THE WL"i reuiiiiy KEOULATOK LINE. PORTLAND CARNIVAL Exposition EXCURSION RATES. On sale. Daily Regular Round-trip Tickets, unlimited On sale Sept. 18, , Oct. 2, 9, 16, Special Round trip Tickets, limited to 6 days from date of sale Dalles From Bitten, BooTrIt. m.Mim'n From Canon. Stevenson, CaMMtfoLx l.fO IM W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Arft. JVLaiet & Benton, Headquarters for Family Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves and Steel Ranges. 167 Second Street. THE DALLES. OR. I'rlaaa Awarded. The Board of Judges of The Dalles Oarnlval have awarded the following prises to the participants in yesterday's parade : The prise of $10 to the Cereal Float, of which G. T. Parr, C W. Diet Ml, J. L. Kelly and J. G. Yager were the committee. The prize of $10 to the fruit float, of which . Shanno, E. Kurtz, R. H. We ber, VV. H. Taylor and G. . Sanders were the committee. The prize of $10 to the local lodge of Eagles for the beat civic float. The prize of $10 to C. J. 8tubling for the best merchant's float. The prize of $7 to W. H, Wilson for the Shetland pony team driven by Miss Winnifred Wilson. A second prize of $3 to Miss Lulu Ward for Roman chariot and four Shetland ponies. A prize of $7 to Guy Sexton and Ben Morgan for the best burlesque display. The judges of these awards, which will meet with general approval, were Meesrr. H. M. Beall, W. A. Johnston and L. Rorden. ' Brain Pood Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent author ities. They have dispelled the silly no tion that one kind of food is needed for brain, another for muscles, and still an other for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indi gestion or dyspeysia. xou must pre pare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver to healthy action, purities the blood, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get Dr. G. G. Gieen'n reliable remedies at BUkeley'a drug store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1 J Kttflcetloua of a Bachelor. 8u ne women aren't as sway-back as th'-v are laced. First you down the drinks and then the drinks down you. You may make a mistake if you try to kiss a girl, but you may make a bigger on if yon don't. When he is asking a girl (o marry him the stuttering man has just as good a j chance to make liar understand him as j an body else. Ii'a uo sin to kiss a sir! if you don't i tell her you are going to do it. What a woman calls temper in her sis ters she calls sparkling vivacity in her self. I','s fnnny that a woman can't law shape into fatness, yet she can lace fat' nets into shape. Miss Jniia Masquart, at the Beehive restaurant, will do dressmaking of all kinds. (9 1m Gilford's Fotos Never Fade Subscribe for The Chboniolb. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon for the County of Wasco. Una Hale. Plaintiff, VS. If. W. Hale, Defendant. To W. W. Half, the defendant ab?ve named: In the name of the State of Oreg hi : You are beicby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before Friday, the twenty- second day of November, 1901, and if you fall to to answer plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wlt: For a de cree and order of the Court forever annulling aud canceling the bonds of matrimony existing between yourself aud plaintiff, and awarding to Slain tiff tbe care, custody and control of William 'ale, a minor child, the issue of said marriage, ana for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem proper. This summons is served upon you by publica tion thereof in The Dalles Chronicle for six con secutive weeks, by order of Hon. vv. L. Itrad sbaw, judge of the Seventh judicial district. State of Oregon, which said order was'made and entered herein Ion the 2oth day of September, 1901 The data of the first publication of this sum mons is Wednesday, October a, iaoi. 8. A. D. QUBLEY. oct2 Attorney for Haintiff. Minute Cough On re for the sufferings it has relieved and tbe Uvea of their Utile ones It has saved. Strike at the root of th trouble and draws our tbe inflam mation. The children's fwrorita Coagh Cats). Otarka at FaUt'e P. O. Pharmacy. W. T. Watson, Ghoisonville, Va., druggist, writaa: "Your One Minute Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction. My customers say it is tbe best remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles." Clarke A Falk's P. O. Phar macy. Do you suffer from piles? If so do not tarn to surgery for relief. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will act more quickly,' sorely and safely, saving you the expense aud denser of an operation. