Tbt folks Daily Cbromek. BATTED AT OCT. 5, 1901 " , Ttaahar .tr.lino .mi land e rabbin events, says D. C ire- land in the Moro Observer. Bat grabbing the Colombia river, for 'flab stealing, was reserved for an A asm is evader and trespasser. Wash iogton claims jurisdiction over Bakers' bay, and an Olvn pia ltgisla tore enacted a law to prevent any one corporation or individnal from Duttins more than three-pound nets ' (vile traps). Into the waters of that;"" - "" ' " " ' 1 " tart Qialiuaa a at aaeirl r.vor use waicre ui uu . intended for fair; bay. This was intended for fair;D v'Po,inf lr nioa 4ymn0k6' play but the slippery Astoriau pot in mi OTer j l Yaroell, 1st. Brood stare twenty-seven traps, jumping nearly 4 years old aad over and colt, Fred Blan, all there was in it. bv oreanizins J A Waters, Sad. Staiiioo S years Fish Company This and Fish Com pany That, until the law bad been complied with. Any man who would beat a personal friend by throwing loaded dice at 20 ante, is capable of just such fraud. The Shaniko Leader says: "Some of our brethren who are social isticai lj inclined are kept busy explaining to the people the difference between socialism and anarchy. The differ ence is hard to explain, for wben a socialist it is but a Step to . anarchism. Anarchists are socialists; . cow or beifer 2 years old aad under, .nn,h,.f nn k.va:nme, lat and 2nd. Heifer 1 year old you to believe in socialism. Both doc trines are of the most absurd kinds and are founded upon theories that am impracticable and in the end in jurious." Crook count v is now out of debt and has money in the treasury. Tbei1B,.,ni' treasurer's notice calls for all war rants registered prior to September 30th. and there is something over $2500 in the road fund to apply on the new bridges that are now in coarse of construction. PREMIUM LIST by the Jndgee at the iMtn Oraeoa District Fair. BBEAD AND CAKES. Potato yeaat bread. Edna Thompson, Layer cakes, Sadie Young, 1st. SEEDLEWOBK. Silk patchwork bedquilt, Emily Cros sen, let. Sofa enebion, Marguerite Too lay, lat. Miss C Dawson, 2nd. Pillow shaw, Viola Young, 1st. cereals. W H Taylor A Son, ten acres wheat, 2nd. Same, ten seres oale. Sod. 6 me. ten seres barley, 1st. pie of not less than one acre, 2nd. Display of not less than five acres, twelve ears of ! corn, King Phillip, T B Leho, 1st. Sam-j pie of not lees than one acre, Walla j Walla Club, J C Benson, let. Sample of Oregon Chile wheat, O W Cook, lat. Display of grain. G W Emerson, 1st. S tmple ot wheat, W W Raweon, 2nd. Sample of Side oats, D J Cooper, 1st. Display ot bops, W F Wickbaa, 1st. Sample of Yellow Dent, same, 2nd. Sample of wheat, W W Reason, Sad. Sample of King Phillip, same, 2nd. Sample of Ohio white corn, aame, let. Sample five acres, twelve ears of corn of three varieties, Chas J Nicholses, lat. TOBACCO. Sample of tobacco, fire pound?, A Ull rich, lat. SHEEP. Bam, Merino, 2 years old and over, Bildwiu Sheep A Land Co. lat. Same, 2nd. Merino ram, 1 year oid and under, ) same, lat. Delaine ram, 2 years oid and over, same, lat and 2nd. Delaine ram, 1 year old and under 2, aame, 1st. Ram- bouillet ram, 2 years old and over, aame, lat. Eambouillet ram, 1 year and an dar 2, same, 1st. Rambooillet ram no dor 1 year, same, 1st. Ewes 1 year old and over, pen of three, same, lat. Cham pion ram of any age, same, 1st. Ram lamb onder 1 year old, A R Thompson, j 1st. Bam of any age, tame, 1st. WOOL. Beet sample of fleece wool, J L Kelly, ! 