I I 1 jfaYSBW mm. ooiwrrmo n Cjat" CMOMO The element of style enters more largely every year in the determination of the val ue of Clothing. Without it the best efforts of the retailer are wasted. PEASE ft KAYS' perfect-fitting clothing not only embraces the season's 'ad vanced patterns and fabrics but the workmanship, the "merchant-tailor kind is there, the kind that breeds confi dence and makes a man Schaffncr look stylish and up-to-date. a. . - Marx Hart, Tailor Made Clothes Guaranteed all-wool suits from $8.00 to $26.00. New Stiff Hats, New Monarch Shirts. Largest Stock, Lowest Prices, Underwear .from $1.00 to $8.00 per suit. Best Styles. Umbrellas from 75c to $3.50. Hftas Autumn's Pttoot. Wse Aatusane astaf owt" Veoieoooved (everyday) In ImMllf with too mm wm tseblnns olftaJaeble la Antrict. Wo have bed te best p4ckieflaro the nest noted rtseorees in tbe fMhton wm of this oonntry. Tbe prices we eaake mi fashionable good It the talk of Una town. Ladies' Suits Stylish Suits made of fine cheviot, in black only; jacket handsomely made, new double-breasted effect $12 to $14. Grand Sal of Misses' and Children's Flannelette Underskirts all bendsomely node, with yoke and waist; worth 46c anywhere. Oar price this week 27c Smart Looking is the woman who comes down the street with a trim -fitting pair of street boots, made on a mannish last. Her tread is Arm and Olid, became the soles extend and are broad on the bottom. She is indeed a sensible mom an. Box calf, viol kid, all s!eb and widths; some wit b extension soles and rope stHcb, the typical mannish shoes, so stylish and-sensible. 8pecia1 good values at $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $4. PEMSD 5t MAYS. ate The Dalies Dally Gbmkte. SATURDAY SEPT. 28, 1901 Ice Cream and Ion Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wmoo OotiDty warrant! MfliUM trior to December 8, 18B8, will bo paid to presentation at my offlo, Into root Mot arter September 13, 1001. john . ha.kpbht.rb, Oooaty Troaoarer. VAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Good piano for rent. Address P. O. box 822, Oity. 26s 3t An elegant new line of pipes at the American cigar store. s26-4t Professor Sandvig will pive a social danco at the Baldwin Saturday night. 2t The weather forecast this morning is: "Fair today and Sunday ; frost tonight." A marriage license was isened this morning to Oharles Bee be and Emma Being, both of Waplnitia. Wanted An apprentice at the Camp bell 4 Wilton millinery parlors. Some we that is neat with a needle. 28a Graia Valley Journal says: "Q'Jite lew of the Sherman county people will attend the coming district fair and car nival." Tbe town is already thronged with Pople who have come here' to partici pate, in one way or other, in tbe fair and carnival. Mr. Charles Beebe and Miss Emma Rins,of Waplnitia Flat, were united in marriage in this city, this forenoon, bj Recorder Doherty. Oemival sale in millinery at tbe Oamp JH& Wileon millinery parlor. Trimmed and street bats at reduced prices wing the coming week. s28 J8t "ived. Tbe largest and most japlete line of picture mouldings ever wown in the city are now on display at 'nn & uo.'s paint and oil store. The Dniur Dispatch thinks threshing not be fully ended on Tygb Eidge lof a week tn mi i i ..-. . Tains oi vne bk delay'6 Vk hw Psrtiee having to a d(Ml earnlva wek should cooiueuttat wth the accommodation commit Z 'l the fecretary'e office on too eetoi- i the wretooad Utopias socialistic "J, known In these parts ns the 'Yp. Sit foiiT ht MtMBMw ' sea Tub ru.A.. I vwimifle w that the schools will be dismissed for tbe afternoon of next Monday in order to giye the pupils an opportunity to wit ness tbe parade. Visitors to tbe city during the carnival can facilitate tbe finding of suitable ac commodations by applying to any one of the members of tbe committee on accommodations, whose headquarters an at the secretary's office on .the car nival grounds. Tbe executive committee of the carni val respectfully asks the business men of the city to close therr places of business next Monday afternoon from 1 to 4. Compliance with this request, which it fully expected, will enable tbe several fire companies to appear