The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY SEPT. 30. 1901 A YELLOW KID DEFENDER. tbe nomination. Pendleton had only three candi dates for governor at last account. Tke Yllow Klde. The eminently generous, broad minded and wholly non-partiaan Times-Mountaineer is tearing passion to tetters these days because The Chronicle, in company with a host of other narrow-minded partisan sheets, has most wickedly denounced Buch pure and truthful religious journals as the San Francisco Exam iner, the New York Journal and the Chicago American, because of al leged bitter and unjustifiable attacks on the dead president. Our con temporary lumps the calumniators of the so-called "yellow kids" to gether and calls us "pulpit orators and crank politicians," and then politely intimates, in so many words, that we are a set of consummate asses that ought to be in the lunatic asylum. All of which is eminently befitting the pen of a defender of the "yellow kids." The Chronicle has no desire to adopt this style of rhetoric, and only refers to it in order to ask the editor of the Times-Mountaineer what he thinks of the following extracts from former editions of the New York Journal as given on the authority of the New York Sun : MeKinley's fat, white band has tossed to the starving American peasant the answer out of the White House window, "A trust can do no wrong." Has assassination ever changed the world's history ? We invite our readers to think over the question. Washington, Feb. 4. The bullet that pierced Gobel's chest cannot be found in all the West ; good reason. It is speeding here to stretch McKin ley on bis bier. And when the editor of the Times Mountaineer has written a defense of these extracts and proved tbey are wise and proper and Justifiable, and entirely warranted in the premises, then we shall bo pleased to have him answer the following questions which the San Francisco Qtfl recently put to the San Francisco Examiner, but which, for obvious reasons, the Ex aminer is unable to answer satis factorily to itself. "Did you not lie," asks the Call, "when you said the president was 'an obedient jellyfish' (an abject, weak, futile, incompetent poltroon? Did you not lie when you said 'McKinley and the Wall-streot cabinet are ready to surrender every particle of national honor and dignity?' Was it not a lie when you said of the Phil ippines and Porto Rico: 'William McKinley is ruling them with an arbitrary disregard of law that George III never dared to exhibit in America ?' Did you not lie when you said : 'And McKinley bar one girtby Princeton person, who came to be no more, no less, than a living crime in breeches is, therefore, the most despised and bated creature in the hemisphere. His name is booted ; bis figure burned in effigy?' " These are samples of tbe kind of journalism not legitimate criticism of tbe acts of our public servants which when timely done is a public duty that the "pulpit orators and crank politicians" condemn as "de grading journalism to tbe slums, and for liberty substituting tbe prosti tuted license cf slander, malice, vice and crime;" anHtoay God have mercy on the miserable creature that thinks otherwise 1 Sixty-nine page ot rubbish, Twenty-two pMM of rot; Forty-six pages of scandal vile, Served to us piping hot. Seventeen hundred pictures Death, disease and despair; Lies and fakes and lakes and lies Sandwiched in ever) where. Thirty-four sad comic pages, Printed in re is, greens and blues ; Thousands of items we don't care to read But only two columns of news. DALLES STREET CARNIVAL. Reduced Kates Along the Line or the O. K. N. Co. For the above occasion the O. R. & N. Co. will make low excursion rates for the round trip to The Dalles, as shown from stations in the following table: -STATION It ATK STATION RATE A B Portland ... .13.75 $2.30 E. Portland. 8.40 Fa rview. . . . 2.95 Troutdale. .. 2.90 Bridal Veil.. 2.40 Bonneville.. 1.90 Cascade Lax. Viento 1.90 .40 I .80 .95 2.15 256 3.70 4.85 B .70 .60 On Sept. 7th will be presented to my customers i Shakespeare, complete in one volume, bound in Mor rocco; I Atala in large folio volume, illustrated by Gus tav Dore. m. Y. NOLAN. Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. The Albany Democrat is mistaken when it says that Eastern Oregon "papers" are pressing the claims of Judge Stephen A. Lowell and W. J. Furnish for tbe republican nomina tion for governor. One republican paper in tbe bone of these gentlemen favors one of the candidates. The majority of the rest ot tbe Eastern Oregon papers that have anything to any on the question are not dead struck on either of tbe candidates and have small hope, and very little desire, that either of them shall win Hood River. . Moster Biggs Grants Arlington .. Heppner Jet. lone Heppner For children of half-fare age, rates will be one-half of the above adult rate. From Portland at rate under column "B," sell October 2d only, good to re turn two days after date of sale, and at rate under column "A," sell Septembei 30th to October 5th inclusive, good to re turn two days after date of sale. From all other stations, at rate under column "A" or column "B," tickets will be sold Sept. 30th to Oct: 5th inclusive, good two days after date of sale. Blown To Atoms. The old idea that the body sometimes needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill has been exploded ; for Dr. King's New Life Pill?, which are perfectly harmless, gentlv stimulate liyer and bowels to ex pel poieonout matter, cleanse the system and absolutely cue Constipation and Sick Headache. O ily 25c at G. C. Blakeley 's drug store. 