The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 03, 1901, Image 4

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1 TWII nMnlap nnniuLirin Tinlmd. nnlilB I
On sale Sept. 19. 26, Oct. 2, 9, 16, Special Round
trip Tickets, limited to 6 days from date of sale
LT,P Wh.SalnTn Cascade Lx
S. I.I 1.53
C ALLAWAT, Gen. Agt.
JVIaier & Benton,
Headquarters for
Family Groceries.
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Stoves and Steel Ranges.
167 Second Street.
The Successful Competitor In the Fralt
and Vegetable Ulaaa.
The following is a complete list of the
successful competitors in the frnit and
vegetable exhibit at the district fair. In
moat of the other classes of exhibits the
awards are not available for this issne of
The Chronicle, bat they will all be
published later.
In the class of fruit and vegetables the
judges were John Doyle, Chris DethmaD
and Frank Taylor.
First premiums were awarded in the
following cases : To W H Taylor A Son
for best dish of gross prunes ; to H Horn,
for beet dish ot Italian prunes; to same
for best dish of Silver prunes; to P M
Meeker, for best dieb of yellow Ege
plums; to M A Stern wei?, for beat dish
of Pacific prunes.
First premioms were awarded in this
class as follows : To N A Ericksen, for
best ilisb of Fall Batters; to E D Colby,
for best dish of Beurre Easter; to same,
for best dish of Beurre D'Ar.jiu; to
same, for best dish of Pounds ; to same,
lor best dish of Olout Morceau; to Sam
Creighton, for beat general exhibit ; to
same, (or beat five named varieties; to
aame, for best single variety of Autumn
peare ; to same, for best dish of Baerre
D' An juti ; to came, for best dish of Baerre
Easter ; to tame, for beat dish of Sheldon,
(special): to same, for best dish of Dix;
to L L McCartney, for best dish of Vicar
of Wakefield ; to K II Weber, for best
dish of Winter Nellw ; to same, for beet
dish of Winter Bartlette; to M A Stern--weia,
fur best diah of Summer Bartletts.
A eecond premium was awarded to J M
Bens or., for the best general exhibit.
First premiums were awarded in this
class as follows : To N A Ericksen, for
best three bunches of Muscat of Alexan
dria ; to same, for best buncb of Perkins ;
to H Horn, for best bunch of Flaming
Tokay ; to L L McCartney, for best
bunch of Rose of Peru ; to same, for heat
bunch of M lecat ; to Ruahmow A Son,
for bast bunch of Flaming Tokay ; to
Peter Fleck, for best exhibit of grapes
grown by exhibitor.
In this class drat premiums were
awarded as follows: To Geo W Covert,
beat dish of Ben Davie ; to P M Meeker,
for best dish of King of Tompkins
County.; to E D Colby, for beat diah of
Saps of Wine; to eame, for beat diah of
Northern Spy ; to same, for beat diah of ,
Blue Permaina ; to aame, for beat diah ;
if Rhode Island Greenings ; to eame, for
beat diah of Twenty Ounce ; to James N
Knight, for beet diah of Gravenateina,
special; to A B Billinga, for beat aingle
variety of Winter applet; to aame, for'
A vie.
The most miserable being in the
world ere those suffering from Dyflpepsia
ad Liver Complaint. More than
seventy -five per cent, of the people in
the United States are afflicted with theee
two diaeeaee end their effect a: such
Hoar Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual
Coativeneae, Palpitation of the Heart,
Heart-burn, Waterbraeh. Gnawing and
Burning Pains at the Pit of theStomach,
Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disa
greeable Taste in the Month, Coming up
of Food after Eiting, Low Spirits, etc.
Go to yorjr druggist and get a bottle of
August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses
will relieve yon. Try it. Get Green
prise almanac. Clarke A Falk. 2
Effective this da'e. A charge of $1
per car per day will be made for delay to
care, for all time held under load, in
loading or nnloading by consignee or
conaigner, in excess of forty-eight hours
from time car is aet for loading or on
loading. James Ireland,
Agent O. R. A N. Co.
