ggeeaanwawaa LH m tm m m flH fll hwhwimh I fJMfJil i li Q M I i I Jto tfoirk Oaa Store... I li Bv via Wi'eS $ 1 1 .Hp am Twin's SIM SftTS.. I If Clones II I Ita Gmuh Sala of Mlmt- and Children FlannaJaMa 1 flt I I r Underskirt.-!! lyNidwiMly, wlth.yok. odw.l.t; II fl worth 45c anywhere, ttor prtoe tola west XTO eg? I i nuw M Smart Looking , 1 HnirT.MMrrwcatat GllB Metal Watch Free with all Men's Suits and Overcoats from f 10 up. Gold-Plated Watch Free with all Boys' Suits from $4.50 and up. it the woman who comes down the street with a trim-fitting pair of street boott, made on a mannish last, Her tread It arm ana aolid, baeaaM the aolaa aztand ana ara ttruaa on in t it indeed a sensible aomaa. Box calf, Tie! kid, i widths ; aoma with extension sows ana ropa sutco, maunieh above, aft etyiieo ana sensiDie. Special good valoee at $2.50, 93, 83.50 and PEASE 5l MAYS. KKtom. sue ana all elsa and X we typical m $4. X The Dalles Daily Gtamfete. SATURDAY . OCT. 6. 1901 nd Cream Ice Cream e At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. all Waaeo Oonntv paler to Dtomabn a, lata, WU1 b a presentation at way Mmm. 'MM after BapttMbwM, C01. JOHN F. aAKFSBI eVAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Steamer Dalian City will leave for Portland at 6 a. m. tomorrow, Oct. 6th. Go to the Umatilla Hooae bar for the oiiginai, Amber Coektail and tba only and original Carnival Lemonade. l-4t Wanted To trade apples for wheat, either by the box or oarload. Write to W. Kennedy, Hood Elver. oa 4tw Free to everybody A demonstration of threaded whole wheat bieoait, tba balance of the wee at Maya 4 Crowe's itora. 2o4t A very oritieal anrgical operation wae performed tbia morning on Mre. W. F. Magill, of Dofor, by Drs. Logan and" Fergmon at The Dallea Hoepital. At iMtaceonnta the lady wee doing aa well M could be expected. Tomorrow the Bailey Gaiter t will hare e 7tb Regiment U. a. Infantry band board on their homeward trip from The Dallea carnival. Thie will be e rd opportunity for the tannic loving Pple to take a trip to Portland and "lend the carnival. The Bailey 3ateert HI leave at 7 a. m. and orrita In Port- tod about 2;S0 p. m. ouch a voice aa was beard iaat night "ortb traveling milee in a blbmerd to bear. That cpfeadM tenor of Berr oabott completely oaptivated the aodi- . bach wen the comment given 7 ,De Ualveeton News when the great mr viaitad that eity, and Dalles peo- ! win voice tht aantiment alter bear, 'l him neat Wednesday night, Tboee bo have heard blm, either when bore boat year age or in Faction, all tay tame thing. A little inaidaa ternoon at the race traak pro "menaoej Mat of toaphtor at wpenat of tbe eMef of the tty y Mlt vUaajuU. Done, i-j . oaiwessj fdas eases tee 7- . HMhlUleelaaiei lMaive. wrtb Z" fare of '- sggeajl jM JetaW and aglek m datbbe jumped lo hie feet and ebonted nt the top of hie voice: "Yea, ladiea gentlemen, there me, and, aa yon tee, I'm riding one iackaaa and leadin W. J. Jeffert, of Five Mile, wee de lighted yeeterder to meet Joeepfa Nor- man Home, the only nret eonein be baa on earth, and one be had not aeen ainoe the battle of Shiloh In April 1808. wben Mr. Home, then a mere lad, visited the battle-field toeee his father, who waa a Union soldier and aa eater of the Second Infantry band. The fed followed the profession of bia father, and while play- lag here with the Seventh Infantry band t on tbe retired Hat after thirty yeara continnons service. Mr. Jeffert recalls a tfarilting incident in tbe life of Mr. Borne. When a mere child his father's regiment waa ordered to California. This was before the days of railways, and the regiment, including the elder Home and bis family, est sail from New York in tbe ship Ban Francisco. Tbe vessel wee wrecked ooteide the New York harbor aad the scatter ed members of the regiment were pinked op by pass ing vessels and taken to all points of tbe compass, some bank to New York, some to other American f ports, and not a few to Liverpool and other European ports One of the fnofiteat Incidents of tba carnival last night wae not down on any program and didn't happen till nearly everybody bad gone home. It was near ly midnight wben John Hampshire led a procession of young ladles and gentle men tofjtbe qoeeo'e pavilion, where they seated themselves at beet tbey could Eaob was furnished with a tin horn, and