Midway b Here With ATTEAOTlONal UlfjKstTAL jj Jib JtL Htsa Autinmv Dcbot tsr vC-.' bwbbL we WaV wasae SBBBHHHwMMBMMMaaaiMMMMMBMHi ass. l A wmmtmiw BSBBBB BtV oomn.T io . . . . i.k . A...... nl X Qtm Metal Watch Free with all Men's Suits and Overcoats from S 10 up. Gold-Plated Watch Free with all Bovs' Suits from $4.50 and up. is tbs woman who comes down the street with a trlro-fltttng pair of street boots, made on a muniih last. Hot tread is arm and olid, because the eoles extend and are breed on the bottom. She is indeed a sensible nomas. Box call, vici kid, all elite and widths; tome with extension eolee and rone stitch, the typical mannish shoes, eo stylish and sensible. Special good values at $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $4. PERSE St MRYS. The Dalles Daily Cfamielft. FRIDAY OC5T. 4. 1901 Ice Cream i Ion Cream ioda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All TV moo County mrmM reiori etlor to Dutmbu S, 1M, will bo paid m presentation at my oBtoo. latoroat Bftor Sept.mb.r IS, lVOl. JOBS V. BAMPSalRI. Ooootr Treasurer. sVAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Go to the Umatilla Hones bar for the original, Amber Oooktail and the only and original Carnival Lemonade. l4t Wanted To trade apples for wheat; either by the box or carload. Write to W. Kennedy, Hood River. c4-4tw Free to everybody A demonstration of ohredded whole wheat bisenlt, the balance ol the week at Maya A Crowe's tore. 2o-8t The ladies of the M. E. church will have a aala of 1 ' nnmnkin niee and all kinds of cakes in Pease A Mays' gro cery store window tomorrow. Uall on them. The 15 months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Jones, of this city, died esrlv veatarriav morninit. Ootober 3d. Iter an illness of some weeks and was burled this morning at 10 o'clock. Don't forget the wedding tonight of handsome young Dalles couple at the carnival. Th mmimm will take nlaoe at 9 o'clock sharp end wilt be conducted by Rev. Clarence Lake, of this elty. All the nnnlla of the nubile and nri vste schools of this city, inoluding those w at. Mary's Academy, will be accordeo free admission to the carnival grounds tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. The "Honolulu Coon" troupe that were billed to play tonight at the Vogt nave oeen delayed on the way end will not appear tonight. They will arrive are in the morning sad give as ester Moment tomorrow afternoon and even- ing. Henry Btegmen, of Oesterville, 4mm three bales of Timothy ha at the fair -men me lodges oi bay any le ae sae as ever saw. u Henry Sen only oeen the bMn InrUaaU - U fta.e ( ftkaa dlrtrict be would easily have enrrted off a ursi premium. Immediately attar the wedding eats tonight the bride end gfoosn wll Presented, Met brida'a will be siade he Mr. of household goods now on exhibition in I tbe carnival grounds iost east of Federal street. The carnival management have made arrangements so that tbe Indian war danee tonight end tomorrow night will be in lull view of ell tbe spectators. Heretofore only those in tbe front row conldseeit; from this time on every body will be able to see it. ' On Sunday, October 6th, the Bailey Gat sect will have the 7th Begimeni IT. 8. Infantry band aboard on their home ward trip from The Dalles carnival. This will be a grand opportunity for the musie loving people to take a trip to Portland and attend the carnival. The Bailey Gataert will leave at 7 a. m. and arrive in Portland about 2 :30 p. m . W. Cricbton. secretary and treasurer of tha White Collar Line of steamers, is attending the carnival. Mr. Cricbton says tbe passenger tramc tnroogn me Cascade Looks for Joly and August wea double that oi last year, eo tbat bis com pany has actually created the very liberal business tbat has been done by the Gataert daring the pest summer. It goes without saying, therefore tbat tbe White Collar Line is here to stay. John Peterson, an employe of Beufert Bros., whose left leg was badly crashed a week or so ago by tbe breaking of tbe anchor line of a draw net, end wee brought to The Dalles Hospital, was obliged to have tbe leg amputated