1st. eTALLIOSH. Stallion S years old and over, Graded 1 Draft, J Btram, lat. Best yearling colt, C D Doyle, 1st. Stallion 4 years old aad over, M B Johns, 1st. Staiiioo with family of five colts, same, 1st. Single as mare for pacing, W H Hob- lat. Gelding 4 years oid aad over, G F. Oroanald, 1st. boadwtxbs. Mat 4 years old aad over, J A Walt- 1st. Mara 4 years old aad over, Snipes Sad. Gelding 4 years old aad over, L A Porter, 1st. Mare 4 y ease old aad over, same, 1st, Pair of horses by same pareoa for dririag par- lat iai tor patriae, aaaae, let. Pair of ear re bona, W 3 Birrimu, let. W H Tey'or, Sod. Pair of carriage anajwee, 6 Craesneid, 1st. I. A Porter Sad. Colt, wilboat regard to Mood. treefia ipeo, 1 ot K Croseneld, Sad. Sun, Fred Bias, lat. Ladies' aaddlabotaa 11 a - bibtted by a lady. L A Porter lat. Colt, without regard to blood, G Saadera Sod. Mare 4 years old and over, J P clnernv, 1st. Mara 3 years old aad over, same, lac Staiiioo 4 years old over, C A Cline. lat. Yearling colt. Dr Touae, 1st. Btallioa 4 years old aad over, same. let. Same, Sad. Sweep stake premium for staiiioo 4 years old ' and over, G 5 CroesfleJd lat. Mare 4 years old and over, L A Porter, 1st. ' u old and over, John Both Sod. Beizian etaliion 4 tears old and French A Coco, 1st : Jobn Eath 2nd. CATTLE BEEF BKEKD8. Bull 1 year old and under 2, WO Minor, 1st. Breeding cow 3 yean old and over, 1st and Sod. Breeding cow or heifer 2 years old and under, am, 1st. Heifer 1 year old and under 2, same, 1st. Buff calf onder 1 year old. same, lat. Heifer nnder 1 year old, 1st and 5id. Boll 2 years old and under 3, C B Wade, 1st. Boll 3 years old or over, same, 1st Bull 3 years old aad over, B T Collins, 1st. Bull 1 year old and nnder 2, C B I ti uir. xsfc- n-uiag cow o vtrn uiu t i i . rt b - O I J and over, same, 1st and 2nd. Breedinc and under 2, aame 1st and 2nd Ball calf under i year, same, 1st. CFIAVNEL ISf ASE CATTLE. Bull, 3 years oid and over, George Snipes. 1st. Boll, 1 year old and under 2. MDlf , lit. GRADED CATTLE. Two animals, the produce of nnder 2 years old, George aoipee. 1st. CHAOTIOS. Herd of one hull and two cows, of same breed, W O Minor, first. Herd of five of same bread, same, 1st. Boll of any age or breed, C B Wade, 2nd Herd of one boll aad two cows of aam breed, aame, 2nd. Herd of five of aame breed, same, 2nd. Bull of any age or breed, W O Minor, 1st. Milch cow, aame, let. Herd of one boll and two of his produce, aame, 1st. DAUtT. Ten pounds of packed batter, not less than three months old, Mrs E J San ders, 1st. Dairy batter, not leas than four pounds, aame, 1st. Batter made on the farm, Mrs A 6 Roberts, 1st. New cheese. Levins E Hill, 1st. DOMESTIC WOOLEN MAM UFA CTT EES. Tarn rug, Mrs 8 6 Har knees, 2nd. Collection of woven, rag rugs, Edith Kendall, special, 1st. Drawn rug, Mrs A Seefaler, 1st and Sad. Specimen of baSlutiopE. Edna M. Sanders, 1st. Display of cot flowers, Miss A Stabling, 1st. Exhibit of pan ties, aame, 1st. Exhibit of gladiolus, aame, 1st. Exhibit of dahlias, Miss Velarde, let. Specimen of carnations. Miss A Stabling, 1st. BIDS WANTED. Notice is berebv given that the com- ' nun council of Dalles City, Oregon, has ! determined to build the Court atreet i sewer. Bide for the eoaatrnetion thereof f wiil be received at the office of the re ; eorder of Dalies City op to the boor of 7 p. m. of Thursday, October 3. 1901. Plane and specifications can be eeen at t the office of the recorder. All bida most i be sealed and must be accompanied hv : certified check to the amonnt of ten per : cent of the bid, to be forfeited to the city ' in case of refusal to accept the contract in accordance with the bid. Th Minnnl nil I wimVtt tr. nuirt mnv mnfj a) bidt. Dallea City, Or., Sept. 18, 1901. J- Dohebtt, el8 dtd Recorder of Dallea City. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cares heart- born , raising of the food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts and 50 cts. Blakeiey, the druggist. