The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 30, 1901, Image 3

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New Neckwear
If you knew how really good
these Pease A Mays' H. S. &
X. Suits and overcoats are,
the honesty of fabrics, the
correctness of style, the thor
oughness of tailoring, you'd
never wear any other clothes.
Seeing's Believing
Look at 'em. Showing them
is almost as pleasant as sell
ing 'em generally means the
same thing.
$8, $10, $12, $15, $18,
$20, $22.50, $25.
Miss Autumn' s Dtbot
Iw iUy wtv
W hot bod tl
tbe tub ion
Iseblooeole S
(tWNU 1ft.
I Ma In iHria.
k ofaT eenatrr nnnriM mTmIimm
I tbe talk of the Iowa.
Stylish Suits made of fine
cheviot, in black only; jacket
handsomely made, new double-breasted
$12 to $14.
Grand Sal of Mlaaea'and Children' Flannelette
Underskirt all handsomely made, with yoke and walat;
worth 45a anywhere. Oar price this waek 27c
Smart Looking
ia tha woman who eomaa down tha street with a trim-fitting pair
of Btraet boots, made on a mannish laat. Bar tread la firm and
olid, because- tba to let extend and are broad on tha bottom. She
ia indeed a sensible moman. Box calf, t11 kid, all siaes and
widths; some with extension sole and rope stitch, tba typical
manniah shoes, so stylish and sensible.
Special good value, at S2.50, $3, $3.50 and $4.
The Dalles Daily Ctardefe.
SEPT. 80, 1801
Ice Cream s
At Andrew Keller'.
All ffuto Const Mfiuti vagtatevad
prior to Dntmbir l, 1800, will b paid
n presentation at mj ofltee. Intereet
-Met after September lil, 10O1.
Ooaotr Treneurer.
The weather forecast received from
Portland this morning says : "Fair to
day and Tussday. Froat tonight."
The diamond ring will be presented
with appropriate oaramonias, to Queen
Mel via, Wednesday night. Meanwhile
it is on exhibition dolly in Van Norden's
ibow window.
A message sent by telegraph is termed
telegram, bat a message sent by tele
phone is as yet without a name. "Tole
phrone". has been suggested, as wall as
"telephem" and "phonogram."
Andrew Urqnhart brought to this
office this morning e piece of grape vine
of the Sweet Water variety, about five
feu in length, the grapes on whloh
weighed twenty-seven pounds. It is on
exhibition in the fruit booth.
Mrs. J, H. Sharer, of Sharer's Bridge,
who was seriously hurt last week at
Graea Valley by the kick of a favorite
mule, is, we are pleased to leern, im
proving to such en extent that no per
manent injury is apprehended.
It would be well for people to look
out for counterfeit money es well ee
other forms of robbery during the fair.
It was currently reported on the street
this morning that the "sbovsrs of tbs
queer" had already got in more or less
of their work.
Portland papers announce the engage
ment of Miss Susie Gembell, who is well
"own in ibis city seen accomplished
vocalist, to Lambert O. Whltehnrst, of
Tacoms. Tbs wsdding is announced to
te place at the home of the bride's
Parents In Portland today.
ThefrUmdsoi Missies Ward will be
Pleased to leern that she Is recovering
r'Pidly from the opeMlto she nader
recently at 84. Vlneent'a hospital,
nd i, no, tyntUini out of dancer.
0r- ""'Trtmfmiwad mmi luthat affeni
from Portltnd yoatsrdey.
la.. I . i - '
J kuiu ageaev &e
"'Pectin ak - ai-a
Mrs. B. VJaeJktoWS 17'oa ehe
m mhri 'Yieneflu wraa
me ; I can't remember my prayers, and
I'm staying with a lady that don't know
A simple remedy for warts is a dram
of salicylic acid with ah ounce of collo
dion in e bottle which bee a tiny brush
run through the cork. Apply this mix
tore to the worts twice a day end in a
few davs tbev will dry up and fall off.
October Ladles' Home Journal.
Two carloads of horses end one of
sheen arrived here last -night from the
street fair. W. O. Minor's load of short
horns arrived Saturday. The stock and
speed entries will not be complete till
tonight, but there is hardly e doubt tbet
every available shed end stall will be oc
cupied. So says Secretory Williams.
Mr. John Bonn brought down from
hie home this morning for exhibition at
the fair a German family Bible, that was
translated by "John Diotenberger and
other learned and godly persona," and
printed in the year 1677. It has been in
the Bonn family for-824 years. It is in a
fine state of preservetion.
