Hjjk- Vs ' ' -V'-J vv-s-'w : ,fey 4 eN fcjHy ;S '" rMM (tt)cOatlcsl)rcmiclc. i vol. xm THE DALLBS. OREGON. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 1 1901. $0, 1$ HHIb? KW Yn H9V9 Aperfeci Remedy lorConsBp I .flP U S 6 Uon, Sour Stomach JJiaaoea lay Wo r ins .CortvuJakinB Jevemh- ! r flat aw ncas and LO88 OF SLEEP. I VI UVBl Facsimile Signature of I TbfrtY Years exact copy or wbappcn. OFFICERS AMONG THE KILLED First Reports of Disaster to American Troops on Island of Samar In correct. Washington Sept. 80. In addition to the enlisted men, throe commissioned officers of Company 0, Ninth Infantry, re supposed now -to have been killed hi the action at fianjar, Fhtipplpe lelands, Mt Saturday. The oAcersare : Captain Thomas W. Oonnell, First Leu tenant Edward A. Bumpus, Surgeon-Major B 8. Griawold. A question having arisen as to ibe Mcoraey of the oablegratn received at 'he war department from Genetal Ohsffee, the cable Company was directed to repeat it. The reneiition disclosed inaccuracies thai materially chanue the message. Ae corrected the dUpa'ch amis: "Manila, Sept. 29 -Adjutant-General, whington Hughes reporu -fallowing wm Baasey, Snatbstn 8amar: " 'Twenty-fbur men, Oosnpeoy 0, "aw Keg.ment, United States infantry. wounded, imvskist arrived scaan JWogiga; remainder company killed. Ments secured all company supplies m all rifles eateept three. Company "ttacked dnrrmj breakfast morning Hhtam k. na . a ..." mr aaiiiiMiro r-m , CUHM A . - m.t '-rf t Ir. B. . QrfaavoM. nifar. aSCOrreotaH !-. jtL.-.-L. -i. oiawter. nr nnmnaar - - lit oomnany Rjde',WW WW VI.. . frrnraell r sides Z"mm k City. Mm vsmaeanhed to ' , "'"i msji tpe taster agitata. k ... MJ I UNO I uniH from tne war deparimant, Jt aha ! fioiale here are nnasrla at this time to eonfirm the information. To HMl Thjtm abKpley Ialard. Naw York, Sept. 30. A enggestion which ie meeting with favor is to change the name qf the biiinpin Islands to the McIUnler Islands, says the Wash iagtan norrespondant of the Trdhane It is intended to briujt the proposition before the nest congress. A part of the scheme embraces the idea of bestowing upon the different islands an prorinees the names of the men most prominently identified with the acquisition and man agement of the ialande. For Instance, the members of the American commis sion wJicb AgotMapd .the farw a-y would -thus he -honored, as well as the names of Admiral fktmM, General ton, Governor raft, General Otis, Secre tary Boot and others, w ported to ifxmun. Hm.su, Sept. SO. Governor Goer to day issued a reqoisition upon the gov sspor of WAShioUOfl lurbe rendition of Gharles 8. Statu, torewiTOt lodepenfl nana, and now under -araaet at North Yakima, Waeb. Sjaats was for a num ber of years a highly respected citisen of Iadepeadanoe. aWM-tly he borrowed money, hoaphA goods an snrdit and than akipned," He wee on bis way to Baitish Columbia when intercepted by ojaa of his eredHors. The warrant lor hl arrest ie eworn to by Ira O. PowaH, of the Polk bounty Bank. Possall ahargas titaats withaeUmg ebaap awsi which the bank held a mortgage. Boer atBtters Decided. London, Sept. SO -A disnatob to aha Times from Brussels says that the eoun oil of The Hagae paras anaataoart of ar Wtaiij) baa pstjjpanaly deaidad thai the question of assuming the initiative io arbltrajtion or ipjraajtion n any (arm in regard to the Boath AJMeen war mpat ba dadUhUaiy abaiadaaed. Tbeeelatoa, datatad, aj,ahalilf seaoants lor tfca deal lhattaa date or tne paattaj oi tag bean fixed, and it U not uanir that aa -T- jr . t m ' ' , 'ad. eklstisae. liMassirisTii ftltwi Yttmn in'fr. GHOULS m CEMETERY Atteaipt Made ta paw Up im cmnr&ni attbeVasin Camtow. O., Sept. 80. Private De- haVaaltwSchlSBff IfoKinley reeU, was saystastnasly at tacked last night by twa anna. Captain Biddlein command of the company of regulars, thinbe an attempt was made to blow the vaait ta pieces, as one of the men carried a white paeknge. While one of the strangers engaged the at tention of the sagtinel thf qther struck hint over the bead anf also attempted taatabbim. It was nearly 8 o'clock when Guard Peprend saw a prowler io the rear of the vault behind a tree and in a shadow. Upon being challenged by the soldier the man remained motionless behind a tree. He was then about forty feet from the soldier. Peprend advanced, made a second challenge and brought his gun reedy to fire. The man in the mean time bad