The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 05, 1901, Image 1

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    ioL. xm
a 107
IF ,,ii.niiWjU
Tin Kind 1m flaw
Always Boaht
Bears the
ness and Rest.
Opium, Morphine aorMtaeraL
Not Xakc otic.
Contains neither H a aT V .-faT
I 01 W
ir i
1 Ha. Ti
ry Hi
WyAN Sml-
A perfect Remedy forCortsUps
Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions Jevemh
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
exact copy or wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
THE BEST MILL for the farmer who wants
to do hie own grinding.
& Crowe, W. A. Johnston and Sexton & Walther,
hardware and machinery dealers, The Dalles.
Will Not Commute aontanca at Ccolgoaa
Boston, Oct. 4 Although Governor
Odell, of New York, baa elated em
phatically that he will not consider any
petition (or a com mutation of Csolgoea'
death sentence to life imprisonment, the
Social Alliance, of this city, ia circulating
a petition of this nature ior signatures
in Boston. Its secretary is Theodore W.
Cnrtie. The petition lea long one and
includes this sentence : "The motive of
the petition is not seutimental eympatiiy
with a condemned man, much leas the
upholding of any form of aoarclrtam of
which he is said to baye been a disciple ;
but the belief that tbe ende of justice,
the vindication of the law and tbe higher
interest of civilisation will be better
served by this ehange in tbe form of tbe
u..r to Bpurt Uetob.r tin. Oct. 4. Governor Gear is is
receipt of a telegraphic request from
C isirman Dick, of the Ohio sate repub
lican Central Committee, asking bin to
feport at Columbus oo October Slat to
take a band in the speaking campaign
in that state for tbe republican ticket.
Oregon's native sob goear nor will etir up
the Buckeyee as they haven't been
tirred up sinae tpodnys of Jare Black.
a fur Vwaatty-Ptvo Vaesa
Walla Waiaa, Oct. 4 Mrs. Fronds
LBoo, of 80ft North amacb etraat, of
tnuciiy, has dissovt red a lost brother
J Alaska, whose she nna not beard (ram
to tw.nty.flv. years. A few dame ago
John O'Belllypssssd, at ttoooab.
Alaska, and a ssiawnnsry wrote e letter
to the Postmaster hasp In an effort to
locate relativee. The letter wee published
in a newspaper, and it resulted in the
discovery of a sitter of the dead man.
Mrs. LeRoux and her brother separated
in Portland twenty five years ago, tbe
man going to Alaska, where be became
lost to his family, being single. Nothing
had been heard of him for twenty-five
years until tbe strange letter came an
nouncing his death, and giving the fact
tbat a nvat estate bad been left. lira.
LeKouz will at once prove her identity
and claim tbe property.
"I had long suffered from indigestion,"
writes G. A. LeDdie, Cedar City, Mo.
"Like others I tried many preparations
bnt never found Anything that did me
gooi until I took Kodol Dtepepaia Core.
One bottle cured me. A friend who bad
suffered similarly I pot on the use of
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Be ie gaining
fset and wilt soon be able to work. Be
fore be need Kodol Dyspepsia Curs
Indigestion had made bim a total wreck.
Clarke A Falk'e P. Q. Pharmacy.
It CUrdies TM mb.
Tbe fame of Bockleo'e Arnica Salve,
as the best in the world, esteada round
tbe earth. It's the one perfect healer Of
Cuts, Coras, Barns, JJ'uisss, Boras,
Scalds, Boils, Ulcers. Felons, Aches,
Paine and all Skin Eruptions. Only in
fallible Pile curs. 2fte n bos at 0. O.
B'akcloy'e. drag stops. r I
C. M. Poolne, fwraskdoia, Vt., JM
bis child was completely oared of a had
ease of ecsems by tow JMh of Os Salt's
Witch Usset Balee. Bawstn of nH
counterfeits. It instantly settees
Otarke A Fsik's P. O. Ptoarmasf.
Shamrock Cronaes Fialak Line Tim
Seconds Abends Bat Loses an Tinte
New Yobk, Oct. . Ia the most thrill
tog race of the series, 8bamrock today
boat Columbia to the finish mark by
about two seeoBde, bat lost the race
the time allowance of forty-three seconds
in Colombia's favor. This allowance is
msde Columbia oa account of the 4C)
square feet greater spread of canvas
which Shamrock carries. The course
was a ran of fifteen miles before t
wind, and return. 8bamroek had
distinctly the better of it in the first half,
beating the cap defender to the mark by
cry nearly a minute. On tbe best
home Colombia gained all she lost, and
passed tbe challenger when about half
the distance had been covered. "From
here tbe race was closely contested, neck
and neck, bnt with Shamrock in the
lead most of the time. Tbe boats crossed
almost together in a heart-breaking
finish, bnt Shamrock had a little the
better of it.
Nbw Yobjc, Ojt. 4. With victory flags
floating from her towering masthead
and the enda of her spreaders in honor
of her concluding triumph ,in tbe cup
races of 1901, tbe gallant sloop Colombia
returned to her anchorage tonight under
the escort of the entire excursion fleet.
