J -u It J'ii .j - ; 4 S. : Bering,.. If you knew how really good these JEW A .Mays' H. S.dfc M. Suite and overcoats are, the honesty of Writes, the correctness of style, the thor oughness of tailoring, .you'd never wear any other clothes. fcarV CMb New Neckwear Look at 'em. Showing them is almost as pleasant as sell ing 'em generally means the same thing. $10;$18, $15, $18, $20, $22.50, $25. '8 Debtit. Stylish Suits made of fine cheviot, in black only; jacket handsomely made, new double-breasted effect $12 to $14. Grand Sal of MIseea'atHl Children Flannalatta Underskirt ell handsomely made, with yoke and waist ; worth 45o anywhere. Oar aarlee this week 27 O Smart Looking la the woman who cornea down the etreet with trta-fHttag pair of etreet boote, male on a mnn,ntah Inst. Her tread te drat sad eelid, becenee the soteo extend tod are broad oa the bottom. She it indeed a, sensible woman. Bo eatf wtaA kid, all slats and widths; some with rxteneion oelee end rope stitch, the trpieal mannish ehoee, eo atylish and sensible. Special good valnee at $2.50, S3, 83.50 aad 84. PEKSE 5t MMYS. ..4!. ...... , ,. K. -i- W 1. I ' - : v ' :' ;' - - i -I Dalles WEDNESDAY OCT. 2. 1901 Ice Cream tooCroam Stoda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. ail Waaco County warrants register prior to December 8, 18, will be paid te preaentatlou at my ofllee. latereat M after September 18, INI. JOB . BAKBHIKt. Ooaaey Tre arer. Backward, turn backward oh Time in thy flight' Bring us old scenes again, Juet lor tonight. All riRht, yon be at the booth of the Brgulator Line tonight sad I'll remind you of the "days of Aold Lang Syne." dAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Go to tbe Umatilla House bar for the original, Amber Cocktail and the only and original Carnival Lemonade. 1 4t Free to everybody A demonstration of shredded whola wheat blecnlt, the balance of the wee at Maye A Orowe'e tore. ...... 2p-8t Patrick Radigan, of Antelope, a native of the Emerald Iale, was today admitted to American cltisenabip before Jndga Brsdthaw. The ladies df tbe M. E. ohurcb will nave a sale of bread, pumpkin pias and II kinds of cakas at Cross' grocery store Mrs. Janet Stewart, of Dutch Fiat, baa traded her ranch to J. W. Dlltinger, taking )D part payment the Dillinger residence and lota aaet of the old fair f round, where Mrs. 8tewart will make her future home. The weather bureau' forecast for to day indicated gathering clouds, and for tomorrow occasional showers. Mean while the barometer, as If it hadn't a bit of respect fur the weather bureau, is toadily rising. The infant son of Bay. and Mis. Bob. Warner died yesterday afternoon -at sir home on Tenth etreet. The little one, although almost 'a year old, bae been an invalid stage birth. Tbe re nins were taken to North Yakima to y for burial. One of the most reamriiavle and baeu M'ol ipeclmens of peUileatlen w in yoor I1U U a lump of petrified motbati8onxbJb4ttoa in tbe gala ! booth oi tbe street fair. It baloage Mrs. Charles Ooreea, f that aHy, aad Wae L-j - "n,ntl, lUtjupm, Tbe .tuadnoae th lets emkes.U 1 groee receipts than they did last year makes It tolerably certain that tbe fair Will be a eoeeese financially as it surely is in every other way. In aba future, till the end of tbe fair; free admission will be bad daily until 7 :80 each evening to the inclose re coin taming the merry-gowoand from Federal street back of Mays & Crowe's tin shops Altar that hour admission wlH only be had through the.main entrance. Three hondcad headof cattle, last spring's yearlings, were driven to this ait Wednesday morning from the! French A Oilman stock firm. This bunch of cattle has been pa rebated by Montana buyers. Tbia fine lot of cattle brought $22 60 per head. Heppner Ga- aette. The Bailey Gatsert started this mora ing for Portland on her tbrioe-a-week run with a fair number of passengers. Tbe Dalles City started at the same time With 1000 sacks of Diamond Mills flour and 1600 sacks of wheat, besides an un usual number of prairie schooner emi grants. . "Fagan's bats" is one of the attrac tions of tbe pooltry ebow. The "boye" claim they were brought here from the "ould dart" last year by the honored citiaen whose name they bear. Tbey are kept constantly under cover aa tbe tight of day m said to be injurious to tbelr ayes. The executive committee of the fair decided this morning to divide the bend during the boors of the races, half of tbe members going to the race track and tbe remainder staying here.