The Moro Observer dismisses e very
unpleasant subject in tbe following char
acteriallc manner: "J. A. Knox eon
tends thet tbe smallpox which he scat
tered in the Hood river valley section,
he-cot In Moro, es he camped here two
wseks. Joseph, yon stole nothing; you
perheps bed it wltb yon when yon came
here, end we ere thankful to Almighty
God that you took it ewey with you."
A new lew mekes tbs next November
term of county courts the time for fixing
the bounder? lines of election precincts.
The January term before an election
wea the time by the old lew. The limit,
most be fixed by the courts so as to eon
form toward and rood district bounda
ries. It. is also provided thet no elec
tion precinct will have more then 300
voters. Petitions to tbe court for de
sired changes must be brought in at the
coming November term or product
limits will stand for two years ee at
present arranged.
Portland, with e population of 100,000.
raised $15,000 for her exposition end oaf
nival. The Dalies, with a population of
4000, raised $4,600 for bar street fair and
oeraitel. The Belles meg he e stow
town, end comparison! may be odious,
hot it is herd to suppress the remark
that the comparative ratio of liberality
of the two towns in this particular in
stance le nearly 8 to I in favor of The
Dalles. Tbe Dallas raised ftl.ljtf par
capita of population ; Portland raieed W
coots. Why even tbs boys of Tbe Dalles
in half ap hoar ttet order night wee
Wee In round thousend. dollars In
votes for their favorite girl for Qoeee IpowUrj
the eeraivei.
John Adklna, of the UsnetlUe Moeea.
aftaUsftV S 4HMPeeP "wlfeP SsMafc .ttMA "fc
peers, to he
lies in the fset that tbe elder Adkins,
the first owner, was a charter member
of tbe first Od 1 Fellow's lodge Instituted
this side tbe Atlantic. This wes proba
bly ia 1810, as Odd Fellowship wee in
trod need in the United States, from
what is known as the Manchester
Unity, in that yeer, end the "Grand
Lodge of Maryland end the United
States" woo constituted February
M. T. Nolan received a telegram this
morning announcing thet his brother'
in-law. Georce Moabos, had been killed
yesterday in Missoula, Montana, end
that tbe body would be brought here for
burial. The deceased was foreman of
tbe switching crew at Missoula and is
supposed to have met hie death while
attending to tbe duties of bis celling.
The young men wes scarcely 24 years of
ace. Be wes born and brought up ia
Tbe Dalles where be has many friends
who regret his untimely death. No ar
rangement can be made for tbe time of
tbe funeral till the corpse arrives.
The number and variety of exhibits
in the carnival grounds Shis year great
ly exceed those of last year. The booths
of tbe mercantile firms ere remarkably
beautiful, although at this writing very
few of them ere complete. Tbe follow
ing list of booths will be found nearly
complete: Louis Oomini, monuments;
miaes and minerals; Andrew Keller,
confectionery; J T Peters, lumbar, wood
etc. ; Dr Tack man, greenhouse pleats;
Meier dc Beaton, hardware aad grocer
ies; Eastern Oregon fruits; women's
faney needle work ; oil paintings end
other works of art; photographs; Mays
dc Crows, hardware and groceries; New
York Cash Store, dry goods and cloth-
lux ; Jones' Cafe, confectionery ; Oregon
products; D W Vause, points,
oils, eta. ; Monetae Perkins, books end
msMisnUnstremeats ; Pnns dc Nttoshke,
furniture; Iodise' cookery ; White Collar
Line; M Z Dooneii, drugs; B A Gilford,
photography; Pease dc Mays, general
eebaedleejG C Blekelsy, drugs; A
M Williams dc Company, dry goods end
clothing. H. Glenn, paints, oils, etc.;
Hob Clothing Bones; M. Gumbert, of
gars and tooeose ; ureat wonnern ear-
altore Co., furniture and stoves ; B. H.
Grant, cigars and tobacco; Dalles Laun
dry Co.; Diamond Boiler Mills; I i
Bowen, seeds. Ia addition to these if
of tha ladies of St. 'Peter's
Gat hoi le ahaash taw the sate of faiurr
"'WS-WSWVVWV oW WpnnnnnBjnni nfnej VW weweP ei eeeneaenw
nl rsSJaSflSe smeeaSewS a eeeS fes 4f
ton for the sale of tomoeade a
; thet of John Bradley far tha
of aaaaats, aad a loaf raaesef
booths devoted to
tog Ootoher let the heat will
reretoed ee Taaaaeye. Ttarecare and
The Felr aad Carnival.
. At this writing there is every indica
tion that tbe fair end carnival will be
tbe largest aad meat successful ever held
in tba second Oregon fair district, If not
in Eastern Oregon.