She today completed hsr defense of the
honored trophy in another stirring raes
with Shamrock II over a leeward and
windward coarse of thirty miles, crossing
tbe finish line two seconds behind her
antagonist, bnt winning, on tbe time al
lowance conceded by tbe Lipton boat, by
forty-one seconds. For tbs second time
she bes now successfully foiled tbe at
tempt of tbe Irish knight to wrest from
her possession tbe cup that means the
yechting supremacy of the world. And
plucky Sir Thomas Lipton, standing on
tbe bridge of tbe Erin, led hia guests la
three hearty hussas for the successful
"She ia the better boat," be said, "and
she deserves to be cheered."
The seriea of races just closed will al
ways be memorable at the closest ever
sailed for toe cop, and Sir Thomas al
though defeated, will go borne with tbe
satisfaction of knowing that his golden
yacht is tbs ablest foreign boat tbat aver
crossed the western ocean. During both
eeries of races not an untoward incident
has occurred, and Sir Thomas will re
torn to England by far the most popular
of ail tbe foreigners who bare challenged
for tbe America's trophy.
Descriptions may tell of weight
and size but how can we de
scribe the warmth, softness and
qualities of our blankets . . .
Eyes must judge, touch must
tell, if value be right for the
If you come and see, we know
you'll buy.
Cotton Blankets, Wool Blan
kets and All-Wool Blankets,
50c to $12.50 per pr.
Bed Comfortables too. and
lots of them.
300 Pairs .Gray
a pair.
Limited to two pairs to a customer.
A. M. Williams & Co.
Cm of MUs
Bosto. Oct. 4. Bev. Judsoo Smith,
foreign secretary of tbe Americas Mis
sion, in behalf of his executive commit-
prompted by numerous Inquiries
and criticisms, has iesaed the following
official statement in connection with tbe
abduction of Miss Stone:
Tbe American Board, from the first,
bss dona and is still doing every thing ia
its power to secure tbe release of Miss
Helen H. Stone from the bands of her
captors ia Turkey or Bulgaria at tbe
earliest possible dots. Miss Stone is an
1 cttlnsn, and rightfully looks to
ear government let protection sad re-
Tan Ao arises government took
up the caee iaetaatiy, has worked con
stantly to deliver Mies Stone, and is still
soaking every possible effort to this end."
TAKE THE O. ft. at N
For the Portland earalvai and exposi
tion. September Mb tn October Jfltb,
the O. B. AN. Co. will sail reond-trtp
t okets to Pat Hand and return, loeludiag
two adsakwioat tanaaas ie she awanaitioa.
vawof vA"miBuwenP""iasr spmwon-w "AnF vsm' erjOF"mw-w- g
4oVt Iw dflttanwj aVsVeMg aamPnr' Cesw sjawBfta BqpwBm1
1 Ant a a. J - sbl a ahwn. - .n taUL
5 AAALaa- Jk - dawTl snUL, tdaUaV
Hearted to aspire aU days sitsr dose J
a .is a
DeWitt's Little Early fftenri
disapiwdat. They ore safe,
gee tie, effective In removing nil im
parities from the liver and newels.
tn take, never gripe nf
ClnrfenA f eft's P. O. Pher-
atkamtlsl nnndmsw MM MMm
WSIPPw fPewvF easw naawn
Jsmmm mVanon SBOOmW mA gamWvV anVmmmW VsOOml J
MaasTriaws Ik7s ifassa sTml ishrsmads I
Wmbw ana dawsto,
Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is
the order of a women's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that
greatest of all Jewels, health, is often
mined la the strenuous efforts to mske
or save tbe money to purchase them. If
a woman will risk her health to get a
coveted gem, then let her fortify berself
against tbe inslduous consequences of
coughs, colds and bronchial affections by
tbe regular ass of Dr. Bosebas's German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest coo
snmption 10 its early stages and heal tbs
affected longs and bronchial tabes nod
drive the diced diaeaee,from the system.
It is not a cure all, bnt it is a certain
core for coughs, colds and all bronchial
troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's
reliable remedies st Blskeley's drag
store. Gst Green's 8prclel Almanac. 1
Mrs. Wilson, of the Campbell A Wil
son Millinery Parlors, has eog sged tbs
services 'of Miss Margaret Torgler, a
first-class trimmer, a former employee
of Hellers, of Portlsnd, and is there
fore prepared to meet the demands of
the beet trade, as well aa tbe medium.
Oar styles are equal to the bast, and ear
prices nrn as low as the lowest. Sis
Effective this de'e, A charge of $1
per cor per day will be made for delay tn
car, for all time held under load, ia
loading or unloading by consignee or
consigner, in eseees of forty eight hoars
from time car is set for loading or un
loading. Jambs Isklahd,
Agent O. B. A N. Co.
The iargeet and most
coca plate line of . . .
pot mm
mmm In the cat
nw now est dnseoff st
H , Glenn & Co s
ipfMl. ,f .JIbwS -. a
We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and KOTCU
REPAIR SHOP. AU orders entrusted to us will tov
prompt attention.
...Blacksmith, Horaeaboer and WagOMnaker . .
nnAtnn in
If wVsPn sr'plw Bwano'Belaafl ajlaadlklBaaS vrJnFaafc jjaa UstRai laflBABreaNBlBatanv aJJJlvi'aa
AjHaAtiar ataaaatl A ftit ' gaslaai Tareaasri sod Saw qtlllai
K. rn.lngftSallUE
iwtnoseesM aa4aenf
oewf eew sw9aa4s4ajwS nwBrspfl TKea eawafcwPjaaW