- As the full band has twenty-five members, there will be abundance of good music at both places. The full band will, of course, always be hate nights. Fallowing tbe usual custom, tbe scan agement of tbe fair association request the merchants of Tbe Dalles to closa tbeir places of business from 12:90 to p. m, on "Bailee Day," Ttooredey, Oct. Srd. Accordingly a petition wasciroa lated today to that end and very gener ally signed by qpr business men. It appears an impression has moat unaccountably got a hold in soma quarters that admission to tbe carnival grounds costs 28 oeuls for each parson. This 1 oat true and nniar was true. The admissioa is 10 cents and no more, and will be no mora daring tbe fair. fh admiaalon to the race track aad grounds is 10 cants for gentlemen, ladles going in tree. The presentation to tbe qaeen of tbe carnival of the beaotifal dlamoaa that baa bean on exhibition for tbe weak la Jeweler Van Nordea'o window, is one of tbe attractions oa the boards for mnlgbt. The hoorot the It is the hours succeeding tbe event, Tbb Chron icle omitted to mention tbe preeenoe of Tbe Dalles bend. Tbe omission purely an oversight, and all the to the reporter because the did remarkably good service aad le fatly entitled to honorable mention. UOcte Amos Underwood, of White Balmon, who came to tbe eUy last even ing informs us that tbe little daughter of air. Darkr, who Is employed at Mr. Underwood's mine on McCoy creek, died of diphtheria a few days ago aad Was buried yesterday forenoon" Oa ac count of the heavy rains and enow in tbe mountains word could not be sent to the father about tbe child's sickness, and although the little one has beta laid away, tbe father le still under the imnreaslon that she is alive and wall. Ka messenger was sent yesterday to con vey to blm tbe sad news. 1 One of the great attractions at the fair tonight will be tbe wedding of a young nouple at 9 o'clock. Tbe ceremony will be performed by Bet. 3. M. Alexander, of The Dalles Christian church, on the band stand, where everybody can see it. Sherman county furnishes tbe bride aad groom, and a lady who is no mean jadge of beauty Informs ns that tbey are a very handsome young couple. A special committee of two spent a good part of the day securing wadding presents for tbem, the outfit now on exhibition in tbe grounds being reserved for tbe coo pie that are, to get married Friday night. ' One of tbe jock lee named Clarence Miller, while exercising a horse oa tbe track tbia morning, mat with a serious aad almost fatal accident. He was going at full apeed when the bores stumbled aad fell, throwing bim baaviiy. He landed oa bia bead and shoulders and It fe remarkable that bia neck wae not broken. Ha wae removed to a teat on Abe grounds and a physician summoned, Who upon investigation found tbat no warn broken and thet be was suf fering ooly from serious bruises and a ; up. which will probably prevent bim from doing aay work durioi the present meetings. Tbe remains af tbe late George Moc has arrived hare from Missouia, Moot., laat night aad tbe fractal took place from the undertaking rooms of Crandall Bargett this Burning at 10:30. From bis brother, Joba, who aocowpaaied tbe fFrflgjfcJffwfft" rkttf a iw ifgfftfTsftwJ ilferw1 ' BtOT 1 game to bw death by a locemo- aire saanlng into a ear oa which Mr. 03C of them that doesn't giro its patrons the full worth of tbelr money, aad more. The sight of Professor Boca diving from a pole 76 feet high, turning a com plete somersaait in tbe deseewt diving into a tank of water three deep, is not only worth tan times the price of admission, it is tbe sight af a Tbe same remarks will apply to Dmv dy, the bigheks4ng dog. Two years ago in tbe salt palace ta Salt Lake City, for three consecutive weeks, this beautiful sad aval soggy day dived afternoon and evoaiag from a