Clark and Falk have jaat received a
fall line of fresh Veloz papers and de
velopers, the same as used by Mr. Ixvick
in hia recent demonstration at our store.
quinces wae awarded to R H Weber and
! the second to Mrs M Parkina.
First premiums were awarded in this '
class as follows :
To W H Taylor & Son for best pump
kins , to N A Erickson for best musk
melons ; to aame for beet tomatoes ; to
aame for best egg plant, special ; J M
Benson, best peck of onions, Yellow
Danvers; John Fender, bea; table beete;
aame, best parsnips ; A Stndoz. largest
exhibit ; Alfred Thompson, best table
eqn iabee; Sine Lee, best exhioit of cab
bage?; same, beat sample of celery; to
George Cooper, beat water melons ; to
Mrs C J Stabling, beet exhibit potatoes.
A eecond claes premium waa awarded to
W H Taylor A Snn for table tquaahea
and to Sing Lee for beat sample peck of
onions, Danvers.
Block Hogi Fur Hal.
I have for sale 44 head of stock hogs,
consisting of brood sows, ehotes and
pigs, at my place cn Eight-Mile.
t9J2-w2w H. R. Richards.
Gilford's Fotoa Never Fade
SubscrPie for The Chronicle.
Prof. Homer de Morrison
323j Washington afreet. Knoma 83-30,
Negro Boy Lynched.
Shelby ville, Kv.,Oct. 2. Jim Fields,
agej 16, and Clarence Garnett, aged 18,
both colored, were lynched here at 2
o'clcck this morning for the alleged mnr
der of Willie Hart,, a printer, who was
stoned to death on the night ot Saturday, i
September 31st, last. The negroee were
taken from the jail and swung from the
Chesapeake A Ohio Railroad trestle, just
beyond the depot, and within 500 yards
of the jail.
The mob's work was done quietly and
quickly. About 1 :S0 this morning the
mob appeared at the jail and demanded
the keye, but the jailer refused to sur
render them. The doors were then
battered down. The prisoners were re
moved and a few minutes later were
hanging from the trertle. .Hart came to
Shelbyville from Lebanon, O., and at
the time of bis death was employed as a
printer on the Shelby Sentinel. The de
tails of hie death are not accurately
known, but it is conceded to be a fact
that Fields f.nd Garnett were his
October 8lh la the Limit.
Constantinople, Oct. 2. The briuande
who carried off Miss Helen H, Stone,
the American missionary and her com
penior, Mme. Tailka, a Bulgarian lady,
have fixed October 8:h as the limit for
the payment of- the ransom, $110,IKX),
demanded for Miss Stone' releaae. The
hiding place of the brigands has not vet
been discovered, and the delay accurded
by the abductors is taken to indicate
that they consider their retreat quite
The first registered as well as the Bret gradu
ate palmist ever in Portland. The world's
K eaten Trance Clairvoyant and Herbalist can
be Co-suited daily on all affairs of J if-.
Prof, de Morrison is without a doubt the moat
scientific Palmirt and Clairvoyant in tbe world
today: he lecates hidden treasure, reunites the
separated. teiU if tbere is mineral. Oil, or gas on
your land enables you to win th; affection of
one you desire.
Palmistry taught, mcdittmlatic persons devel
oped. Heat by tbe uses of his revealed heibil
teas: cures chronic and so-called incurable dis
eaex. Free treatment for the poor.
Send $1, date of birth and three quest! ins; all
letters answered at nee.
Located by Vision.
Portland, Aug. 10. -(To he Editor). Homer
de Morrison, occultist, located by vision thebul
lion stolen irom the Uelby Smelting. Works. In
behalf of occult science he immediately com
municated by letter the facts to Mr. A. J. Rals
ton, owner of the Pelby Works. The reports re
ceived last night prove bis statements correct.
"It is pleasing to be assured tbat tbe gold
sto:en from the rielby Smelting Works was 'lo
cated by vision' by a Portland occultist. This
proves that the story of the confession of the
thief and that bis assistance was required in re
covering me gom was a oase mitornia inven
tion for the purpose of depriving uregon uf just
giory. taiior roruunu uregonian.j
BaWs TfcM
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of Oatarrh tbat can not be
eared by Haifa Catarrh Core.