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Lewis Ockerman, Goshen, Ind: "De Witt's Little Early Risers never bend me doable like other pills, but do their work thoroughly and make me feel likea boy." Certain, thorough, gentle. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. NOTICE. Effective this data, A charge of $1 per car per day will be made for delay to cars, for all time held onder load, in loading or unloading by consignee or consigner, in excess of forty-eight hoars from time car is sat for loading or un loading. James Ibkxand, Agent O. R. A. N. Co. Wanted By a strong healthy woman, a situation to work by the day at any kind of housework. Apply at the Star Lodging House, on Madison street, be tween First and Second. 26s 3t Administrator's Notice. Notice la hereby given that by an order of the county court of tbe state of Oregon, for wasco county, made and entered on the 3rd day of September, 1901, tbe unaersigued was ap- Kiinted administrator ot the estate of John alrymple, deceased. All reraona having claims against said estate are notified to present them, with the proper vouchers, to me at the office ol nunungton wnon, roe fanes, Oregon within six rronths from the date of this notice. uated September 4. 1901. FRANK FUI.TON, septT Aomlnlstrator. Notice of Final Settlement The undersigned having filed her iinil ac count and report as administratrix of the estate of Hugh Lacey, 'deceased, the county court of nascu comity, oregon, in an oraer made and entered September Si, 1P01, has appointed tbe county court room in tbe county court house at DuTe- City, Wasco County, State of Oregon, as tbe place ai.d Monday. Nov. 4 1901. at tbe hour of 2 o'clock p. m. as the time of hearing objections thereto. All persons inter ested in said estate arc hereby notified to be present at said last mentioned time and place and offer ob ections, if any they have, to said nnai aucuum aim report. CATHERINE LACEY. Administratrix of the Estate of Hugh Lacey, ueceaaeu sAS TIMBER LAND NOTICE. D. Kruger Altaodons tha Idas. London, O-'t 1. "Mr. Kruger," says a dispatch to the Dally Mail from Brus sels, "has abandoned tbe idea oi sending a delegation to the president of (be United States, having ascertained that Mr. Bootevelt will pursue tbe policy of nonintervention." Will Appeal to Qctaan Alexandra. Brvhsblh, Sept. 30. The Brussels Petit Bleu says a committee of Dutch ladies is being formed for the purpose of presenting an address to Queen Alexan dra praying for tbe amelioration of con ditions in the concentration oanps in B uth Africa. CASTOR I A For Intent and Children. TbiKiid You Have Ait tjfi IwigM the B. Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., I July 5. 1931. Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of juiio a, loo, emmeu "An act lor we sale ri limber land in tbe states of California, Oregon. ievaaa ana vtasnington Territory, as extended to all the public land states by act of Aug ist 4, 1892, Thomas C. Come took, of argo, county of Cats, state of North Dakota, has this dav filed in this office his sworn statement No. a 7 1. for mepurcnase oi inesouin nail northeast quarter Sec 21, aud touth half northwest quarter of Bee 22 in township 4 north, range 18 east, W M aud will offer proof to show that tbe land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural puriosec ,aud to establish bis claim to said land be-tore the Ke. later aud Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash. , on Monday, tbe 7th dayot October, 1901. He names the following witnesses: Enoch Hayes, Lewis H. Paige, Will U. Ulndwln and Leon Smith, all of Lucas, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe above-described land-, are requeste i to file their claims in this office on or before said 1 th day of October, 1901. jlylO-lOw W. R. DUNBAR, Register. Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution aud order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, upon a Judgment in favor of Joseph A. Johnson and against O. D. Taylor, for the sum of $1845.71. dated the 2Sd day of October. 1894. said execution sad order of i. tie being to ine directed aud commanding me to sel) the property hereinafter described, the same having been attached in aaid cause on the 8th day of October, 1891, 1 will on Huadajr. the 31st day of October, 1001, at 2 o'clock p. m., sell at public auction, at tbe court house door in Dallea city, Wasco County, Oregon, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all tbe right, tiilc and Interest which the a Id O. u. Taylor had in and to the property hertiu after described on the 8th day of October, 1891, ana rree iron toe claims oi an All those intending to make ezhibita at tbe oming fair and carnival should apply at once for entry to 0. . Bayard, at his office on the south side of the main entrance to carnival grounds. 