1 NOTICE. Commencing Monday, Sept. SO, 1901, the office of the Pacific Express Com pany closes at 6:30 p. m. 28 3t E. Kurtz, Agent Sid Darling, 1012 Howard st. Port Huron, Mich., writes: "I have tried many pills and laxatives but DeWitt's Little Early Risers are far tbe best pills I have ever used." They never gripe Clarke A Falk's P. 0. Pbarmaey. B. W. Pursell, Kintersville, Pa., says he Buffered 25 years with piles and could obtain no relief until DeWitt's Wttcb Hazel Salve effected a permanent cure. Counterfeits are worthless. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions'of tbe skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts and 50 cte. Blakeley, the druggist. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food,, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 ets and 60 cts. Blakeley, tbe druggist. NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to the late firm of R. Gilbreth A Sons will please call on them and pay amount due. All accounts unpaid by September 20th will be banded over to Messrs Wilson & Huntington for col lection. sepO-tf Norris Silver, North Stratford, N. H. : "I purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure when suffering with a cough doctors told me was incurable. One bottle relieved me, the second and third almost cured. Today lam a well man." Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. If you want, to retain your hair yon have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair tiaseh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the yery best preparations for cleansing tbe scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and gloesv. Price, 2b and 60 cents a bottle, at Fraser's barber chop, Tbe Dalles. tf Mrs. Wilson, of tbe Campbell A Wil son Millinery Parlors, has engaged tbe services of Miss Margaret Torgler, a first-class trimmer, a former employee of Hellers, of Portland, and is there fore prepared to meet the demands of the best trade, as well as tbe medium. Our styles are equal to the best, and our prices are as low as the lowest. 21s When your bair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what the hair needs when it gets in that con dition. We have the Crown of Science Hair a ft Grower and Cocoanot Cream WF Tonic. Tbey will core dand sW raff and all scalp diseases. For aala at Fraser's bar bar shop. Price 50c end 76c a bottle. Parties having rooms to let daring carnival week should com tunnies te st ones with the accommodation commit tee st the secretary's offlee on the carni val grounds. sSB 3t REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, poitlami & Mi NAVIGATION CO. White Collar Line. DALLES BOAT LEAVES OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. and 11 P. M. ...Portland Boat... LEAVES THE DALLES at 7:00 A. M. and 3 :00 P. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. The DiiiBs-PoiiUQJ mote Str. BAILEY-GrATZERT, DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Except Monday, Cascade Looks, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m. Arrive The Dalles 3 p. m. Leave " " 3:30 " Arrive Portland 10 " up Pact! CO., Toe let PACKERS OP PORK and BEEF MANUFACTURERS 09 Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JR1F.D BEEF. ETC. Meals the Very Best. 'Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. bis Route has the Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. 8TEAMKBS REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Ascent, Tbe Dalles. Oregon. For Sale. 1000 acres more or lets lying on tbe Columbia river about seven miles from The Dalles. About 100 acres of river bottom tbe rest good upland suitable for fruit and pasture. One of the best dairy or milk ranches in the eonnty ; a small boose ; good barn ; some orchard and plenty of water. Also other town and county property. Apply to Gibons A Marc'en, Masonic building Third street. aug30-lm CHANCE TO BUY A HOME A. body of 4800 acres of land near An telope will be sold in tracts of 160 acres or more to suit purchaser. More than half of this land is fine wheat land, rich black loam. It is well watered, there being some thirty j r forty springe on the tract and small running streams across most of it. The land is situated from four to eight miles from tbe end of the railroad at Sbaniko. Any part of the land will be sold, either for cash or on long time after tbe first payment. Price 6 to $15 per acre. Inquire of A. 8. Bennett. al3- dawlm Geo. W. Lane, Pewamo, Mich., writes : "Tour Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the beat remedy for indigestion and stomach trouble that I ever used. For years I suffered from dyspepsia, at times com pelling me to stay In bed and causing me untold agony. I am completely cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In recommending it to friends who suffer from indigestion I always offer to pay for it if it fails. Thus far I have never paid." Clarke A Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. Why pay $1.76 