F. J. Cbshbt A Co. Prope., Toledo, O.
We, tbe undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for tbe last 15 year, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry oat any obligations made by their
West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo. O.. Waldins. Rinnan A Marvin
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system.
F. J. Chmkt A Co., Props., Toledo O
8old by drruggista, price 75c.
Hull's Family Pills are the beet. 12
Brain Pood Nonsense.
Another ridiculous food fad has been
branded by tbe moat competent author
idee. They have dispelled the silly no
tion that one kind of food is needed for
brain, another for mnacles, and still an
other for bones. A correct diet will not
onlv nourish a particular part of the
bodv. bat it will sustain every other
part. Yet, however good your food may
be, its nntriment is destroyed by indi
gestion or dyepeyeia. Yon must pre
pare for their appearance or prevent
their coming by taking regular doses of
Green's August Flower, tho favorite
medicine of the bealtby millions. A few
doses aids digestion, stimulates tbe liver
to bealtby action, purifies the blood, and
makes yon feel buoyant and vigorous
Ton can get Dr. G. C. Gieen'a reliable
remedies at Blakeley's drag store. Get
Green's Special Almanac. 1
For tbe meeting of tbe grand lodge of
Oregon, K, of P., at Portland Oct. loth
the O. R. A N. will make a rate of one
and one-third fare for tbe round trip on
the certificate plan. Passengers paying
fall fare going, and calling for receipt
from selling agent, provided fifty or
more paying paesengeia of not leaa than
50 cents each have been in attendance
all lines included, delegates or members
of delegates' families who have paid full
fare to Portland, will be returned at one
third fare on presentation of certificates
to oar agents at Portland on or before
October 18th, certificates to be signed by
L. R. Stinson, secretarv. Tickets sold
October 13th, 14th or 15th. Mo rednc
tion will be made for the return if total
attendance does cot equal reqnire
ment. el81m
hat dish of RaMa.ina- to .. i, k. 1 "o. win soon oe auie io work
, 1 -
diah of Ben Davie ; to same, fur beat diah
of H. R. W., special ; to same, for beat
diah of Alexanders; to G R Caatner, for
beat general exhibit grown by exhibitor
in this fair diatrict. A premium was
awarded to A Saudoz for the second best
general exhibit grown by exhibitor. A
first premium waa awarded to G R Caat
ner for tbe best dish of Baldwins; to
aame, for beat Spiizmbergt ; to A Hap
pold, for beat general exhibit grown by
exhibitor; to H Woodcock, for best
aingle variety of Fall a pules.
First premiums were awarded in thia
class as fellows: To 8am Orelgbtoii, for
beet tingle variety .Heath's Cling; to
aame, for beet dish of Golden Clings; to
L L McCartney for belt dish of Alberta;
to A J Aodeison, for best tingle yariety,
Bolway ; to C V Cbamplin, for beat dish
of Late Crawford; to A B Underwood,
tfor boat general exhibit.
TtoUnt premium for tbe bait diah of
"I had long suffered f rom indic ation,"
writes G. A. LeDuis, Cedar City, Mo.
"Like others I tried many preparations
but never found anything that did me
good nnlil I took Kodol Dyapepaia Cure.
One bottle cured me. A friend who bad
Buffered similarly I put on the uae c f
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. He is gaining
fore he used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
indigestion had made him a total wreck.
Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Me Is Wanted In Oregon.
Nobth Yakima, Oct. 1. H. W. Smith,
ranted at Moro, Or., for the alleged
murder of a Cbinamui, was located at
Tampico, this county, this week, and
was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Leach,
of Yakima, and Sheriff McGlnnis, of
Oregon. I
For infants and Children.
flu Kind You Have Always Bough!
Bean tbe
Signature of
Won't Hue it la.
Jut wet tbe affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Care, a Scotch remedy,
and tbe pain is gone. Sold by Clarke A
Sold only by
H. Herbring.
...CITY HACK ...
J. F. Anderaou lias established a cab
line in The Dalles, giving both a night
and day service.
HacKi to any part of the city, 25c
Headquarters nt Grant's Cigar Store
and at Al Nelson 'a.