above tbe knee yesterday by Ors. Ferguson and Logan in order to aave the man's life. This afternoon Peterson was doing well as could be expected, but was, notwithstanding, in a precarious condi tion. One of the great attractions of the car nival tonight will be the sheep exhibit of the Baldwin Sheep & Land Company of Hey Creek, Crook county, which will be found in e booth east of Federal street. To those interested is sheep husbandry this exhibit is worth hun dreds of dollars as an object lesson. There are six imported Bambootlet ewes from tbe Gilbert flock of France, two Spenisb Merino bucks, two of Im ported Delaines, end two from the coni nanv's own flock. Judges of sheep say iku a tha finest animals of their elate ever exhibited in Oregon. fiidnev Kelly and Mies Maud K Lesson were united in marriage wet nl.ht at tbe avooea's residence on Seeusd treat by Bev. D. V. Poling. Sid, Hep- Mart bad a bard time to escape egaag of aharl varlers. but be made It la baps and got off with bis bride on Ass early trala for Portland wnare way win spend a saort honeymoon. The "beys," it appears, got wind of the wedding end -Ktl. it ana im nrnaWOBB elmott SUT- while awamng taeixsere Is Ptwaeasr with her (Steer seek ts her eogte while std whara abont First street till near train time when he wee joined by his bride, and both escaped on the train, mere will probably be a hot time at toe toot of Second street the night Sid and bis bride come beck. Herr Sehott will be here next Wednes day evening, end our people will be de lighted to know they will be given aa opportunity to bear him sing that night at tbe Vogt; particularly so since me famous singer, who has for some years been Portland's favorite, will leave next month for Mew York, where he will re main. Those who have not beard htm, heve heard of him end bis wonderful voice. A number of our musical people have already signified their intention of attaodinor. However, those who beve but a slight taste for music cannot fail to enioy bim. and should attend. Tick eta will be placed on sale tomorrow ai Clarke A Falk's. Tbe first fivs rows of aata will be 75 cents, and the remainder 60 cents. A Salem dispatch of tbe 26tb oltimo announced tbs larrest of one Lemuel Gaaaawav at tbat place on tbe charge of a crime against his own daughter of 10 years. Tbe crime was saie to nave been committed while the family, com posed of tbs man, his wife and daughter, encamped io a bop field Salem. A later dispatch said tbat when Gaeeowav wet brought before tbe justice It wea "oonclneivelv proved tbst no artma had been committed." Thb Chbokiclb at tbe time published the announcement ot Gassowev'e arrest but failed to publish the further sonounoe meut of hit acquittal. Tbe correction is now made because tbb liowwcw attention has been called to the fact that possibly tbe Lemuel Gasseway men tioned in the dispatch may be tbe seme Tmaal Gaaaawav that was a resident of tbe Fifteen Mile neighborhood is this county some too to fifteen years ago. Acquaintances of the latter, however, had supposed tbat he was deed, es bis death wee reported years ago and tbe report wee sever contradicted. Toot rear's the lost Urns. On Mack's behalf, how ever, it may be said tbat ne maoea good showing, when the fact ia can- irlorad that this waa bii maiden race. In the first heat be wes timed separate- lv in ? :30. In tbe first heat Primrose led Solo for the first half mile, when Sow took tbe lead and kept it, coming to the goal e seek ebead. In tbe second heat Solo led from tbe start. It wss e pretty race and wet run strictly oa tbe merits of tbe horses. Time, first beat, S:38K; eeeond. t :30. Tha second race was trotting, mile beate. two is three, for a purse of $150. There were three entries, Bsn Bolt, Ladv Alfred and Package, ell outeide horses. Ben Bolt wen both heats and the race, tbe horses coming nuder' the wire both times io tbe order named, and tbe lest time with Ben Bolt five or six leneths ahead of tbe eeeond boree. Time, first beat, 2 :24K ; second, 2 .21. The third race was a running, three- eighth mile dash, for -a puree of $76. There were five