3t Visitors to the city during the carnival can facilitate the finding of suitable ac commodations by applying to any one of tbe members of tbe committee on accommodations, whose headquarters are at the secretary's omce on the car nival grounds. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will care tbe worst cold io twelve hours, or money re funded. 2o cts. and ou cts, Blakeley' the druggist. You will not have boils if von take Clarke 4 Falk's snre core oi boils. Wo offer one hundred dollars reward for ear ease of Catarrh that can not be cared by Hall's Catarrh Cere. F. J. Chknby A Co. Props., Toledo, O. We, tbe undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In all busi ness transactions end financially able to carry oat any obligations made by their firm. West A Trues, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo. 0.. Walding, Kinnan A Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. F. J. Chinky A Co., Props., Toledo O Sold by drrnggists, price 7Ac. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 18 BIDS WANTED. Notice Is hereby given that the com- iron council of Dalles City, Oregon, has determined to build the Court street sewer. Bids for the construction thereof ill be received at the office of the re corder of Dalles City np to the boor of 7 n. m. of Thursday, October 3. lui Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the recorder. All bida mast bo sealed and mast be accompanied bv ear lined check to the amount of ten per cent of the bid, to be forfeited to tbe city in case of refusal to accept the contract in accordance with tba bid. Tbe council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dallea City, Or., Sept. 18, 1901. J. DOHKRTY, Bl8 dtd Recorder of Dalles City. Notice to Competitors for HoCrum Table Wanted An apprentice at the Camp bell A Wilson millinery parlors. Some one that is neat with a needle. 28s Clark and Falk have just received a full line of fresh Veloz papers and de velopers, tbe same as used by Mr. Lovick in bis recent demonstration at our store. BU9IMC88 LOCALS. Wood ! Wood ! Wood ! Best grades of fir, pine, oak and slabs, all well sea soned, can be bought of Jos. T. Peters & Co. elO lm Damaged rustic flooring and paints ; good cedar posts at 8 cents each. Oilbreth & Sons, office at Watts & Baker's marble and granite work?. lOtf ASK KOR THE SHOE FOR MEN JaiSasjL mMWm saaas&2f VSSIJ sbi Sold only by H. Herbring. nerseiiN whnu claims are subatqueut to said date or subse ouentlv recorded, tbe proccds of aaid aale to b? applied in payment of the Judgment above ineu Uoned. The attached property above referred to and which will ba sold aa aforesaid ia daacribtd follows: Lota 1, 8, 3, . ., , 7 and 8. aud tbe south half of the southeast quarter of section 8; the east half ol tbe east half of setIon 7; the watt half aud tho north half of the northeast auartar of eecuou ii , ine east uan or me sotiwsaal uoar uu u su uu ik sua uasaasjaaa a section wTall in township 1 aairsa? eaai. in waaoo county, Oregon til Dalies city, Oregon. Seat. 18. IM1. tVUBBBT KSLLl , Sheriff of Water- County, Ore. on. CITY HACK ... J. F. Anderson has established a cab line in The Dallea, giving both a night and day service. Hacks to any pert of the city, 25c Headquarters at Grant's Cigar Store end at Al Nelson's. Day phone Local 211, Long Distance 1811. Night phone Ieal 1101. 334, Long Dist- WMt MIC HELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Oor. Third and Washington 8ta. AH attended to promptly. silfai. The committee on the McCrum table to be computed for in the coming week, have decided that all bread to be entered mast be given to them by 11 a. m Thursday, next : that each loaf must be marked with a card attached bearing a legibly-written number; and that an en velope containing a similar card and also the name of. th? bread-maker shall be deposited, the seal of which is not to be broken nntll after the award is made. Lastly, they suggest that each contest ant shall attach the name of tbe milling brand from which tbe bread was made By order of the committee. E. M. Wilson, Chairman. Btrlkca A Ittch Plod. "I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous de bility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancas ter, N. H., "JNo remedy helped me un til I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They bave also kept my wife in excellent health for vears. She says Electric Bitters are. just splendid for female troubles ; that they are a grand toaic and invigorator for weak, ran down women. No other medicine can tako ite place in our family." Try them. Only 60c. Satisfaction guaranteed by G. C. Blakeley, tbe druggist. 