in tbe parade in full force. Brother Ireland, of the Moro Observer, who is an interested, if not interesting, widower on the shadowy side of 40, at least, says "there is an old maid over in Tygh Valley who recently quit wearing stays, on a resolution that if she can't get anything better than that to hug ber she will go without the embrace." Carnaby's market ttis morning had nine boxes of strawberries from the Denton gardens on Mill creek that looked as fine and actually were as large as many of tbe early berries. As they are too riob for a newspaper man's blood at 26 cents a box, this deponent knows nothing from actual experience as to bow tbey taste, and never expects to. Tbe Skamania County Pioneer enters a strong and just protest against certain sheepmen who have allowed their sheep to ruin the famous huckleberry patch back of Stevenson, where Indians have been accustomed to gather berries from time immemjtrial. It ib just such hog gish doings as this that have made thousands hate to have the presence of a sheep in their neighborhood. County Clerk Lake has had applica tions from two young couples to submit to tbe ordeal of a public wedding on the closing evening of tbe carnival. Too first was promptly accepted and tbe cou ple are confidently expected to be on time. Tbe second couple are residents of Sherman county, but their applica tion came too late; Mr. Lake, however, has written tbem asking them to be here case of an emergency through tbe lure of tbe first couple. Tbe names both parties are known only to them- Ives and the county clerk. -The executive committee of the dis trict fair have made tbe following ehenges in the speed program as previ ously annouuced ia tbe premium Hat. Tbe trotting race. No. 8, which is billed to come off Thursday, has been ebanged to take place Wednesday ; and tbe pac ing race, No. 6. announced for Wednes day, has been changed to take place Thursday. Race No. 19 la mode a run ning race for ponies, fourteen sands and lass. Tbe purse for the pony race cat been reduced from K to HO, the seassgMMot, as refleetleu , having eeeeo to the conclusion that $76 was too laege f a purse relatively, at least for a race of that kind. Secretary Williams, of tbe district fair, is advised that W. O. Minor, tbe Morrow county owner of tbe famous hard of short born cattle, will attend tbe fair with tbe thirteen bead he ex hibited at the state fair. One of these is tbe celebrated cow, "Sally Girl," whicb bas been awarded ten first-elars medals in ten consecutive exhibitions A stock man who saw tbe cow at the Salem fair told Tax Cbboniclb today that tbe animals were worth going miles to see; tbey were tbe great attraction of their elesa at the state fair and they are bound to be tbe great attraction at the district fair. W. H. Williams was arrested yester day at a little station known as Barn- hard, this side of Pendleton, on tbe charge of having forged and disposed of some thirty-eight Union Pacific time checks, aggregating $16,000. The for gery was done in Wyoming and Will- iams was followed here by Sheriff Jamas, of the notorious Hole in tbe Wall coun try, and Detective Wheeler, of tbe Union Pacific Company. James and Wheeler came to Tbe Dalles yesterday morning in search of tbelr man and were prompt ly put on bis trail by Deputy Sheriff Wood. Wllliams.it appears, bad, only a few weeks ago, been in tbe employ of the O. B. A N. Co. as an operator at Rowena and Mr. Wood became acquaint ed with bim there. Recently Williams bad been placed in a similar position at Barnhard. After obtaining this infor mation tbe officers left on the first east bound train, and fiodiog their man witbont trouble tbey telegraphed tbe re eult to Mr. Wood. It is presumed Will- iams baa consented to go back to Wy oming witboot a requisition from Gov ernor Geer, as, in tbe event of bis refusal, be was to have bean brought hare while one of tbe officers went to Salem for the papers. Williams is de scribed as a young man of good address, wall educated and of more than ordi nary ability as an operator. Motlao to Competitor far McVrum Table The committee on the McCrum table to be competed for in tbe coming week, have decided that ell, bread