The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 30, 1901, Image 1

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    21) cDfl II cs(tlir oniric.
vol. xin
NO. 19
Promotes DifMfiORChBerRrf- H
neasandRrat Coatrint Prilhar
njiiiiiii Mnrptiiiifi iiorliMrnl I
not Hxnc one,
tawAii W H
Aperfeci Remedy forConsBpft- H f
Worms ,Convulskns,Feverish- !
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. H
IFac Simite AgnahiW of H
EXACT copy or wnAprcn. H A
Columbia Still the Queen of the Cup
Racers, With the Shamrock II
Naw York, Sept. 28. In the closest
and nfoBt soulatirripg raoe ever tailed
tor America's cap, the white flyer
uolambia today beat tbe British cbal
leuner over the windward and leeward
worse of thirty nautical miles, by the
Barrow, heart-breaking margin of thirty
Bine seconds. Aa Llpton'a latest aa
ptrantfor cup honors muat allow the
defender 43 seconda on account of the
tttra 833 square feet of canvas in her
I area, the official record givea her a
tietory by one minute and twenty-two
A a spectacle the conteat waa superb
""nue time the two aky-acraplng
"n crossed the starting line Until they
across tbe finish line four aud a half
later, the reaolt waa in doubt, and
toe excitement hoard h MIu
mt Increased until men became freaabd
0d women became ilnwut ArWl
matched were thM two
ntlflc 'wing machines, that never
iter they started ware the rival skip-
r". iuC or each other's hall, and more
mree quartara of tbe Una tbey
cioae (bat Charley Bart, who
.m m' lbt Columbia,
Jld have toaaad a biecuit to Captain
joamore on the StuiuMk
rA,tI. 8eDt. 38. A P.,1. lUMMMM
.mum.,. . it - . r(-fn".i
??ettaff ig-kmiMtmSt
Kelgn Mlmlone, tabald hy bti.
J?pooar wire ibat f sue
is au al-
-.oie eaaaana)'
rtoinde.fUe. The
rear.... , '"""wo sua cor-
JJjnt to Kiaa had' talk
. Mitawtoua told .has Mtafcter ahwk -k-
vi IUB OntUiaa
'woe bar aa&1h J 7, -
rosat aa bar
PwWdis,et with goad food
The Kind Yon Rave
Always Boagbt
Bears the
For 8v0f
and ahowing her every attention. The
brigands bad instructions to obey her
merest whim, and .to ahow with what
decree ot consideration she wai treated
an o!0 tna toewapaper man that having
exhausted all o! the fil rut Of her kodak,
aha had said that ahe wished aba bad
more. Tbe deaire was repeated to tb
cbief of the brigands who at once posted
a courier off to Constantinople to secure
a anpply for bar. This meant a week of
steady traveling by mule over dangerous
and rocky mountain paths.
The leader of the brigands told tbe
correspondent that unless a ransom of
150,000 was forthcoming within thirty
days, Mlas Stono would either be put to
death or compelled to. inarry one of tbe
bandits. It is believed that the bandit
will keep bis word. Tbe situation re
calls the capture by fheae same brigands
in the same legion six years ago of M me.
Gerard de Trincville, a beautiful French
woman, who is n w a Carmelite nun.
Through the dishonesty of a Turkish of
ficial by whom the ransom was negoti
ated, the money failed to reach the
band ita. The lovely French girl waa
therefore forced to become the wife oi a
member of the ontlaw cans. She was
rescued mouths later in a battle
in which bar father killed ber bandit
la tb Dnt Cell.
Auburn, W. Y 8ept. 28. Warden
Meade today gave out tbe following :
"Gaol goes has eaten bit meals regular
ly and baa had no conversation with any
of the other condemned men. Be
answered queatlont in regard to bit
meait, etc., which were put to bira by
the officers, but aside from that he baa
said nothing, fart of the time y eater
day he lay oo bit bed and tbe rest of tbe
.time be apent in walking up and down
fate eell."
Prison Physician Gerln visited Carl
goes yesterday and again tbia morning,
but found ao need for bit aervioat.
