' 'ilia dMifb 8 I) Mes sip VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREOON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1901. NO. 195 f MmnTl C ASTORIA similatiitfttse ting the Stonate fttMHttotthrAi BDOdandBeffuta autBoMBbof The Kiwi You Have Always Bought Promotes DigeationJCheerfuF ness and RestXoniaim ndther Opium, Morphine iwMneraL Not Narc otic . flmpJim Seal J!x.Smatm thAMt Srntt- Aperfecl Remedy for ConsUpa non , Sour S tomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fever ish ness and Lois or SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of new' ydhk. exact copy or wrapper. I. the J 0 For Over TLimAii V.... imriv tears fgfl niATnnu JuAdlUMA VHI SSBCTSsifS MMMMV MW VMM SIJe TKc District Fair is now in full swing & The ponies are running to beat the cars; the pigs are bigger than a house; some pumpkins haven't any 6eeds, and the grain well, you juet ought to see it; and best of all, A. M. Williams KL Co. have the finest display of Shoes to show you you ever saw. at The STAR FEED MILL, THE BEST KILL for the farmer who waoto to do his own grinding. ii BT: Mays 4 0we, W. A. Johoaton end Barton & WaTfcar, hardware and maflhiuery dealers, The Dalles. GUILTY MAN identified Blankets. As Be Uy is Bit Coffin I ABcc at Psrsoa ia Jail Par Wracklaf Steae Yard la Cbkage With Dvaaattte Will Now Be Set Free. tba and was Chicago, Oat. 2. Tba funeral services over tba remains of Tbomaa Brow interrupted ia order tbat tba body aboat to be burled might be Identified one of tbe conspirators ia tba wrecking by dynamite of tba Heldmaier A Bdgowortb atone yard aiz weeks ago.. Tbe Identi fication will release aa innooent man, wbo is at present locked np in tbe connty jail charged with knowledge of tba crime. Frank Hardy, wbo bad tamed state's evidence, was taken to tbe Brow resi dence to make the identification. He was not told what was wanted of him, and he was led into the bonae where tbe mourners and friends were gathered aboat the coffin. Approaching the coffin, Hardy waa told to look upon face of the dead man. One glanoe Hardy'a faoe tamed white and he visibly agitated. He eaid: "Tbat body ia of the man they called Loo, and he lit the fase at tbe stone yards." Brow's death adds a new phase of mys tery to tbe case. He arrived in Chicago two daya ago. Buffering from severe inju ries to his Jags. While being taken borne in tbe police ambulance be became an- conscious and died a few boors later. The polios are now investigating tba cause of bis death. At the time of the explosion at the stone yards tbe lives of hundreds of per sons in neighboring booses were en dangered. Tbey were saved only by tba bad. manner m which the work was bandied. Tbe dynamiters tried to wreak tba machinery in the yards. Venn and Jewela. Jewels, candy, flowers, man tbat is tba order of a woman'a preferences. Jewels form a magaet of mighty power to tbe average woman. Even tbat greatest of all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to purchase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then let ber fortify herself auainst tbe inslduous consequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections by ths regular usa of Dr. Boschea's German Syrup. It wilt promptlygarrest con sumption in its early stages and heal tba affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive tbe dtead diseasefrom tbe system. It is not a cure all,, but it ia a certain cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles. Ton can get Dr . G . G. Green 's reliable remedies at Blakeley'e drag store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1 Diaaaataat of Ir aland. Dublin, Oat. 2. At tbe meeting of tbe United Irish League, in Dublin, tbe Lord Mayor of Dublin presiding, a letter of apology for absence was read from William O'Brien, M. P., wbo expressed a hope tbat "if tbe king visits Ireland next year tba league will arouse a spirit which will convince His Majesty tbat be bas come among a people discontented and disaffected to tba core, only needing arms and the training of tbe Boars to testify to their hatred of England's rale with an eloquence equal to mat pi we unoonq oared Boat African repuoucs. Koeei Dyspepsia Cure ia not a mare stimulant to tired nature. It affords tba stomach couplet and absolute rest by digesting the food you eat. Yob don't have to diet toot can enjoy all tba good food you wast. Kedol Dyspepsia Cora instantly relieves tbat distressed feeling after sating, giving you saw Ufa aad vigor. CiarkeAFalk'sP.O. Plsaraaaoy. Visitors to tba city daring tba carnival oaa facilitate tbeiadtagof suitable ac commodations by applying to ear at of aba members of tba committee est eomirjodaUao. whose headquarters a at the secretary's ottos oa tba ear- nival Saturday vaiaisaajLooajua. Wood! Wood! Wood! Beat grades efir. nine, oak aad slabs, all well ata- soaed.eaaWftHHtfeei Je T. Peieaaet I'Oos Sa las Oifford's Poioa Mttsr Favds. 1PIP Descriptions may tell of weight and bise but how can we de scribe the warmth, softness and qualities of our blankets . . . Eyes must judge, touch must tell, if value be right for the money. If you come and see, we know you'li buy. Cotton Blankets, Wool Blan kets and All-Wool Blankets, 50c to $12.50 per pr. Bed Comfortables too, and lots of them. 300 Pairs Gray COTTON BLANKETS SPECIAL a pair Limited to two pairs to a customer. A. M. Williams & Co. BUSINESS LOCALS. A fresh supply of Lowuey's chocolates just received at G. 0. Blakeley'a phar macy. Portland Carnival Bxcuralon Bates. White Collar Line, steamer Bailey Gstztrt, excursion rates: Bound-trip excursion tickets will be sold on Sep tember 19 fa and 26tb, October 2nd, 9th and 16tb, good going six daya after data of sale, making one week's limitation, including 4te of sale. Tba price from Tbe Dalles to Portland 00 tbe days these tickets are sold will be 22.50 for round trip, including two coupons tbat are good for one admission each to the Port land carnival. Hood Biver and White Salmon to Portland, round trip, 12.20, ineluoiog two admission tickets, lfldeetf J. M. Filloom, egent. dark A Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't fortet this. Acker's English Remedy will stops cough at any time, and will core tbe worst cold ia twelve hours, or money re funded. 25 cts. and 60 ets, Blakeley' tbe druggist. Too will not have boils if von take Clarke A Falk's sure cure oi boils. Wasted- An apprentice at the Camp bell Wilson millinery parlors. Some- tbat ia neat with a needle. 2Ss Damaged rustic flooring and paints; good cedar posts at cents each. Gllbretfc 4 Sons, office at Watts Baker's marble and granite works. lOtf JUST ARRIVED f The largest and most complete line of . . . noun mm abown in tbe ttf H. Glenn & Cos PWfift Slid) OH tHprs. Ws operate s PLUMBING-, UN Mid BICYCEB REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will hats prompt attention. THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. F. S. GUNrtiflG, Blacksmith. Horaeshoer and WagofrMkar. . -PKALSB ia- Xros Si I WaVsals, Axis, Springs ssd Blaoksmlth SsfsUss 1072. to YOUR KIDNEYS. a fiaa ana Lisa at aa.aailad w eVwajpawgW iw iwir awew ia tba kfSkeae" Sas1 WVWSFBW of aatwvo M. I, OsaaaUt igaati Tba :