to be entered must be given to tbem by 11 a. m. Thursday, next; that each loaf must be marked witb a card attached tearing a legibly-written number; and that an en velope containing a similar card and also the name of the breed -maker shall be deposited, tbe seal of which is not to be broken until after the award ie made. Lastly, they suggest that aaaa contact sat shall attach tbe name of tbe milling brand from, wbicb too bread was made. By order of the committee. E. M. Wftmm, Ooairnaaa. reOTrCE. OorasasswlsaT Monday, Sept. 10, lfM, she edaee of the Paulas EanrosB Goav paaf eJoass ai :) p. as. SIM E. Kpurt, Agant Attention Blkot All members of Cascade lodge No. 303, B. P. O. E., are requested to be in at tendance at tbe regular meeting at tbe ball this evening, ae business of the greatest importance will be under dis cussion. By order of Habbt C. Ltxaa, Exalted Ruler. Attest: Jno. MiCHXLb, 8ec'y. Will Toa Piaaoa Vail la Llao. I have no authority to order tbe fire companies of tbe city to Join in tbe pa rude next Monday afternoon, but I do most earnestly and respectfully request that every company in tbe city shall take a pride in being there and being as fully represented as it is possible to be. F. 8. Guhnino, Chief Fire Department. oUee. All those who have been selected ss aids to tbe chief marshal are requested to assemble at Ward A Robertson's stable with tbeir mounts, Monday, Sept. 80th, at 18:80 o'clock. Fbank MiNxraa, Chief Marshal. Attoatlau, B-lroataal Ail members of Columbia Hose and Chemical Engine Co., No. 8, are request ed to be at tbe engine bouse Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock for tbe carnival parade. F. A. Fanvcn, Foreman. CASTOR I A For infants sad. Osildrcn. H iM In Han Atop tagfci Bears the i or Steamer Bailey Gateert changes time on Sunday, Sept. 28tb, and will leave Portland at 0:80 a. m. and The Delias at 8 p. as., being the last round trip. Com mencing October 1st tbe boat' will leave Portland oa Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a. m., and The DjIIss oa Wedoeedays, Fridays and Sundays at 7 a. m. Jack sob Engine Company No. I, of The Dal lee, will meet at the council chambers tomorrow (Saturday ; tveaiog at 7 :80 o'clock, to make arrangements for aitondlng in a body tba eerelval parade nest Monday. 27 St CgrOKsT KflpKssots sHsm Sf9 mMBJ 4sots)0 coughs, aojde or croup, snosid it fall to Si Ms. ssd Ml ota. Blaketoy, tbe drag- I ...The New Tork Cash Store... I I 138 and 142 taoond Strast. I I The 8AR&AIK STORK of the City. I .m mi inn's scm stirs.. KNEE PANTS We have just received our complete fall lino of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seeing our line. We will save you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. The NewYork Cash Store H those ineandinn to snake exhibits wmw . eFvaBwwBBwawsjB r-- eeaw ew vaw cddbanspiagfalr and carnival ehosid WJF fliww Jp ie Jfp oSeyes 'SUV saaww BBjaaannnF "say wearey sbubbbbbbbii vjwpeps W jespany to aoraiaei avoaaSJ. it TWFVWTB VaWBfUBIVW f S Hist sad New Crocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery- to any part of the city. sa .MATS CROWE... JVIaier & Benton, Hsadqusrtsrs for Family Groceries, Hardware, Tinware. Graniteware, Stoves and Steel Ranges. 167 8aaond Straat. THE DALLES, OR. Thtrt one ewas a nun njumtt Horn Who vuu caught in a ttrribk storm, But hi never sU "booh " For he had m a shot, Which of course wee " GOVERNOR," Pfngree-made and storm-proof; the' longest wearing, the most reliable and swellest shoe yet built for man There arc redout tries, wcifhte sad but ail coat attic, fa ) We are toll egentt. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. foumo. At Tbe Palis Employ uiest Ofsaaia piaas where roe esa procure help vith eAtt ej CsT0,5, Jsleil e rkMP shbsu iaaS aaaatsad hw flasesaa A Skia? pvsasjor fvaBjop saBBBjBBPsnap esaa waaBBWSSBvar ep ayvjpsjaa he Ms4bce4 yeewi vttlft pUe eiMs) eel Je4 ee velf tmil ceij rjeh Haul SqIts sdhstsd s ssrstasssl gsra Bj(njesvlrt(e etKtetspp 9teke FsJh'cF.O. ttmmmi WMi MICHELLp Undertaker ni Embalmer Osr, Third and Waehlnpton its. Barn a Talt ays psTSf'siassd saisssasl - i mm m I I l.i i m . . -. IjrtSPtXl S wwSOS sawTe wafsm .