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints, when you can boy James E. Pat ton's sou proof paints for $1.60 per gallon, guaranteed for 6 years. Clark A raik, agents. mj If you want to retain your hair yoa have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry aad crispy. Now we have two of the very beat preparations tor cleansing the seal p Egg aad Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and glossv. Pries, TSm aad 60 cents a bottle, at Eraser's barber shop. The Dalles. If If anything alls your hair, go and see Eraser; he's the hseaiqwartars for U hair remedies. Besaembar that be a e?cialtv of thee sEMfis. tf Grifford's Fotos Fade r On Sept. Ttfe will be presented to my customers i Shakespeare, complete in one volume, bound in Mor rocco ; I Atala in large folio volume, illustrated by Gus tav Dore. BE. T. Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. REGUUTt LINE. liQ&iMilslirii NAVIGATION CO. D A TL BOAT LEAVES OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. ...Portland Boat... -LEAVES THE DALLES st 7:0 A. M- DAILT EXCEPT 817X1) AT. STEAXEK8 REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. Prof. Homer de Morrison 33 Wuhlafton street. roEILtXD, o. OK. The Ant isgtSawag as well as the Srst grade ate palwiat ever In Portland The world E mi est Trance Claunrnrant and Berbaiiat can be eonsnlard dally on all aSatia of iuv. Prof Xe Mottuoc U without doubt the Bloat attawtUa PaJnt-t ana Chtirro ant in me world today: he locates bidden trearare, reunite the separated, tell If there i anneral, oil. or aaa on yvr land enables you to win the aflcetio: of one yon desire Palmistry taught medioaiiatie etrao devel oped. Heals by the uses of his leveaatd heibal leas: cure chronic and soeal'.ed incurable dU eater. Viae neatest ut for the poor. Send I, date of birth and three qaesU ns ; all letters answered at t nee. by VUlna. Portland, A HE- 10. -(To 'he Editor). -Homer de Morrison, oeeulti . ;,aied by vision tbebol lion stolen irora the Beihy noselUne Works. In I bebaU of oeeult science be inaiediataty earn- ! mtmleated by letter the facts to If r. A. J. Rals ton, owner of the eeiby Works. The reports re-1 eeived last night prove hti statements correct. htfts. eas'ih part low. "It is pleaalnc to be aasnred that the Bold 1 stolen from toe eeJbv hmelUuK Work waa 'lo cated by vision' by a Portland oeenlUat. This proves that the story of the confession of the in let and that bis sasistsnee was remind in re- eoverinE the eout waa a base California inven tion for the purpose of depriving Oregon of just glory ' - Kditor Portland Oregon ian j mi OS John W. Hinrich's Farm, East Hood River. 1 will sell at auction on the above farm, Tuesday, October 8th, at 10 a. m., the following personal prop erty : SO bead of Prime Cattle (no Jer eeys i. consisting of Calves, Yearlings. 2 aad S year olds, aad acme Cows. About half of said stock are first elaee beef. 1 spaa Bbire Draft Morses, mates, 7 years old ; 1 span good Earns Horses. 6 years old; 1 good Saddle Pony. 6 years ok! ; also Farm Implements. Harness, Wa gons, some HoasstVoM Goods aad other articles too nasaeroas to ateatioa. JOHN W. M1NRICBS. m. aw& aaa asa aSs. .staV aaaJoaVfBaBki While Collar Line. Itt DallB-rtftlSH Kite Str. BAILEY-OATZERT. From Portland to Cascade Locks, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m on Son- day, Wednesday and Friday. Leaves Portland at 7 a. m. on Tues day. Thursday and Saturday. Meals the Very Best. is Route has the Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME Leave Portland Leave Astasia CARD . .7 A. M. ..7 p.m. Landing