Day phone Local 211, Long Distance
.Sight phone Local 334, Long Dist
ance 1161.
Undertaker and Embalmei
Oor. Third and Waahlrtaton Ma.
All ordera attended to promptly. Long
distance phone 438. Local, 108.
Strikes A Bieh Find.
"I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion and nervous de
bility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancas
ter, . a... "No remedy helped me un
til I began using Electric Bitters, which
did me more good than all the medicines
I ever used. They have also kept my
wife in excellent health for years. 8he
says Electric Bitters are just splendid
for female troubles ; that they are a grand
tojic and invigorator for weak, ran
down women. No other medicine can
take its place in our family." Try them
Only 60c. Satisfaction guaranteed by
G. C. Blakeiey, the druggist. 1
It Girdles Tbe Globe.
The fame of Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
as the best in the world, extends round
the earth. It's the one perfect healer ot
Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores,
Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches,
Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only in
fallible Pile cure. 25c a box at G. C.
B'akeley e, drug store. 1
Notice la berebv given tbat the com
run conncil of Dallea City, Oregon, has
determined to build tbe Court street
sewer. Bids for the construction thereof
will be received at the office of the re
corder of Dalies City op to the hour nf
7 p. ro. of Thursday, October S, 1901
Plans and specifications can be seen at
the olbce of the recorder. All bids must
be sealed and must be accompanied bv
curuueu cnecK to tne amount of ten per
cent oi ine ma, to oe forfeited to tne city
io case oi reiasai to accept the contract
in accordance witb tbe bid.
The council reserves the right to reiect
...... .
anv ana an Dias.
Dalles City, Or., Sept. 18, 1001.
fl8 dtd Recorder of Dallea City.
DeWitt'e Little Eirly Risers never
disappoint. They are safe, prompt.
gentle, effective in removing all im
purities from the liver and bowels.
Small and easy to take. Never gripe or
distress. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Phar
macy. Mothers every where praise One
Minute Cough Care for the sufferings it
has relieved and tbe lives of their little
ones it hae saved. Strike at the root of
the troable and draws our tbe ii flaui
matlon. The children's favorite Cough
Core. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
C M. Phelps, Forestdele, Vt., says
bis child was completely carad of a bad
case of enema by tbe use of DeWitt's
Witch tiaasl Salve. Beware of all
counterfeits. It instantly relieves pile.
Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Clarke A Falk have on eat a fall line
of paint end artist's brushes.
Floral lotion will oar wind chapping
andsnubarn. Manufactured by 0araa
Purest Liquors for Family
Delivered to any part of the City.
173 Second Str
51 Local,
868 Long Distance
A Phonee:
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin
Headquarters for Boiled Grain, aa ui
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Tmtt
Headquarters for "Byers' Best"
trvn H I OTir inu lonr mannioewiao expressly lor
use: everv mm is goarauioea to give aati
We sell oor good lower than any ho nee in tbe trade, and If yen don't
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat Barley and Oats.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to snpply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grrooer.
Of the product of this well-known brewery tbe United State Health
Reports for June 28, 1900, say: "A more anperior brew never entered
tbe labratory of the United States Health report. It t absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on tbe other hand i composed of
the beet of malt and choicest of hop. ' It tonie qualities are of the high
est and it can be need with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old ait
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians witb
tbe certainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found." . .
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
i 55
1 :
Cpandall & Borget
fill kinds Of UNDERTAKERS Burial ShFOtjdi
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc
The Dalles, Or.
li U J iii tiitji ii 'J"'-' , j id (j ip isedaafsppsoja.e.
C. J. STUBhlflG,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Uuurton Phono 88.
Lung Ulst. 1091.
Next door to First National Bank.
lws French Periodical Drop?
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
leedfer Cirwui wiuZui'a iooa-ti 522.
Fur aale by Goo. 0. Blakcley. Tbe Dalle, Or
of menstruation." They a M
womanhood, aldlnw dLnJTS ZSTZa
wejgan. slab MUTTOBaaJCiCAL X., W
For Ml by Geo. 0. Blaosley, Tbe Doll. Or.