dodged away to a second tree about ten feet distant from the first. The aaMteeganto Vd,; hot as be did so a hard blow was given the gun and Ids gist mb)ed. A second mau bad stealthily come up to the soldier and dealt the blow. At the same time man numVnr two struck the soldier i,tb a heavy instrument in jthe back and attempted to stab him. A gash, shaped like the letter L and about two inches long each way, was cut through the clothing, lncinding the overcoat, and a amall scratch was made on Depreud'e body. The blow was so bard that Pe prend was knocked down a small hill and was nnable to tain bis feet before the man disappeared in tbe darkness. Lieutenant Aahbridge, who was officer qf tbe day, as soon aa ha board the chal lenge shot rushed to the assistance oi t begun rd. Jan waa followed by other soldiers. Tbe sentinel attacked, however, was in the rear of tbe vault on a hill, and be fore tbe relief force could climb the bill the men had escaped. A bunt was made Ijjor tba prowlers, bnt no face could be found of them.. The vault is bat a short dietanoe from tbe west edge of tbe emetery and the men evidently escaped t orn there into fields and woods near Tba man who dodged about tbe treat, Peprend says, carried a shining weapon in one band and a package done up in white paper in the other. He says he could recognise tbe man if ever seen The man who attacked kirn waa That Captain Blddle believes an at tempt waa anode to blow the vault to pieces isabova byihe fact that he pat on an extra guard around the vault and ki vgrlqus portions of tba cemetery the balance of the night. All the men of the company , 76 in number, were ordered to be ready to torn out on the drat alarm (0. M. Phelps, Foreetdale, Vt., aays cave of enema by tbe use of De Witt's Vf4tah Haasl Scire. Beware of all iiiliagiiieisia It inataotly relieves piles. Clarke d Fas P. O. Pharmacy. Floral lotion will ago auooura. aMa Fatk. JUST AJtBXVED! Thai lAffaatMflet fsaafat dBdSatat v)fjmf flsnBBjBBapv jaaaaaaa ssvrapw' mm mm araar akosu in the cite r err'ww' n1 w .".' wgf at Today and Tpnrorro Flannels for Waists in a dozen different shades, at SPECIAL 47c ?z A. M. A fresh supply of Iwaoye chocolates just received at' G. O. Blskeley'e phar macy. Mr. Silas H. Boole, piano tuner, will be in Tba Palles tbe last of tbe week for tbe fall work. Leave address at Nickel sen's music store. tt-lw Worman Werrv, head piano tuner adtb Eller's piano hooserisin '.be city. Leave orders for tuning at Meneiee 4 Parkins' music store. ftSS-lw A nice aseoriment of genuine hair switches, made by Mrs. Geo. Harvey, of tbts city, at Mrs.Caasy '$ millinery store. Mrs, Harvey also makes hair chains and ether hair rrUelee of a fancy eat are. Miss Christine Nickel sen will give In- atroctioa in embroider jr and plain sear ing on Wednesday and Saturday of each week, from 8 till A o'clock. Wednesdays will he devoted to adults and Saturday to children. Apply at bar residence on Alvord avenue. stelw rortlasd Oareival pavearetoa statee. White Collar Line, steamer Bailey Gaissrt, excursloq rates: Boood-frlp escuraioo tickets will he sold on Bap tember l(k pad , Octohar Fad, Ajh and Idth, goad going sugars attar acta loelwdlegdatsof sola. The pries from The Ekdiag to Portlagd on the days these agereeeid wiu be &Jf for round &&t ifcltflaMJ JsTfl O90g9OWP aaeifi eJgT0 Aandaareiral. Hoed Bivar end Wblu dajpoa to rVtleed, reeod trip, ft,tv, . f . Feueev, agent. OlrdlM esja auaa a qerifib aa tfca age peruses keeler o aets, Cores, aPf, Ulcers. Felega, aff B... sm-.-i m I r:''t "8BVTZ a ewwan IBW. mm M mm N?w We take pleasure in announc ing the arrival of that long expect ed line of fine Skirts. Ready now to fill all wants. $5 to $15. Williams We operas FIsUlfBIITGr,. TOT and BICTTOLp REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to ui wUl hava prompt attention. TBS DAUM, p. s. oufimHo, WilsWrith, Honesboer ftQd WsdTQiHDikflr m r""TwWV Wr w r , - " f S"arapBa( iFaSs aHeei WtoaelaV aVriieV yPaT eaa aWalHNftMB SafafriBta e mm a .oat , i-obae,; ii 1 1 will ji mm i PJ ' WJalFP Skirts ff I aH Dress and Walking & Co, - - - ORlOOIf. QS.-S eeclaai, naaWswacdaay fflBa. e(p aVpBRBa tfnlfa) JaWsT vfefltfC BBK L k EdfSfaTB S p5 BBBI ? I. . .. tjpVv f :&' 'i y ' ... 5 ' I'M-."'' ' ' ot a aablegraaj &of tbe Bintk fiaaJvlgcja H-'GtemA Co' rj-astsoo bad kaad r wr soafirraaOoa) av &T.Tf d aas T Ifl '.vP bW .tW BPseraw r 4 tVfM 7 T1WT