vol. ma TO DAI28S, OREGON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1901. NO, 1M elwwsw Concerned fa Ipe CoNSTAfTisoPMh 0. anresentativei base nrovintr tbe complicity pi BVb of the Macedonia comortto etcftaa'a to gfeftij . kidnaping of tbe Asnerlftt mlaetenerev Miss Helen Stone, tod tm eoespaajtosk Mme. Tsilka, and toe" emuswwt fHP tbe Bulgarian gout tmaat TSlaataefte tbe censure to be takes -ejertaiet tb dnctors show that too gneSMy -of tba ef fair to appreciated at ftoee. Tba 8a Mrtore of tba catted mmm tmm General at OongtaOStaonia,-CL M. Dtokio- an. fortbsBelfS'lee to result in increased Mtshjjky Well-informed people in Ofoetrat! oople donbt that Aha swfeees'Of Mite 8loaeaod bar companion -will be af fected by tbe payment of ransom, .tba Ottoman government eJObkl have dtffj cnlty in finding tbe amount demanded, while the miaeionariaejiQUit out that the American Board of Foreign Missions baa made a practice of refusing to ay ransoms, on tbe around abas it would ereate a precedent and be fatal to niiaaicip enterprise elae m lier. Caual to toaltto. London, Out. 8. The Odessa Listok, quoted ly tkte correspondent of the Times in that city, says a syndicate of Belgians is petitioning tba Russian government to approve plans for a canal joining the Baltic and Black Seas. Tbe syndicate offers to furnish the capital in return for a .concession lor a term of years. The government, it is believed, thinks the terms named 400 lose, ud " likely to refuse to grant tba concwisjaoa. It may constrnot tl.e canal iuelf. The minimum depth epeeifledw 17 feat. let power higher than tba chnreb, Tbia remarks tha cor respondeat, sob of ita significance and patboa .ewe rafede that tha saw m ttWbJiv aiicad at the paasionatae. Tbe former, therefore, can claim na aoerit in wot atkhf aotboriaatiop,, wuUy they would pot be able to obtain it, and tba ap plication for U would provoke dieens- sieecia4oltetbem. It w eemi-omelelly atatad that monitlee not applying for aatbor'i ttion under the law and not disparting, will be prosecuted Immediately. Liquidators wfft ba appointed for tboea which have disported. Shows tha state of yeor feelings and tha state of your health at vefl. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pala and tallow com pi nation. Pimples 1 Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling week and warn out and do not have J beelihy ejipaaranos yea tbonld try Aekar'a Blood Eilrir. It coma all blood diseases where cheap Sareapariilai and to oallad purifiers fail ; knowing this wa ten every bottle on a positive guarantee. HlsJtels?., tba druggist. Mrs. Wilton, of tbe Campbell A Wil ton Millinery Parlors, bat engaged tbe services of Mitt Margaret Torgler, first-class trimmer, a former employee of Hellers, of Portland, and it there fore prepared to meet tbe demands of the beet trade 'at well at the medium. Dor st y let arc equal to tbe feet, and eor prices are at low at tbe lowest. 21s When von hair appears dry and to have lot ita vitality it wants something to give it Ijtfp and vigor. We have what tbe hair needs when it gets In (bat con dition. We neve a the Crown of it fir. aa of Jeaaua. Science Hair fin Grower and London, Oct. 3 -The Paris correspond- jnat "TkW Z . ., rn- - ( miit van nun v ran mini i eui u.e iimee eayt me jeeutte nave mp aiaeaees. For tale at Fraaer't bar. pooiisneu a long aaaraaa on toe eve 01 per chop. Pttoe fWc and 7SC a bottle. tbi ir departure from Franca. Tbey ex plain that they cannot aobmlt to tbe law of assoeiatioot and apply for authorization under it ae by to doing they would have to admit tbe existence BUeiMKMMCt,a. Wooi! Wopdl Wood! Bett grades af ftr, pine, oak and tlebt, all well tea nod, ean be bought of lea. T. Peters A elO Ira The Is now in full swing & The ponies are running to beat tbe oars; the pigs are bigger than a bouse; some pumpkins haven't any seeds, and the grain well, you just ought to see it; and best of all, A- M. WUUMt ! Co have the aest display of $hop to show you you ever saw. Ktwl twV 'B swPC swP The STAR FEED MILL, THE BWT MilX for Itte fmm whf waaU to mo bit own pMfa' hardwiw and inacbinery dealer., The Dalle. STRIKERS WIN THOU PONT Owtwts licsgs hi Jss Al4sj tee Bsd. ttert" asd loagahotasaen't strijre tattled lata yesttrday. the aaapioyara concedisg pojltlon of the apioe The Industrial Inactivity which has JMvaltocT' in tbis city for so many mawjbi oouat of tba labor ueabiet bet been dis pelled, aad today tbe manafacterlng and wboleaala districts ere eetomiag their normal conditioo. Tha agreement entered into by (he, Employers' Ateooiatloo and the strikers lata yesterday afteroooe will ba followed by a general resumption of business throngbout tba ttata. Crope will com mence to more, the chippies interests will again become active, and tba menu factories will take up tba thread of their business where it wet broken off at the outset of tba strike. Is Abie city trseka era me viag to every direct wmi in vw-iocrwswoj otiTDl0r, qd a coo m pi