The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 02, 1901, Image 1

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    7 pi . -bibkmbm h bh wwl jr . -aezBw .-vera jm m- bt bh
NO. 1M
Horn Finally BapalMA.
Dcbban, Natal, Sept. 80. A. form of
1600 Boerf , commanded by General
Botha, made an attack which lasted all
dav September 28tb, on Portitala, on the
border of Ztiloland. The burghers were
finally repulsed, hot at a heavy coat to
tbe aarrlson, whose loaeea were an of
fleer nod eleven killed and Ave officer
and tbirt y-elght men wounded. In ad
dition sixty-three men are -missing, of
which number many are believed to
have been wounded. The Boer com
mandant Opperman and nineteen
burghers are known to have been killed.
A r rented He Lett Train.
Chicago, Oct. 1. Archibald W. Free
man, a well-known lumberman of
Menominee, Mich., and formerly in the
employ of Ruber 4 Watson, railroad
contractors at Chicago, was arrested in
this city last evening charged with
forgery and embezzlement while acting
as district agent at the Saber A Watson
cedar mills, in Mouominee. Tbe amount
involved is $20,000. Freeman had just
arrived in this city from Portland, Or.,
When arrested.
VYJud Again Too Light.
New York, Oat. 1. The second of the
cop races between the British challenger
Shamrock II and the Columbia was de
clared off today about 3:30 o'clock, when
it became apparent that there was no
chance of finishing witbin the timeliuii',
When tbe race was called, Shamrock
was half a mile, or three ininuteB ahead.
The course had been half covered in foor
and one-biili hours. Shamrmk led al
most throughout.
Woman and Jewels.
Jewels, ciT.dy, flowers, mar that is
the or ier of a woman's preference.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even tbat
greatest of all jewels, health, is often
rained in the strenuous efforts to make
or save the money to purchase them. If
a woman will risk her health to get a
coveted gem, then let her fortify herself
TKe s& &
District Fair
is now in full swing j&
The ponies are running to beat the
cars; the pigs are bigger than a house;
some pumpkins haven't any seeds, and
the grain well, you just ought to see it;
and best of all, A. ML. William 41
Co. have the finest display of SHoes
to show you you
THE BEST MILL for the farmer who wants
to do his own grinding.
ftys & Crowe, W. A. Johnston and Sexton A Walther,
hardware and machinery dealers, The Dalles,
aaainst tbe insiduous consequences of
ooogbs, colds and bronchial affections by
the regular use of Dr. Boschee's German
Syrop It will promptiyKansj con
sumption m it early stages and heal tbe
affected lungs and bronchial tubes and
drive the dread diseaserom tbe systesr.
It is not a cure-all, bat it la a certain
cure 'for coughs, colds and all bronchial
troubles. Yon can get Dr. O. G. Green's
reliable remedies at Blakeley'a drag
tore. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1
Born Wtah to Bwoar A Hog-lane.
London, Sapt. 80. A dispatch to the
Times from Colombo says that Sir Jose
West Rideway, tbe governor of the is
land, baa announced that 200 of the Boer
prisoners in Ceylon have expressed their
willingness to take the oath of allegiance
to King Edward. The prisoners not
only desire to take the oath, bnt also
wish to enlist in tbe British armv. They
are willing to serve anywhere bnt in
South Africa.
Bxpeeta to Mako a Mile In a Minn to.
New Yobk, Oct. 1. Albert C. Boat.
wick will attempt on Thursday to lower
tbe world's mile automobile record on
the Empire City track at Yonkere. N.
Y. Bostwick aims to circle tbe empire
track in nothing short of a minute. Bis
ambition is to lower the record held by
the French cbaffeur Fournier. The at
tempt will be made with a 40-horee-power
lour Pace
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsapariilaa and
so called purifiers fail; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakelej . the druggist.
Miss Julia Masquart, at tbe Beehive
restaurant, will do dressmaking of all
kinds. tO 1m
ever saw.
4 i
Masked Highwaymen Gets Watch and
Money Dila t Threw Up Hia
Poktlano, Or., Sept. 80. An au
dacious, nervy highwayman, wearing a
mask, at tbe point of a pistol bald ap
Mayer Henry 8. Sown last night at the
northwest corner of Boat Sixth etre
and Holtaday avenue, stole tbe mayor's
gold watoh and about 86 in money, and
escaped. The robbery took place within
a block of tbe mayor' home.
Tbe mayor had promised to road a
paper before the Clerk's Association in
tbe A. O. U. W. building, aad about 7 :46
be left bis house to board a trolley oar
to get to tbe city. He waa just crossing
a dump of bushes at the corner of Holla-
day avenue and Birth street when the
highwayman sprang at him out of tbe
"Hold up your hands, and be quick,"
said the robber, leveling a revolver at
tbe head of the mayor of Portland. The
latter bad bis hands in his pockets at
the time, and be was so overcome with
surprise that he began to walk slowly
"Why don't you throw op your bands?
