil he sold in tracts of 160 acres
or more to suit pnrcba-er. More than
half nf thin liinfi ia fnf ti r,pu i nH rich
black loam. It is wail watered, there I earry ont Wt obligations made by their
being some thirty r forty springs on firm.
the bract and email running streams ' West ft Truax. Wholesale Druggists, To
a cross most of it. The land is situated vj n irw: - x. i :
from four to eight miles from the end of '1W1IDg' i""" Marv,n
the railroad at Sbaniko. Wholesale Drnggiete. Toledo, Ohio.
Any part of tbe land will he sold, Ball's Catarrh Cure ie taken inter
either for cash or on long time after the i nally, acting directly noon tbe blood and
fir?im!?t; I?? m " men- i macous surfaces of tbe evstem.
asiijuixc ui a. o. muurii.
sl3- dawlm
Contest Notice.
I'MIID Statks Lajcd Ornct, I
Tbe tJAixcs, Or., Jog. T. laOI. i
A sufficient contest affidavit having been Sled
in this office by Albert 6. Robert ;, contestant,
against timber culture entry No 8U6, made
April 19, Iss-9. for lota 3 una 4. Sec 12, Tp 1 8,
B !5 E, by George Mnrton, eonteatee. in which it
it allea-ed that aaid (ieonre Marten, alter braakag
about three acres the first year, has done nothing
whatsoever since then to .id tract, neither
cultivating nor planting in any wise, and till
within aiz months has been nnfencsd and open.
ow aaid tract is feneed by other parties, aaid
pa-lies are hereby notified to appear, respond
and offvr evidence touching aaid allegation at 10
o'clock a. m. on October 29. 1901, bef ire the
register and receiver at the United Sutes land
office iu Tbe balles, Oregon.
Tbe said conte-tant having, in a proper affida
vit, filed beptember 4. 1901. set forth facts which
ah that after d je diligence persona! service
of this notice aannot be made, it is hereby or
dered and directed that snch notice be given by
due and proper publication.
aM JAY P. LCCAS, Register.
Of the product of this well-known brewery the United 8 La tee HasJtk J
ite ports for June 28. 1900, says: "A more snpetior brew never entssai
tbe labratory of tbe United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoM
of the slightest trace of adulteration, baton tba otber hand is composed of
the best of malt and choicest of bops. Its tonic qualities are of tba bigg
est and it can be need with tbe greatest benefit aad satisfaction by oid aaf
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians waa
tbe cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could ast
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Administratrix' Notice.
Notice ia herebv given that the undersigned
baa been appointed a-irr inistratrtz of the estate
of C . bees, deceased, bv order nt thf
Court of the Stale of Otsaoa for Wasco i onntv. !
All persons having claims against said estate
ate hereby notified to present the stme, witb the
proper vouchers, to me at the office of Hunting
ton it Wilson, l be Dalles. Oregon, within Six
months from the date i ereof.
Dated Hep;. 17, 13U1.
aa V1HAUA RKES, Administratrix.
For tola.
1000 acres more or less lying on the
Columbia river about seven miles from
Tne Dalles. About 100 acres of river
bottom tbe rest good upland suitable
for fruit and pasture. One of the best
dairy or mi:k ranches in tbe county ; a
F. J. Cheney ft Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrnggiats, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the beat. 12
Administrator s Notice.
Blown To Atoms.
The old idea that the' body sometimes
needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill
has been exploded ; for Dr. King's New
Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless.
fill kinds of
Funeral Supplied
CrandaM Borget
The Dalles, Or.
Banal Shrub
ttu diseases and their effects : such i
or Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual i
Joativeness, Palpitation of tbe Heart, !
Heart-burn, Waterbraab, Gnawing and;
Burning Pains at the Pit ol the Stomach,
Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disa
greeable Taste in tbe Month, Coming up
of Food after Etting, Low Spirit?, etc.
"Go to your druggist and get a Lottie of
Auguat Flower for 75 cents. Tw doges 1
will relieve you. Try it. Get Green's :
prise almanac. Clarke ft Falk. 2
Btrtfeea A Klch Ftaxl.
I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigeation and nervoat de
fcllity," writes F. J. Green, of Lancas
ter, X. H., "No remedy helped ma ou-
if I began aatag Electric Bitters, which
j Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
by an order of the "unly eourl of Wasco county,
I shite of Oregon, has oeen appointed adminia
t trator of the eat ite of Mittie Hobart. deceased.
All persons having claims against the estate of
aid de-eaaed are mttiHed to present tbem, with
I the proper vouchers, to my attornevs, Hudson a
Brownhil!. at their office at 1 he naile n,
within six inonibs from the date of thia notice t
Dated this i7lh day of July, 1901.
Administrator of the estate of Mitti.-- Huh l-
in tbe Circuit our-.if the state of Oregon for
the County of Waacn.