is bed by tbe apeeiai police ouard sworn in to protect tba drivers who took the placet of striker. It it expected that before another fortnight bat patted tbe business of the state will base re covered in e great measure from the tie-up canted by tba strike. gm eevtoo. Tbe most miserable beinge ia the. world are those suffering from Dyspepsia lead Liver Complaint. Move thee l . m &a a eevenxy-nve per nenw, wi ina paopta in the United States are afflicted with theea two dlteattt sad their effects: sash Sour Stomach, Sick Heedaobc, Habitual Coeti renew, Palpitation of tbe Heart, Heart-hnrn, Water brash, Gnawing and Burning Paint at tbe Pit of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Dita- greeable Taste in the Mouth, Coming up of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, ate. Go to your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 oentt. Two dotes will relieve you. Try it. Get Green's prise almanac. Clarke dc Falk. S "I had long suffered from indigestion," writes G. A. LeDeit, Oadar City, Mo. "Like others I tried many preparations but sever found anything that di'd no gooi until I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cere. One bottle cured ms. A friend who had Buffered similarly I pat. on tbe use of Kodol Dyspepsia Core. Ha it gaining fait and will toes be able to work. Bo fore he used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure lndigetiias had mads bim s total wreck. Clarke st Falk'e p, O. Pharmacy. M la IT antes la Uregaa. Kosth Yakima, Oct. L H. W. Smith. wastad at More, Or., for the alleged murder of a Chinaman, was located Tasaeiaa. this eoaaiy, this wat wasarmteaoy twmtr iaco, of Yakima, and Sheriff McGlonlr, Oregon. BlanKets. JCbbbbwI Lawi Hatturdaija SOO PsUrs Ormr COTTON Descriptions may tell of weight and size but how can we de scribe the warmth, softness and qualities of our blankets . . . Eyes must judge, touch must tell, rf value be right for the money. If you come and see, we know you'll buy. Cotton Blankets, Wool Blan kets and A 11- Wool Blankets, 50c to $12.50 per pr. Bed Comfortables toe, and lots of them. BLANKETS SPECIAL 39? a pair Limited to two pairs to a customer. A. M. Williams (Si Co. St of Effective of $1 f Hews IVI 1 r""lwF MOTICK. tola date. A charge ear per day will ba made for delay tp l forair time held Under load; in r uaioaotag oy coweujov or Jambs Ibslako, Moki Tea poaUively sores Sick Head. aehs, Mgsotfoa apd oontUpation. A daUgbtisi herb oVbak. Bestovst aU argptiaeeof the skia, swedaeiag a or menev refeaded. Kodol Dyapapaia Care is not s mere Imsieet to ttawf aetera. Itaferdt tba 0wOwSfl0 D0awSw(wJ wUMsf wjfcOJlJwJ JrwHwf 9 dfaettigf the food yea est. Tea dos't bsvetodlat butcaaepoy all tha food food yea want. Kodol Dyspepsia Care Inetaatlr reiisvet t,bet diatratetd feelief kgiwg,flgawj yea new iita aad Ctarfce 4 Folk's P. O. Pharmacy. Visitors to thecals dariag thaoarsisel IHaaas tea Sit M aaiiebsa an of-She itastri of tae Iseg off ftW aSershi.ryt aatoe oa he aatv a BUSINESS LOCALS. A froth supply of Lowney't chocolates jutt received at G. C. Blakeley's phar macy. Fortland Oaroival Bxearsloa Bate. White Collar Lies, steamer Bailey Gataert, ezcureion rates : Boned-trip excursion tickets will be told on Sap tonbsv 19 b aad 26th, Ovtobtr 2nd, 9tb sad letb, good going ais dayt after data of sals, making oas wask'a llmitattoe, including date of sale. Tbe pries frost The ft to Portland on the days these tickets ara told will ba .! for rosed trip. Including two eon pons that ere good for one admission each to ths Port land carnival. Hood Bivar sod White Salmon to Portland, round trl6, $2.20, Including two admission tickets. ledswtf J, M. Filloos, agent. dark A Falk ara Don't forest thla. closed Sunday. Acker's English Remedy will atop a at any tisae, sad will core ths worst sold la. twelve boon, or money re funded. sTots. aad 60 cu, BUkeley' tbtdroggist. o1Ss;lrJp.sywsl?J't5S.,t Wanted As spptantieeat tbe Cawa beU Wilaoa mil 11 eery parlors. Sosae oae that is seat with a aetdto. 28s Damaged rottic flooring aad painta; good cedar posts st H cents each. Gilbretb 4 Beat, ofltas at Watta A Beker's seerws sad granite works. IQtf JUST ARRIVED ! Tba kajrgett and taoat PKTBB nOtttMHfiS law e)e ir at 00 wjo jk.zi.aD Acss-HiBU'X'ai yosti We operate PLUMWUTCr, TUT m4 WOTQUk BXBAJB SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will ha? prompt attention. TBS DALUB0. - ORSQOXf. p. S. Btookgnritii Horsesboer and WagHaiaidMr wwvw'wgWawawaBwawawewaeBwwm swasts as wa wj sawn se we wjwwawwsv w W wawawsarwerBSBi aaawawawwBSBBrwaywar frsn. iltael Wheals Affltt 0Driadts sb4 BlajgdugwJth IwimUflti pea sw saww aawaawaarwgeW' saw awawawwawawy weajsaesa m "W wBWaw rWna' wawawsawiwwawaBwaaByave waww wav Wjearawawawssswi Aeyaaad fma. jsaaml A IgwMsawMa fflUwM swtwm twMw7 ItwUlth sawawajww www waewawawww w w w wwawwww wwawaww WWW wwtSW wawwwwww (wtlMIUwallmA KIONfiY BwlMv. wavasasaswjsamwsaawaweweaaw I wfaJssi JrwlftwWllj wsjawjw0 PwJw) . fit'