Io addition to the beodred of reqaaeta
from all over tbe eoontry for iuvitatlWM
to wUoaaa the execution , Warden Maada
taday received oumetoaereqaeats for tbe
eutogaajbef Caoigota and also aoaa
1om madioal man lor pietawee of Ma
. m. . . . . as ,aw,j U S.A.
btatU wtW lie aua cavw pwra ws sww
Pafllja ,,,r- www
IJjW l fttaa -www
new Una of
plpeaat the
Senator Mitchell, Baa Confidence
Reeeevelt High Opiaioa of
New York, Sept. 28. Senator Mitch
ell, of Oregon, who Jae jwat retaroed
from a brief trip to Europe, ia at the
Fifth Avenue Hotel. He waa ia Parte
bon tbe newt eaaae of the aaaassi nation
of President McKinlev, and tbe newa of
the preeideofe death reaohed bias juetfl
before his steamer aailed for home from
Cherbourg. Senator Mitchell aaid today :
"Tbe news of this terrible tragedy waa
a great ahoek and it saddened tbe heart
of every American on shipboard through
out oar homeward voyage. I have been
interested since landing in reading Abe
papers and catching up with the events
of the paBt week. I have no words ade
quate to express mv grief for the fallen
atatesman and my sympathy with hia
stricken widow.
"I have read with great interest and
with high appreciation of ita dignified
timeliness the announcement of Presi
dent Roosevelt that be would carry out
unbroken tbe policy of President Mc
KinJey. It is my conviction that Mr.
RooBBvelt will prove to be a strong, able
Cbief Magistrate. He hat a big brain
and a big heart. He is folly equipped
to grapple with all tbe problems that
confronted bis predecessor. Hit baa
baa been a solemn and impressive in
duction into office."
Senator Mitchell txpressed a dis
inclination to diecuea tbe question of
reciprocity as outlined ia tbe laat public
speech of President vMcKinley. He
remarked that tbe text of tbe treaties
tbat bad been negotiated was confi
dential end was fanzilier only to mem
bers of the senate committee on foreign
relations. It waa obviously too soon to
discuss other treaties that might yet be
"Tbeenbjftct tbat will most interest
me in Washington this winter," said
Senator Mitche)1; "'" tbe construction
-' a .-.. i in .a
ma traut-xetbmian canal. I tin nut
prepared to talk about a proposition that
I have only recently seen reported, the
purchase of the Panama Canal. I am
curious to know wbat tbe report o! our
canal commission will eet forth as to the
relative merits of the Nicaragua and
Panama routes."
Senator Mitchell waa inetru mental in
causing tbe creation of a special com
mittee of tbe senate on the' Isthmian
Canal, which wat formerly in tbe juris
diction ot tbe committee on foreign re
JtlM acoac's Cm
Wabhikoton, Soot. 28. This state
ment waa made today touching the ease
of Mist Stone, tbe American ndaaiooary
kidnaped by Bulgarian brigand :
'The depertmeat of state will do
everything within its international and
legal powers to relieve tbe situation."
. Tbe limitations upon the department's
aetivtetea iadieatad tin aba above state
agent are severe. There is no warrant
Of law for the expenditure of a single
oaosof money from toe Uoited Statat
jtreasury for rantom and the Inference St
that the department's action, if indeed
MJ taken, will be along diplemaUc
lines, tending to induce tbe Bulgarian
and Turkish governmenta to undertake
to releaae henaptlye.
Floral loUoa erHI eore wind
and asm bora, i
e FaMt.
nomaiatt Use of
evarabown ja the edty
aa .now m Mg at
H. Glenn & Co's
Pfalnt SJttt Off ttgars.
Mothers will take
following announcement-
Ikf m treses tor CUUren
and a grander, bigger line of stylish garments
never found room in this store before.
Nov$U AJboJmci-sNeat Sailor Suits, Eaton Suits,
RussinT.gttw tote, and the new french long-waisted effects.