Una Bale, Plaintiff,
W. W. Ha.c Defendant
To W. W. Ual -, tbe defendant above named :
In the name of the statfnf
2 . i:, I 2 m , T I L - I . . . """"re
iu aive ll llif anu vuror. n e nave (Vnh I nm isa n,l,l .t i ntinij rijii;ipi i.. h .uf m i the . n
tbe hair needs when it gets In tbat con-1 u ,.V . P1"in niedag.on! y..u in the above rnttOal
riitinn v. hs.s thi rT-,n It Mt customers say it is the bast remedy , (n bd:e rratey the das
aition. IIW S tlW Crown Of I, - ' of Noveiabcr, 19ll, nd if sou 'si' tu ir,,
Scieuce H a I r AjbCk Grower a t d ior coughs, colds, throat and iung piainuir will apply lo the Coort f i b"" ttS
Cocoanut CreamH Tonic. Tbfv troubles." Clarke ft Falk'e P. O. Pbar - ' SlS'i" iT f'la'.:, i.arii Korade
wii! cure dand er ruff ard ai macy. : X&IXZZZ
scalp diseases. For sale at Fraaer's bar- ; - a- ,, f . between youtMlf and piaiatifl, and awarding tu '
berahop. Price 60c and 75c a bottle. y "nev from piles? If m do j pwnatte
. . jnottarntosurgery for relief. DeWitt's ; Ji?AfS"
ve oner lor a limited period tne ! Witch Hawi Salve will act more ouicklv. Ctnrtm.Tawtm nrowr
idh ramiwHu u aervea u
Lyon's French Periodical Drops
5!f eetable,perf ectly harmleaa, sore to accompliah
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
Good Advice.
The most miserable beings in the
world are those Buffering from Dyspepsia , small bouse ; good barn ; some orchard sTntly stimulate liyer and bowels to ex-
ami Liver Complaint. More than an, plenty of water. Also otimr town P'onou matter, deanae tbe eveteui
K-v.-niy-five per cent, of the people in and count) property. Apply to Gibona a baolnla'y mf Constipation and
he United States are afflicted witb these Mart'en. Masonic bniidine Third 8le Headache. Only 25c at G. C
Biakelev's drug store.
When your bair appears dry and to w- Wesson, Gholsonville. Va.,
have lost its vitality it wants something druggist, writes: "Your One Minute
SSwm.!?0I-"oa,BlfTf,'.t and Imitations. Tnegenaloe ia pot up only In paste
bend for Circular to XniAAAMiuKTcU: bole Aaaaia. CiavVlaOiuol
tare on aide of the bottle, thus
For sale bv Geo. C. Blakeley. Tbe Dallea, Or
twice-a-week Chkoxk lk, price $1.50, !
..A as i - - u
pu lira m i j vicavuiau, iricv f l.uu,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this offer must bo paid in ad
All persona knowing themselves to be
slid me more good than ail tbe medicines indebted to tbe late Arm of R. Gilbretb
ff ever used. They have also kept my ft Sons will please call on them and pay
ajrife in excellent health for years. 6be amount due. All accounts unpaid by
ays Electric Bitters are just splendid September 2uth will be handed over
tor female troubles; that they are a grand to Messrs Wilson ft Huntington for co;-
touic and invigorator for weak, ran lection. se 6 tf
eSowu women. No otber medicine can
asas bvv siibw iu usi louiafj. j mciv
surely and safely, saving you the expense
and danger of an operation. Clarke ft
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Lewis Ockerman, Gosben, Ind : '-De-Witt's
Little Early Risers never baud me
doable like otber pills, bat do their work
thoroughly aad make mo feel likes boy."
Certain, thorough, gentle. Clarke ft
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
i is served ll,.n vm. K- ..v.u .
lion thereof in The Dalles chronicle for si ...
secuuve week., by order o( Hon. W. L. Brad
i jaaw, judge of tbe Hevcnth judicial district
I ftta,e """. "faich Mid order waAraade Taud
j nhwad herein Ion the lh day of tember.
1 '"n" publication of that
, uu tm nwuraoay, ucioaav X, I9D.
... b A. 0. Ol'KLKY.
I oee Attorney tor HalnUfT
Only 50c. Satisfaction gaaren
i C. Blakeley, tba druggiat.
lead by
A fuU llaaafR tmaw Alms aad sup
atle)uet received by Clarke ft Falk.
Muki Tea positively cures Sick
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of tbe skin, producing a
complexion, or money
and 50 cU. Blakeley, tba
lore the
HegL ler am
JO Saturday,
Mothers every where praise One
Minute (Jougn uure tor tne sanringa it
baa relieved and tba lives of their little
cues it has saved. Strikes at tba root of
tne irouoie anu oraws oor tne lanam- i wvciwl? aV aTr i u,rS UJ
mation. Tbe children's favorite Cough i , ,Ma mJjJtL foLwia, , "
vara, vnaum m rmtm-m r v. rowsjacy.
Cmrke A Falk bare on aaie a fob Una
of palat and artist's
notice for publication.
Lunownam at Tata luuas, Or.,
bepteasberT. moi. i
why given Utat th following
has Slad niaian ol hi inI,H.
to ewnatate and make Ana) proof in support oi
hU claim .and that proofVli, b.
Msetver at The Dalles,
ntabsi It, ltSt, via:
of hndersbr. Oregon. H K. Mn taii i,ik.
C. J. STUBliIflG,
waoutsAis Ann bsttatl
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attenti
OaMMlen I'kns Ms
V Ls ti.t. ioi.
Best door to Pint National I
. Johnston, G.
K. Pullaraiul I n
rr--' unpsii aua was.
I I ffsnsusi. il TTT.T.ff afrnsin
rarove m:-w : - "T'. sp
I For gala by Geo. a BlaAslw, Tna Dsolag, Or.