Jobnny assumed the functions of "hand master" and atood feeing the ma ing the air with bands and arms for dear life, to tbe oneertblv tooting aad eereeeb iaat of tbe borne. It was just aaeb a pantomime as only John Hampshire eonid axeeate, and it set tbe spectators into convulsions of laaabter. After one number," e lady rose to and Ttbt IVaet Xlgbt at the Carll. The atteadaaes at tbe carnival last waa very large, almost equal to of Wednesday night, and that of tonight promises, at this writing, to be the largest of all. The town is literally crammed with people and tbe feir end carnival will undoubtedly wind up In a blaze of glory. The great feature of last night tbe marriage of Mr. O. r. Bagley Mlaa Bile Sewtell. two well-k vonne neonle of The Dalles. Tbe very handsome In a Hue mm gown and white bat, while the greom tbe conventional black. Be. Clarence Lake performed tbe marriage any after the ritual of tbe Episcopal church. At tbe. eloee tbe bride and groom were presented to tbe vast throng of spectators by Mr. A. S. Lake. Following the introduction came tbe presentation of a magnificent wed ding cake, tbe gift of Andrew Keller. The presentation wee mode by John H. Cradlebangb, wbo eaid : la behalf of tbeflneet lot of men and tbe handsomest galaxy of ever as- eembled oa the eoast, I extend to yon the beartieat congratulations. He woo marries dees well. He wbo marries be fore eneb a crowd as la bare assembled Is above tbe average, brave. Hundred of young men, new wftbtn tbe soon ot my voioo but intent on gasing at yon would willingly do likewise but lack tba ecoraee. Nonebnt tbe breve deserve tbe fair and yooaieeatitiad to the whole carnival. T.J. Seefert, J-O. Hoetetler, J add Fieb. JenCrendall, each la tarn promised to make to yon the Httle talk that lam now endeavoring to make. So did Mr. reaae, out may m weeseoeo. wcaan tbey are all marrted. Tney own t oere to say to yon, eel do. that marriage was seme what like t1s carnival, eaay to get into, but Heaven alone knowa bow ex pensive to set oat! Yon are lairlv entitled to 'take the cake', which I now. for tbe carnival the people bera assembled. her feet and "played" a "cornet eel,' toe rest dl tbe "band" Joining In tbe "chorus." The effect en, the audience was simply excruciating. Following tbe "cornet solo" the musicians (t arose. nurnbad in nroeeeeloo tbroanb the mid 1 11 1 - - T r a fa M , a. . "bead matter" leading ana me m.kln. tnnnrh dlanord to a of the alleged "Indian tbe jar tae seas aaaecmy." Koarad Hoaser and wHeof Babsosaa. are in tbe eity utteoding tbe street onmival and (ale. a. F. Wvtbe.ef tae faeed Blear Ola- ar.Jslalbeelty takeaf tolae wTawBff vBBBawwB wFaWgpv weaanar -w san- wrrrr j aar f ir-. . i i - .aw. : an naaaBT .mmi man . , mention that tbe bride's name Is Twa-woie-we.'end tbe groom's Bae-ne-natch-ee-tecbee. Tbe carnival committee bee planned a "Surprint" that will immediately fol low tbe Indian wedding. The exact nature of this surprise hue not bean re vealed to tbe nubile, but Tan Caaeici.a is aaeared that It will famfcab tote of good netnred fan, end tout every body on tbe (rounds aylll tola in It without nay special invitation. Besides these teatareo there will be two Indian war dances, one by Um Wasco tribe aad tbe other by the Yak I ansa. These dances will not take place until there it time for everybody to be on the aa saw carnival. The area attraction at the carnival tosdgbt will be an Indian wedding, wbicb will tone place oe tbe bead stead at o'clock. Tats will bs in no a mock, wvddlag. bet perfectly land tor Ufa. Tbe bride Is e beauti ful yoaag dweeb as beauty gees among that Uk of enpecaatiy 10 or 17 years of ege, end the gtoom ie e very good look- toa? vonae bnek nf aaukaaaaatlv SO earn anansBj jTWwwaaa "www vw "WBgnwww'w"aT W"" WW be wholly aatwjp. aavjav w sjtn have eny part ta lav aTtw wVMvt MMi MfwajTwaP tWIwjfe awjwfOsjaff i0 the anger lues water Mas of agsfsk. will wWava9 wcfflawl vavgv fsjasayAwatwla It OUR St. Peal's H. Lake, 11 e. m. CHURCH KB eearcb Rev. C Morning service at Evening service at 7 :30. Sun day eehool, 12:15. All are invited. Calvary Baptist church Bev. W. B. Clifton, pastor. Regular service at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m., In tbe new church on Union street. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; B. V. P. U. at 6:80 p. m. St. Peter's church, corner Third Lincoln High mass will be celebrated by the pastor, Bev. A. Broosgoeet at 10 -80. o'clock. Gounod's mass will be sang by tbe choir. Mamie Helen Flyno, organist. Zion Lutheran ebureb, Seventh and Union straits W' Brenner, pastor, nervines as usual: Morning service at 1 1 ; evening, 7 :S0 ; Sunday school, 12:15; Lutheran League at 7 p. m. German services at 2 :30 p. m. Christian church, Ninth and Court atreet?: Bev. J. M. Alexander minister Preaching nt 11 a. m. and 7 :80 p. m. ; Sunday school 10 a. m. ; Christian deevor d :80 p. as.. Prayer meeting 7 :80 o'clock Thursday evening. Methodist Episcopal church Comer Fifth aad Washington, Bev. W. Skip- worth sector Morning service at 11 o'clock i stanleg 7 30 ; Saaday eehool 10 a. m.; class meeting It JO ; Ep wort b League f:90. All are eordielly Invited to these eervieee. Coegreaatienal churchcomer Flftb aad Coart steeta, Bev. f. V, Poling, peetor. nervless both morning eveslag at 11 a. m. aad 7:80 p. m. The morning tbesee will as 'Toe Testing atone." Good innato at both services la tae evealag tee scale ouertet will stag a speetal nomber. aawawawflji ewawavaw vQwMW aaf euvwTV nw aWwNW We have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seeing our line. We will save you money Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. Tito Iffe w York Cash Storo New Crooery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. ...MAYS t CROWE... AN TJNPR BOEDINTED OFFER! The People's jM. Family wm To ell old and new subscribers paying nan veer In advance wo Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Waekly OEronicle for S2.0O. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Ohrontole for $1.60. NEW YORK PubUahea Monday. Wednesday and fri day, la In raalltr a one and freeh every ottjer day Dally, giving tba latest news on days ol latue, and covering news of tbs other X It contains all Impor tant foreign cable news which appears la the Uatly Tribe aa of a tSvTri and fnrelsa e,a ndua- TRI-WEEKLY SSSmS tarsi stsMera, ami market TRIBUNE. rear- ol tor SXU0 par year. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. mbUabed on Tea re day, aad knew, far nearly ataty years In ev ery part of the Dat tad etata as s aettoa al family aawentaet of tbe blghaat stass, tor (aimer aadvtJb atra. It soatatas all tbe moat uapo-taat aaoerat aewa of me CToaret uteet ofoetf mi ea wvtslnluf r Ml eg roe evert meraaar of the Ragnlar aabssrto saOen gteo$eg yl gasT p eeaTe We femlea Itwtto eeaal Waakly Cbraol clefurtlAWyo Bend all orders to Ohrontole Publishing Oo., The Dallea, Or Rtoamer Bailey Oatsert. Oommea ing October 1st the boat will leave Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays aad Saturdays at 7 a. m., and The Dalits oa Wednesdays, Fridays aad Sundays nt 7 s. m. Acker's English Remedy will stop a eoagb at say tints, aad will sere tba wont fwid la twelve doors, or money re fsadewTsiets. aad 60 etc, Blakdey tbsdruaavet. VYM. MICHELL, wllew)wHaavaw0f awpaj sCsclbdllslfll Oar. ThireJ anal Weeftlngton gee. AU orders attoadsd to promptly. Uag se pasat sal. tvoeai. um. &ML9NHkW 0 4aw"w,af avkavfBw) 1$ avaavVfataV waM CBaaOwnnaecawB nnnanO namamtAn mraawat anlaeaalcalaa fJkftjA Wf vawayBatJBanl sBBsmgawveBaaev etagmsj savaamwerwaaaetv aamsBv agw waMgWajgaw0 aayav' awttwej Jf4aaV tawBe ftwca jjQ waveaVwgJ afg) wafsV wNgA aVaty wMa4y BeJ aea gtHgrT avtwewaf wawa WgytjM 9f9fk OwsPJ g-MtaftgaW gTaalaaMsM IgkmVi gfjafMaAgl eayMgaW ' wfaTWewmBBBBB; Paaeww wpgajBSSBBwaBBBBBsnap. fsmsssssamm .jcafsaasasv awaaaaaaav aaAammaaam tassaan awacaawaT lamW 'camwawi 111 oLtoAaVTV SfaannaV waw liiwja" aBta f r. ty, rajgswawgsj ggia-gV gjUg. abc ataaau Vtacel aCaaaa erfti cams wssnt ah Wwwa nwcwa ww rwawi sywwwwi wv v -we wwawaww MS pavemvwga sanap to sataaJgctegaVS aaanwnaamafnt wgTwyaaaS w m aw a am. ...OITT HACK i. F. laiirann bee satoMlsJitit a saw WMMttm Aafj tajajr awga a (ka. sfM Mr aalBeaBveaVwaWPav aBsr aaaawy smsswav wasj ku aswaayp wavajBPBB' QmmggJk9m dB A$gMfJj maa'w'W anwWgpwms asaawswwg at, Lsmf Paaaas JStti! aJKafffawawaa pwaaray aww wtwav wwwwawway ww aT$awr NirtieTi Pacific YslhrwelOM Park Um. tap tiiMUfo ota aoDtg raoa tostubb to run sccT. turn omlt piaacruMg to mi rztxow. atoMg rasa wars. Pet, Ut A. M.i bi- Qawlamnfttarilsti caatva T itttaif., act, Tap A.M. wLy wJrTW CjfwWgPl'w J