I'm a of a to shoot," hinted
tbe robber.
Tbe mayor did not like the gleam of
tbe fellow's revolver, but he said all tbe
same: "I won't."
Then the robber was engaged and he
threw down the alonch bat he wore and
commanded tbe mayor to throw bis
money and valuables into tbe hat. Tba
mayor looked around for assistance,
which did not arrive, and he tossed his
yaluabls gold watoh into the hat.
"Now, your money," ordered tbe rob
ber, and tbe mayor regretfully placed
rigbt hand into bis hip pocket and bit
purse, containing $6, followed the watch.
Native Treachery.
Washington, Oct. 1. The following
cablegram was received at the war de
partment this afternoon from General
Ohaffe :
Manila, Oct. 1., 12:23 p. m Adjutant
General, Washington, With reference
to your telegram of tbe 30th, inet., will
cable names of tbe missing enlisted men
as toon ss ascertained. Tbe company
was rushed about 6 o'clock in tbe morn
ing by a large body of bolomen, about
400. General Hughes think the surprise
was due to tbe confidence of the com
manding officer in assertions of friend
ship from tbe natives. Result of tbe
investigation will be cabled aa soon as
This message is in response to one
sent to General Chaffee by General Cor
bin on Sunday immediately upon receipt
of tbe news of tbe disaster of Company
C, of tbe Ninth infantry.
Beraatua etrike la Oa.
Scb anton , Penn., Oct. 1. The etrike
of the employes of tbs Soraoton Bail
road Company, covering tbe entire
Lackawanna valley, from Pittstoa to
Forest City, began today. Not a ear
started.- The men refused to accept tbe
offer of General Manager Silliman to
leave tbe question inyolved in the dis
charge of tbe two Carbondale conductors
to tbe arbitration of Bishop Hoban, or
one of tbe priests of tbe diocese whom
be might name, because tbe offer did
not give the employes the representation
they demanded. Nearly 800 men are
involved la the etrike. Besides the re
inetatement of tbe men discharged, the
men demanded the forming of an agree
ment in place of tbe one tbey clai m has
been violated by the eosapaoy.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cose is not a mere
stimulant to Ured nature. It affords tbe
stomach eowpUte aad absolute rest "by
digesting the food yoa net. Yea don't
have to diet bat aaa enjoy all tba good
food yoa want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cera
instantly relieves that distressed feeling
after eating, giving yoa new Ufa aad
vigor. Olarka a Folk' P. O. Phersaaey.
Visiters to tbe etty daring the eeral val
can fadlitete tbesadtagof suitable ao
eomaaoaattoas by snplflcg to any one
of the members of the eomaaittee oa
eWsJ flS AklS) tMOWtsfdsT Y 0 sjas fcB)
8e beer lee for Tan Oa sow is a
28-inch All-wool
in a dozen
different shades,
47c ?.
A. M.
A fresh supply of Lowney's chocolates
just received at G. C. Blakeley'a phar
Portland Caralval Baeursloa Bates.
White Collar Line, steamer Bailey
Gatzert. excursion rates: Round-trip
ezeursion tickets will be sold on Sep
tember 19th and 25ib, October 2nd, 9th
and 18th, good going sia days after date
of sale, making one week's limitation,
Including date of sale. Tbe pries from
Tbe Dallea to Portland on the days these
tickets are sold will be $2.50 for round
trip, including 'two eon pons tbat are
good for one admission each to tbe Port
land carnival. Hood River and White
Salmon to Portland, round trip, $2.20,
Including two admission ticksts.
16ddwtf J. M. Fillook, agent.
Clark A Folk are never closed Sunday.
Don't forget this.
-Acker's English Remedy will stop a
coogfa at any time, end aill core tbe
worst cold in twelve boors, or money re
funded. 25cts. end 50 ctr, Blakeley'
tbe druggist.
You will not here boils if yon take
Gierke A Fatk's Mire core ot boils.
Wanted An apprentice at the Camp
bell 4 Wilson millinery parlors. Some
one that la aaat with a needle. 28s
Damaged rest ie flooring and paints;
good cedar posts at K eents each.
Gilbretb 80ns, office at Watts A
Bsker's marble and granite works. lOtf
ptetelineof .
vm mm
in she city
an display at
H. Glenn & Co's
Pntnt SJtd Oil 4Hore
We take pleasure in announc
ing the arrival of that long expect
ed line of line Dress and Walking
Ready now to fill all wants.
$5 to $15.
We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BIGYOLB
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will havej
prompt attention.
F. S. QUflfUHC,
Blacksmith. Horsesboer and Wagon-maker. .
-OBAUU 18-
Xron, Steal. Wheels, Axles, Springs and BUesamtth Supplies)
Aaaat aw BaaeaU B Oa.'s 1
ewfjepsnw awaw aweeeseaipv w
Lon- Diets
M.B. Doaaell, Aseat, The
& Co.
- - - OREGON.
tela! Latin oration a.