1 "1 had longauffered from indigestion," writes G. A. LeDeis, Cedar City, Mo. "Like others I tried many preparations but never found anything that did me gool until I took Kodol Dyspepsia Core. One bottle cured me. A friend who bad suffered similarly I put on the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. He is gaining fast and will soon be able to work. Be fore be used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure indigestion bad made him a total wreck. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Your Paca Shows the state of your feelings and tho state of your health as well. Imnnre blood makes itself apparent in a pale and aallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and vorn out and do not bave a healthy appearance yon should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diaaasea where cheap Sarsaparillas and so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakek j , tbe druggist. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere timnlont to tirrd nature. It affords tba stomach coupiete and absolute rest by digeitiog.thtt foo l you est. Yon don't have to diet tut csn enjoy all tbe good food you waut. K idol Dyspepsia Cure inatsntly relieves that distressed feeling alter eating, giving you new life and vigor. Clarke A Falk 'a P. O. Pharmacy . DeWitt's Littlo Early Risers never disappoint. They are safe, prompt, gentle, effective in removing all im purities from tbe liver and bowels. Small and easy to take. Never gripe or distress. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Phar macy. We offer for a limited period tho twice-a-week Chkoniclk, price $l.6Q, end tbe Weekly Oregonian, price $l.Q, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions under this offer mast be paid in ad vance. j NOTICE. Any parson desiring privileges to sell articles within the grounds of Tha Dallea Street Carnival will pUara eell on or write to C.J. Crandall. general enptr. intendent ot tba oarnlval, at Tha Dalies, from whom fas may restive tba terms end tba Bsesiagry Information. sep7-td Purest Liquors for Delivered to any part of the Gity. 173 Second Street Phones: 51 Local, 868 Long Distance Ik Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaia K&fe Headquarters for Feed Gmta t f u kin Headquarters for Rolled (pfiil Headquarters for BitCDu Slwts, rTSS Headquarters tor "Jiyerr uest ' tOB FlOUr This Floor manftfaotaraft prastly fa, use; every ear is sejaiseasu to gtva satii Wa tall our goods lowor than any hones in the trade, ed if ygb don't I call and get cur prises and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whaat, JNaSfy anil Qat PIONEER BAKERY. 1 H LI H-H ',111.1 " : J- I I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with. Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grooer. C. J. STUBIiING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Condon Phone 23a Long Ulat. 1001. Next door to First National Bank- THE DAWES. OREGON. MOTT'8 PENNYROYAL PILLS -' f?7'a-aa-jssss.apaaa Wa'j- or menstruation." They aro "LIFE SAVERS" to wumuuiiuou, aiding development oi organs and body, known remedy for women enuale them. Cannot do harm- becomes a pleasure. $ l.OO FEK BOX BY MAIL. 8oat by Orvgg&ta. PB, MoTT-'SfcliSMtdClevlland, For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley, Tbe Dalles, Or. They overcome Weak ness, irregularity sad omissions, increase via i or and banish "pais) J Life savers " to guoa i 9 -nn M 1 darks talk km el saint sail artlatfc on ssiea tali Mas "agnaiaai THE CELEBRATED .. .COIiUJlBlfl BREWEtY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well -known brewery the United States Health Beports for June 28, 1900, says: "A more supciior brow never entered the labratory of the United States Health reports. J is absolutely devoid ?L v!..8i ite,utra!f doltsratioo, but op the other baud Is composed of the best of ma t and choicest of bona. Ite topic aaglltisa are of tba high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed bv tbe physicians wlta tbe oersainty that a better, pqrer or mors wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." Bast Second Street, THE DALLES, OBEGrON. es amaJ.iaasJati atsjaiisjuaaf i a v. i.frv;i!r DEALERS IN All kinds of Funwal Supplies! unptot ifi TTiMB 4 TiMTTlRS The Dallea, Or. Lyon's French Periodical Btriotly vcatable. mrfMii. jk. Lt tobes, m $m SI"" Baft. asawawaastweaa' Drop sasaaaej cr 00 ar-fjsassssv