Material -are Henriettas, Serges, Cheviots, Sackings, Vene
tians, ic., in tbe new shades as well as the popular staples.
8'z?s 4 to 14 years, 498
A. M.
A fresh so;:1." ' Lownr1 hoeolatel
jast received at G. C. Blakeley's phar
macy. Mr. Silaa H. Soule, piano tuner, will
be in Tbe Dalles tbe last of the week for
tbe fail work. Leave address at Nickel
sen 'a music store. 28-1 w
Norman Worry, head piano tuner with
Biler's piano house, ia in the city. Leave
orders for toning at Menetee A Parkina'
music store. s28-lw
A nice assortment of genuine hair
switches, made by Mrs. Geo. Harvey, of
this city, at Mrs. Carey t millinery store.
Mrs, Harvey also makes bair cbaint and
other bair articles of a fancy nature.
Miss Christine Nickel sen will give in-
struotton is embroidery and plain tew
lag on Wednesday and Saturday of each
week, from 2 till 6 o'clock. Wednesday t
will be devoted to adults and Saturday
to children. Apply at ber reeldeaaa on
Alvord avenue. 24 lw
PortlM Ocralvftl Sxourstow BUtM.
White Collar Line, steamer Bailey
Gargert, egcartlxi rates; Eaodtrlp
eaottrsiott tickets will be told on Sep'
tember laVb and 28tb, Oetouer 2nd, 9tb
and 14th, goad going tie daya after date
of sale, making one week's limitation,
including data of sale. The prise from
The Ballet to Portland on tbe day t these
tickets are sold will be 2.80 for round
trip, iaeludlog two con put tbat are
good far one adaafeaion each to the Port
land earsieat. flood River and Whits
Salmoa to Portland, round trip, 82.20,
Inirindlag tsetdrolttion t let eta,
tedsvtf 1. M. Fiixooa, agent.
it oust Tbe t.
The fame of Bsakleo't Araiaa Salaa,
t the beat is the world, asteade rosnd
Outt, Ooroa, Riraa, aVglasf, Soraa ,
aaalda, . fJker. Felons, Aebar,
i s has st G. 0.
IbbWIs 1
amir aaaaMfna. - ntaauaSaanr inaft
asasaw a answuita af aaaaa aa
iskWfi a lotos Newer aTa4e.
'-1... - ' . - ' A,a
particular interest in the
The subjects of these illustrations are:
Sailor suit of plain serge, trimmed with
white hercules braid, front with orna
ment to match ; in navy blue; a am
lined throughout evKs
Infant's dress of all
wool cashmere, yoke and
straps trimmed with silk
soutache and fancy but
tons. . Lined throughout.
Various shades, a am
Price JpSs
SIim 1 to 5 years.
r 'S i ';1,, . .,. Mfp ".,.',' t I
We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN sad BICYOLU
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to ui will havs
prompt attention.
wmm , ppKaa a aaaaajaaaiBaTaax
TBS tALLEfl, - - - OR10ON.
...Blacksmith. Honajhosr and Waconsmkar
P Bvwawsaarwaaaww a ap aw w aw-axeaBwaBPswi vstBgar W VBBBmtwnBjsa--nwggaBjsgagaBjBga7agg
i itnf jiiM m mm
Iron, BUal, Wheels. Axlee, SpHafa iH4 BMWMlttt wi$m
IbMbwI flff lllMslll 4 f! Inrtssfal TaatfsfsaM Smfi ggalST MtUa
" T" w . w lfJWBj""e,W" fafBByaBtjstjgsjp aygavgswggaj; aBnsaawa;
BPSgajp vawaSWaaayjl avv
k M gaV
Iter Mas
mere s a
of comfort in a
sweater that opens
on top of shoulders
to neck. That's the
way this one is
made and all the
boys admire them.
The above picture
shows one crochet of
fine wool, in two
colors, at $130
And we have an
other in one color
with fancy striped
ends, at Wh2$
Come and see them.
Sl Co.
I.'U ,i
s e
naaaall is sag
stood deal ,
sd favPM AjgWrV bo 1