aad office Foot of Alder Street; both phones, M 351, Portland, Oregon. E. W. CRICHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOOX. Act. The Dallea, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. Jost What Yoa taant. te Wall wide variety aa we are tore traced a single stork. Real imita boa creton affects at ordinary Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant deaigne, teetotal colorings, ypars tor a email price, at oar store on Third Also a fall line of D. W. VATJBE, Third 8t Fire Insorance. Ut EWn t Crm he Co. of loriaL roondcdlSi. Capital paid up ? ,000,000 Aeeete 20,120,035 Now is the time to insure; tomor row may be too late. Phone No. 86, Seufert A Condon. Phone No. 808, Pacific States Co. ARTHUR SEl'FERT, Resident Agent, The Dalles. John Paehek, The Tailor, Has just received 1000 sampled of the latest patterns in Gent's Clothing Goods. He swea tees prices and a good fit or no PT. : : : : : John Paahek, The Tailor. Twenty head of in All weight from 1100 to 1400 baiter-broken, aad to work. Apply to Straabe Brothers JlyHMmw Clarke A Folk's Savoring sartraots are Itean. AsAyevavtetawam. !W WW WMt PACKERS OF PORK and BEEF UAKVTMTtV or Fine Lard and Sausages Cirerof BRAND HAMS & BACON ORIFD BEEF. ETC. ' L. Y. HONG, Proprietor. fiFst-CIass in Every Respect Ma ALB AT ALL BOOKS. Oysters Served in any Style. 87 St.. The Dalles. Or Just Received A foil line of Freeh Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory, Solio, Bex, Deko, Velox and Aristo in all sizes. i line of Plates in Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphs, And all accessaries to complete the outnt at either the amateur or pro- teaaional pbotograptaar. Oar Hainka Combined Toning and a em a - . . FiTing neso as Oaaaay. Try it. The A for plates. films or Enooeti a mi no equal. 6 dozen plates or 6 doasa Vassa 4x6. Perfect blacks and wtfttse are if directions are fallowed. far the A. that vou E. CDs- veloper, genuine. get the We are prepared toeomoound an vat all of your own form else and guarantee ssMstacuon. At the old place, The Dalles, Oregon. 175 Second Street, Geo. C. Blakeiey. juuunm mjiuiu L. Lane, GENERAL DAMkeWbessdwawr HOliiiSip Wagson and Fish swihswa' W Ttot ait JtoL ftal5! aaaaaaaaawaaaaaaa. A OOa. BANKERS. Traasaot a Bsasral Banking Basineac. Letters of Credit issued available la that Eastern Stales. ,igbt baase aad Telenvapbic TnmtAwn sold on New York, Chicago, fit. Louis, Sao Fraueieeo, Portland iOre oo, Seattle Wash., aad various points in Oregon aad Wasbingtoa. Collectloos made at all points on fav orable terms. Administrator's Kotioe. tbseeeaty SStfjEt etatt f SSmSmTtai E. a PiwiIhssi fee ftfcrta develoae ad sfTSaar J.'aai' lawaelhm aapv ssakt.Midoe, an Hiitifv UKfO Smt SaeaeeV aV "Wswaar wKswawa aemv swr-taw-ww waasawsni Havaa'twsarr 1 .' ! UBIwsBsVaW ' i. ; 0CEAJ mt JLflXK BOHIDuTSl (sal aaanageaaasnb-1 ' - 4:"t lasTte j ! - ivimr 4 ju. . f , , , . Toaeday, 430a.m. TMnrfir nmlHlMilVn. -- ' ritaaSiv, landlnaa. WedS SiSPaiak rrkwf. leave Levants BttaS 3:eVa.m. i tolewiaton. SaaaTutea No. 2, lea1 a ro. to Beeposr at stauaa at Uia a. : Circ of Drugs at M. Z. DON NELL THE OKUOOJ8T. Max A. Vi First fictional Bank. THK DAAAJW - - - ORgOf A Ds-Msatexasswa to 8igkl ToaaSay, I WllleasaSle aad j 3:e.aL i iwnui , isauuu aivsrs. naivna vauaa at 12a a. , HaSaaSBaV t0ttfittf JBmaMpSJ iltTaCT fOSJaaaWawel rtvaai'sa' & ASwatatf aaTaT.tt X",a '''"''"'j'aVir.kl "svSm. The Daiks, Orewa, rVillsiifams irinf - ir niosaslr r"lif iltiail saa dav W eollsctioa. aaa.m wamwaBssewwaawWMawfiai ewsftassl Paaaaaan afl afi fiaaaaal aafS aaWaaaEaaBal aWSi . - . aweM t - w -w - t -1 .smwakeEOBEejwaWaT. .awB sail BsvwsWsWsWVWC -