Tbe dreed of rein Is over, the sky Is
without e cloud aad confidence prevails
that we shell have a full week of ant
own ideal fall weather. These con
ditions are-peculiarly gratifying, for be
sides the fact that The Dalles people
beve saraaassd themselves In making
preperatloa for the events of this wo
tbe ooantv feir is an institution tbet Is
dear to the heart of people In both town
and country. The fall meson la not
complete without It. It brings people
together for e period of diversion and
relaxstion tbet is needed after a summer
and harvest of herd work, and tbe pleas
ure afforded mekes for tbe beeltb end
happiness of everyone who takes e dey
or two off and devotes himself exclusive
ly to rw!r enjoyments.
There le e good deel to be gelhed by
tbe f armors from a stady of agricultural
exhibits. It matters not whether they
are interested In live stock, wheat, frait,
or vegetables, an exchange of Ideas m
aoonipaiiaoo of products Is eertoia to
s waken grantor interest la their work
aad create e generous rivalry that spore
the former oa to bettor effort. There is
nothing more efficient then the county
fair to get tbe agriculturist oat of tbe
mistaken notion that be is doing' well
enough end can not improve hie form,
increase bis yields or better bis methods.
It Is e school in itself end every farmer
galas by a few days' sttsndanee at it.
ratctaoaTdx mnawiun.
Mrs. M. C. George. Mist George. Miss
ste Georce ead Miss Bradley ware In
The ueues eotoraey. ids nests of Mr
and Mrs. A. J. Toimie.
Mr. end Mrs. P. J. 8 tad Ism an resoroed
loot night from their wedding trip aad
"at home" temporarily at the rest
is of the bride's Unete end Aoat
Ia this oltT fioadev. Sent. 20th. to Mr.
ead Mrs. May ward, a son.
IMaaolntlea Mue.
Notice la hereby given that tbe part
aerahip hovstofseo exist lag betwsea J.
E. FanaadOfaes. U. Michel bach, under
l Beans of J. E. Felt dc Co.. bee
this dev been dissolved bv matael eon-
. Ohes. 8. Michel bach retiriag. J.
alt will eoetteee the baeiaest end
will oof tost nil so)totoeding nseeanto and
99 4ewfl OaVflor)
Tha Dallas, Or,, lopt. 10. 1801.
J, . ret.
Csua. H. MjcaotSACH.
TifiTt tt ffif lirfff
tKat sQNK Iwsl IhW ftlH IhM
Midway is Here
!Prol B. J Base, the Hih ww,
diving from pole 75 feet high, turning ft compieie
soniertmult and diving into ft tank of water 3 ft. deep.
Dandy, the Hlgh-Divin Dot.
ascends and dives, at the command of his trainer, Prof,
Harry Holmes, from a 60 ft ladder into a net.
Luenette, the Mysterious Flying Lady,
flies through the air and performs truly astonishing
feats without any assistance. A truly edifying moral
The Bioscope.
direct from London, England, showing the famous
Passion Play, Sappho, Dixon-Palmer Fight and other
scenes intensely interesting.
BOSCO, the Abyssinian Snake-Eater,
eats 'em alive. Don't fail to see Bosco.
Beautiful lone, in poses plastique. A start-
lino Virta i. aIVVwiI Tl 1 nalMlul
Vaudeville Show.
premier Oriental Dancing Girl. Prof. Schmidt, the
hypnotist. Prof. Post, the anatomical wonder; a freak
of nature, the most wonderfully developed human be-
4 Ma can. ' 3eel AdcjM seeeedSaefeiaee SLe
i aandsaBBaw mam adoaai I Satcedaff an f av 8i ad The Dallas eel
'epaaaaeaaaar en -wweaj -wa-eSana CWfcSee. a -- J. -J
m A a ed anaaM aaaaaeej, ewaaana aaa eaaqf a
Zm5ZmlttmM v am. - ; j
rank, jhhahant. mmm-mi
La Belle Rosa, the
nature, 1
ing extant.
The Old Plantation. Fun on the levee.
Buck and Wing Dancing. Quaint Southern Melodies.
The Indian Mummy. A remarkable
freak of nature.
Dr. M. H. Walker, Professional Palmist,
associated with the celebrated Gypsy Palmist
Every afternoon and Evening at the Carnival
...The New York Gash Store...
188 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
..Boys' and Ms SCHOOL SUITS..
We have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make vour purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
Tbe NewTork CaskiBtore
New Crooe
We have added a Grocery Depart,
ment to our store. A new fresh,
clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of tba city.
' . JVy .' , '..;" 1,1- . TX
Teace"anaaaaaaaeaa aaaanr eaaneBar SJSSV j lHBr WiPW iWSnSia "SeW wW t WSWnCCS
Mvtrtia in The