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Pat ton's sun proof paints for $1.60 per fillon, guaranteed for 6 years. Clark A alk, agents. ml For tbe Episcopal church convention, San Francisco, Oct. 2, 1901, the O. R. A N. Go. will sell round trip ticket to San Francisco Sept. 23d, 24th, 26th, 26th and 27 tb, good from Portland via. Southern Pacific Sept. 24th to 28th, $28 50. From Portland via O. R. A N. steamers In both directions, cabin passage, meals and berth included $23.60. dates of sailing from Portland to be snnonueed later; final limit of tickets all rail November 15th, via steamer from San Francisco announced later. sl8td TAKE THE O. R. It N For the Portland earnival and exposi tion, September 10th to October 19tb, the O. R. A N. 06. will ssll round-trip tickets to Peiliaadaad return, including two admission tickets to tbe exposition, at $4. Tickets sold only on Sept. lOtb and 95tb and October Sod, Otb and loth, limited to expire six days after date of sale. lMea Subscribe lev Tms Cbsomicls. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m. Leave Astoria 7 p. m. Landing and office Foot of Alder Street; both phones, M 361, Portland, Oregon. E. W. CRICHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Agt. Tbe Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. Jast What You tctafit. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wideyariety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prioes. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Fire Insurance. to KiMon ! (row las. (o. ol Lotion. Founded 1823. Capital paid up $7,500,000 Aaeeta S20, 120,035 Now ifl the time to insure ; tomor row may be too late. Phone No. 86, Seufert & Condon. Phone No. 80S, Pacific States Co. ARTHUR 8EUFERT, Resident Agent, The Dalles. John Pashek, The Tailor, Has just received 1000 samples of the latest patterns in Gent's Clothing Goods. He euaran tees prices and a good fit or no pay. John Paahek, The Tailor. .? Bale. Twenty head of horses, ranging In eight from 1100 to 1400 pounds. All hal taw-broken, and same broken to work. Apply to Straube Brothers. Endersby, Oregon. Jy 26-lmw UrtiON Pacific DAT TIMS SCttBDULES ., TO THE DALLES. nasi Chicago "-- rat? sKAcbu lm lag too. cascSich t kane. kee, Ohtsegoauo Best. OOEAJT AID BITER S0HEDTJH From Portland. 8:00 p. m. Dally Sunday, 0:00 p. m. Saturday, 10:00 p. m. (All jailing dates sub- ForSan Pre I day?' Colombia Stiver. To Astoria and Way- mm Restaurant Daily except Sunday. :00 a. m. L. Y. HONG, Proprietor. First-Class in Every Hespect ME A 1. 8 AT ALL BOOKS. Oysters Served in any Style. 87 Second St. The Dalles, Or Just Received A fall line of Fresh Printing end De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, Velox and Aristo in all sizes. ' Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphs, And all accessories to complete tbe outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. Our Eureka Combined Toning and f ixing Bath is a dandy. Try It. The A. E. C. Developer for plates, films or develonina nanais has noeanal. Enough for 35c to develope 0 dozen plates or 6 dozen Velox 4x5. Perfect blacks and whites are guaranteed, if directions are followed. Ask for tbe A. JK. C. De veloper, and see that yon get tbe genuine. We are prepared to compound any and all of your own formalse and guarantee satisfaction. At tbe old place, 175 Second Street, i tie miles, Oregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. L. Lane, OKNBKAL mm j Hi AND I orses her Wagon and Carriage Work. Pish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Jefferson. Phone 159 sftatiffi o r A - sni I I iTi r ii Willamette River. Orejon City, Newberg, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, oo a. m. Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday, 7:wa. m. Leave Hioarla daily, 3:40a. m. 1 TnilM.wl.nn. and Way Landings. Corvallla and Way-Landings. Willamette ead Samhtll Hlvers. Oregon City, Dayton and 4:00 p. a HTstasu 1:30 a. u. Sana). WednSty Man. 3:80 b-m. Weineitj rnaty. Snake River. Blparla to Lewlston. amy, 8 a. fST Parties Retiring to ro to Beppatr or point on Columbia Southern via Him, aatau take No. 2, leaving The Dalles at 12:26 a. a. making direct connceUona at Heppner janeaoa snd Biggs. Returning matlngdlrectooniissttm at Heppner Junction and Btgga withlNo, st riving at Tbe DaUasat i-.06p.rn. For further particulars, call on or addrere MS. IRELAND, Ami, The Dalles, Orsjta. Complete Cipe of 8 ttssW Drue at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. FRENCH & CO BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued available in tbe Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, 8t. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon end Washington. Collections made at all points on 1st orable terms. Administrator's Notice. M AS . si nonce is Dcreoy given that the undersiraad AdaUnUtMto, oi ute estate eTlMtjrt, J. 8. Sccmuiox. Max a. Vest. PM.IAMI First national Bank. THE DALLES - - -A Qsmaaml Business Deposits resolved, subject to I Draft or uneca. Collections roads and proocodiMEPw remitted on dav of eolleefies. Sight and Telegraphic Excbinmg Ram Yovar flail Fran 0100 BBC land. v. v. thommoe. -En. If. WrLLLiMS, Gso.A.IE w w. sr-ttaon, Maasaao; aA s PRIVATE FAHTIE8 Tb Ubto gjewfo npv" tt bast la lbs atatkat. 7t front St,, naar Ooort,