ladder 7S feat la height intoa eat. Tbis eight itself is worth a loMS? f ' alsjvsV ' SgtVDfler vBsg) Ofg)Ss0 a Tben there is LaenetU, the Mysteri oos Flying Ladj, who diss through the air and performs most wonderful feats without any assistance. Another splendid attraction le tbe Old Plantation, consisting of fun on the Levee, Buck and Wing dancing and quaint Southern Melodies. Another is tbe Vaudeville show with La Belle Boca, the Premier Oriental Dancing Girl; Professor Schmidt, the bypootiet, and Professor Post, the anatomical wonder; a freak of nature ; the moat wonderfully developed baman being In tbe world. Besides these tbe Midway has tbe Bioscope, imported direct from London, England, showing the world-famous Passion Play, Sappho. Disoa-Palmer fights and other scenes intensely inter esting. Boseo, the Abyssinian snake-eater, Keats 'am alira. Don't fail to see Boseo. Beautiful lone, la poses plastlque. A startling, beautiful effect. Illustrated songs. The Indian Mnmmy, a remarkable freak of aetata, aad last, bat not least, tbe aambtatad Dr. M. H. Walker, pro- Miosad patuntt, associated with celebrated Gypsy palmist. All tbcee aHtractaoae are opaa afternoon and araotag of tbe lair AeferaeeUeai WaataO. tbs a a la i aafn to -say wilt be a bafora tbe wedding, wbtob fa a' set for 0 aloe started of rte a aafectlva tbroMw, shut Mr. Moabue bad fgggBt raJfffwiP fawW' Wgawaft ttfgaTgarwsT svnaa waawaTg fsg) detacb Ufrom tba aaglae aad run tbe Vha) attraetlnaie ed aba Mldnaa earegaw' ammwommsamggai saa agaas' was' jaagat Information is wanted of Fred Hack is, who left hie borne la Portland for Tba Dallee on Sonday, tb ult. Maekla Is a hoy of about 16 years, has red hair and prominent oars; wore s grey suit whea be left home. Tba boy's relatives era anxious to kaow of bis whereabout and aay infer aeatioa an tba tabjeet alii be thaakfully received at tbe Caaowoi a offior. lo a ..... Mil I I i li Mytbiag ails yoar hair, go aad sag aww tba htadqrjsrters for gfj a apedUlty of tbees goods, tf - --- - - Midway I a Here I With ATTEIvOTlOlfS tTHiatrAUSD. Profc TtL J. R6m, tiMirifi. ttm, diviaa from a Dole 75 feel hitrh. Uirnintt a comnletA I fjomerfBraH and diving into a tank of water 3 ft. deep. ; the High Diwliig Dot, r ascends and dives, at the command of his trainer, Prof. P U.m Unlmsa fwvm A ltd 41 llb)K I XJICSJ IJf XBVTl AlAVO llvrlll W IIS lOUMUl A I J W S MVVi Luenette, the Myeterioui Flying Lady, flie tatrongh the air and performs truly astonishing feats without any assistance. A truly edifying moral exhibition. The Bioscope, direct from London, England, showing the famous Passion Play, Sappho, Dixon-Palmer Fight and other scenes intensely interesting. aTJsaW'a'sgTrfAwBFgw eats 'em alive. yaiizaian Snahe-Xater, Don't fail to eee Boseo. Beautiful lone, in poses plaitique. A start ling, beautiful etTect. Illustrated songs. Vaudeville ShOW. U Belle Rosa, the premier Oriental Dancing Girl. Prof. Schmidt, the hypnotist. Prof. Post, the anatomical wonder; a freak of nature, the most wonderfully developed human be ing extant. The Old Plantation. Fun on the iev. Buck and Wing Dancing. Quaint Southern Melodies. The Indian Mummy. A remarkable freak of nature. Dr. M. H. Walker, Professional Palmist, associated with the celebrated Gypsy Palmist. Every afternoon and Evening; at the Carnival. OroTAnda. ...The New York Cash Store... 188 and 142 Second Straat. mmm OTO of the City. M 0 MS sen SKITS.. KNEE PANTS We have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your boy for school. Don't make vour purchases without seeing our line. We will ave you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at onoe. Every SUIT Guaranteed. The New Yor K Cash Store New Crooery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our atorS. A new fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt . i i ii ii. i hi hi in i .mi. m fan delivery to any part of the city. . at 40i i i OKAYS & OMOWE aa ISJeVS eatirlas for Tba Ohroalclo. J rniiiiiifflMll m 1 ass aM.auMb Hi Ja tbe aagsstgays at T a H I fffsafejaaaaaa. f rlafars aad pJWJ awaiagsgaaw at enagapg Adrartlad in Tad net a two oolumas of it m gf fg et tbars fajrt fab(s f