entries, Typewriter, Dewev. B. 0. Green, Sunset and Boss. In this race there wes a most provoking delay is getting the horses to start, two of them acting es uncontrolably as if tbev were untamed ca'yetes. About tbe time that hundreds of spectators had lost their patience end put oat for borne a fair start was made aad B. a Orson won tbe race, with Dewey second end The fourth end last race wes e running a . . a. a a a. L -J 1 I tbree-Mwtb s miieoseo, owners oauai cap, for a puree of $175 00. There were els entrletj Bageiong, Undergrowth. Phillip Fair, Irate, Baroato aad Little Henry, for some reason uooargroww wittufrawa ana ata noi ran. mo race was won by Little Henry, irete, being eeeond and Kagalong tblrd, time 1.17. The rusts yesterday attracted e crowd of between 1200 and 1500 parsons, who remained generally until sear the does, notwithstanding that the wind blew a stiff gale that wasn't, to eay the least, partkslarlf IversL and the tatervele atwaefl eoane oi the reees sere provok- logty long. The trees wee Is excel lest condition and in epite of tbe brerat there wes e gratifying aheeses dust that used to form e of the old rest track end Tha first rest sae caned at f p, as. and wes Bseias. mile beset, beet two Is 3 l-M, eUes; far s puree of ere. frisvssSi s rtHOSiL MBMTIOM. Smith, president of tbe let: u w. r. State Horticultural Boeietv. arrived here tossy from ctono niver. Mr. G. Cornwall, publisher of tbe Colombia River and Oregon Timberman, Was is tows tooay taaing in mo wm TV timrBA Vraaah la in the cltv IH BalnvMa ami flnndlf with her par eats, Mr. end Mrs. Smith French. Mrs. Judas Deadr. of Portlaed. aai Mies Wlaahetb Boies, of Salem, are vieitlng at tbe residence ot Mrs. X M. Wflggs, Hn H. B. Groaa and dansrfater. Mies Dalav. of OfSarna Oitv. are vitUleg with Mr. aad Mrs, 0. H. Bergett. Miss DeJ.y will nrshably need the winter bets. Miss Merle Buai, rarmerHr of this etty, aad Mate Parker, of tea fraaeiees, ere visiting nr. ass aire, josb m. wvhob. lesies are iess sue mswassi sf tas Ceiverelty sf OeU- Beee Wileex. eke has heea as 7W. nallaa baaaitaJ las tba se testBst ef ea eetses es set Msssislsa-v gp4 WwTrP A&f6 mm lest K IBfllBn Prof. E. J. Rose, the High Direr, diving from a pole 75 feet high, taming complete eomereealt end diving into Unk of water 3 ft. deep. Dandy, the Hith-Diviti Dot ascends and dives, at the command of hie trainer, Prof. Harry Hoi met, from a 60 ft ladder into a not. Luenette, the M yeterioue Flying Lady, flies through the air and performs truly aetonisbinff feats without any assistance. A truly edifying moral exhibition. The Bioscope, direct from London, England, ehowing the famous Passion Play, Sappho, Dixon-Palmer Fight and other scenes intensely interesting. BOSCO, the Abyssinian Snake-Eater, eats 'em allre. Don't fail to see Bosco. BOftUtiftll IOlie, in poses plastique. A start ling, beautiful effect Illustrated songs. Vaudeville ShOW. La Belle Rosa, the premier Oriental Danoing 011. Prof. Schmidt, the hypnotist. Prof. Post, the anatomical wonder; a freak of nature, the most wonderfully developed human be ing extant. The Old Plantation. Fun on the levee. Buck and Wing Danoing. Quaint Southern Melodies. The Indian Mummy, a remarkable freak of nature. Dr. M. H. Walker. Profewional Palmiet, associated with the celebrated Gypsy Palmist. Every afternoon and Evening at tbs Carnival 1 Arnnntle. a rvA--VAAA'VAA,i',l,1,il1 .The New York Cash Store... 138 and 14? Seoond Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. ..Kills' 9IH INK'S S6BFJBL SOTS.. I KNEE PANTS i We have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now ie the time to fit out your boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seeing our line. We will save you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. The Mow IT or Is Cash Stcnro New Grocery Store eee We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new freeh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the elty. VULYB A OROWJU see Subeoribe for The Ohroniole. -3 SUM m fc Mi las bars bask sf sM fay is tes ewaVeF'SsVtsssrsi weft psjS. tee2aawftIMdwwwilllW I I Ill be.